22 February - 7 / 12 March 2024

by Eustace Barnes

As one of the most exciting tours to South America, Guyana and Suriname offer the best the Guianan shield has to offer. It is a strikingly diverse region with a high level of endemicity, comprehensively covered by one of the more endlessly interesting tours one is ever likely to take. As is said for every tour, each successive iteration of which is considered to be the most successful and enjoyable to date, this was the most successful, as the following report will make clear. Detailing, as it does, our progress through the extraordinary avifaunal and mammalian diversity of the region with ridiculous success and quite a number of significant surprises. The tour highlights are not only numerous but also exceptional; we found practically all of the usual targeted species, but we also experienced some highly memorable and quite unique moments.

Starting at Wichabai, we eventually found a flock of about thirty Red Siskins, most of which were adult males. That was a highly notable first! We then easily found both Rio Branco Antbird and Hoary-throated Spinetail and, after considerable effort, great views of Sun Parakeet, before picking up both Bearded Tachuri and Crested Doradito on the savannas en route to Karanambu. Working the riverbanks and lake edges at Karanambu we found five Crestless Curassows and several pairs of Spotted Puffbirds. Moving on, we enjoyed unimaginable views of a pair of Rufous-winged Ground Cuckoos, at a well-attended ant swarm. This was extraordinary in itself, but whilst watching the above spectacle, a Harpy Eagle landed above our heads! Surely, a unique experience! Birding the savannas, we were treated to great views of a grumpy Ocellated Crake and a pair of Ash-throated Crakes, both of which are infrequently seen well. Forest birding then delivered another stunning Rufous-winged Ground-Cuckoo, calling right in front of us, along with a pair of Wing-banded Antbirds at the same time. Which way to look? Cotingas put on a great performance, with several Capuchinbirds, a pair of Crimson Fruitcrows, Spangled and Purple-breasted Cotingas and the superb Guianan Red Cotinga, all of which were seen very well. At Iwokrama, we enjoyed point-blank views of Spotted Antpitta, great views of Red and black Grosbeak and several pairs of the now rare Blue-cheeked Amazon. Suriname was equally impressive. Starting with a stunning male Crimson-hooded Manakin, twenty minutes after arriving. After a rather good Indonesian meal, a drive around town then produced a superb Striped Owl. Birding the rainforests delivered unforgettable views of the very rarely seen Rusty Tinamou, a White-winged Potoo, Roraiman Screech Owl, Band-tailed Antshrike, Blue-backed Tanager, White-fronted Manakin and the delightful Musician Wren along with a long list of species not found in Guyana. For the afficionados of neotropical birding, we also found the inexplicably rare Violaceous Quail Dove, a very pretty little dove. As it happens, a highly notable record for this species. We then concluded with a very responsive Point-tailed Palmcreeper and a pair of Smoky-fronted Tody-Flycatcher before we retreated to the luxury of an airconditioned hotel in Paramaribo. In all, we recorded 484 species of birds and 19 species of mammal, including 7 species of monkeys. The foregoing persistently overworked superlatives fail to do justice to what was a truly memorable tour.

After a spicy lunch at the hotel, our afternoon excursion found us heading to the optimistically named Botanical Gardens. Once inside the park, a recreational enterprise celebrating, not Guyana’s botanical riches, but the romantic inclinations of its visitors and education of the wider public, we were instantly treated to the spectacle of dozens of parrots. These always include Orange-winged and Yellow-crowned Amazons along with Green-rumped Parrotlets, Brown-throated Parakeets, Red-shouldered Macaws and a pair of Mealy Amazons. There are now also a few Blue-and-yellow Macaws. These having been released from the city zoo during COVID. In addition to the profusion of Psittacids, we also found Blood-coloured Woodpecker and White-bellied Piculet, two of the three targets on the coastal plain. The gardens are also home to several pairs of Toco Toucans, a pair of Great Horned Owls, Black-collared Hawk, Zone-tailed Hawk and Grey-lined Hawk, all of which we saw. Working through the bromeliad ladened trees we also found Violaceous Euphonia, Turquoise Tanager, Grey Kingbird, Cinnamon Attila, numerous Yellow Orioles and the inconspicuous Ochre-lored Flatbill. A feature of Georgetown is the abundance and ubiquity of Snail Kites, Limpkins and Crested Caracaras which I usually forget to mention when describing birding in and around Georgetown. Apart from these species, Tricoloured and Striated Herons are common along with Great Egret and Black-crowned Night Heron at the ever-expanding heronry. A visit to these seemingly rather messy and uninspiring gardens is always a tremendous start to this tour.

On the first morning of the tour, we flew from Georgetown’s domestic Ogle airport over the Demerara and Essequibo floodplain across unbroken rainforests and savannas to the small town of Lethem on the Brazilian border. An untidy little town, Lethem has little to offer even the more adventurous traveller, and nothing to detain us whatsoever. Meeting up with the Dadanawa boys, we departed from Lethem, crossing the endless open savannas and gallery woodlands heading to the delightful Wichabai lodge, often described as one of the most remote spots on the continent. We could all have spent the entire tour at this wonderful location, experiencing the tranquillity savanna life and Erin’s fabulous cooking. However, it was not to be and plans were afoot to search for the critically endangered Red Siskin. Many of the sites we have visited in the past, in our searches for this species, have been burnt during the drought and so this was a more involved set of plans than might have been the case in the past.

The journey in produced a rag bag of savanna species; Eastern Meadowlark, Red-breasted Blackbird, Epaulet Oriole, White-headed Marsh Tyrant and Pied Water Tyrant and numerous groups of Buff-necked Ibis. We stopped at the remaining rapidly drying ponds and found a pair of Brazilian Teal and few Solitary Sandpipers but no Jabiru or Pinnated Bittern. Species that usually put in an appearance on this journey. We spent a little time taping in a Yellowish Pipit, which walked around us down to a few meters. Bicoloured Wrens, Spectacled Thrushes and the widely distributed Tropical Mockingbirds were new at this stage of the game and briefly kept us entertained in the villages we passed through. On arrival, further exploration of the rapidly drying riverine ponds produced a single Sharp-tailed Ibis and several Green Ibises. The former, an increasingly rare species, and one we had not expected to see so quickly or so well.

At dawn, we were indeed on-site in search of Red Siskin. At the first of several areas of savanna ecotone along the base of a wooded hill, we did briefly see a male Red Siskin, but not well enough for the group. The search then took us to a number of other sites, but with no luck and only small numbers of Plumbeous Seedeaters and Burnished-buff Tanagers. Many of the sites were dry or burnt with associated wooded habitats burnt out. Returning to base, we crossed a wide river channel and found a large noisy group of Red Siskin. A group that largely comprised males and all of which were singing and chattering away as we watched in amazement. As well as the Red Siskin, the river was alive with Plumbeous, Ruddy-breasted and Grey Seedeaters, Burnished-buff Tanagers and Grassland Yellow Finches coming to drink in the midday heat. Finding such a flock of non-breeding birds congregating along one of larger rivers has not been recorded before by any of the research teams studying this species. Savanna edge habitats along the Rupununi river, produced White-tailed Hawk, Crane Hawk, Roadside Hawk, Crested Caracara and innumerable Pale-vented Pigeons, Common and Plain-breasted Ground Doves. The wooded and scrubby areas lining the river held Green-tailed Jacamar, Black-crested Antshrike, Lesser Elaenia, Mouse-coloured Tyrannulet, Brown-crested and Variegated Flycatchers, White-throated and Tropical Kingbirds, Tropical Gnatcatcher and numerous Burnished-buff Tanagers. A targeted search of a known site produced the rarely seen sub-fusc denizen of riparian thickets; the incomparable Pale-bellied Tyrant-Manakin. A cracking bird quickly added to the list. Retracing our tracks through the dusty savannas to Lethem we nailed the increasingly rare Bearded Tachuri. A very pretty and rather special little tyrannid of tall undisturbed grasslands. A now rare habitat, given the penchant Homo sapiens has for burning everything in sight. Anyway, we arrived at our accommodation shortly after dark and well after the option for ‘initial exploration’ could be exercised. However, there was plenty of time to further explore the diversity of regional beers on offer, which we duly did while planning the following days adventures.

Heading off across another vast savanna we turned our attention to two vulnerable birds with ranges restricted to the Roraima region of Brazil and gallery woodlands along the Takatu and Ireng rivers in Guyana: the Hoary-throated Spinetail and Rio Branco Antbird. Ongoing agricultural development is transforming the landscape in the region, which has seriously reduced the amount of available habitat for both species. Once on site we saw small flocks of Red-bellied Macaws and a pair of Streak-headed Woodcreepers while eating our field breakfast and watching sunrise over the savannas. Once in the woodlands we quickly located the pretty Hoary-throated Spinetail fossicking about in a thick tangle. We had to wait for better views while finding Orange-backed Troupial, Olivaceous Saltator, Lineated Woodpecker as well as Pale-tipped Inezia, Slaty-headed Tody-flycatcher, Mouse-coloured Tyrannulet, Spotted Tody-Flycatcher, Pale-legged Hornero, Black-crested Antshrikes and the numerous Southern White-fringed Antwren. A little further on we soon heard the Rio Branco Antbird which gave stellar views as a pair of Crestless Curassow walked by! That was a first for the tour, giving us another tour highlight. A quick visit to the Takatu river added a number of species including an Osprey, several Crested and Yellow-headed Caracaras, Yellow-billed Tern, Black Skimmer, a couple of Jabiru and our first good views of Lesser Yellow-headed Vultures. The woodlands then gave us more Hoary-throated Spinetails, a calling Little Woodpecker, the southern form of White-bellied Piculet, a stunning pair of Rufous-tailed Jacamars and a small flock of Chestnut-vented Conebill. Returning to Manari across the savannas produced one of very few Long-winged Harriers seen on this tour, both Savanna and White-tailed Hawks, Wattled Jacana, Muscovy Duck, more Buff-necked Ibis, Cocoi Heron and Great Egrets, large numbers of Common Ground doves, Eared Doves, Pale-vented Pigeons and innumerable pairs of Yellow-chinned Spinetails.

