2 - 19/23 July 2022
by János Oláh
Birds-of-paradise! All birdwatchers who remotely interested in birding abroad will dream about visiting this very special island with Bird-of-paradise aka Bop’s. Especially who has seen Sir David Attenborough’s various films about these avian aristocrats. We have been running birding tours to this remote corner of the World for a long time and our classic tour has a lot to offer. New Guinea is the second-largest island in the world and to this day remains one of the wildest, most sparsely settled regions on earth. Over 700 species of birds are found here, the world’s richest island avifauna and nearly half of these are found nowhere else! Apart from Bop’s there is so much else to attract the birdwatcher like strange mound-builders, a gorgeous array of doves, pigeons, parrots and kingfishers (all of which reach their greatest diversity on Earth here), sinister-looking frogmouths, skulking jewel-babblers, exquisite fairy-wrens, brightly coloured flycatchers, confusing honeyeaters and fascinating bowerbirds to mention just some of the highlights. The island of New Guinea also holds seven endemic bird families, including the monotypic Wattled Ploughbill (family Eulacestomatidae), the monotypic Blue-capped Ifrit (family Ifritidae), the longbills and berrypeckers (family Melanocharitidae), the painted berrypeckers (family Paramythiidae), Mottled Berryhunter (formerly Mottled Whistler, family Rhagologidae), the satinbirds (family Cnemophilidae) and the melampittas (family Melampittidae), making it an absolutely key destination for anyone wanting to see all the world’s bird families.
This was our first tour since 2019 and the covid misery. We also had the pleasure to be in PNG right in a middle of an election year which does not help with general logistics in this country. Flights are notoriously unreliable and we just got a taste of this in 2022 as well. However what we saw and experienced in this truly amazing island is what really matters and considering our difficulties and reduced time at some locations we did well with seeing all the endemic families, a total of 21 species of Birds-of-Paradise, stunning Sclater’s Crowned Pigeons, four species of owlet-nightjars, the fantastic New Guinea Harpy Eagle, mind-blowing male Flame Bowerbird at its bower, three species of tiger parrots in amongst 25 other species of parrots, fantastic Blue and Chestnut-backed Jewel-babblers, a male Painted Quail-thrush, shy Brown-headed and Little Paradise Kingfishers, skulking Papuan Pitta, the very rare Campbell’s Fairywren and lots of exciting honeyeaters. Our short extension to New Britain yielded the rare Golden Masked Owl, New Britain Boobook, the shy Bronze Ground Dove, the smart-looking Black Honey Buzzard and the fantastic Black-capped Paradise and White-mantled Kingfishers. We have recorded 366 bird species on this tour as well as an outstanding 20 species of mammals.
Out tour started in Port Moresby and after a morning arrival we wasted no time to get out on the field. This was our first visit to the nearby Varirata National Park which is located just above the capital city at the edge of the Sogeri Plateau. Although by the time we got there it was not exactly early morning we explored the park and had a great introduction to the amazing birdlife of New Guinea. After our arrival we got great looks of Yellow-billed Kingfisher, Zoe’s Imperial Pigeon and Brown Orioles while along the trails we tracked down some top birds like roosting Barred Owlet-nightjars, a fantastic adult Forest Bittern, a pair of Brown-headed Paradise Kingfishers, a male Painted Quail-thrush, Growling Riflebird and several Raggiana Bird-of-Paradise. It was a great day and we were eager to get back next day! We did, and in the early hours we experienced the fantastic display of the Raggiana Bop’s. We just stood there and soaked in the experience, something all participants will remember for a long time! It was hard to drag ourselves away but there were some other special birds we were after. Most of the morning we explored various trails and although birding was slow as usual in forest habitats but eventually managed to find the localised Drongo Fantail, the shy and skulking Papuan Scrub Robin, Rusty Mouse Warbler and Sooty Thicket Fantail. The supporting cast was also interesting and included White-crowned Koel, Wompoo, Superb and Pink-spotted Fruit Doves, Yellow-bellied, Fairy and Green-backed Gerygonies, Pale-billed Scrubwren, Hooded Pitohui, Chestnut-bellied Fantail, Spot-winged and Frilled Monarchs as well as White-faced Robin and Olive Fly Robin. In the drier forest habitat Black-capped Lories, Eclectus and Red-cheeked Parrots, New Guinea Friarbirds, White-throated and Mimic Honeyeaters, Papuan Black Myzomelas and Yellow-faced Mynas were found but the usual White-bellied Whistler was nowhere to be found. On our way back to Port Moresby we stopped at the PAU grounds where we found Channel-billed Cuckoos, Orange-bellied Fruit Doves, Torresian Imperial Pigeons, Fawn-breasted Bowerbirds, Rufous-banded Honeyeaters, Black-backed Butcherbirds, Grey-headed Mannikins and Singing Starling.
