2 - 20 October 2022

by Leo Garrigues

Central Peru is an area with a complex biogeography, covering a variety of different habitats from coastal deserts, arid scrub forest, paramo vegetation, Polylepis forest, elfin forest, Andean lakes, the altitudinal gradient of the eastern slope of the Andes from cloud forest to the lower elevations of the foothills of the Andes, as well as isolated valleys that have their own species. So, it is definitely an exciting destination to visit, especially if you like places off the beaten path, with some of the most spectacular scenery with snow-capped mountains and impressive canyons.

During this tour we managed to record a total of 414 species, including 57 Peruvian endemics. Some of the main highlights include the Cloud Forest Screech Owl, which was chosen as the bird of the trip, especially for all the work that it gave us, and the fantastic views that we finally got. Of course, the critically endangered and flightless Junin Grebe, which we were able to see a pair doing their courtship display, was quite a treat too.
Also, we managed to record two Birdquest Lifers during the tour, one was the recently described Panao Antpitta that we got great views of, and the other one was the White-winged Tapaculo, a heard-only.
This tour also offers one of the best selection of birds of the high Andes, with very exclusive areas like the Bosque de Unchog where we got the major targets such as the Golden-backed Mountain Tanager, Rufous-browed Hemispingus, Pardusco, Bay-vented Cotinga and Yellow-scarfed Tanager. Or the Huascaran National Park that is one of the best Polylepis forest that you can experience with species like the White-cheeked Cotinga, Ancash Tapaculo, Rufous-eared Brushfinch and Tit-like Dacnis. Don’t forget the area of Junin Lake where we got a very complete selection of Altiplano birds like Ornate Tinamou, Crested Duck, Puna Teal, Black-breasted Hillstar, Giant Coot, Black (Junin) Rail, Andean Avocet, Lesser Horned Owl, Junin Canastero and Black Siskin. To complement the High Andes birding, our visit to Santa Eulalia produced really good birds like the White-bellied Cinclodes, Puna Tinamou, Rufous-bellied and Grey-breasted Seedsnipe, Puna Snipe, Olivaceous Thornbill, Black Metaltail, Dark-winged Miner and Taczanowski’s Ground-Tyrant.
Certainly, one of the best sections of the tour was the cloud forest birding sessions in Ulcumano or the Satipo Road that gives you a similar experience like the famous Manu Road but with much less vehicles. In these areas we got some good birds like Rufous-breasted Wood Quail, Rufescent Screech Owl, Rufous-banded Owl, Black-streaked Puffbird, Blue-banded Toucanet, Grey-breasted Mountain Toucan, Crimson-bellied Woodpecker, Creamy-bellied Antwren, Bay Antpitta, Masked Fruiteater, Chestnut-crested Cotinga, Jet Manakin, Pale-footed Swallow, Peruvian Wren, White-eared Solitaire and a nice selection of Tanagers too.
Definitely a major highlight of the trip was to look for the specialties of Satipo and Mantaro Valley, where we had a combination of cloud forest and High Andes birding, and we got to see all the specialties like the Fiery-throated Metaltail, “Mantaro” Thornbird (sp.nov.), Eye-ringed Thistletail, Marcapata Spinetail [weskei] Creamy-crested Spinetail, Oxapampa and Junin Antpitta, Jalca and Junin Tapaculo, “Mantaro” Wren (sp.nov.), and the Black-spectacled Brushfinch.
Then the desertic and coastal regions in the Pacific lowlands also produced interesting birds like Least Seedsnipe, Peruvian Sheartail, Oasis Hummingbird, Coastal and Greyish Miner, Rufescent Flycatcher, Peruvian Pipit and Slender-billed Finch.
And last but not least were the specialties that we got in the drier areas in specific sites like the Bronze-tailed Comet, Russet-bellied Spinetail, Pale-tailed and Cactus Canastero, Piura Chat-Tyrant, Rufous-backed and Great Inca Finch and the Rufous-breasted Warbling Finch.

The tour started in Lima, where we left the city early in the morning to go to Lomas de Lachay. Once there we had a very cloudy morning that made our birding conditions a bit tricky, but with persistence we managed to find the few species that we expected to see. Our morning at Lomas de Lachay produced Peruvian Thick-knee, Least Seedsnipe, Black-chested Buzzard-Eagle, Burrowing Owl, Mountain Parakeet, Coastal Miner, Chiguanco Thrush, Peruvian Meadowlark, Band-tailed Sierra Finch, Collared Warbling Finch, Cinerous Conebill, and of course; lots of Rufous-collared Sparrows.
After our session in Lomas de Lachay, we continued to Playa Paraiso to look for some shorebirds, and although we didn’t manage to see Peruvian Terns, we had a very entertaining session. A combination of birding in saltwater lagoons, with birding from the beach produced Cinnamon Teal, White-cheeked Pintail, Andean (Slate-coloured) Coot, White-tufted Grebe, Great Grebe, Chilean Flamingo, Blackish and American Oystercatcher, Surfbird, Wilson’s Phalarope, Grey-headed, Grey, Belcher’s and Kelp Gull, Royal, Elegant and Inca Tern, Peruvian Booby, Puna Ibis, Peruvian Pelican and Peruvian Pipit.
The last section of our day we looked for Cactus Canastero, as well we got to see Andean Swift, Amazilia Hummingbird, Croaking Ground Dove, Pacific Pygmy Owl, Black-necked Woodpecker, Scarlet Flycatcher, Long-tailed Mockingbird and Scrub Blackbird.

On this day our main target was the Russet-bellied Spinetail, but for that, we needed to get to the upper section of the Fotaleza Valley. xSo, we left the hotel early to get to our birding site, but we faced our first obstacle of the trip where the road to our birding site was closed due construction projects on the road. This forced us to reach to the site by a different road. Exploring the new route, we got to see the first write in for the trip, a Piura Chat-Tyrant. We also saw several individuals of Bronze-tailed Comet, Purple-collared Woodstar, Oasis Hummingbird, Pied-crested and Yellow-billed Tit-Tyrant, Tumbes Pewee and Bay-crowned Brushfinch. Finally at the proper stakeout, it didn’t take us long to find a pair of Russet-bellied Spinetail. Other birds seen that morning were the Andean Swift, Shining Sunbeam, Andean Flicker, Canyon Canastero, Black-billed Shrike-Tyrant, White-browed Chat-Tyrant, Brown-bellied Swallow, Hooded Siskin, Golden-billed Saltator, Ash-breasted Sierra Finch, Band-tailed Seedeater, Black-throated Flowerpiercer and Blue-and-yellow Tanager.
The rest of the day was spent driving to the city of Huaraz, where we saw some highland species such as the Mountain Caracara and the Cream-winged Cinclodes. Finally, in Huaraz we enjoyed a nice dinner with pisco sour.

The next morning, we left before dawn to Huascaran National Park. The road wasn’t in the best condition, but fortunately our vehicle reached the main stake outs to look for the main specialties. We got very good views of White-cheeked Cotinga, that was one of the main targets, as well the Ancash Tapaculo, Rufous-eared Brushfinch and Plain-tailed Warbling Finch. Other birds seen during our visit to Huascaran were the Andean Goose, Crested and Andean Duck, Yellow-billed Teal, Olivaceous and Blue-mantled Thornbill, Black Metaltail, Andean Coot, Silvery Grebe, Smoky-brown Woodpecker (a very unusual location for that species), Rusty-crowned Tit-Spinetail, Taczanowski’s Ground Tyrant, Rufous-breasted and D’Orbigny’s Chat-Tyrant, Peruvian Sierra-Finch and Tit-like Dacnis. Besides the top-quality high Andes birds, we enjoyed spectacular landscapes during our visit to Huascaran.
In the late afternoon we went to look for the nominate subspecies of Pale-tailed Canastero [huancavelicae]. The habitat is an arid scrub near the outskirts of Huaraz. The area doesn’t have much diversity but we got great views of the Canastero. Other species that we managed to see in the area were the Spot-throated Hummingbird, Croaking Ground Dove, Yellow-billed Tit-Tyrant, Scarlet Flycatcher and Collared Warbling Finch.

Our last morning at Huaraz we went to look for another specialty, the Rufous-backed Inca Finch. So, we left early in the morning to the site, and after a few tries we managed to locate a pair of Inca Finches. Other birds seen that morning were the Oasis Hummingbird, Bare-faced Ground Dove, American Kestrel, Aplomado Falcon, Mourning Sierra Finch and Band-tailed Seedeater. After breakfast at our hotel, we focussed the rest of our day on the longest drive to Huanuco, that was way more challenging than we thought. After a long day we managed to get to Huanuco City where we used as the base for the next two days.

Our first full day was spent at Bosque de Unchog, a famous site that hosts certain specialities that only occur in this particular dwarf forest habitat, just below the tree line on the eastern slopes of the Andes in central Peru. The access to see these species is quite difficult and Bosque de Unchog is the “easiest” access to see these specialties, such as the impressive Golden-backed Mountain Tanager, the Bay Cotinga, Pardusco (a member of the monotypic genus Nephelornis), the skulking and shy Rufous-browed Hemispingus, and the White-winged Tapaculo that was recently described in 2020.