The following morning, we left in good time (BQ euphemism for pre-dawn) to visit an area for Giant Anteaters, which we had not done on previous tours. We were in for a treat and saw three, giving us another very memorable moment on the tour. We also saw a number of Burrowing Owls, White-tailed kites and a few Crested Bobwhite. Exploring the Karasabai area, in our search for the highly endangered Sun Parakeet was to prove challenging. As noted, this species was not uncommon in Guyana, but huge numbers were caught for the bird trade and now the area around Karasabai is known to be its last stronghold. Thanks, that is, to the enlightened efforts of the local communities to protect the birds. Our first port of call to an area favoured by this species drew a blank. We were told the birds normally resident in the area had dispersed to more remote hills. We did find the nominate form of Chestnut Woodpecker, Green Aracari, Green-tailed Jacamar, a few Red and green Macaws, Brown-throated Parakeets, Cayenne Jay, Rufous-browed Peppershrike, Ashy-headed Greenlet, Pale-eyed Pygmy-Tyrant and both Brown-crested and Short-crested Flycatchers but no Parakeets. It was looking as if we would dip on this target species for the first time. Perhaps the most important target species! At lunch Leroy and I worked on a plan for a final search, where local people had recently seen the parakeets. This was perhaps the only occasion during the tour where the smooth, dare I say laid-back, operation of plans became more visibly manic. One is never quite certain exactly what ‘recently’ means but we had run out of options. Then followed a long drive along a barely passable track where we visited a couple of favoured areas. Again, with no result and time was ticking by. We headed to the community to talk to the head man. Needless to say, we were told the parakeets are common and seen every day….”a flock of seven come to the village several times a day” etc, etc. Perhaps not today, after all we were not at the zoo. At the very last moment and just as we were about to leave, we heard the high-pitched shrieks of Sun Parakeets and seven bird wheeled into view, landing in a large leafless tree right next to where we stood. Winners all!| Taking our leave, thanking the village elders we headed back to Karasabai and on to Karanambu. We knew we would arrive rather too late for the fabled initial explorations but certainly in good time to celebrate with the near-legendary rum punch. However, our work was not yet done for the day as we sped across the savannas to a damp grassland in search of our final target species for the day. In the fast-fading light, we then located a superb male Crested Doradito, which performed admirably while Least Nighthawks circled around us. We also saw a number of Buff-necked Ibises, White-headed Marsh Tyrant, a couple of Solitary Sandpipers and a single White-tailed Goldenthroat. Time to go. It had been a demanding day but everyone was now well-satisfied and arriving late seemed a small price to pay for what had been a spectacular day.

We discussed options for Karanambu. Having been told the Capuchinbird lek was inactive, we decided to take a boat ride at dawn and duly headed off in search of our quarry. The river was remarkably quiet with few waterbirds and no Crestless Curassows or indeed much else apart from a cooperative pair of Sunbitterns, a few Pied Plovers and a Green-and-rufous Kingfisher. So, back for breakfast and a rethink. I decided to walk the forest trails and visit as many ponds as we could. Walking the forest trails we found the usual selection of species, including Striped Woodcreeper, numerous Black-chinned Antbirds, Northern Slaty Antshrike, Dusky Antbird, White-flanked Antwren and a superb White-bellied Antbird. Black Nunbirds, a Green-backed Trogon, Golden-spangled Piculet, Lineated, Crimson-crested, Cream-coloured and Golden-collared Woodpeckers and a remarkable number of Spotted Puffbirds were also found to give us a good haul of forest birds. We also spied a good numbers Blue-backed Manakins coming to drink at a fast-drying forest pool. At the rapidly-drying oney pond we hit gold with hundreds of Great Egrets, ninety Wood Storks, thirty Jabirus and dozens of Snowy Egrets, Cocoi Herons, Roseate Spoonbills, a pair of Capped Herons and a single Crestless Curassow. A major spectacle and another tour highlight to equal any. We revisited this pond on several occasions to see what else might turn up and found Large-billed Terns and Grey-cowled Wood Rails as well as three more Crestless Curassows along with the assorted heron and egrets.

Full house with the savanna specialities and some spectacular moments. It was time to move on to the rainforests of Iwokrama. After lunch we took our leave of Karanambu, crossing the savannas on our way to Surama, a community located in an island of savanna surrounded by tall rainforest; the first we were to visit on this tour. We did stop to scan several large wetlands in the heat of the afternoon but only found an Osprey and a couple of Snail Kites flopping about. A brief stop in suitable habitat gave us our only White-naped Xenopsaris, which put on an excellent show. On arrival, we immediately headed to see Great Potoo on a day roost. After admiring this strange creature, we made for a shaded forest trail where we found Cayenne Jays, Guianan Puffbird, a pair of Great Jacamars, Yellow-throated Woodpecker and a Cinereous Mourner. We then waited for dusk, listening to Red-throated Caracara, White-throated and Channel-billed Toucans and the querulous whistles of Great and Variegated Tinamous while discussing the following days options. As dusk fell, we set about searching for Tawny-bellied Screech Owl which duly performed, calling in front of us. We then walked a short distance in the dark to try and lure in a Black-banded Owl. The bird was not so interested but eventually we all got great views of this stunning owl.

Early the following morning we were about to head back to the rainforests but, on hearing an Ocellated Crake, we walked into the grassy savanna where, after a short wait, we were treated to great views a rather grumpy looking Ocellated Crake glowering at us. A cracking start. Walking a broad forest track gave us a quick succession of rainforest species as our first morning in such habitats always does. Green-backed and Guianan Trogons were common. Scaled Pigeons and Painted Parakeets were attending a fruiting tree and not long after a Capuchinbird put in an appearance and a group of Grey-winged Trumpeters flounced across the track in front of us. A good number of antbirds were calling and we were able to get our first views of Guianan Warbling Antbird, Ferruginous-backed Antbird, Grey Antbird and a very obliging Rufous-capped Antthrush. This was also our first morning when Channel-billed and White-throated Toucans were much in evidence; species strongly evocative of neotropical rainforests. A Black-faced Hawk called but refused to show itself. An experience we suffered repeatedly during the tour. Temperatures were soaring and activity was beginning to diminish. I can’t remember why we left the main track but we did and after a while heard the noisy churring and rattling calls of White-plumed and Rufous-throated Antbirds, Plain-brown and White-chinned Woodcreepers at an ant swarm. Always a great spectacle to see in the neotropics. As we neared the activity, we heard the bill clacking of ground cuckoos and in no time glimpsed a pair of Rufous-winged Ground Cuckoos. Patience and persistence then repaid us with unforgettable views of this most elusive of Guianan specialists. The birds called and chased around at the ant swarm giving uninterrupted views, paying little interest in our presence. They did vanish when a large shadow was cast over the forest floor and a Harpy Eagle landed over our heads! The eagle then looked down at us with the usual disdain this species has for the ‘plague monkey’ that it cannot eat. It was like a birders fantasy. That was it for the morning and time to head back for a late lunch. We had some time to reflect on the morning at lunch, briefly considering having a rest. It was not to be and we set off to bird the access road. I had learnt that no birding group had seen Crimson Fruitcrow in the last year or so and had begun to think we would miss this species for the first time. As a consequence, I reworked our schedule in order to visit every area I had found the species and began to work the road for another mega session. Our first port of call was an area of tall grassland where a gorgeous pair of Ash-throated Crakes were lured into view. We also saw our only Sooty-capped Hermit of the tour. In the stifling heat of the afternoon, the forests were very quiet, with no vocal activity at all. As time ticked on, we found our first Black-spotted Barbets, more Green Aracaris and Black-tailed Tityras before we found a mixed flock. One of very few we came across during the tour. Opal-rumped, Fulvous-crested and Flame-crested Tanagers were first to appear. Then Blue and Black-faced Dacnis and Green, Red-legged and Purple Honeycreepers along with the inevitable Buff-cheeked Greenlet and a male Black-capped Becard put in an appearance along with a small group of Dusky Purpletufts. We then spied our first Pompadour Cotinga, followed by a fine male Spangled Cotinga and three superb Purple-breasted Cotingas. This is always a good area for these outrageously adorned species and we were very pleased to have seen them so well. A discussion began about where the Crimson Fruitcrow might be found. I pointed to a number of tall, small leaved trees and made comment about their probable liking for tall white sand forest. Passing the trees we then heard the distinctive ‘bock…..bock’ call of Crimson Fruitcrow and in no time we were watching a couple of females. This is another major target of this tour and one I would hate to miss. There was no need to do much more after that, in a day in which we had seen Ocellated Crake, Grey-winged Trumpeters, Rufous-winged Ground-cuckoos at an ant swarm, a Harpy Eagle, Ash-throated Crakes, Pompadour, Spangled and Purple-breasted Cotingas and a couple of Crimson Fruitcrows! The stuff of dreams.

The following morning, we headed back to the access road with no great expectation and really only the intention of filling in with some of the more widespread rainforests species. We duly saw a couple of Great Tinamous and a pair of regal Black Curassows sedately crossing the road in front of us. Overhead Band-rumped and Lesser Swallow-tailed Swifts circled the skies together with Black and Greater Yellow-headed Vultures and a Swallow-tailed Kite. In tall trees along the road several Paradise Jacamars sunned themselves while waiting for insect life to offer them breakfast. A cacophony of parrots, toucans and woodpeckers then reminded us of the sheer diversity of life in these forests. We were to see four times as many species of birds in fewer sites and less time than I had seen in Madagascar last year. We did not run out of birds to look for either. We picked up more Yellow-throated and Ringed Woodpeckers, our first Blue-headed Parrots and Golden-winged Parakeets and yet more Green Aracaris. We searched for but did not find Guianan Red Cotinga and Black-faced Hawk or indeed any more mixed flocks. We had heard a distant Zigzag Heron the evening before and decided to change tack and head back to that area. Walking through the forest along a narrow trail we quickly connected with our first understorey flock, which I duly deconstructed for the group; seeing firstly Cinereous and Dusky-throated Antshrikes, the flock leaders. Then Brown-bellied, White-flanked, Long-winged and Grey Antwrens, a single Whiskered Myiobius and a Tawny-crowned Greenlet followed by Chestnut-rumped and Buff-throated Woodcreepers. The search produced no Zigzag Heron but after working the understorey flock, a Wing-banded Antbird called. We then connected with a pair of this very uncommon species, obtaining the proverbial stellar views. This was only the second confirmed record of this species from Iwokrama and another major tour highlight. We were about to return to the road when a sharp bill clack alerted us to the presence of another Rufous-winged Ground Cuckoo. Working our way through the forest we found a male bird sat watching us from a fallen log in an area of open understorey. Again, another extraordinary moment, during which we were able to watch this fabled denizen of the neotropics calling at length. Then it activated its cloaking device and vanished. It was lunch time and we needed to pack and move on, although it would have been great to have had another day in these forests. What to do with an afternoon in the blistering heat in a rainforest? We headed to a shady Guianan Cock-of-the-Rock lek where a couple of males were loafing about in all their finery showing off to a female feigning disinterest. After watching the ultimate forest dandy for a while and securing some half-decent photographs we continued to Iwokrama along the highway. It has become quite busy and so birding is best undertaken along the numerous tracks and trails along its length. We stopped at an area of white sand forest to see Bronzy Jacamar, Rufous-crowned Elaenia, Yellow-throated Flycatcher and Black Manakin. The latter proving particularly awkward both in Guyana and Suriname. Continuing towards the Essequibo River, and indeed driving through some excellent forest we did find Black-headed Parrot, numerous Red-and-green Macaws and a few Blue-and-yellow Macaws arriving at our spectacular lodgings, overlooking the Essequibo river, at dusk.