Next day we flew to Kiunga and drove to the Tabubil area. This area has a huge Australian run copper mine and it was amongst the first birding destinations where visitors could explore the foothills of the Star Mountains. It still has extensive forest fed by one of the highest rainfalls in the world. Getting suitable weather for birding here is a key factor of success. Having said that it is clearly less rainy as it was 20 years ago, the area is changing. It was late afternoon when we arrived to the vicinity of the town and we spent our time to find the scarce, river-dwelling Salvadori’s Teal. It was a sunny afternoon and although it took some time, we got excellent scope views of these smart ducks, a special bird in this area. Early next morning we drove to Dublin Creek where a new gate was erected since covid and access to the steep and short rail was somewhat delayed. Eventually we got in and had some great birds on a lovely sunny morning! This used to be the site for Queen Carola’s Parotia and we were still hoping to find these amazing Bop’s. However we have not had a sniff all morning and clearly the ‘roadside’ big trees are mostly gone, neither had we had any suitable fruiting trees. We had some other special birds though like Long-tailed Honey Buzzard, Dwarf Koel, White-eared Bronze Cuckoo, Mountain, Green-backed and Long-billed Honeyeaters, Ruby-throated Myzomela, Mountain Honeyeater, Slaty-headed Longbill, Mountain Peltops, Grey-headed Cuckooshrike, White-rumped Robin, Red-capped Flowerpecker and eventually the highly sought-after Obscure Berrypecker! As its name suggest it is a rather drab little bird but very localised and definitely one of the star birds of the Tabubil area! Our afternoon session was also productive with our first Papuan Mountain Pigeons, Red-flanked Lorikeets, Orange-breasted Fig Parrots, Moustached Treeswifts, Streak-headed Honeyeaters, a pair of Boyer’s and Golden Cucukooshrikes, White-bellied Thicket Fantail, male Magnificent Riflebirds, Crinkle-collared Manucode where the male was even displaying a bit to the female, White-rumped Robin and a Papuan Nightjar circling around us at dusk.
Early next morning we were exploring! A new road is being built to Telefomin and the road construction now got to high elevation in the Hindenburg’s Wall. We decided to check what is up there as not many birders (none) has recently been up to that elevation in this area. It was exciting to say the least, and although we were not really allowed to stop along the way – due to strong territorial rights for tribes in PNG – our short roadside stops produced Yellow-breasted Satinbird, Queen Carola’s Parotia and Torrent-larks. Once we climbed to 2000 meters we soon started to get new birds like Plum-faced Parakeet, Grey-streaked and Common Smoky Honeyeaters, Red-collared Myzomela, Yellow-browed Melidectes, Fan-tailed and Spotted Berrypeckers, Black Fantail, Slaty Robin as well as Torrent and Canary Flyrobins. Our great surprise was to find Splendid Astrapia which was not a Bop we see on a PNG tours at all – mostly in West Papua tours only – and a very welcome addition. We had our first male Spendid Astrapia in the same field of view with a displaying male King of Saxony Bird-of-paradise! I do not think birding gets any better or more exciting than this! In this high elevation we also had many Brown Sicklebills and some of us even glimpsed a MacGregor’s Bowerbird. Our limited time ended on the roof of the Hindenburg’s Wall and by dusk we were at lower elevation to try for the shy Shovel-billed Kookaburra. Despite much effort at dusk and the following dawn it remained elusive this year. We heard several individuals but just could not manage to get any views. Also rain and low visibility conditions rolled in by now and it did not help either. Our best bird of the morning was a fine though totally wet Grey-headed Goshawk.
We left the Tabubil area behind and travelled back to the sweaty lowlands. Our first afternoon birding near Kiunga was eventful and we had new Bop’s on our radar! We wandered along a forest trail where new birds included Black Berrypecker and Papuan Babbler. Eventually we arrived to a large tree where we soon found the male King Bird-of-paradise. It was not easy to get the scope on this beauty but eventually we could all enjoy this fabulous birds as long as we wanted! It was not easy to leave this bird but we were still hoping to find Greater Bird-of-paradise in this area as well. When we heard thunder in a distant we decided to move. Unfortunately the displaying tree of the Greater Bop where Sir David Attenborough filmed them is no longer in use but we did get to see male Greater Bird-of-paradise at the end. We even stayed out to do some night birding but the hoped for Wallace’s Owlet-nightjar was only heard briefly. The weather was kind with us in the Tabubil area but it has clearly been raining in the Kiunga area a lot as just before we got into town the road was flooded and we had to wait for special assistance to get across. Little we know at this stage how rainy the weather is!