This day we worked the higher areas and the first part of the Bosque de Unchog trail. The rain welcomed us, but after a while it stopped and we had a pleasant day during our walk at Bosque de Unchog. Some of the birds we saw during our visit were the Coppery and Tyrian Metaltail, Collared Inca, Violet-throated Starfrontlet, Pearled Treerunner, Line-fronted Canastero, White-chinned Thistletail [fulginosa], Neblina and Tschudi’s Tapaculo, Bay-vented and Red-crested Cotinga, Grass Wren, Slaty Brushfinch, Drab Hemispingus, Pardusco, Blue-backed and White-browed Conebill, Plumbeous Sierra Finch, Moustached and Black-throated Flowerpiercer, Yellow-scarfed Tanager and Scarlet-bellied Mountain Tanager.
The last part of our afternoon was spent on the dry slopes of Bosque Unchog on the other side of the mountains. Here we had another important target, the endemic Brown-flanked Tanager, which gave us superb looks. Other species we saw during this session were Sword-billed Hummingbird, Line-cheeked Thorntail [baroni], great views in the open of Tschudi’s Tapaculo, Tufted Tit-Tyrant and Chiguanco Thrush.

Our second full day in the area we initially focused on finding the Golden-backed Mountain Tanager that we missed on our first day, luckily, we managed to get great views of this majestic Mountain Tanager. After breakfast, our plan was to split the group to go to the farthest sections of the Unchog track, and the rest of the group would try to make it as far as they could to join Carlos.
Peter came with me and we went straight to the bottom of the Unchog Trail. Along the way we had further encounters with Golden-backed Tanager, and we heard Large-footed Tapaculo. We managed to see Chachapoyas Antpitta and Rufous-browed Hemispingus, and despite the efforts that we made to see the White-winged Tapaculo it was never seen and we had to settle for just hearing the bird (at least 7 different individuals) and added it as a heard-only Birdquest lifer. It is definitely not a regular Tapaculo, and the fact that there are no photos available of the bird in the wild, says a lot about how difficult it is to see this species. Other birds that Peter and I got were the Amethyst-throated Sunangel, Ochraceous-breasted Flycatcher, Brown-backed Chat-Tyrant, Barred Fruiteater, Citrine Warbler, Chestnut-bellied and Lacrimose Mountain Tanager.
The rest of the group who stayed with Carlos were able to see a good selection of birds including Variable Hawk, Many-striped Canastero, Chachapoyas Antpitta, Large-footed Tapaculo, White-throated Tyrannulet, Ochraceous-breasted Flycatcher, Chestnut-bellied, Scarlet-bellied and Lacrimose Mountain Tanager and Moustached Flowerpiercer.
The last section of our day we went to the lower dry sections of the Huanuco Valley, where we got to see Band-tailed Pigeon, Pacific Pygmy Owl, Fasciated Wren, Hooded Siskin, Peruvian Meadowlark, Golden Grosbeak and Blue-grey Tanager.

Our last morning in the area we went to try for the Panao Antpitta, which was another Birdquest lifer! So, we left the city of Huanuco to go to the Panao Antpitta site that Carlos knows, an agricultural area with some patches of forest where the antpitta lives. Fortunately, we were able to see the antpitta on the first attempts we made, and everyone got good views of it. Other birds seen at the site were the Tyrian Metaltail, Shining Sunbeam, Violet-throated Starfrontlet, Line-cheeked Spinetail [capitalis?], Sierran Elaenia, Golden-billed Saltator and Scarlet-bellied Mountain Tanager.
After our field breakfast we continued our journey to Junin, but first we made a brief stop on the way to look for White-bellied Hummingbirds, as well as a nice Pachamanca style lunch which was quite a culinary experience for our trip.
Once at Junín we met Cesar, our local guide in the area, who took us to all the birding stake outs in Ondores, Junín. First, we went to look for the Black-breasted Hillstar, and with a bit of persistence we managed to see several females. He also showed to us a roosting site of a Lesser Horned Owl. Then, we continued to his Black Rail (Junin Rail) site, where we got great views of 2 individuals. In the late afternoon, we went to look for the Junin Canastero that showed very well too. Other birds that were seen during our afternoon at Junin were Ornate Tinamou, Spot-winged Pigeon, Black-winged Ground Dove, Chilean Flamingo, Cinerous Harrier, Andean Flicker, Buff-breasted Earthcreeper, Cordilleran Canastero, Many-colored Rush Tyrant, Andean Negrito, Andean Swallow, Bright-rumped Yellow Finch, Peruvian Sierra Finch and Plain-coloured Seedeater. Without a doubt a very productive afternoon at Junin.

The next day we were going on a boat trip on Junín Lake to look for the flightless and critically endangered Junín Grebe, that is confined to this lake. Our day’s conditions were a little tough, the wind made our boat ride a bit wavy, and it took a little longer to find the Junín Grebe, but we finally managed to see a pair in a courtship display, undoubtedly one of the highlights of the trip. The combination of the boat trip on Junín Lake and around Ondores gave us a good selection of birds including more Ornate Tinamous (3 in total), Andean Goose, Crested and Andean Duck, Puna and Yellow-billed Teal, Yellow-billed Pintail, Plumbeous Rail, Giant (1 individual at least) and Andean Coot, White-tufted and Silvery Grebe, Andean Avocet, Dark-winged Miner, Black-billed Shrike-Tyrant and Black Siskin.
Once we left the Junín area we had a nice scenic walk through the Puna habitat, where we saw several wild Vicunas (mammal). Then we started descending towards the eastern slopes of the Andes to finally reach the area of Villa Rica.

We had a full day at Bosque Shollet, but before arriving at Bosque Shollet, we spent some time in the shade grown coffee plantation, where we looked for the endemic Creamy-bellied Antwren. We got good views of Creamy-bellied antwren, as well other birds like the endemic Green and White Hummingbird, Amethyst Woodstar, Ruddy Pigeon, Plain-crowned Spinetail, Stripe-chested Antwren, Peruvian Tyrannulet, Olivaceous Greenlet, Black-billed Thrush and Blue Dacnis.

Once in Bosque Shollet at a higher elevation we reached areas of cloud forest, with a slightly rainy morning, but with good bird activity. Actually, our best moments of birding activity were when the rain stopped for a while, and the sunny moments the activity was a bit slow. We spent the rest of the day until dusk to try to see the Cloud-forest Screech-Owl, but we failed to see any owls or nocturnal birds in our attempt. Another bird we tried hard was the Black-winged Parakeet but without success. Anyway, we got good birds during our visit to Bosque Shollet like the Bay Antpitta, Chestnut-crested Cotinga, Ashy-headed Tyrannulet, Rufous-tailed Tyrant and Pale-footed Swallow. Other birds seen during our day at Bosque Shollet were the Sickle-winged Guan, Speckled Hummingbird, Long-tailed Sylph, Emerald-bellied Puffleg, Hook-billed and Swallow-tailed Kite, White Hawk, Golden-headed Quetzal, Red-throated Caracara, Red-billed and Blue-headed Parrot, Scaly-napped Amazon, Streaked Xenops, Streaked Tuftedcheek, Variable Antshrike, White-tailed and White-banded Tyrannulet, Mottled-cheeked Tyrannulet, Inca Flycatcher, White-eared Solitaire, Common and Grey-hooded Bush Tanager, Tricolored Brushfinch, Dusky Green Oropendola, Oleaginous Hemispingus, Capped Conebill, Bluish, Masked and Golden-eyed Flowerpiercer and a good selection of tanagers that included Yellow-throated, Blue-capped, Silver-backed, Blue-and-black, Beryl-spangled, Saffron-crowned, Flame-faced and Golden Tanager.

Our last day in the area we went again to Bosque Shollet, and we got to see Collared Inca, Fawn-breasted Brilliant, Crimson-mantled Woodpecker, Plum-crowned Parrot, Buff-browed Foliage-gleaner, Peruvian Tyrannulet, Streak-necked Flycatcher, Slaty-backed Nightingale-Thrush, Russet-crowned Warbler, Blue-necked and Golden-napped Tanager, as well other birds that we saw the day before. Also, we had a potential sighting of the Black-winged Parrot from an individual that flew overhead but a bit far away. I managed to get some photos that could fit the shape of the Parrot; however, it is difficult to be 100 percent sure about the identification.

During our time at Bosque Shollet, we had to deal with construction projects on the road which certainly affected our birding time in the area, hopefully next time the road will be in good condition, because the place certainly hosts good birds.
We arrived at Ulcumano late in the afternoon but had time to spot some birds on the way to the lodge, where we saw the Masked Fruiteater, one of Ulcumano Lodge specialties. Other birds seen were Emerald-bellied Puffleg and Buff-browed Foliage-gleaner. After dinner we made our first attempt to see Cloud-forest Screech-Owl where we tried two potential territories without success.