After the frenetic birding of the last couple of days, Iwokrama was going to prove difficult. It now being time to settle down and pick off the more widespread and less exotic inhabitants of these magnificent forests. After an early breakfast, we took a boat up the Essequibo River to the Turtle Mountain Camp, from where we walked through superb lowland rainforests to the low escarpment that gives spectacular views over the endless rainforests. We did see Guianan Trogon, Pygmy Antwren, Buff-cheeked and Lemon-chested Greenlet, another understorey antbird flock. The latter holding the infrequently seen Easter Olivaceous Flatbill. It was painfully quiet, with no sign of our target species; Yellow-billed Jacamar, Spotted Antpitta, Golden-sided Euphonia and so on. However, we were treated to great views of Red-faced Black Spider Monkey and several Guianan Squirrel Monkeys before we ran into a huge herd of White-lipped Peccary. These awesome creatures were then all around us for much of the morning, providing another of the many famed neotropical rainforest spectacles. They were accompanied by a large group of Grey-winged Trumpeters and the commotion of perhaps over a hundred grunting and tooth-clacking Peccary together with the ‘inarticulate’ bubbling and scolding of the trumpeters created an unforgettable experience and soundscape for the morning. The afternoon was spent idling along the river in a boat. We did see a number of Large-billed and Yellow-billed Terns, a few Blue-and-yellow Macaws and a good number of Black-collared Swallows before it was time to retreat to the relative luxury of our lodgings.

We had another morning in the area and I decided the best option was to work the Bushmaster trail behind the lodge. After an early breakfast we began working our way around the clearing, seeing, very briefly, a pair of Caica Parrots and a number of Red-and-green Macaws. The loud calls of Red-and-black Grosbeak and a Zigzag Heron alerted us to the possibilities and challenges of the area. The heron was only passing through and again eluded our digital invitations. However, we did find a pair of Yellow-billed Jacamars and a stunning male Golden-sided Euphonia. After a bit of work, a response was elicited from a Spotted Antpitta and we were quickly eye to eye with a territorial bird. After watching this stupendous creature we found a family group of Guianan Saki Monkeys, along with more Red-faced Spider Monkeys and Guianan Howler Monkeys. The forest was alive with understorey flocks and a large canopy flock. We enjoyed seeing many of the species commonly found in these flocks but managed to lure out a Black-bellied Cuckoo. Continuing our search for yet more new species, we finally obtained great views of the diminutive White-crested Spadebill, having missed it at Surama.

The morning was done and it was time to head for the famous Atta rainforest lodge with its famous 154m long canopy walkway, although it is somewhat reduced since a storm took out one of the supporting trees. Arriving in time for lunch the much-discussed initial exploration was indeed possible and we set about working through various sites along the highway. As we walked the dusty red highway, we quickly connected with Cayenne Jay, several male Pompadour Cotingas, Waved, Crimson-crested and Lineated Woodpeckers, several pairs of the increasingly rare Blue-cheeked Amazon and several pairs of Scarlet Macaws. A little further along the highway we located our first Guianan Streaked Antwrens, Chestnut-bellied Seed Finches, Coraya Wrens, a small group of Yellow-throated Flycatchers and the stout Painted Tody-Flycatcher. Continuing along the highway we searched for and found a single Crimson Topaz in the fast-fading light. It was then time for night birding and a brief search for Long-tailed Potoo which we saw somewhat briefly.

Birding Atta always takes us to the main highway for dawn where we always see Blue-cheeked Amazon, Red-fan Parrot, Red-and-green and Scarlet Macaws along with Paradise Jacamars, Ringed Woodpecker and an assortment of other species with which we had developed a familiarity. Returning to the lodge we found Red-fan Parrots around the clearing and subsequently at a nest hole. Walking the trails, after a quick breakfast, we quickly tracked down a group of Red-and-black Grosbeak and within no time had secured good views of this key target species. A stunning bird that can be difficult to see, although its loud-ringing song is easy to hear. Heading to the walkway we found Slate-coloured Grosbeak and a small group of Yellow-green Grosbeak and a pair of Amazonian Grosbeak (previously Blue-black or Rothschild’s Grosbeak). At the walkway we found Todd’s Antwren, Short-tailed Pygmy Tyrant, Guianan Toucanet and a few other species. In the afternoon we walked another section of the highway. Amazonian Antshrike offered great views but a Fasciated Antshrike did not cooperate with our invitations. A Guianan Woodcreeper put in a welcome appearance, as we had not found it at the canopy walkway. Over a small roadside pond, we had good views of Chapman’s Swift and nearby thick scrub held a stunning male Rose-breasted Chat. Again, we saw more Red-and-green and Scarlet Macaws along with numerous Blue-headed Parrots and Blue-cheeked Amazons, Paradise Jacamar, Red-throated Caracaras and the usual suspects. A visit to the white sand forests produced Ochre-bellied Mionectes (Flycatcher) at a lek. This is a member of the genus Mionectes which are lek-forming fruit-eating ‘flycatchers’ sometimes rather amusingly called fruit nibblers. I suggest we use the generic name Mionectes and place them in an expanded group of genera that connect true Flycatchers with Manakins. We then found Saffron-crested Tyrant Manakin, Golden-headed and White-crowned Manakin, Cinnamon Attila, a somewhat flighty Guianan Schiffornis and a magnificent male Guianan Red Cotinga. It was job done and so we headed back to base for another quick wander around the lodge trails before lunch. This did result in our picking up both Black-faced Hawk and Black-throated Antshrike but failing to see either and this was to be the case in Suriname as well. In the afternoon we headed back to Manari for the night. We had some remaining species to find having not managed to find any decent wetlands during our explorations of the southern savannas. Working our way south we stopped at a nice-looking wetland where we found no less than seven Pinnated Bitterns as well as our only Maguari Stork, several Jabiru, a group of twenty Black-crowned Night Herons, a dozen Buff-necked Ibises and numerous Savanna Hawks. Also present were good numbers of White-faced Whistling Ducks and a single Black-bellied Whistling Duck. The road gave us great views of the sonnini form of Crested Bobwhite, Least and Lesser Nighthawk and large numbers of Eared Doves coming to take grit from the road.

After an uneventful flight to Georgetown, we headed along the coast to explore the Mahaica river and coastal mudflats. As we headed to Mahaica we came across the uncommon and patchily-distributed Rufous Crab Hawk which we enjoyed watching at length. Along the coast we saw thousands of Great and Snowy Egrets in the rice fields along with significant numbers of the spectacular Scarlet Ibis. We also saw a couple more Long-winged Harriers and more Roadside Hawks. Taking a short boat trip along the Mahaica river we saw several groups of Hoatzin: the national bird and one of the more remarkable neotropical species. We also recorded Silvery Antbirds and Barred Antshrike along with a pair of Little Cuckoos and Spot-breasted Woodpeckers. A final stop at the city coastal mudflats gave us the spectacle of thousands of near-arctic waders, including Semipalmated Sandpipers, Semipalmated and Black-bellied Plovers, Willet, Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs, Hudsonian Whimbrel and a Short-billed Dowitcher. We also managed to find a couple of White-rumped Sandpipers amongst the throng of Semipalmated Sandpipers. There were also good numbers of Black-crowned and Yellow-crowned Night Herons, Tricolored Heron, Gull-billed Terns, Blue-winged Teal and a distant group of whistling ducks.

Our final morning in the Guyana found us again in the fabled Botanical Gardens. We again found both Blood-coloured Woodpecker and White-bellied Piculet, Spotted Tody-Flycatcher, Carib Grackle, American Yellow Warbler and numerous Grey Kingbirds. We additionally managed to find a Cinnamon Attila, a couple of Black-capped Donacobius, Violaceous Euphonia and a group of Turquoise Tanagers. It was time to go and so we headed to the airport for our flight to Paramaribo and the start of our Surinamese adventures.

Arriving in good time for some ‘initial exploration’ we headed from the city airport (smaller than the average Tesco car park) to some nearby coastal woodlands for a nice session. Without suffering the inconvenience of having to walk more than a few meters we easily found a superb male Crimson-hooded Manakin. That was disgracefully easy really and consequently it never made the list of tour favourites, as it often does. We were pleasantly surprised when a Little Hermit put in an appearance along with a family group of Buff-breasted Wrens and the well-named Plain-crowned Spinetail, the latter a species whose local representative may well represent a distinct species in its own right. We then located the near-endemic Arrowhead Piculet which put on a great show. Time was ticking and so we headed to a nearby food-dispensing emporium serving up Indonesian cuisine, which was greeted with general approval. After consuming said Indonesian fare, it was dark and high time for some night birding and so we began to comb the suburbs. After driving around a very select neighbourhood we found the superb Striped Owl which put on a spectacular performance before we had to call it a day and head to our hotel for a brief rest.

The following morning, we headed south, breaking our journey only for the enigmatic Slender-billed Kite sat on a garden fence not far from Paramaribo. At our first planned stop, a large area of white sand scrub and woodlands near Zanderij, we were greeted by a Campina Thrush (ex Black-billed Thrush) sat in a bush in front of the vehicle, giving the best views such a creature could. Exploring the stunted vegetation we also picked up both Rufous-crowned and Plain-crested Elaenias. In nearby taller woodlands we found the ambitiously named Saffron-crested Tyrant-Manakin and a few Black Manakins but little else before we had to continue south to more richly endowed environments. It was hot, the wildlife wilting and we were happy to remain in the vehicle as we sped south to our next accommodation, located on the banks of the Saramacca River. As a consequence we arrived in bags of time for some great birding. First on the menu was an adorable Blue-backed Tanager that called, in vain, for its mate. Another of our priority target species for the overall tour. Around the well-appointed lodge, we set about adding White-bearded Manakin, Pied Puffbird and Dusky-chested Flycatcher to the list with surprising rapidity. Once temperatures started to drop, we headed off for an interesting session, not far from the lodge. We hoped to see the rare and even more rarely-seen Rusty Tinamou and we were not to be disappointed. A bird appeared and very slowly crossed the broad track in front of us! The light was beginning to fade and next on the list was White-winged Potoo. It did take some time but eventually a bird shot into the mid-canopy of trees right in front of us. We had not even heard this species in its usual haunts in Guyana and so to catch up with it so quickly in Suriname was a relief.

The following morning, we walked the access road to the lodge, which passes through tall forests and which is particularly good for a number of specialties. We were hoping to find the ‘impressive and very restricted-range Band-tailed Antshrike’. A very uncommon species restricted to Suriname, French Guyana and adjacent areas in Amapa, Brazil. The bird was as sluggish responding as it is in life. Unfortunately, although the bird did respond and move through the understorey in front of us, only the leader managed to see the male. We tried again but to no avail. This pair has been in residence for six years now and it is a species of transient regenerating treefall vegetation. Continuing along the logging track we explored an open marshy area along the Saramacca river. Here we found the nominate form of Blackish Antbird, a highly disjunct population currently considered conspecific with taxa in the humid sub-tropics of the Andes. We also saw several groups of Brown Jacamars, a Slender-billed Kite, a variety of parrots, including several large flocks of Lilac-tailed Parrotlets. A McConnell’s Spinetail called but did not cooperate with our wishes. We did find a pair of Chestnut-crowned Foliage-gleaners, Golden-sided Euphonia and the usual species of open riverine habitats. We then moved to an area of terra firme forest to work a trail through tall forest a short distance away. Here, searching for species not yet recorded, we first found a pair of Trilling Gnatwrens and subsequently a Collared Puffbird. The trail led through an area with several active army ant swarms giving us White-plumed and Rufous-throated Antbirds and a White-breasted Wood Wren along with the usual constituent species of understorey mixed flocks; Cinereous and Dusky-throated Antshrikes, Grey, White-flanked, Long-winged and Brown-bellied Antwrens along with Plain-brown, White-chinned, Amazonian Barred, Chestnut-rumped and Buff-throated Woodcreepers. We then searched for mixed flocks along the principal logging track without success. The road has been good for the larger mixed flocks in past visits. We found both Dusky Parrot and Caica Parrot, Several Black-headed Parrots and many groups of Lilac-tailed Parrotlets, one of which we were able to watch at length giving us a great afternoon seeing the remaining parrot species.

Heading to 6000Ha Brownsberg Nature Park, an area of upland forest covering the Mazaroni plateau we were looking forward to securing another set of great birds. Despite formal protection, the area remains threatened by gold mining and illegal logging. It is an area of considerable interest to biologists as it is an isolated area of upland forest. We did stop to replenish our beer supplies and for ice cream. On arrival we found a family group of Guianan Saki Monkeys and another of Guianan Howler Monkeys in the tall fruiting trees around our lodgings. Walking trails from the accommodations we found Golden-olive Woodpecker, several Red-throated Caracara and both White-throated and White-fronted Manakins. In the evening, we walked trails near our lodgings in search of the Foothill Screech Owl, here of the form often referred to as the Roraiman Screech Owl. In no time a bird was sat in the open and gave great views for all. Time for dinner and a few, well deserved, beers.

Our forest birding at Brownsberg was magnificent. We enjoyed great views of Black-headed Antbird, a pair of Spot-backed Antbirds, several White-fronted Manakins and a very cooperative Musician Wren. It should be noted that the forms found in the Guianan region, north of the Rio Amazonas, south of the Rio Orinoco and east of the Rio Negro are quite distinct and probably represent a distinct species. A determined effort secured good views of the somewhat sub-fusc Guianan Schiffornis and a Black-throated Trogon. Throughout our time Lined Forest Falcons called and eventually gave reasonable views as they darted through the forest. A mixed flock passing through a fruiting tree produced Fulvous Shrike Tanager, White-necked Thrushes, Golden-headed Manakins, Black-capped and White-winged Becard, Wing-barred Piprites, McConnell’s Flycatcher and a superb Chestnut Woodpecker. At a tall flowering tree, we devoted some time to working through the hummingbirds, finding numerous Rufous-throated Sapphires, Glittering-throated Emeralds and a couple of Tufted Coquettes and a single male Racket-tailed Thorntail (Coquette) and a female Ruby-topaz Hummingbird. At our base we also found a stunning Black-eared Fairy feeding at some heliconias bringing our hummingbird list to a respectable total. Most memorable of our sightings was of a Violaceous Quail Dove. A bird, appearing to be and behaving much like a Grey-fronted Dove was feeding in the open. We watched the bird, thinking it most likely a Leptotila dove but thinking something about it did not quite fit. As we watched it quietly feeding, we realised its back and tail were bright rufous. When it flew it was clearly a Violaceous Quail Dove. After spending much of the day on the Mazaroni plateau we returned to Zanderij and some final birding in the white sand forests. We again recorded Saffron-crested Tyrant Manakin and a couple of Black Manakins along with a couple of Red-shouldered Tanagers, Plain-crested Elaenias and small flocks of Red-bellied Macaws. Another stop in the scrubby habitat produced the rarely seen Smoky-fronted Tody-flycatcher. Time was fast running out. Finally, we stopped at a Moriche palm grove in search of a favourite target species; the strikingly patterned Point-tailed Palmcreeper. We did not have to wait long until a highly territorial bird put on a magnificent performance. Winners all and, far too soon, it was time to head back to Paramaribo after a phenomenal tour of these fantastic countries. A tour that will not be forgotten, and which is essential for anyone interested in the neotropical region. Finally, many thanks to the ground operators for delivering a faultless program and the team who did not offer any resistance to often demanding schedules and made such a huge contribution to making this such a productive and enjoyable tour.


1. Rufous-winged Ground Cuckoo

2. Red Siskin

3. Crimson Fruitcrow

4. Ocellated Crake

5. Wing-banded Antbird

6. Rusty Tinamou

7. Capuchinbird

8. Sun Parakeet

9. Guianan Red Cotinga

10. Guianan Cock-of-the-rock

Bubbling under were Spotted Antpitta, Crimson-hooded Manakin, Violaceous Quail Dove, White-plumed Antbird, White-winged Potoo, Striped Owl, Blue-back Tanager, Red-and-black Grosbeak, Purple-breasted and Spangled Cotingas.




The species and family sequence, taxonomy and species names follow the I.O.C. World Bird List which is available on-line at Taxa which are split by the author of the principal field guide, but not by IOC, are noted.

Species only recorded on the extension are indicated with (X).

Species given following status categories, assessed by the IUCN. Near threatened, Vulnerable, Endangered, Critically endangered.

Where species names followed by the diamond symbol (◊) indicated they are either endemic to the country, are range restricted or considered ‘special’ birds for some other reason (e.g., only seen on one or two Birdquest tours, are difficult to see across all or most of its range, the local form is endemic or restricted-range and may in future be treated as a full species.

If recorded in Guyana and Suriname indicated with (G/S). If only recorded in Suriname or Guyana, indicated with (S) or (G) respectively.



Great Tinamou Tinamus major (G/S) Seen Surama and heard elsewhere.

Cinereous Tinamou Crypturellus cinereus (G/S) Heard by all.

Little Tinamou Crypturellus soui (S) Heard in Suriname.

Undulated Tinamou Crypturellus undulatus (G) Seen particularly well at Karasabai. Heard at several locations

Red-legged Tinamou ◊ Crypturellus erythropus (G) Several heard and one seen briefly at the Mori Scrub .

Variegated Tinamou Crypturellus variegatus (G/S) Heard at Surama and Zintete.

RUSTY TINAMOU Crypturellus brevirostris (S) Spectacular views of a bird slowly crossing a broad forest track, after a long wait. This is a very rarely seen species only recently found in Suriname and now quite seeable.

White-faced Whistling Duck Dendrocygna viduata (G) Commonly seen in Guyana.

Black-bellied Whistling Duck Dendrocygna autumnalis (G) One near Manari ranch.

Muscovy Duck Cairina moschata (G) Several pairs in southern Guyana.

Brazilian Teal Amazonetta brasiliensis (G) A pair seen in the southern savannas.

Blue-winged Teal Spatula discors (G) Up to 40 seen at City mudflats watchpoint.

Little Chachalaca Ortalis motmot (G/S) Numerous but silent at Karasabai. Heard at Zintete.

Marail Guan ◊ Penelope marail (G) A roosting group seen at Atta.

Spix’s Guan Penelope jacquacu (G) One seen at Karanambu.

Crestless Curassow ◊ Mitu tomentosum (G) Up to 7 seen in the south. 2 along the Takatu river and 5 at Karanambu.

Black Curassow Crax alector (G) A pair at Surama and quite numerous at Atta and Iwokrama.

Crested Bobwhite Colinus cristatus (G) Great views of numerous coveys near Lethem. The form found in the Guyanan savannas is sonniniand quite distinctive. It likely represents a distinct species the ‘Rupununi’ Bobwhite.

Marbled Wood Quail Odontophorus gujanensis (G) Heard at Surama.

Least Nighthawk Chordeiles pusillus (G) Seen on the savannas.

Lesser Nighthawk Chordeiles acutipennis (G) Common over southern savannas

Short-tailed Nighthawk Lurocalis semitorquatus (G) Seen at Surama and Atta.

Band-tailed Nighthawk Nyctiprogne leucopyga (G) Common at Karasabai

Blackish Nightjar Nyctipolus nigrescens (G) A very obliging bird seen at Surama.

Pauraque Nyctidromus albicollis (G/S) A few at Surama and others in Suriname.

White-tailed Nightjar Hydropsalis cayennensis (G) Several noted at Wichabai.

Long-tailed Potoo Nyctibius aethereus (G) One seen and heard near Atta.

Great Potoo Nyctibius grandis (G) Seen on a day roost at Surama.

Common Potoo Nyctibius griseus (G/S) Heard at most forest locations. One at a roost at Atta.

White-winged Potoo ◊ Nyctibius leucopterus (S) This year only recorded in Suriname at Zintete.

Grey-rumped Swift Chaetura cinereiventris (G) Seen Moka Moka

Band-rumped Swift Chaetura spinicaudus (G/S) Common Moka Moka and at Atta.

Chapman’s Swift ◊ Chaetura chapmani (G) Several seen near Atta, swooping low over water by the road.

Short-tailed Swift Chaetura brachyura (G) Seen at several sites.

Fork-tailed Palm Swift Tachornis squamata (G/S) Seen throughout the savannas.

Lesser Swallow-tailed Swift Panyptila cayennensis (G) Several seen Surama.

Crimson Topaz ◊ Topaza pella  (G) One male at a roost site near Atta.

White-necked Jacobin Florisuga mellivora Only recorded at Brownsberg.

Rufous-breasted Hermit Glaucis hirsutus (G) Heard on several occasions as they ‘shoot’ through the forest.

Little Hermit Phaethornis longuemareus (S) Seen near Paramaribo. A key Suriname species.