The activity was a bit slow today during our full day here at Ulcumano, but we got to see some interesting birds and at the end of the day we had an interesting list, that included Sickle-winged Guan, Collared Inca, Golden-headed Quetzal, Blue-banded Toucanet, Crimson-bellied Woodpecker (just for Mike and I), Bay, Rufous-breasted Antpitta, Trilling and Rufous-vented Tapaculo, Sierran Elaenia, Jet Manakin, White-eared Solitaire, Tricolored Brushfinch, Blackburnian Warbler and some species of tanagers that were seen already at Villa Rica-Shollet.
The highlight of our day was the great owling session where we were able to see three different owl species. First, we got to see the Rufescent Screech Owl, followed by the Rufous-banded Owl. Then, after a persistent night with a bit of strategy we managed to find the Cloud Forest Screech Owl. No doubt, a rather tricky species to find due to its shyness and local distribution. This species was chosen as the bird of the tour, because of the effort it took us to see it, and the great views that we had.

Our last morning at Ulcumano was quite active with some interesting sightings such as Golden-headed Quetzal, Masked Trogon, Andean Motmot, Black-streaked Puffbird, Spotted Barbtail, Streak-headed and Blackish Antbird, Pale-edged Flycatcher, Inca Jay, Andean Solitaire, Capped Conebill, Golden-eyed Flowerpiercer and Fawn-breasted and Flame-faced Tanager.
After lunch we continued our journey to Satipo City where we pass the night. On the way we saw some birds like Fasciated Tiger Heron, Neotropic Cormorant, Plumbeous Kite, Tropical Kingbird and Silver-beaked Tanager.

We left Satipo City in the early morning. We birded on the way at the lower elevations of Satipo Road. We covered elevations from 900m above sea level to 1500m. Here we got to see several new species for the trip, including the Rufous-breasted Wood-Quail (everyone saw it), Rufous-booted Racket-tail, White-bellied Woodstar, Grey-cowled Wood Rail, Bluish-fronted Jacamar, Versicoloured Barbet, Marble-faced Bristle Tyrant, Lemon-browed and Golden-crowned Flycatcher, Violaceous Jay, Orange-bellied Euphonia, Three-striped Warbler and Spotted and Yellow-bellied Tanager. We arrived at our basic accommodation in Calabaza at noon and had some free time for lunch. In the afternoon we birded the areas above Calabaza, from elevations from 2000m to 2800m. The afternoon repertoire included Andean Guan, Amethyst-throated Sunangel, Violet-throated Starfrontlet, Blue-banded Toucanet, Grey-breasted Mountain Toucan, Rufous and Marcapata Spinetail (weskei sub sp), Oxpampa Antpitta, Junin Tapaculo, Maroon-belted and Rufous-breasted Chat-Tyrant, White-collared Jay, Peruvian and the Mantaro Wren (undescribed species), Andean Solitaire, Common Bush Tanager, Oleaginous and Black-eared Hemispingus, Rust-and-yellow Tanager, Capped and Blue-backed Conebill, Buff-breasted and Lacrimose Mountain Tanager and Blue-and-black, Saffron-crowned and Flame-faced Tanager.

The next day we left Calabaza before dawn, arriving in the Andamarca valley early in the morning. It was a very successful day where we got to see all the main targets on the Andamarca Road. During the first part of the morning, we got to see the major specialties of the Mantaro river drainage like the restricted Black-spectacled Brushfinch, the recently described Junin Antpitta, the sub species of Azara’s Spinetail (suggested as Mantaro Spinetail), and the undescribed Mantaro Thornbird (formerly considered a Streak-fronted Thornbird), and the Mataro Wren also an undescribed species (formerly Plain-tailed Wren) which we saw it the previous day as well. Other birds of that first part of the morning were the Collared Inca, Creamy-crested Spinetail, White-winged Black Tyrant, Streak-throated and Smoky Bush Tyrant, D’Orbigny’s Chat-Tyrant, Grey-browed Brushfinch and the Rust-and-yellow Tanager.
At the highest part of the Andamarca Road we got a different selection of birds that included specialties like Fiery-throated Metaltail, Eye-ringed Thistletail and Jalca (Milpo) Tapaculo. As well other high Andes birds like the Great Sapphirewing, Striated Earthcreeper and Stripe-headed Antpitta.
On the way back to Calabaza we did a try again for the Oxapampa Antpitta for the ones who didn’t get to see it the day before, and finally everyone got to see it. Other birds seen in the afternoon session where the Peruvian Wren, Rufous-chested Tanager and the Lacrimose Mountain Tanager.

After an early breakfast we left Calabaza and we birded the Satipo Road on the way down. This morning we managed to see the Torrent Duck, Chestnut-collared and White-collared Swift, Golden-headed Quetzal, Blue-banded Toucanet, Gray-breasted Mountain Toucan, Plum-crowned Parrot, Montane Foliage-gleaner, White-crested Elaenia, Slaty-capped Flycatcher, Yellow-olive Flatbill, Andean Cock-of-the rock, White-capped Dipper, Blue-napped Chlorophonia, Russet-backed, Dusky-Green and Crested Oropendola, Golden-collared Honeycreeper and Rufous-chested Tanager.
The rest of the day was mainly driving to San Mateo, but we added some lowland birds at the restaurant that we ate our lunch, like the Sapphire-spangled Esmeralda, Yellow-tufted Woodpecker, Black Phoebe, Southern Mouse-coloured Tyrannulet, Great Kiskadee (the only sighting of the trip), Short-crested Flycatcher, Black-billed Thrush, Purple-throated and Thick-billed Euphonia, Yellow-rumped Cacique and Silver-beaked Tanager. After lunch we continued our trip to San Mateo, which we arrived in the night.

The following day we did the upper Santa Eulalia Valley, covering the paramo habitat and Andean bofedales (Bogs), and lagoons. The first part of the morning we invest quite a bit of time looking for the Diademed Sandpiper Plover. In the meantime, Mari prepared breakfast for us, but despite our efforts we didn’t manage to find the DSP. Even so, during the search for DSP we got to see several Olivaceous Thornbills, as well 3 Puna Tinamous in the distance, and Taczanowski’s Ground-Tyrant. After the breakfast we focused on another main target, the critically endangered White-bellied Cinclodes which gave us great views, and by the end of the morning we managed to find 4 individuals.
Other species seen in the higher elevations of Santa Eulalia include Andean Goose, Giant Coot, Rufous-bellied and Grey-breasted Seedsnipe, Puna Snipe, Mountain Caracara, Dark-winged Miner, Buff-breasted Earthcreeper, White-fronted, and Cinereous Ground Tyrant, Peruvian, Ash-breasted and Plumbeous Sierra Finch and Glacier Finch (White-winged Diuca Finch).

Lunch was at a lower altitude where we started to see some different species; we also tried to get close to the Polylepis trees but the steep terrain was not our group’s speciality, so we didn’t get far enough to get to the best patches of Polylepis. Some of the birds we managed to see during our afternoon in the Santa Eulalia Valley were Torrent Duck, Andean Swift, Bronze-tailed Comet (a male on this occasion), Black Metaltail, Giant Hummingbird, Black-winged Ground Dove, Variable Hawk, Striated and Buff-breasted Earthcreeper, White-winged Cinclodes, Rusty-crowned Tit-Spinetail, Pied-crested Tit-Tyrant, Rufous-webbed Bush Tyrant, D’Orbigny’s Chat-Tyrant, White-capped Dipper, Black Siskin, Rusty-bellied Brushfinch, Mourning Sierra Finch and Plain-coloured Seedeater. After our birding session we continued to Santa Eulalia town, where we spent the night.

The next day we did the Santa Eulalia Road from the bottom to Huachupampa, and then returned to Santa Eulalia for lunch. Our first stop was to look for the Great Inca Finch which we managed to get good views. We also looked for the Thick-billed Miner but we only managed to hear it. We then continued on to Huachupampa where we looked for the Rufous-breasted Warbling-Finch. We had to be patient to see the Warbling-Finch, but finally it made its appearance and we all got to see it. Other birds seen this morning were Bronze-tailed Comet, Purple-collared Woodstar, Oasis Hummingbird, Peruvian Sheartail, Black-necked Woodpecker, Rusty-crowned Tit-Spinetail, Canyon Canastero, Pied-crested and Yellow-billed Tit-Tyrant, White-browed Chat-Tyrant, Hooded Siskin, Scrub Blackbird, Band-tailed Sierra Finch, Cinereous Conebill and Band-tailed Seedeater.
After lunch we headed to our hotel in Lima where we spent the last night of the tour.