Reddish Hermit Phaethornis ruber (S) Seen at Zintete.

Sooty-capped Hermit Phaethornis augusti Seen near Surama.

Straight-billed Hermit Phaethornis bourcieri (S) Recorded at Zintete.

Long-tailed Hermit Phaethornis superciliosus (G) Comes to the feeders at Atta.

Black-eared Fairy Heliothryx auritus (S) One seen at Brownsberg.

White-tailed Goldenthroat Polytmus guainumbi (G) One seen near Karasabai.

Ruby-topaz Hummingbird Chrysolampis mosquitus (S) Leader only female at Brownsberg.

Racket-tailed Coquette ◊ Discosura longicaudus (S) A fine male at Brownsberg.

Tufted Coquette ◊ Lophornis ornatus (S) A couple at Brownsberg.

Blue-tailed Emerald Chlorostilbon mellisugus (G) Several noted at Moka Moka

Grey-breasted Sabrewing Campylopterus largipennis (G/S) A few seen at Atta

Fork-tailed Woodnymph Thalurania furcata (G/S) A single male at Atta.

White-chested Emerald Chrysuronia brevirostris (G) Several noted near Moka Moka

Plain-bellied Emerald ◊ Chrysuronia leucogaster (G) Several found on the coastal plain and in Georgetown.

Glittering-throated Emerald Chionomesa fimbriata (G/S) Commonly seen in the south.

Rufous-throated Sapphire Hylocharis sapphirine (G) A few seen at Moka Moka

Greater Ani Crotophaga major (G) Seen at Surama and elsewhere.

Smooth-billed Ani Crotophaga ani (G/S) Common.

Striped Cuckoo Tapera naevia (G/S) Several heard.

RUFOUS-WINGED GROUND CUCKOO ◊ Neomorphus rufipennis (G) A pair watched for over an hour at Surama and a different bird watched on another trail. A quite extraordinary experience with this species this year. This species does not occur in Suriname.

Little Cuckoo Coccycua minuta (G/S) Seen along the Mahaica river and near Zintete.

Squirrel Cuckoo Piaya cayana (G/S) Very few seen or heard.

Black-bellied Cuckoo Piaya melanogaster (G) One seen at Atta.

Rock Dove (introduced) Columba livia (G/S) Common in Georgetown.

Scaled Pigeon Patagioenas speciosa (G) Noted at Surama and Atta.

Pale-vented Pigeon Patagioenas cayennensis (G/S) Seen Moka Moka.

Plumbeous Pigeon Patagioenas plumbea(G) Heard at Atta.

Ruddy Pigeon Patagioenas subvinacea (G/S) One seen along the Surama access road and other heard.

Common Ground Dove Columbina passerine (G/S) Abundant in the south.

Plain-breasted Ground Dove Columbina minuta (G) Common in the south.

Ruddy Ground Dove Columbina talpacoti (G/S) A few seen around Georgetown.

Blue Ground Dove Claravis pretiosa (G/S) Heard at Moka Moka. Seen at Zintete.

Ruddy Quail-Dove Geotrygon montana (S) Heard at Brownsberg.

VIOLACEOUS QUAIL-DOVEGeotrygon violacea (S) An extraordinary find at Brownsberg. This is an easily overlooked species that greatly resembles Grey-fronted Dove. We were able to watch an individual for some time as it fed on a broad track. When it flew it displayed a bright rufous back and tail with no white tips to the retrices. This is an area where there are historical records but none recently.

White-tipped Dove Leptotila verreauxi (G/S) Commonly seen.

Grey-fronted Dove Leptotila rufaxilla (G/S) Noted at Surama, Iwokrama and Atta. A very pretty species.

Eared Dove Zenaida auriculata (G/S) Abundant in the savannas.

OCELLATED CRAKE Micropygia schomburgii (G) A single bird seen at close quarters in the savannas.

Ash-throated Crake Mustelirallus albicollis (G) A pair seen well at Surama.

Uniform Crake Amaurolimnas concolor (G) Heard at Karanambu.

Grey-cowled Wood Rail Aramides cajaneus (G) A pair seen at Karanambu.

Grey-winged Trumpeter ◊ Psophia crepitans (G/S) A group of 9 at Surama, 15 at Iwokrama and 12 at Atta.

Limpkin Aramus guarauna (G/S) Seen at numerous sites.

Southern Lapwing Vanellus chilensis (G/S) A great many seen.

Grey Plover (Black-bellied P) Pluvialis squatarola (G) Recorded at City mudflats watchpoint.

Semipalmated Plover Charadrius semipalmatus (G) Recorded at City mudflats watchpoint.

Pied Plover Hoploxypterus cayanus (G) Seen Karanambu and Iwokrama.

Wattled Jacana Jacana jacana (G/S) A common species.

Hudsonian Whimbrel Numenius hudsonicus (G) Recorded at City mudflats watchpoint.

Least Sandpiper Calidris minutilla (G) Common at City mudflats watchpoint.

White-rumped Sandpiper Calidris fuscicollis (G) One recorded at City mudflats watchpoint.

Semipalmated Sandpiper Calidris pusilla (G) Thousands recorded at City mudflats watchpoint.

Short-billed Dowitcher Limnodromus griseus (G) One at City mudflats watchpoint.

Spotted Sandpiper Actitis macularius (G) Common throughout.

Solitary Sandpiper Tringa solitaria (G) Commonly seen in the savannas.

Lesser Yellowlegs Tringa flavipes (G) Common at City mudflats watchpoint.

Willet Tringa semipalmata (G) Small numbers at City mudflats watchpoint.

Greater Yellowlegs Tringa melanoleuca (G) Recorded at City mudflats watchpoint.

Black Skimmer Rynchops niger (G) Four along the Takatu river. Three at Iwokrama River lodge.

Gull-billed Tern Gelochelidon nilotica (G) Recorded at City mudflats watchpoint.

Yellow-billed Tern Sternula superciliaris (G) A few seen at Iwokrama.

Large-billed Tern Phaetusa simplex (G) Common at Karanambu and Iwokrama.

Sunbittern Eurypyga helias (G) Seen at Karanambu.

Wood Stork Mycteria americana (G) Large numbers at Karanambu.

Jabiru Jabiru mycteria (G) A surprising number at Karanambu.

Maguari Stork Ciconia maguari (G) A single bird seen near Manari ranch.

Anhinga Anhinga anhinga (G) Seen at Karanambu.

Neotropic Cormorant Nannopterum brasilianum (G) Seen at Karanambu and Iwokrama.

Buff-necked Ibis Theristicus caudatus (G) Commonly seen in the southern savannas.

Sharp-tailed Ibis ◊ Cercibis oxycerca (G) A single bird seen nice and close at Wichabai.

Green Ibis Mesembrinibis cayennensis (G) Seen at many sites throughout.

Scarlet Ibis Eudocimus ruber (G) Hundreds along the coast and at City mudflats watchpoint.

Roseate Spoonbill Platalea ajaja (G) Numerous at Karanambu.

Rufescent Tiger Heron Tigrisoma lineatum (G) One seen at Surama.

Zigzag Heron ◊ Zebrilus undulatus (G) Heard at Surama and Iwokrama.

Pinnated Bittern Botaurus pinnatus (G) 7 seen near Manari ranch.

Black-crowned Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax (G) Smal numbers throughout.

Yellow-crowned Night Heron Nyctanassa violacea (G) Recorded at City mudflats watchpoint.

Striated Heron Butorides striata (G) Small numbers throughout.

Western Cattle Egret Bubulcus ibis (G) Small numbers throughout.

Cocoi Heron Ardea cocoi (G) Commonly seen along rivers throughout.

Great Egret Ardea alba  (G) Very common at Karanambu.

Capped Heron Pilherodius pileatus (G) Several noted at Karanambu. One at Atta.

Tricolored Heron Egretta tricolor (G) Common in the north of Guyana.

Little Blue Heron Egretta caerulea A few seen at many sites throughout.

Snowy Egret Egretta thula (G/S) Seen in large numbers at Karanambu.

Hoatzin Opisthocomus hoazin (G) Recorded along the Mahaica river.

King Vulture Sarcoramphus papa (G/S) Six seen at a Jaguar kill at Atta.

Black Vulture Coragyps atratus (G/S) Common.

Turkey Vulture (G/S) Cathartes aura Widespread and common.

Lesser Yellow-headed Vulture Cathartes burrovianus (G) Common in the southern savannas.

Greater Yellow-headed Vulture Cathartes melambrotus (G/S) First seen at Surama.

Osprey (American O) Pandion [haliaetus] carolinensis (G) A few seen along most river sites.

White-tailed Kite Elanus leucurus (G) Several seen near Lethem.

Grey-headed Kite Leptodon cayanensis (S) Heard at Zintete and Brownsberg.

Swallow-tailed Kite Elanoides forficatus (G/S) A few noted.

Harpy Eagle ◊ Harpia harpyja (G) One landed above our heads while we were watching the Ground-cuckoos. Another heard at Iwokrama.

Black Hawk-Eagle Spizaetus tyrannus (S) One near Brownsweg.

Double-toothed Kite Harpagus bidentatus (S) An adult at Zintete and another at Brownsberg.

Long-winged Harrier Circus buffoni (G) Seen near Manari ranch and Mahaica.

Plumbeous Kite Ictinia plumbea (G/S) Common in the south.

Black-collared Hawk Busarellus nigricollis (G/S) Seen in several locations.

Snail Kite Rostrhamus sociabilis (G/S) Common around Georgetown,

Slender-billed Kite Helicolestes hamatus (S) Seen south of Paramaribo and again at Zintete.

Crane Hawk Geranospiza caerulescens (G) A couple noted near Karasabai.

Rufous Crab Hawk ◊ Buteogallus aequinoctialis (G) Recorded along the coastal road.

Savanna Hawk Buteogallus meridionalis (G) Common in the south.

Great Black Hawk Buteogallus urubitinga (G) A few at Karanambu and Atta.

Roadside Hawk Rupornis magnirostris (G/S) Very few seen.

White-tailed Hawk Geranoaetus albicaudatus (G) Common in the savannas.

White Hawk Pseudastur albicollis (G/S) One seen at Atta and another at Zintete.

Black-faced Hawk ◊ Leucopternis melanops (G) Heard at Surama and Atta.

Grey-lined Hawk Buteo nitidus (G) Recorded at the Botanical gardens and seen also in Suriname.

Short-tailed Hawk Buteo brachyurus (G) A pair seen at Turtle mountain.

Zone-tailed Hawk Buteo albonotatus (G) Seen in the Botanical gardens in Georgetown.

Burrowing Owl Athene cunicularia (G/S) A few noted in the southern savannas.

Amazonian Pygmy Owl Glaucidium hardyi (S) Calling daily at Zintete where one seen well.

Ferruginous Pygmy Owl Glaucidium brasilianum (G) Seen at Manari ranch.

Great Horned Owl Bubo virginianus (G) Found in the Botanical gardens.

Tropical Screech Owl Megascops choliba (G) Heard Manari and Surama.

Foothill Screech Owl ◊ (Rotaiman S O) Megascops [roraimae] roraimae (S) A single bird seen at Brownsberg and several others heard.

Tawny-bellied Screech Owl Megascops [watsonii] watsonii (G) A single bird at Surama. Heard elsewhere.

Striped Owl Asio clamator (S) A superb bird seen in Paramaribo

Crested Owl Lophostrix cristata (S) Heard near Zintete.

Black-banded Owl Strix huhula (G) One at Surama.

Green-backed Trogon (Amazonian White-tailed T) Trogon viridis (G/S) Common from Karasabai to Atta.

Guianan Trogon Trogon violaceus (G/S) Numerous at Iwokrama.

Black-throated Trogon Trogon rufus (G/S) Heard at Atta and seen on Brownsberg.

Amazon Kingfisher Chloroceryle amazona (G/S) Not uncommon.

Green Kingfisher Chloroceryle americana (G/S) Uncommonly common.

Green-and-rufous Kingfisher Chloroceryle inda (G) Seen Karanambu.

Ringed Kingfisher Megaceryle torquata  (G/S) Not uncommonly common.

Amazonian Motmot Momotus momota (G/S) Heard at Surama, where rare. Seen Suriname.

Brown Jacamar Brachygalba lugubris (S) Seen near Zintete, where common.

Yellow-billed Jacamar Galbula albirostris (G/S) Three seen at Iwokrama river lodge.

Rufous-tailed Jacamar Galbula ruficauda (G) Recorded along the Takatu river.

Green-tailed Jacamar Galbula galbula (G/S) Common in rainforest.

Bronzy Jacamar Galbula leucogastra  (G/S) Recorded at the Mori scrub and Zanderij .

Paradise Jacamar Galbula dea (G) A common roadside species in Iwokrama.

Great Jacamar Jacamerops aureus (G) Seen first at Surama.

Guianan Puffbird Notharchus macrorhynchos (G) A commonly seen species in Iwokrama.

Pied Puffbird Notharchus tectus (S) Found around the lodge at Zintete.

Spotted Puffbird Bucco tamatia (G) A commonly heard and seen species at Karanambu.

Collared Puffbird Bucco capensis (S) A pair found near Zintete

Black Nunbird Monasa atra (G/S) Commonly recorded.

Swallow-winged Puffbird Chelidoptera tenebrosa (G/S) Noted throughout.

Black-spotted Barbet Capito niger (G/S) A few noted.

Green Aracari Pteroglossus viridis (G/S) Noted from Karasabai.

Black-necked Aracari Pteroglossus aracari (G/S) Several at Iwokrama and common Atta.

Guianan Toucanet ◊ Selenidera piperivora (G/S) Heard Iwokrama, seen Atta and Suriname.

Channel-billed Toucan Ramphastos vitellinus (G/S) Common.

Toco Toucan Ramphastos toco (G) Seen in the Botanical Gardens and along the Mahaica river.

White-throated Toucan Ramphastos tucanus (G/S) Common

Golden-spangled Piculet Picumnus exilis (G) Seen Karanambu.

White-bellied Piculet ◊ Picumnus spilogaster (G) Seen along the Takatu river and also at Karasabai.

White-bellied Piculet ◊ Picumnus [spilogaster] spilogaster (G) Seen on the coast.

Arrowhead Piculet ◊ Picumnus minutissimus (S) Seen around Paramaribo.

White-barred Piculet Picumnus cirratus  (G) Recorded widely in the southern savannas now.

Yellow-tufted Woodpecker Melanerpes cruentatus (G/S) Recorded at Atta and Suriname sites.

Little Woodpecker Veniliornis passerinus (G) Heard only along the Takatu river.

Blood-coloured Woodpecker ◊ Veniliornis sanguineus (G) Seen in the Botanical Gardens in Georgetown.

Golden-collared Woodpecker ◊ Veniliornis cassini (G/S) Found nesting at Karanambu.

Yellow-throated Woodpecker Piculus flavigula (G/S) Always see a few. Mainly Surama and Iwokrama.

Golden-olive Woodpecker Colaptes rubiginosus (S) A few in Suriname.

Spot-breasted Woodpecker Colaptes punctigula (G) Recorded along the Mahaica river.

Waved Woodpecker ◊ Celeus undatus (G/S) A common woodpecker in Iwokrama.

Chestnut Woodpecker Celeus elegans (G) Distinct nominate form seen at Karasabai and Karanambu and again in Suriname at Brownsberg.

Cream-coloured Woodpecker Celeus flavus (G) Seen at Karanambu.

Ringed Woodpecker Celeus torquatus (G) An uncommon species in Iwokrama.

Lineated Woodpecker Dryocopus lineatus (G/S) The default large woodpecker.

Red-necked Woodpecker Campephilus rubricollis (G/S) Not uncommon in tall rainforest.

Crimson-crested Woodpecker Campephilus melanoleucos (G/S) Good to see so many.

Red-throated Caracara Ibycter americanus (G/S) Seen in tall forest.

Crested Caracara Caracara plancus (G/S) Very common throughout.

Yellow-headed Caracara Milvago chimachima  (G/S) Abundant

Laughing Falcon Herpetotheres cachinans (G) Heard Karanambu

Barred Forest Falcon Micrastur ruficollis (G) Seen Karanambu

Lined Forest Falcon Micrastur gilvicollis (S) A pair at Brownsberg.

American Kestrel Falco sparverius (G/S) Common in the savannas.

Bat Falcon Falco rufigularis (G/S) A few pairs notes.

Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus (G) Leader only, recorded in the Botanical gardens.

LILAC-TAILED PARROTLET ◊ Touit batavicus (S) A small flock noted at Atta and a larger flock at Zintete.

Golden-winged Parakeet Brotogeris chrysoptera (G/S) A common roadside species in Iwokrama.

Caica Parrot Pyrilia caica  (G/S) 2 seen at Iwokrama, 2 at Atta seen briefly. 2 near Zintete.

Dusky Parrot Pionus fuscus (S) 2 seen near Zintete.

Blue-headed Parrot Pionus menstruus (G/S) Another common roadside species in Iwokrama.

Blue-cheeked Amazon ◊ Amazona dufresniana (G) Several pairs of this rare species at Atta.

Yellow-crowned Amazon Amazona ochrocephala (G/S) Another numerous Amazona

Mealy Amazon Amazona farinose (G/S) Seen in the south at in the Botanical gardens.

Orange-winged Amazon Amazona amazonica (G/S) The common Amazona.

Green-rumped Parrotlet Forpus passerinus (G/S) Easily seen in Georgetown.

Black-headed Parrot Pionites melanocephalus (G/S) A few noted in both Guyana and Suriname.

Red-fan Parrot Deroptyus accipitrinus (G/S) Seen around the clearing at Atta.

Painted Parakeet Pyrrhura picta (G/S) Seen from Surama in all rainforests.

Brown-throated Parakeet Eupsittula pertinax (G/S) Common.

Sun Parakeet ◊ Aratinga solstitialis (G) It took until 3.30pm to find this species.

White-eyed Parakeet Aratinga leucophthalma (S) Commonly recorded in Suriname.

Red-bellied Macaw Orthopsittaca manilatus (G/S) Seen in the southern Savannas.

Blue-and-yellow Macaw Ara ararauna (G) Seen in the Botanical gardens (where released) and at Iwokrama.

Scarlet Macaw Ara macao (G) Several pairs at Atta.

Red-and-green Macaw Ara chloropterus (G/S) The common Macaw,

Red-shouldered Macaw Diopsittaca nobilis (G/S) Seen in Georgetown and the southern savannas.

White-chinned Woodcreeper Dendrocincla merula (G/S) Leader only. Seen Zintete.

Plain-brown Woodcreeper Dendrocincla fuliginosa (G/S) Common.

Wedge-billed Woodcreeper Glyphorynchus spirurus (G/S) Several seen by all.

Cinnamon-throated Woodcreeper Dendrexetastes rufigula (G) Heard Atta.

Amazonian Barred Woodcreeper Dendrocolaptes certhia (G/S) A common ant swarm attendant.

Black-banded Woodcreeper Dendrocolaptes picumnus (G/S) Heard Guyana and Suriname.

Strong-billed Woodcreeper Xiphocolaptes promeropirhynchus (G) Heard Guyana.

Striped Woodcreeper Xiphorhynchus obsoletus (G) Commonly recorded in flood plain forest

Chestnut-rumped Woodcreeper Xiphorhynchus pardalotus (G/S) Common

Buff-throated Woodcreeper  Xiphorhynchus guttatus (G/S) Very numerous.

Straight-billed Woodcreeper Dendroplex picus (G) In riparian woodlands in the south and the botanical gardens.

Streak-headed Woodcreeper Lepidocolaptes souleyetii (G) In riparian woodlands along the Takatu river.

Guianan Woodcreeper Lepidocolaptes albolineatus (G)/S) Seen at Atta.

Point-tailed Palmcreeper Berlepschia rikeri (S) Heard near Zanderij.

Plain Xenops Xenops genibarbis (G/S) Recorded in tall rainforests.

Pale-legged Hornero Furnarius leucopus (S) Common along rivers and swampy forests.

Cinnamon-rumped Foliage-gleaner Philydor pyrrhodes (S) Seen near Zintete

Ochre-throated Foliage-gleaner Automolus ochrolaemus (S) Heard near Zintete.

Chestnut-crowned Foliage-gleaner Automous rufipileatus(S) A pair near Zintete.

Yellow-chinned Spinetail Certhiaxis cinnamomeus (G/S) Common

Plain-crowned Spinetail Synallaxis gujanensis (S) Common in Suriname.

McConnell’s Spinetail Synallaxis macconnelli (S) Heard near Zintete.

Ruddy Spinetail Synallaxis rutilans (S) A pair near Zinete.

Pale-breasted Spinetail Synallaxis albescens (G) Found in open savanna.

Hoary-throated Spinetail ◊ Synallaxis kollari (G) Several seen along the Takatu and Ireng rivers in riparian woodland.

Brown-bellied Stipplethroat ◊ Epinecrophylla gutturalis (G/S) A common understorey leaf specialist.

Black-throated Antbird Myrmophylax atrothorax (S) Recorded near Zintete.

Pygmy Antwren Myrmotherula brachyura (G) Recorded at Iwokrama.