On the last morning of the tour, we left early to drive south of Lima to the area of Cañete. An agricultural area in a desertic valley with riparian shrubs and grassy patches. Species of interest were the Slender-billed Finch, Greyish Miner and the Rufescent Flycatcher (previously a sub species of Bran-coloured Flycatcher). Other birds that we managed to see in that area were the Purple-collared Woodstar, Oasis Hummingbird, Peruvian Sheartail, Groove-billed Ani, West Peruvian Dove, Torrent Tyrannulet, Scarlet Flycatcher, Streaked Saltator, Chestnut-throated and Drab Seedeater, Collared Warbling Finch and Band-tailed Seedeater.
Afterwards we went to eat seafood at Pucusana, and we also looked for the coastal birds of Pucusana, from a lookout point and from the restaurant. During our short visit in the area, we got to see Humboldt Penguin, Grey-headed, Belcher’s and Kelp Gull, Inca Tern, Peruvian Booby, Red-legged and Neotropic Cormorant and Peruvian Pelican.
After our visit to Pucusana we continued to Lima airport where the tour ended. Many thanks to our crew (Carlos, Mario and Mari) for all the hard work they did during this particular and challenging tour we had, and to all the members of our group who kept a positive attitude during the challenges we faced during our trip, which we managed to overcome in the best possible way.
Looking forward to returning again to this tour, which is certainly off the beaten path, but hosts a large number of specialties.



1st:   Cloud Forest Screech Owl

2nd:   Junin Grebe

3rd:   Golden-backed Mountain Tanager

4th:   White-bellied Cinclodes

5th:   White-cheeked Cotinga




Brown Tinamou ◊ Crypturellus obsoletus   Heard-only. Heard several times at Satipo, Sholet and Ulcumano.

Ornate Tinamou ◊  Nothoprocta ornate  Excellent views at Junin.

Andean Tinamou  Nothoprocta pentlandii  Seen by one participant at Huachupampa, Santa Eulalia.

Puna Tinamou ◊  Tinamotis pentlandii  Scope views of 3 birds at Marcapomacochas, St. Eulalia.

Torrent Duck  Merganetta armata A female seen at Satipo road, and one male at St. Eulalia.

Andean Goose  Chloephaga melanoptera  A regular bird in  the high Andes.

Crested Duck  Lophonetta specularioides  Good views from Huascaran and Junin Lake.

Puna Teal  Spatula puna  Seen at Junin Lake.

Cinnamon Teal  Spatula cyanoptera  Seen at Laguna Paraiso.

White-cheeked Pintail  Anas bahamensis  Good numbers at Laguna Paraiso. 

Yellow-billed Pintail  Anas georgica  Seen at Junin Lake.

Yellow-billed Teal (Sharp-winged T)  Anas [flavirostris] oxyptera   Common in high Andes.

Andean Duck  Oxyura ferruginea  A regular duck in highland lagoons.

Speckled Chachalaca  Ortalis guttata  Seen at Villa Rica area.

Andean Guan  Penelope montagnii  Seen on different occasions at Satipo Road.

Sickle-winged Guan  Chamaepetes goudotii  Seen at Bosque Shollet.

Rufous-breasted Wood Quail ◊  Odontophorus speciosus  Seen by everyone at lower Satipo road.

Lyre-tailed Nightjar  Uropsalis lyra  Hear at dusk at Calabaza.

Chestnut-collared Swift  Streptoprocne rutile  Several seen at Satipo Road.

White-collared Swift  Streptoprocne zonaris  Seen at Satipo Road, and at Santa Eulalia.

Andean Swift  Aeronautes andecolus  Seen at Fortaleza and Santa Eulalia Valleys.

Sparkling Violetear  Colibri coruscans  Seen at Panao Antpitta site, also near Oxapampa town.

Amethyst-throated Sunangel  Heliangelus amethysticollis  Seen at Unchog and Satipo area.

Speckled Hummingbird  Adelomyia melanogenys  Different sittings at cloud forest areas.

Long-tailed Sylph  Aglaiocercus kingii  Seen at Satipo road and Bosque Shollet.

Bronze-tailed Comet ◊  Polyonymus caroli  Endemic. Seen at Fortaleza and Santa Eulalia valleys.

Black-breasted Hillstar ◊  Oreotrochilus melanogaster  Endemic. Seen near Ondores town, Junin.

Olivaceous Thornbill ◊  Chalcostigma olivaceum  Best views at Marcapomacochas, also at Huascaran NP.

Blue-mantled Thornbill ◊  Chalcostigma stanleyi  Seen at Huascaran NP.

Tyrian Metaltail  Metallura tyrianthina  Seen different occasions at Unchog and Upper Andamarca Valley.

Coppery Metaltail ◊  Metallura theresiae  Endemic. A regular hummingbird at Bosque de Unchog.

Fiery-throated Metaltail ◊  Metallura eupogon  Endemic. Great views in the upper Andamarca Valley.

Black Metaltail ◊  Metallura phoebe  Endemic. Seen at Santa Eulalia and Huascaran NP.

Emerald-bellied Puffleg ◊  Eriocnemis aline  Seen at Bosque Shollet and in Ulcumano lodge.

Shining Sunbeam  Aglaeactis cupripennis  Seen at high altitudes in different occasions.

Bronzy Inca  Coeligena coeligena  Leader only. At Ulcumano lodge.

Collared Inca  Coeligena torquata  Seen at Bosque Shollet, Ulcumano and Bosque de Unchog.

Violet-throated Starfrontlet ◊  Coeligena violifer  Seen at Bosque de Unchog, Ulcumano and Satipo road.

Sword-billed Hummingbird  Ensifera ensifera  Only one sighting at the dry slopes of Bosque Unchog area.

Great Sapphirewing  Pterophanes cyanopterus  Seen at the upper Andamarca Valley.

Rufous-booted Racket-tail ◊  Ocreatus addae  Two individuals were seen at the lower section of Satipo road.

Fawn-breasted Brilliant  Heliodoxa rubinoides  A single bird seen in the lower areas of Bosque Shollet.

Giant Hummingbird  Patagona gigas  Seen at Santa Eulalia.

Purple-collared Woodstar  Myrtis fanny  First seen at Fortaleza valley, but also in other places.

Oasis Hummingbird ◊  Rhodopis vesper  First seen at Fortaleza valley, also near Lima and Huachupampa.

Peruvian Sheartail ◊  Thaumastura cora  Best views the last day of the trip, at Cañete.

Amethyst Woodstar  Calliphlox amethystina  Scope views near Villa Rica, a write in for the tour.

White-bellied Woodstar  Chaetocercus mulsant  One sitting of a female at Satipo road.

Spot-throated Hummingbird ◊  Thaumasius taczanowskii  Endemic. Seen at Huaraz (Pale-tailed Canastero site).

Amazilia Hummingbird ◊  Amazilis amazilia  Seen at Fortaleza valley and at Cañete area.

Sapphire-spangled Emerald  Chionomesa lactea  Seen at lower elevations once we left Satipo City (A write in).

White-bellied Hummingbird  Elliotomyia chionogaster  Seen in the dry valleys near Huanuco.

Green-and-white Hummingbird ◊  Elliotomyia viridicauda  Endemic. Good views near Villa Rica area.

Smooth-billed Ani  Crotophaga ani  Seen at Villa Rica area and Satipo town area. 

Groove-billed Ani  Crotophaga sulcirostris  Seen at Cañete, in our last day of the trip.

Squirrel Cuckoo  Piaya cayana  Seen at Villa Rica area, Bosque Shollet and at Ulcumano lodge.

Rock Dove (introduced)  Columba livia  Seen in different towns and urban areas during the trip.

Spot-winged Pigeon  Patagioenas maculosa  Seen at Junin area.

Band-tailed Pigeon (White-necked P)  Patagioenas [fasciata] albilinea  Seen at Unchog and Ulcumano.

Plumbeous Pigeon  Patagioenas plumbea  Heard only at Bosque Shollet and Ulcumano lodge.

Ruddy Pigeon  Patagionas subvinacea  Seen near Villa Rica, another lowland species write-in.

Ruddy Ground Dove  Columbina talpacoti  Seen from the car, leaving Satipo town.

Croaking Ground Dove ◊  Columbina cruziana  Common bird, seen often in the right habitat.

Bare-faced Ground Dove  Metriopelia ceciliae  Best views from our hotel in Caraz.

Black-winged Ground Dove  Metriopelia melanoptera  Seen at Junin, also at Santa Eulalia.

Eared Dove  Zenaida auriculata  Common and widespread species.

West Peruvian Dove (Pacific D)  Zenaida meloda  Common in dry areas in the Pacific slope.

Plumbeous Rail  Pardirallus sanguinolentus  A pair was seen at Junin Lake.

Grey-cowled Wood Rail (G-necked W R)  Aramides cajaneus  Couple sittings at Satipo Road.

Common Gallinule  Gallinula galeata  First seen at Laguna Paraiso, but also in other water sources.

Giant Coot  Fulica gigantea  First seen at Junin Lake, as well on highland Lakes at Santa Eulalia.

Andean Coot (Slate-coloured C)  Fulica ardesiaca  Big numbers in different lakes during the trip.

Black Rail ◊ (Junin R)  Laterallus [jamaicensis] tuerosi  Great views at Junin Lake area.

White-tufted Grebe  Rollandia rolland  First seen at Laguna Paraiso, also at Junin Lake.

Great Grebe  Podiceps major  Seen at Laguna Paraiso.

Silvery Grebe  Podiceps occipitalis  First seen at Huascaran, also at Junin Lake.

Junin Grebe ◊  Podiceps taczanowskii  Endemic. Great views of a couple doing displays at Junin Lake.

Chilean Flamingo  Phoenicopterus chilensis  Big numbers at Junin Lake and Laguna Paraiso.

Peruvian Thick-knee ◊  Burhinus superciliaris  Seen at Lomas de Lachay.

Blackish Oystercatcher  Haematopus ater  Seen at Playa Paraiso.

American Oystercatcher  Haematopus palliatus  Seen at Playa Paraiso.

Andean Avocet  Recurvirostra andina  Few individuals were seen at Junin Lake.

Andean Lapwing  Vanellus resplendens  Regular bird in the wet Paramo areas, and Andean lagoons.

Grey Plover (N)  Pluvialis squatarola  Seen at Playa Paraiso.

Semipalmated Plover (N)  Charadrius semipalmatus  Playa Paraiso.

Killdeer  Charadrius vociferus  Playa Paraiso.

Rufous-bellied Seedsnipe ◊  Attagis gayi  A pair seen at the upper areas of Santa Eulalia.

Grey-breasted Seedsnipe  Thinocorus orbignyianus  Seen at Marcapomacochas.

Least Seedsnipe  Thinocorus rumicivorus  Seen at Lomas de Lachay.

Hudsonian Whimbrel  Numenius hudsonicus  Playa Paraiso.

Ruddy Turnstone (N)  Arenaria interpres  Playa Paraiso and Pucusana.

Surfbird  Calidris virgata  Playa Paraiso.

Sanderling (N)  Calidris alba  Playa Paraiso.

Baird’s Sandpiper (N)  Calidris bairdii  Playa Paraiso and Junin Lake.

Least Sandpiper (N)  Calidris minutilla  Playa Paraiso.

Puna Snipe ◊  Gallinago andina  Good views at Santa Eulalia.

Wilson’s Phalarope (N)  Phalaropus tricolor  Seen at Laguna Paraiso, Junin Lake, and other sites.

Spotted Sandpiper (N)  Actitis macularius  Seen at Playa Paraiso, Andamarca Valley and Cañete.

Lesser Yellowlegs (N)  Tringa flavipes  Seen at Junin Lake.

Willet (N) (Western W)  Tringa [semipalmata] inornata  Playa Paraiso.

Greater Yellowlegs (N)  Tringa melanoleuca  Playa Paraiso, and Junin Lake.

Andean Gull  Chroicocephalus serranus  Widespread species in the high Andes.

Grey-headed Gull (G-hooded G)  Chroicocephalus cirrocephalus  Common at Playa Paraiso.

Grey Gull ◊  Leucophaeus modestus  Playa Paraiso.

Belcher’s Gull ◊  Larus belcheri  Common near the coast, also seen around Lima city.

Kelp Gull  Larus dominicanus  Seen at Playa Paraiso and Pucusana.

Royal Tern  Thalasseus maximus  Playa Paraiso.

Elegant Tern Thalasseus elegans  Playa Paraiso.

Inca Tern ◊  Larosterna inca  Best views at Pucusana, also at Playa Paraiso.

Sunbittern   Eurypyga helias

Humboldt Penguin    Spheniscus humboldti

Peruvian Booby ◊  Sula variegata  Best views at Pucusana, also at Playa Paraiso.

Red-legged Cormorant ◊  Poikilocarbo gaimardi  Seen at Pucusana.

Neotropic Cormorant  Nannopterum brasilianum  Seen at different rivers, also along the coast.

Puna Ibis  Plegadis ridgwayi  Common species in the high Andes and along the coast.

Fasciated Tiger Heron  Tigrisoma fasciatum  A single bird seen leaving Oxapampa.

Black-crowned Night Heron  Nycticorax nycticorax  Seen it on different times.

Western Cattle Egret  Bubulcus ibis  Not very common, just seen a couple of times near the coast.

Great Egret (American G E)  Ardea [alba] egretta  Seen at Playa Paraiso and other sites near the coast.

Little Blue Heron  Egretta caerulea  Seen at Playa Paraiso and in Cañete area.

Snowy Egret  Egretta thula  Playa Paraiso.

Peruvian Pelican ◊  Pelecanus thagus  Seen in the coast.

Black Vulture  Coragyps atratus  Widespread species.

Turkey Vulture  Cathartes aura  Widespread species.

Hook-billed Kite  Chondrohierax uncinatus  One sitting at Bosque Shollet.

Swallow-tailed Kite (American S-t K)  Elanoides forficatus  Widespread species.

Cinereous Harrier  Circus cinereus  Close views at Junin Lake area.

Plumbeous Kite  Ictinia plumbea  Few sittings at lower elevations on the east slope of the Andes.

Roadside Hawk  Rupornis magnirostris  Seen at Villa Rica area.

Variable Hawk  Geranoaetus polyosoma  Few sittings at the high Andes.

Black-chested Buzzard-Eagle  Geranoaetus melanoleucus  First seen at Lomas de Lachay.

White Hawk  Pseudastur albicollis  One bird seen at Bosque Shollet.

Burrowing Owl  Athene cunicularia  Seen at Lomas de Lachay.

Pacific Pygmy Owl ◊ (Peruvian P O)  Glaucidium peruanum  Best views at Huanuco area.

Lesser Horned Owl  Bubo magellanicus  Great views at Ondores town, at Junin area.

Cloud-forest Screech Owl ◊  Megascops marshalli  Fantastic views at Ulcumano Lodge.

Rufescent Screech Owl  Megascops ingens  Seen at Ulcumano Lodge (another write in).   

Rufous-banded Owl  Strix albitarsis  Great views at Ulcumano Lodge.

Golden-headed Quetzal  Pharomachrus auriceps  First seen at Bosque Shollet, and other sites too.

Masked Trogon  Trogon personatus  Great views in our last morning at Ulcumano Lodge.

Andean Motmot  Momotus aequatorialis  Seen at Ulcumano Lodge, as well in Satipo road.

Bluish-fronted Jacamar  Galbula cyanescens  Seen at Satipo road.

Black-streaked Puffbird  Malacoptila fulvogularis  Excellent views of a pair at Ulcumano.

Black-fronted Nunbird  Monasa nigrifrons  Just one sitting during the drive to Satipo town.

Versicoloured Barbet  Eubucco versicolor  Seen joining mixed flocks at Satipo road.

Black-throated Toucanet  Aulacorhynchus atrogularis  Leader only. Satipo Road.

Blue-banded Toucanet  Aulacorhynchus coeruleicinctis  Ulcumano Lodge and upper Satipo Road.

Grey-breasted Mountain Toucan  Andigena hypoglauca  One bird seen on the upper Satipo Road.

Yellow-tufted Woodpecker  Melanerpes cruentatus  Seen at lower elevations leaving Satipo town.

Smoky-brown Woodpecker  Leuconotopicus fumigatus  A pair were seeing at Huascaran (weird site).

Crimson-mantled Woodpecker  Colaptes rivolii  Seen and heard at Bosque Shollet.

Black-necked Woodpecker ◊  Colaptes atricollis  Endemic. Best views in our first day at Barranca.

Andean Flicker  Colaptes rupicola  Few sittings at the high Andes.

Lineated Woodpecker  Dryocopus lineatus  Just one sitting along the road to Ulcumano.

Crimson-bellied Woodpecker ◊  Campephilus haematogaster  Seen at Ulcumano Lodge, by a passenger and me.

Red-throated Caracara  Ibycter americanus  Seen at Bosque Shollet, also heard it at Ulcumano.

Mountain Caracara  Phalcoboenus megalopterus  Common species at high altitudes.

Yellow-headed Caracara  Milvago chimachima  One sitting during the drive to Satipo town.

American Kestrel  Falco sparverius  Seen at different locations, in arid regions near coast and mountains.

Aplomado Falcon  Falco femoralis  Seen at the Rufous-backed Inca Finch site near Caraz.

Mountain Parakeet ◊  Psilopsiagon aurifrons  A group was seeing at Lomas de Lachay.

Barred Parakeet  Bolborhynchus lineola  Heard only at Bosque Shollet.

Red-billed Parrot  Pionus sordidus  Seen in both days that we were at Bosque Shollet.

Plum-crowned Parrot  Pionus tumultuosus  Best views at Satipo road, as well at Bosque Shollet.

Blue-headed Parrot  Pionus menstruus  Seen near Villa Rica area.

Scaly-naped Amazon (S-n Parrot)  Amazona mercenarius  A group was seeing at Bosque Shollet.

Coastal Miner ◊  Geositta peruviana  Several birds at Lomas de Lachay.