Guianan Streaked Antwren Myrmotherula surinamensis (G/S) A pair seen at Atta.

White-flanked Antwren Myrmotherula axillaris (G/S) A common understorey flock species.

Long-winged Antwren Myrmotherula longipennis (G/S) A common understorey flock species.

Grey Antwren Myrmotherula menetriesii (G/S) A common understorey flock species.

Southern White-fringed Antwren Formicivora grisea (G/S) A common dry woodland and scrub species.

Rufous-bellied Antwren ◊ Isleria guttata (G) A common forest floor species.

Dusky-throated Antshrike Thamnomanes ardesiacus (G/S) The common understorey flock leader species.

Cinereous Antshrike Thamnomanes caesius (G/S) Another common understorey flock leader species.

Spot-tailed Antwren ◊ Herpsilochmus sticturus (G/S)

Todd’s Antwren ◊ Herpsilochmus stictocephalus (G/S)

Band-tailed Antshrike ◊ Thamnophilus melanothorax (S) A key target species, seen by some of us.

Barred Antshrike Thamnophilus doliatus (G/S) Recorded along the Mahaica river.

Mouse-coloured Antshrike Thamnophilus murinus (G/S) Common

Northern Slaty Antshrike Thamnophilus punctatus (G/S) Common.

Amazonian Antshrike Thamnophilus amazonicus (G/S) Singleton recorded Atta. Common Brownsberg.

Black-crested Antshrike Sakesphorus canadensis (G/S) Common

Fasciated Antshrike Cymbilaimus lineatus (G/S) Heard at Atta and Surama.

Great Antshrike Taraba major (S) Heard near Zintete.

Black-throated Antshrike ◊ Frederickena viridis (G/S) A single bird heard at Atta and another at Zintete.

White-plumed Antbird Pithys albifrons (G/S) Several pairs at an antswarm at Surama.

Rufous-throated Antbird ◊ Gymnopithys rufigula (G/S) Several pairs at an antswarm at Surama.

Common Scale-backed Antbird Willisornis poecilinotus (G) A couple near Surama.

Guianan Warbling Antbird Hypocnemis cantator (G/S) Common

Blackish Antbird Cercomacroides nigrescens (S) Highly disjunct nominate form found in Suriname. Clearly a distinct species.

Dusky Antbird Cercomacroides tyrannina (G) Common

Grey Antbird Cercomacra cinerascens (G/S) Commonly recorded in viney tangles in humid rainforest.

Rio Branco Antbird ◊ Cercomacra carbonaria (G) A stunning pair along the Ireng river.

Ferruginous-backed Antbird ◊ Myrmoderus ferrugineus (G/S) Not uncommon.

WING-BANDED ANTBIRD Mryrmornis torquata (G) A pair seen near Surama. Only the second record for this area.

Black-chinned Antbird Hypocnemoides melanopogon (G) Not uncommon.

Spot-backed Antbird Hylophylax naevius (S) A few seen on Brownsberg.

Silvered Antbird Sclateria naevia (G/S) Heard along the Mahaica river and in Suriname.

White-bellied Antbird Myrmeciza longipes (G) Commonly recorded in scrubby woodlands.

White-browed Antbird Myrmoborus leucophrys (G/S) Several seen at Karanambu.

Black-headed Antbird Percnostola rufifrons (S) Common in Suriname.

Rufous-capped Antthrush Formicarius colma (G/S) Seen at Surama.

Black-faced Antthrush Formicarius analis (S) Seen at Brownsberg, Suriname.

Spotted Antpitta ◊ Hylopezus macularius (G/S) One showed very well in tall floodplain rainforest.

Thrush-like Antpitta Myrmothera campanisona (S) Heard at Zintete and Brownsberg.

Variegated Antpitta Grallaria varia (S) Heard at Brownsberg, where seasonally vocal.

Wing-barred Piprites Piprites chloris (G/S) Heard in Guyana. Common on Brownsberg.

Yellow-crowned Tyrannulet Tyrannulus elatus (G/S) Commonly recorded throughout.

Yellow-bellied Elaenia Elaenia flavogaster (G/S) Commonly recorded in savannas and scrubby woodlands.

Plain-crested Elaenia Elaenia cristata (S)

Lesser Elaenia Elaenia chiriquensis (G) Commonly recorded in savanna habitats.

Rufous-crowned Elaenia ◊ Elaenia ruficeps (G/S) Seen in white sand scrub and light woodlands.

White-lored Tyrannulet Ornithion inerme (G/S) Several seen at Atta and heard elsewhere.

Northern Mouse-coloured Tyrannulet Nesotriccus incomtus (G) Commonly recorded in riparian woodlands.

Bearded Tachuri ◊ Polystictus pectoralis (G) An uncommon species of tall grasslands.

Crested Doradito ◊ Pseudocolopteryx sclateri (G) A rare and localised species of damp grasslands.

Guianan Tyrannulet Zimmerius acer (G/S) A common species of rainforests.

Ochre-bellied (Flycatcher) Mionectes Mionectes oleagineus (G) A fruit-eating species that leks

McConnell’s (Flycatcher) Mionectes Mionectes macconnelli (S) Found at a fruiting tree.

Pale-tipped Inezia Inezia caudata (G) Commonly recorded in scrubby woodlands.

Short-tailed Pygmy Tyrant Myiornis ecaudatus (G/S) Great views of this stunning forest gem.

Double-banded Pygmy Tyrant Lophotriccus vitiosus (S) Heard and briefly seen at Zintete.

Helmeted Pygmy Tyrant Lophotriccus galeatus (G/S) Commonly recorded in tall rainforest.

Pale-eyed Pygmy Tyrant Atalotriccus pilaris (G) Commonly recorded in scrubby woodlands.

Slaty-headed Tody-Flycatcher Poecilotriccus sylvia (G) Recorded in scrubby woodlands and riparian thickets.

Spotted Tody-Flycatcher Todirostrum maculatum (G) Commonly recorded in riparian woodlands.

Common Tody-Flycatcher Todirostrum cinereum (G/S) Common, as the name suggests.

Painted Tody-Flycatcher ◊ Todirostrum pictum (G/S) Common at Atta.

Yellow-margined Flatbill Tolmomyias assimilis (G/S) Commonly recorded in tall rainforest.

Ochre-lored Flatbill Tolmomyias flaviventris (G/S) Commonly recorded in scrubby woodlands.

White-crested Spadebill Platyrinchus platyrhynchos (G) Commonly recorded in tall primary rainforests.

Vermilion Flycatcher Pyrocephalus obscurus (G) Commonly recorded in scrubby savannas.

Pied Water Tyrant Fluvicola pica (G/S)

White-headed Marsh Tyrant Arundinicola leucocephala (G/S)

Long-tailed Tyrant Colonia colonus (S)

Piratic Flycatcher Legatus leucophaius (G/S) Common

Rusty-margined Flycatcher Myiozetetes cayanensis (G/S) Common

Dusky-chested Flycatcher Myiozetetes luteiventris (S) A less than numerous denizen of rainforest canopies.

Great Kiskadee Pitangus sulphuratus (G/S) Common

Lesser Kiskadee Philohydor lictor (G/S) Regularly seen.

Yellow-throated Flycatcher Conopias parvus (G/S) Canopy tyrannid.

Streaked Flycatcher Myiodynastes maculatus (G) A few noted.

Boat-billed Flycatcher Megarynchus pitangua (G/S)

Variegated Flycatcher Empidonomus varius (G/S)

White-throated Kingbird Tyrannus albigularis (G)

Tropical Kingbird Tyrannus melancholicus (G/S) Common

Fork-tailed Flycatcher Tyrannus savana (G/S) Very numerous.

Grey Kingbird Tyrannus dominicensis (G)

Greyish Mourner Rhytipterna simplex (G/S) Recorded at Atta and Karanambu.

Dusky-capped Flycatcher Myiarchus tuberculifer (G) One found in the southern savannas.

Short-crested Flycatcher Myiarchus ferox (G/S) Commonly recorded in humid forest edge habitats.

Brown-crested Flycatcher Myiarchus tyrannulus (G/S) Commonly recorded in drier scrubby woodlands.

Eastern Olivaceous Flatbill Rhamphotrigon olivaceus (G) One seen at Turtle mountain and another at Iwokrama.

Cinnamon Attila Attila cinnamomeus (G/S) Seen in the white sand forest at Atta and the Botanical gardens.

Bright-rumped Attila Attila spadiceus (G) Heard at Atta.

Guianan Cock-of-the-rock ◊ Rupicola rupicola (G) Three seen at the much-visited lek in Iwokrama.

Guianan Red Cotinga ◊ Phoenicircus carnifex (G) A couple seen at Atta. A stunning species.

CRIMSON FRUITCROW ◊ Haematoderus militaris (G) A pair of females. As usual Birdquest is the first group to see this species ‘in the season’.

Purple-throated Fruitcrow Querula purpurata (G/S) Common.

Capuchinbird ◊ Perissocephalus tricolor (G/S) A not uncommon denizen of tall rainforest.

Screaming Piha Lipaugus vociferans (G/S) Commonly recorded in rainforests.

Spangled Cotinga Cotinga cayana (G) A stunning bird.

Purple-breasted Cotinga ◊ Cotinga cotinga (G) Several seen near Surama.

Pompadour Cotinga ◊ Xipholena punicea (G) Commonly seen at Atta.

Tiny Tyrant-Manakin Tyranneutes virescens (S) Heard at several localities and glimpsed by some at Zintete.

Saffron-crested Tyrant-Manakin ◊ Neopelma chrysocephalum (G/S) White sand forest, where generally uncommon.

Pale-bellied Tyrant-Manakin ◊ Neopelma pallescens (G) A single bird found at Wichabai in riparian woodland.

Blue-backed Manakin Chiroxiphia pareola (G) Commonly recorded in tall scrubby woodlands.

White-throated Manakin Corapipo gutturalis (G) Noted at Surama.

Black Manakin ◊ Xenopipo atronitens (G/S) A couple briefly seen.

White-fronted Manakin ◊ (SUR) Lepidothrix serena (S) A splendid manakin seen on the Marazoni plateau.

White-bearded Manakin Manacus manacus (S) Common in Suriname

Crimson-hooded Manakin ◊ Pipra aureola (S) A stunner we only see in Suriname.

White-crowned Manakin Pseudopipra pipra (G/S) Common

Golden-headed Manakin Ceratopipra erythrocephala (G/S) Equally common.

Whiskered Myiobius Myiobius barbatus (G/S) A single bird noted at Surama. Another near Zintete lodge.

Ruddy-tailed Flycatcher Terenotriccus erythrurus (G/S) Heard only, but not looked for.