Thick-billed Miner ◊  Geositta crassirostris  Heard only. Endemic. Heard in the distance at Santa Eulalia.

Greyish Miner ◊  Geositta maritima  Great views at Cañete.

Dark-winged Miner ◊  Geositta saxicoline  Endemic. Seen at Junin area, and upper Santa Eulalia.

Montane Woodcreeper  Lepidocolaptes lacrymiger  Seen at Bosque Shollet and Ulcumano Lodge.

Streaked Xenops  Xenops rutilans  Seen at Bosque Shollet.

Streaked Tuftedcheek  Pseudocolaptes boissonneautii  Great views at Bosque Shollet.

Striated Earthcreeper ◊  Geocerthia serrana  Endemic. Seen at upper Andamarca Valley, also at Santa Eulalia.

Buff-breasted Earthcreeper (Plain-breasted E)  Upucerthia [validirostris] jelskii  First seen at Junin Lake.

Cream-winged Cinclodes  Cinclodes albiventris  A very common species at the high Andes.

White-bellied Cinclodes ◊  Cinclodes palliatus  Endemic. Great views in different occasions at Santa Eulalia.

White-winged Cinclodes  Cinclodes atacamensis  Seen at Santa Eulalia, near the river.

Peruvian Seaside Cinclodes ◊ (Surf C)  Cinclodes taczanowskii  Leader only. Endemic. Seen by leaders at Playa Paraiso.

Montane Foliage-gleaner Anabacerthia striaticollis  Seen joining mixed-species flocks in Ulcumano and along the Satipo Road.

Buff-browed Foliage-gleaner  Syndactyla rufosuperciliata  Seen at Bosque Shollet and Ulcumano lodge.

Spotted Barbtail  Premnoplex brunnescens  Seen at Ulcumano lodge.

Pearled Treerunner  Margarornis squamiger  Good views at Bosque de Unchog.

Rusty-crowned Tit-Spinetail ◊  Leptasthenura pileata  Endemic. First seen at Huascaran, also at Santa Eulalia.

Streak-fronted Thornbird ◊ (Mantaro T)  Phacellodomus striaticeps  Endemic. Good views at Andamarca Valley.

Pale-tailed Canastero ◊  Asthenes huancavelicae  Endemic. Great views near Caraz.

Line-fronted Canastero ◊  Asthenes urubambensis  A pair gave us nice views at Bosque de Unchog.

Many-striped Canastero  Asthenes flammulata  Seen at Bosque de Unchog, just heard at Huascaran.

Junin Canastero ◊  Asthenes virgata  Endemic. Seen at Ondores, Junin Lake area.

Cordilleran Canastero   Asthenes modesta  Good views and photos from Junin Lake area.

Canyon Canastero ◊  Asthenes pudibunda  Seen at Fortaleza Valley, and Huachupampa.

Eye-ringed Thistletail ◊  Asthenes palpebralis  Endemic. Seen at the upper Andamarca Valley.

White-chinned Thistletail  Asthenes [fuliginosa] plengei  Good views at Bosque de Unchog.

Marcapata Spinetail ◊  Cranioleuca [marcapatae] weskei  Endemic. Seen above Calabaza, Satipo Road.

Creamy-crested Spinetail ◊  Cranioleuca albicapilla  Endemic. Great views at the Andamarca Valley.

Line-cheeked Spinetail ◊ (Baron’s S)  Cranioleuca [antisiensis] baroni  Good views in different locations.

Cactus Canastero ◊  Pseudasthenes cactorum  Great views at Barranca area.

Plain-crowned Spinetail  Synallaxis gujanensis  One bird seen near Villa Rica.

Russet-bellied Spinetail ◊  Synallaxis zimmeri  Endemic. Great views at Fortaleza Valley.

Azara’s Spinetail  Synallaxis azarae  Good views at Ulcumano, heard at different locations.

Rufous Spinetail  Synallaxis unirufa  Seen around Calabaza area, Satipo road.

Stripe-chested Antwren  Myrmotherula longicauda  Good views near Villa Rica.

Creamy-bellied Antwren ◊  Herpsilochmus motacilloides  Endemic. Seen at the Coffee Plantations around Villa Rica.

Variable Antshrike  Thamnophilus caerulescens  Seen at Bosque Sholet.

Streak-headed Antbird ◊  Drymophila striaticeps  Seen at Ulcumano Lodge.

Blackish Antbird ◊  Cercomacroides nigrescens  Seen at Ulcumano Lodge.

Undulated Antpitta ◊  Grallaria squamigera  Heard only. Singing at close distance in Unchog.

Stripe-headed Antpitta ◊  Grallaria andicolus  Good views in the upper Andamarca Valley.

Bay Antpitta ◊  Grallaria capitalis  Endemic. With a bit of effort everyone managed to see it.

Chachapoyas Antpitta ◊  Grallaria gravesi  Endemic. Everyone got to see it at Bosque de Unchog.

Panao Antpitta ◊  Grallaria sinaensis  Endemic. Great views!! A Birdquest lifer!!

Junin Antpitta ◊  Grallaria obscura  Endemic. Great views at Andamarca Valley. 

Oxapampa Antpitta ◊  Grallaria centralis  Endemic. Seen above Calabaza, Satipo road.

Rufous-breasted Antpitta ◊ (Leymebamba A)  Grallaricula leymebambae  One participant got to see it, others just heard it.

Ancash Tapaculo ◊  Scytalopus affinis  Endemic. Good views at Huascaran.

White-winged Tapaculo ◊  Scytalopus krabbei  Endemic. We heard at least 7 individuals at Bosque Unchog (BQ lifer). 

Jalca Tapaculo ◊ (Millpo T)  Scytalopus frankeae  Endemic. Everyone got to see it at the upper Andamarca Valley.

Neblina Tapaculo ◊ (Elfin Forest T)  Scytalopus altirostris  Endemic. Seen at Bosque de Unchog.

Trilling Tapaculo (Grey T)  Scytalopus parvirostris  Some participants got to see it at Ulcumano.

Rufous-vented Tapaculo ◊ (Peruvian R-v T)  Scytalopus femoralis  Endemic. Seen at Ulcumano Lodge.

Large-footed Tapaculo ◊  Scytalopus macropus  Endemic. Seen at Bosque de Unchog.

Junin Tapaculo ◊  Scytalopus gettyae  Endemic. Everyone got to see it above Calabaza, Satipo Road.

Tschudi’s Tapaculo ◊  Scytalopus acutirostris  Endemic. Great views at Unchog.

Ashy-headed Tyrannulet  Phyllomyias cinereiceps  Seen at Bosque Shollet.

White-crested Elaenia (Peruvian E)  Elaenia [albiceps] modesta  One bird seen near Calabaza.

Lesser Elaenia   Elaenia chiriquensis  One bird seen at Ulcumano lodge, also vocalize to confirm the ID.

Sierran Elaenia  Elaenia pallatangae  Seen several times, first seen at Bosque de Unchog.

Southern Beardless Tyrannulet  Camptostoma obsoletum  Leader only. Near Santa Eulalia town.

White-throated Tyrannulet  Mecocerculus leucophrys  Good views at Bosque de Unchog.

White-tailed Tyrannulet  Mecocerculus poecilocercus  Seen at Bosque Shollet.

White-banded Tyrannulet  Mecocerculus stictopterus  Seen at Bosque Shollet.

Pied-crested Tit-Tyrant ◊  Anairetes reguloides  First seen at Fortaleza valley.

Yellow-billed Tit-Tyrant Anairetes flavirostris  Seen in different sites like Santa Eulalia and Fortaleza valley.

Tufted Tit-Tyrant  Anairetes parulus  Seen joining mixed flocks at Bosque de Unchog.

Torrent Tyrannulet*  Serpophaga cinerea  First seen at Satipo road in our last day at Cañete area.

Southern Mouse-coloured Tyrannulet   Nesotriccus murinus  Seen at lower elevations leaving Satipo town.

Peruvian Tyrannulet ◊  Zimmerius viridiflavus  Seen at Bosque Shollet and Ulcumano.

Marble-faced Bristle Tyrant  Pogonotriccus ophthalmicus  Seen at Satipo Road.

Mottle-cheeked Tyrannulet  Phylloscartes ventralis  Seen at Bosque Shollet.

Streak-necked Flycatcher  Mionectes striaticollis  Seen at Bosque Shollet, Ulcumano and Satipo rd.

Slaty-capped Flycatcher  Leptopogon superciliaris  One sitting at lower Satipo Road.

Inca Flycatcher   Leptopogon taczanowskii  Endemic. Good views at Bosque Shollet and Ulcumano.

Rufescent Flycatcher ◊  Myiophobus rufescens  One pair seen at Cañete.

Ochraceous-breasted Flycatcher  Nephelomyias ochraceiventris  Seen at Bosque de Unchog.

Many-colored Rush Tyrant  Tachuris rubrigastra  Seen at Junin Lake.

Scale-crested Pygmy Tyrant  Lophotriccus pileatus  Heard several times, but good views at Calabaza.

Yellow-olive Flatbill  Tolmomyas sulphurescens  Seen at the lower Satipo Road. 

Cinnamon Flycatcher  Pyrrhomyias cinnamomeus  A common cloud forest species.

Black Phoebe  Sayornis nigricans  Seen at Ulcumano and Satipo Road.

Smoke-coloured Pewee  Contopus fumigatus  Seen at Bosque Shollet.

Tumbes Pewee ◊  Contopus punensis  Seen at Fortaleza Valley.

Scarlet Flycatcher (A)  Pyrocephalus rubinus Seen near the coast, also in dry highlands.

White-fronted Ground Tyrant  Muscisaxicola albifrons  Seen at Marcapomacochas.

Taczanowski’s Ground Tyrant ◊  Muscisaxicola griseus  First seen at Huascaran.

Cinereous Ground Tyrant (A)  Muscisaxicola cinereus  A single individual in Santa Eulalia.

Andean Negrito (White-winged N)  Lessonia oreas  Junin Lake.

White-winged Black Tyrant  Knipolegus aterrimus  Seen at Andamarda Road.

Rufous-tailed Tyrant  Knipolegus poecilurus  Seen at Bosque Shollet.

Rufous-webbed Bush Tyrant  Cnemarchus rufipennis  Seen at Santa Eulalia.

Streak-throated Bush Tyrant  Myiotheretes striaticollis  Seen at Andamarca Road.

Smoky Bush Tyrant  Myiotheretes fumigatus  Seen at Calabaza area, Satipo Road.

Black-billed Shrike-Tyrant  Agriornis montanus  First seen at Huascaran, also at Junin Lake area.

Golden-browed Chat-Tyrant   Silvicultrix pulchella  Leader only. Heard with the group, seen by leader at Calabaza.

Maroon-belted Chat-Tyrant* (M-chested C-t)  Ochthoeca thoracica  Calabaza area, Satipo Road.

Rufous-breasted Chat-Tyrant  Ochthoeca rufipectoralis  Regular bird at high elevations.

Brown-backed Chat-Tyrant  Ochthoeca fumicolor  First seen at Bosque de Unchog.

D’Orbigny’s Chat-Tyrant  Ochthoeca oenanthoides  First seen at Huascaran.

White-browed Chat-Tyrant  Ochthoeca leucophrys  Seen at Andamarca Road.

Piura Chat-Tyrant  Ochthoeca piurae ◊  Endemic. Seen at Fortaleza Valley. A write-in for the tour.

Piratic Flycatcher  Legatus leucophaius  Heard only. Heard at lower Satipo Road.

Social Flycatcher  Myiozetetes similis  Seen at the lower Satipo Road.

Great Kiskadee  Pitangus sulphuratus  One bird seen at lower elevations, leaving Satipo town.

Lemon-browed Flycatcher  Conopias cinchoneti  Nice views at Satipo Road.

Golden-crowned Flycatcher  Myiodynastes chrysocephalus  Good views at Calabaza.

Streaked Flycatcher  Myiodynastes maculatus  Heard only. Heard near Villa Rica.

Tropical Kingbird  Tyrannus melancholicus   Widespread species.

Short-crested Flycatcher  Myiarchus ferox  Seen at lower elevations leaving Satipo Town.

Pale-edged  Flycatcher  Myiarchus cephalotes  Seen at Ulcumano Lodge.

Masked Fruiteater ◊  Pipreola pulchra  Endemic. Seen at Ulcumano Lodge.

Barred Fruiteater  Pipreola arcuate  Seen at Bosque de Unchog.

Andean Cock-of-the-rock  Rupicola peruvianus  One male flew across at the lower Satipo Road.

White-cheeked Cotinga ◊  Zaratornis stresemanni  Endemic. Good views at Huascaran NP.

Bay-vented Cotinga ◊  Doliornis sclateri  Endemic. One of the specialties of Bosque de Unchog.

Red-crested Cotinga  Ampelion rubrocristatus  Seen at Bosque de Unchog.

Chestnut-crested Cotinga  Ampelion rufaxilla  Seen in our two visits to Bosque Shollet.

Jet Manakin  Chloropipo unicolor  Seems to be a reliable bird at Ulcumano Lodge.

Barred Becard  Pachyramphus versicolor  Heard at Ulcumano Lodge.

Rufous-browed Peppershrike Cyclarhis gujanensis  Seen at Bosque Shollet, heard at other localities.

Olivaceous Greenlet  Hylophilus olivaceus  One bird seen near Villa Rica coffee fields.

Brown-capped Vireo  Vireo leucophrys  Seen at Ulcumano Lodge.

White-collared Jay  Cyanolyca viridicyanus  Seen at Calabaza, Satipo Road.

Violaceous Jay  Cyanocorax violaceus  A common species at lower altitudes (East slope of the Andes).

Inca Jay  Cyanocorax yncas  Seen at Bosque Shollet and Ulcumano Lodge.

Blue-and-white Swallow  Pygochelidon cyanoleuca  A widespread species.

Pale-footed Swallow  Orochelidon flavipes  Seen at Bosque Shollet.

Brown-bellied Swallow  Orochelidon murina  First seen at Fortaleza.

Andean Swallow  Orochelidon andecola  Just seen one afternoon at Ondores, Junin.

Southern Rough-winged Swallow  Stelgidopteryx ruficollis  Lower Satipo Road.

Black-capped Donacobius  Donacobius atricapilla  Heard only. Heard on the way to Satipo City.

Fasciated Wren ◊  Campylorhynchus fasciatus  Seen at the dry intermontane valley in Huanuco.

Peruvian Wren ◊  Cinnycerthia peruana  Endemic. Seen at Calabaza area, Satipo Road.

Grass Wren  Cistothorus platensis  First seen at Unchog.

Mantaro Wren ◊ (Plain-tailed W)  Thryophilus sp. nov.  Great views at Andamarca Valley.

Coraya Wren  Pheugopedius coraya  Heard at Villa Rica area.

House Wren (Southern H W)  Troglodytes [aedon] musculus  A widespread species.

Mountain Wren  Troglodytes solstitialis  Best views at Bosque Shollet.

Grey-breasted Wood Wren  Henicorhina leucophrys  Heard many times, seen at Ulcumano.

Long-tailed Mockingbird ◊  Mimus longicaudatus  Common near the coast.

Andean Solitaire  Myadestes ralloides  Best views at Calabaza, Satipo Road.

White-eared Solitaire ◊  Entomodestes leucotis  Seen at Bosque Shollet and Ulcumano Lodge.

Slaty-backed Nightingale-Thrush  Catharus fuscater  Seen at Bosque Shollet.

Chiguanco Thrush  Turdus chiguanco  A common species in his right habitat.

Glossy-black Thrush  Turdus serranus  Heard only. Heard at Bosque Shollet.

Great Thrush  Turdus fuscater  Common species in the highlands.

Black-billed Thrush  Turdus ignobilis  First seen near Villa Rica, also lower elevations near Satipo City.

White-capped Dipper  Cinclus leucocephalus  Seen at Satipo Road, and Santa Eulalia Valley.

House Sparrow (I) (introduced)  Passer domesticus  Seen in towns and urban areas.

Peruvian Pipit ◊  Anthus peruvianus  Great views at Paraiso Beach.

Hooded Siskin  Spinus magellanicus  First seen at Fortaleza Valley.

Black Siskin  Spinus atratus  Seen at Ondores, Junin.

Blue-naped Chlorophonia  Chlorophonia cyanea  One bird seen at the lower Satipo Road.

Purple-throated Euphonia  Euphonia chlorotica  Seen at our lunch stop outside Satipo city.

Thick-billed Euphonia  Euphonia laniirostris  Seen at our lunch stop outside Satipo city.

Orange-bellied Euphonia  Euphonia xanthogaster  Seen at the lower Satipo Road.

Common Bush Tanager  Chlorospingus flavopectus  Common species at Bosque Shollet.

Yellow-browed Sparrow  Ammodramus aurifrons  Seen at the lower Satipo Road.

Grey-browed Brushfinch  Arremon assimilis  Seen at the Andamarca Valley.

Rufous-collared Sparrow  Zonotrichia capensis  Very common species.

Rufous-eared Brushfinch ◊  Atlapetes rufigenis  Endemic. One of the specialties of Huascaran NP.

Tricolored Brushfinch ◊  Atlapetes tricolor  Endemic. First seen at Bosque Shollet.

Slaty Brushfinch  Atlapetes schistaceus  Seen at Bosque de Unchog.

Bay-crowned Brushfinch ◊  Atlapetes seebohmi  Seen at Fortaleza Valley.

Rusty-bellied Brushfinch ◊  Atlapetes nationi  Endemic. Great views at the Santa Eulalia Valley.

Black-spectacled Brushfinch ◊ (B-goggled B F)  Atlapetes melanopsis  Endemic. Mantaro Valley.

Peruvian Meadowlark  Leistes bellicosus  First seen at Lomas de Lachay.