Black-tailed Tityra Tityra cayana (G) A few noted.

Guianan Schiffornis ◊ Schiffornis olivacea (G/S) One briefly in white sand forest near Atta. Another at Brownsberg.

Cinereous Mourner Laniocera hypopyrra (G) Recorded in floodplain forest at Surama.

Dusky Purpletuft ◊ Iodopleura fusca (G) Several noted at Surama.

White-naped Xenopsaris ◊ Xenopsaris albinucha (G) Seen on the savannas.

Cinereous Becard Pachyramphus rufus (G) Commonly recorded in scrubby woodlands.

White-winged Becard Pachyramphus polychopterus (S) A few heard.

Black-capped Becard Pachyramphus marginatus (G/S) Commonly recorded in tall rainforest.

Green-backed Becard Pachyrhamhus viridis(S) A female seen near Zintete. A rare bird in Suriname.

Rufous-browed Peppershrike Cyclarhis gujanensis (G) Seen at many sites.

Ashy-headed Greenlet Hylophilus pectoralis (G/S) Very common at Karasabai

Lemon-chested Greenlet Hylophilus thoracicus (G/S) Seen at Turtle mountain and at Iwokrama.

Tawny-crowned Greenlet Tunchiornis ochraceiceps (G/S) A common understorey flock species in Iwokrama.

Buff-cheeked Greenlet Pachysylvia muscicapina (G) A canopy flock bird.

Chivi Vireo Vireo chivi (G/S) A common bird.

Cayenne Jay ◊ Cyanocorax cayanus (G/S) Seen at many sites.

White-winged Swallow Tachycineta albiventer (G/S) Common at many sites.

White-banded Swallow Atticora fasciata (G/S) Seen at few sites; Essequibo river and Saramacca river.

Black-collared Swallow ◊ Pygochelidon melanoleuca (G) Seen along the Essequibo river near Iwokrama river lodge.

Southern Rough-winged Swallow Stelgidopteryx ruficollis (G/S) Seen at a few sites.

Brown-chested Martin Progne tapera (G) Seen at many sites in the open savannas.

Grey-breasted Martin Progne chalybea (G/S) Seen at many sites.

Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica (G/S) Migrating birds seen at many sites.

Black-capped Donacobius Donacobius atricapilla (G/S) A few noted.

Bicolored Wren Campylorhynchus griseus (G) Common in the south.

Coraya Wren Pheugopedius Coraya (G/S) Several pairs at Atta.

Buff-breasted Wren Cantorchilus leucotis (G/S) A common wren but not always easy to see.

House Wren Troglodytes aedon (G/S)

White-breasted Wood Wren Henicorhina leucosticte (S) A few noted.

Musician Wren Cyphorhinus arada (S) Superb views of this very distinctive Guianan taxon.

Trilling Gnatwren Ramphocaenus melanurus (G/S) Heard in Guyana and seen in Suriname.

Tropical Gnatcatcher Polioptila plumbea (G/S) Common

Tropical Mockingbird Mimus gilvus (G/S) Very common.

Campina Thrush ◊ Turdus arthuri (S) A recent split. Found only in stunted white sand scrub.

White-necked Thrush Turdus albicollis (G/S) Heard Guyana, seen Brownsberg in Suriname.

Pale-breasted Thrush Turdus leucomelas (G/S) The common thrush

Cocoa Thrush Turdus fumigatus (G/S) Seen at Surama and Zintete.

Spectacled Thrush (Bare-eyed T) Turdus nudigenis (G/S) Common in the south of Guyana

Yellowish Pipit Anthus chii (G) Quite numerous in the south of Guyana

RED SISKIN ◊ Spinus cucullatus (G) A truly amazing spectacle thus year. After a long search that only produced fleeting views of a couple of birds, we found a large flock of birds along the Rupununi river. This flocks comprised mostly males and must have numbered at least 30.

Finsch’s Euphonia ◊ Euphonia finschi (G) Common in the savannas.

Violaceous Euphonia Euphonia violacea (G/S) Recorded in the Botanical gardens and in many sites in Suriname.

Golden-sided Euphonia ◊ Euphonia cayenensis (G/S) Seen at Iwokrama and Zintete.

Golden-bellied Euphonia Euphonia chrysopasta (G/S) Several seen around the lodge at Zintete.

Grassland Sparrow Ammodramus humeralis (G) Common.

Eastern Meadowlark Sturnella magna (G) Common in the Rupununi.

Red-breasted Blackbird Leistes militaris (G/S) Common in open habitats.

Crested Oropendola Psarocolius decumanus (G/S) Recorded throughout.

Green Oropendola Psarocolius viridis (G/S) Common at Atta and elsewhere in Guyana.

Yellow-rumped Cacique Cacicus cela (G/S) A common species.

Red-rumped Cacique Cacicus haemorrhous (G) Common in Guyana.

Yellow Oriole Icterus nigrogularis (G) Recorded throughout Guyana.

Orange-backed Troupial Icterus croconotus (G) Increasing in the south.

Epaulet Oriole Icterus cayanensis (G) Common in the south

Moriche Oriole Icterus chrysocephalus (G/S)

Giant Cowbird Molothrus oryzivorus (G/S) Common at Atta and Iwokrama.

Shiny Cowbird Molothrus bonariensis (G/S) Common

Carib Grackle Quiscalus lugubris (G) Common in Guyana

Tropical Parula Setophaga pitiayumi (G/S) Noted in Suriname.

American Yellow Warbler Setophaga aestiva (G) Recorded in Georgetown.

Blackpoll Warbler Setophaga striata (G) One seen at Atta.

Red Tanager Piranga flava (G) Recorded in the south.

Rose-breasted Chat ◊ Granatellus pelzelni (G/S) A superb male seen along the highway at Atta. Heard in Suriname.

Yellow-green Grosbeak Caryothraustes canadensis (G/S) A group of six at Atta. Heard Suriname.

Red-and-black Grosbeak ◊ Periporphyrus erythromelas (G) Commonly recorded at Atta.

Amazonian Grosbeak (Rothschild’s G) Cyanoloxia rothschildii (G) Several seen at Atta.

Hooded Tanager ◊ Nemosia pileata (G) Common

Blue-backed Tanager ◊ Cyanicterus cyanicterus (S) A key target for the tour. This year only seen and heard in Suriname.

Green Honeycreeper Chlorophanes spiza (G/S)

Yellow-backed Tanager Hemithraupis flavicollis (G)

Purple Honeycreeper Cyanerpes caeruleus (G/S)

Red-legged Honeycreeper Cyanerpes cyaneus (G/S)

Blue Dacnis Dacnis cayana (G/S)

Black-faced Dacnis Dacnis lineata (G/S)

Olive-grey Saltator Saltator olivascens (G/S)

Buff-throated Saltator Saltator maximus (S)

Slate-coloured Grosbeak Saltator grossus (G/S) A single bird recorded at Atta. Heard in Suriname.

Bananaquit Coereba flaveola (G/S) Common

Blue-black Grassquit Volatinia jacarina (G/S) Also common.

Flame-crested Tanager Loriotus cristatus (G) A few noted at Atta and Surama.

Fulvous-crested Tanager Tachyphonus surinamus (G) Seen well at Atta.

White-lined Tanager Tachyphonus rufus (G) Common.

Red-shouldered Tanager ◊ Tachyphonus phoenicius (S) Several in the white sand forest.

Fulvous Shrike-Tanager Lanio fulvus (S) A flock leader.

Silver-beaked Tanager Ramphocelus carbo (G/S)

Grey Seedeater Sporophila intermedia (G) A few seen at Wichabai.

Wing-barred Seedeater Sporophila americana Leader only, recorded along the Mahaica river.

Chestnut-bellied Seed Finch Sporophila angolensis (G) A few at Atta.

Plumbeous Seedeater Sporophila plumbea (G) Common in the south.

Chestnut-bellied Seedeater Sporophila castaneiventris (G) Seen at Karanambu.

Ruddy-breasted Seedeater Sporophila minuta (G) Small numbers.

Bicolored Conebill Conirostrum bicolor Recorded at City mudflats watchpoint.

Chestnut-vented Conebill Conirostrum speciosum (G) Small numbers in the south.

Grassland Yellow Finch Sicalis luteola (G)

Black-faced Tanager Schistochlamys melanopis (G/S) Seen Karanambu and Zanderij.

Red-capped Cardinal Paroaria gularis (G/S) Small numbers.

Spotted Tanager Ixothraupis punctata (G) Uncommon

Blue-grey Tanager Thraupis episcopus (G/S) Common

Palm Tanager Thraupis palmarum (G/S) Common

Burnished-buff Tanager Stilpnia cayana (G) Common in the savannas.

Opal-rumped Tanager Tangara velia (G/S) Small numbers seen.

Turquoise Tanager Tangara Mexicana (G/S) Several Iwokrama and at the Botanical gardens.

Paradise Tanager Tangara chilensis (S) Seen at Zintete. Nowhere common in the Guianan region.



Murine Mouse Opossum Marmosa murina One along the highway at Atta.

Giant Anteater Myrmecophaga tridactyla Three seen very well near Manari ranch.

Brown-throated Three-toed Sloth Bradypus variegatus One at Atta, two in Suriname.

Crab-eating Fox Cerdocyon thous Recorded in the Rupununi savannas.

Tayra Eira barbara A ‘flavistic’ animal seen crossing the highway.

South American Coatimundi Nasua nasua A small group seen on several occasions at Karanambu.

White-lipped Peccary Tayassu pecariA large group, in excess of 80, seen on Turtle mountain. Accompanied by a large group of Grey-winged Trumpeters. Surrounded by Peccary and Trumpeters, an absolutely unforgettable experience!

Common Red Brocket Mazama americana Seen along the highway near Atta.

Greater Bulldog Bat (G Fishing B) Noctilio leporinus Recorded throughout.

Proboscis Bat Rhynchonycteris naso Commonly recorded.

Guianan Weeper Capuchin Cebus olivaceus Recorded in Guyana.

Guianan Squirrel Monkey Saimiri sciureus Recorded throughout.

Brown Capuchin Sapajus apella Common.

Midas Tamarin ◊ Saguinus midas Common in Suriname.

White-faced Saki Pithecia Pithecia Superb views of this rare monkey. Three at Iwokrama and seven on Brownsberg.

Brown-bearded Saki Chiroptes satanus Unfortunately, this Satanic monkey was only heard at Brownsberg.

Guianan Red Howler Alouatta macconnelli Recorded throughout.

Red-faced Black Spider Monkey Ateles paniscus Recorded Guyana and Suriname.

Common Red-rumped Agouti Dasyprocta leporine Recorded throughout.