Russet-backed Oropendola  Psarocolius angustifrons  Seen at the lower Satipo Road.

Dusky-green Oropendola  Psarocolius atrovirens  Common species in the cloud forest regions of the trip.

Crested Oropendola  Psarocolius decumanus  Seen at the lower Satipo Road.

Yellow-rumped Cacique  Cacicus cela  Seen at lower elevations on the East slope of the Andes.

Scrub Blackbird  Dives warczewiczi  Seen at Fortaleza and Santa Eulalia Valleys, also near the coast.

Blackburnian Warbler (N)  Setophaga fusca  One bird seen at Ulcumano Lodge.

Citrine Warbler  Myiothlypis luteoviridis  Seen at Bosque de Unchog.

Russet-crowned Warbler  Myiothlypis coronata  First seen at Bosque Shollet.

Three-striped Warbler  Basileuterus tristriatus  Seen at the Satipo Road.

Slate-throated Whitestart  Myioborus miniatus  Seen at Bosque Shollet and Ulcumano Lodge.

Spectacled Whitestart  Myioborus melanocephalus  First seen at Bosque Shollet.

Golden Grosbeak (G-bellied G)  Pheucticus chrysogaster  Seen at the dry intermontane valley in Huanuco.

Great Inca Finch ◊  Incaspiza pulchra  Endemic. Seen at lower Santa Eulalia Valley.

Rufous-backed Inca Finch ◊  Incaspiza personata  Endemic. Seen near Caraz.

Mourning Sierra Finch  Rhopospina fruticeti  Common bird at Santa Eulalia.

Band-tailed Sierra Finch  Porphyrospiza alaudina  Seen at Lomas de Lachay and Santa Eulalia.

Golden-collared Honeycreeper  Iridophanes pulcherrimus  Seen at the lower Satipo Road.

Swallow Tanager   Tersina viridian

Blue Dacnis  Dacnis cayana  Seen near Villa Rica Coffee Fields.

Streaked Saltator  Saltator striatipectus  One bird seen at Cañete in the last day of the trip.

Golden-billed Saltator  Saltator aurantiirostris  First seen at Fortaleza Valley.

Bananaquit  Coereba flaveola  First seen at Bosque Shollet.

Blue-black Grassquit  Volatinia jacarina  Several seen at Cañete.

Rufous-crested Tanager  Creurgops verticals

Silver-beaked Tanager  Ramphocelus carbo  Seen at the lower Satipo Road.

Chestnut-throated Seedeater  Sporophila telasco  Seen at Cañete area.

Drab Seedeater  Sporophila simplex  Seen at Cañete, in our last day.

Slender-billed Finch  Xenospingus concolor  Seen at Cañete, in our last day.

Grey-hooded Bush Tanager  Cnemoscopus rubrirostris  Seen in the mixed flocks of Bosque Shollet.

Drab Hemispingus ◊  Pseudospingus xanthophthalmus  Seen at Bosque de Unchog.

Collared Warbling Finch ◊  Poospiza hispaniolensis  First seen at Lomas de Lachay.

Rufous-breasted Warbling Finch ◊  Poospiza rubecula  Endemic. One of the tricky ones, at Huachupampa.  Rufous-browed Hemispingus ◊  Poospiza rufosuperciliaris  Endemic. Seen by Peter and in the farther section of Unchog trail.

Oleaginous Hemispingus  Sphenopsis frontalis  Seen at Bosque Shollet and Satipo Road.

Black-eared Hemispingus  Sphenopsis melanotis  Seen at Calabaza area, Satipo Road.

Rust-and-yellow Tanager  Thlypopsis ruficeps  Seen at the Andamarca Road.

Rufous-chested Tanager  Thlypopsis ornata  Seen at Calabaza area, Satipo Road.

Brown-flanked Tanager ◊  Thlypopsis pectoralis  Endemic. Seen at the dry slopes of Unchog.

Pardusco ◊  Nephelornis oneilli  Endemic. Another specialty of Bosque de Unchog.

Plain-tailed Warbling Finch ◊  Microspingus alticola  Endemic.  Seen at Huascaran NP.

Capped Conebill  Conirostrum albifrons  First seen at Bosque Shollet.

Blue-backed Conebill  Conirostrum sitticolor  First seen at Bosque de Unchog.

White-browed Conebill ◊  Conirostrum ferrugineiventre  Seen at Bosque de Unchog.

Cinereous Conebill  Conirostrum cinereum  Widespread species in the dry regions.

Bright-rumped Yellow Finch  Sicalis uropigyalis  Best views at Junin area.

Peruvian Sierra Finch ◊  Phrygilus punensis  First seen at Huascaran NP.

Ash-breasted Sierra Finch  Geospizopsis plebejus  First seen at Fortaleza Valley.

Plumbeous Sierra Finch  Geospizopsis unicolor  Seen at Bosque de Unchog, and Santa Eulalia.

Tit-like Dacnis ◊  Xenodacnis parina  Seen often at Huascaran NP.

Glacier Finch (White-winged Diuca Finch)  Idiopsar speculifer  Common at Marcapomacocha.

Band-tailed Seedeater  Catamenia analis  First seen at Fortaleza Valley.

Plain-coloured Seedeater  Catamenia inornata  Seen at Unchog and Santa Eulalia.

Golden-eyed Flowerpiercer Diglossa glauca  Seen at Bosque Shollet, Ulcumano and Satipo Road.   

Bluish Flowerpiercer  Diglossa caerulescens  Seen at Bosque Shollet.

Masked Flowerpiercer  Diglossa cyanea  First seen at Bosque Shollet.

Rusty Flowerpiercer  Diglossa sittoides  Just one sitting at Calabaza.

Moustached Flowerpiercer  Diglossa mystacalis  First seen at Bosque de Unchog.

Black-throated Flowerpiercer  Diglossa brunneiventris  First seen at Fortaleza Valley.

Yellow-throated Tanager  Iridosornis analis  Seen at Bosque Shollet, Ulcumano and Satipo Road.   

Yellow-scarfed Tanager ◊  Iridosornis reinhardti  Endemic. Great views at Bosque de Unchog.

Fawn-breasted Tanager  Pipraeidea melanonota  Seen at Ulcumano Lodge.

Blue-and-yellow Tanager  Rauenia bonariensis  Seen at Fortaleza Valley.

Buff-breasted Mountain Tanager  Dubusia taeniata  Seen at Calabaza, Satipo Road.

Chestnut-bellied Mountain Tanager ◊  Dubusia castaneoventris  Great views at Bosque de Unchog.

Blue-capped Tanager  Sporathraupis cyanocephala  First seen at Bosque Shollet.

Golden-backed Mountain Tanager ◊  Cnemathraupis aureodorsalis  Endemic. A stunner, at Bosque de Unchog.

Scarlet-bellied Mountain Tanager  Anisognathus igniventris  First seen at Bosque de Unchog.

Lacrimose Mountain Tanager  Anisognathus lacrymosus  Seen at Calabaza, Satipo Road.

Magpie Tanager  Cissopis leverianus  Leader only. Lower Satipo Road.

Black-faced Tanager  Schistochlamys melanopis  Leader only. Lower Satipo Road.

Spotted Tanager  Ixothraupis punctata  Joining a big mixed flock at the lower Satipo Road.

Yellow-bellied Tanager  Ixothraupis xanthogastra  Joining a big mixed flock at the lower Satipo Road.

Golden-naped Tanager  Chalcothraupis ruficervix  Seen at Bosque Shollet. 

Blue-grey Tanager  Thraupis episcopus  Lower Satipo Road, and lower elevations in the humid areas.

Palm Tanager  Thraupis palmarum  First seen near Villa Rica, also around Satipo city.

Silver-backed Tanager  Stilpnia viridicollis  Seen at Bosque Shollet and Ulcumano Lodge.

Blue-necked Tanager  Stilpnia cyanicollis  Seen at the lower Satipo Road.

Blue-and-black Tanager  Tangara vassorii  Seen at Bosque Shollet, Ulcumano and Satipo Road.

Beryl-spangled Tanager  Tangara nigroviridis  First seen at Bosque Shollet.

Blue-browed Tanager  Tangara cyanotis  Leader only. One sitting at Bosque Shollet, them at Satipo Road.   

Saffron-crowned Tanager  Tangara xanthocephala  First seen at Bosque Shollet.

Flame-faced Tanager  Tangara parzudakii  Best views at Ulcumano Lodge.

Golden Tanager  Tangara arthus  Joining a big mixed flock at the lower Satipo Road.



South American Sea Lion  Otaria flavescens  Seen at Pucusana.

Vicuna (Vicugna)  Vicugna vicugna  A few were seen while we drove the altiplano near Junin.

Montane Guinea Pig  Cavia tschudii  Seen at Ondores, Junin.

Northern Mountain Viscacha  Lagidium peruanum  Good views at Huascaran NP.

European Rabbit (Common R) (introduced)  Oryctolagus cuniculus  Seen during our visit to Junin area.