Next morning it was raining. We were due to go on a boat trip to the Fly and Elevala Rivers deep into the wilderness. After breakfast we waited for a while but it was still raining so we decided to go for it and geared up for the boat ride. Water level was high and it kept raining all the way (few hours) to our destination, the remote Kwatu Lodge (I would rather call it a basic camp). Birding from a boat in the rain is not ideal but with umbrellas we managed, and we had some excellent birds like Sclater’s Crowned Pigeon, Papuan Spine-tailed Swift, Dwarf Fruit Dove, Pinon’s, Zoe’s and Collared Imperial Pigeons, Blyth’s Hornbill, Yellow-streaked Lory, Double-eyed Fig Parrot, Hooded Pitta and Lowland Peltops. When we got to Kwatu the rain has stopped and to be honest it did not look like a place where you can actually stay (more like where nobody has been for 2 years). Water level was extremely high already so our only terrestrial birding option was along the so-called ridge trail and we spent the rest of the day here. It was great birding and we got excellent looks of Rufous-bellied Kookaburra, Yellow-capped Pygmy Parrot, Papuan Pitta, Puff-backed and Mimic Honeyeaters, Yellow-bellied Longbill, Blue Jewel-babbler, Black Cicadabird, White-bellied and Rusty Pitohuis, Rufous-backed Fantail, Hooded, Golden and Frilled Monarchs, female King and Twelve-wired Bops and Black-sided Robin. Logistics were not easy due to being the first birders in the area for 2 years (covid) and also as another birding tour was here at the very same time. All in all to cut the long story short we made a plan and this included that we had to go back to Kiunga for the first night and leave the rebuilding of the camp for the other group. In retrospect it was a very lucky decision as in the late afternoon it started to rain again and continued to do so all night and next morning too. The next day we returned to Kwatu base camp and just by the time we arrived it stopped raining again. We wasted no time and visited a Flame Bowerbird bower where a hide was erected by the locals three days before. It was unforgettable when the male bird arrived to the bower exactly when the afternoon sun was hitting the area. He was glowing there like a golden-orange ball, a sight never to be forgotten! Other mega birds in the afternoon were Little Paradise Kingfisher, Large Fig Parrot, Sclater’s Crowned Pigeon, Glossy-mantled Manucode and Golden Myna. Our day was not over yet as after dinner the night birding started. It was the first dry night for a week in the area and we took advantage of this doing an evening and a pre-dawn session too. So there was not much sleep! Combined the two sessions we got to see both Papuan and Marbled Frogmouth, both Wallace’s and Starry Owlet-nightjars! For those who opted for an extended night session we even found some mammals like the rarely seen Feather-tailed and the stunning Torresian Striped Possums. The morning was still dry and we hit the ridge trail after breakfast. We had a superb birding morning with some mythical birds. We soon came across a family party of Campbell’s Fairywren but they were very quick, very shy and skulking in the undergrowth! It took us a long time to get everybody on the birds. We also managed great looks of the canopy-dwelling Wallace’s Fairywrens at the same time. Amazing! Our next bird was an eye-level Hook-billed Kingfisher but while we were admiring it a New Guinea Bronzewing was spotted and again we all managed to see it before it flew off. We had Large-billed Gerygone, Yellow-bellied Longbill, Yellow-breasted Boatbill and Blue Jewel-babbler as supporting cast. Our way out of the Fly River was not totally uneventful but we did get back to Kiunga where the water level was so high by now that we had to find a different port. We were certainly ready to leave the wet lowlands behind!
But this is PNG and things did not work out quite like this. Our flight next morning to Mount Hagen was rescheduled for a week later so it was running around for most of the day trying to sort out a flight. Which we actually managed for the next day so somewhat relaxed did a bit of birding. Our definite highlight was a mixed flock of Black and White-spotted Mannikin around the airport and Meyer’s Friarbird, Dwarf Fruit Dove and Lowland Peltops at the Boystown Road. Weather was still wet. Next day it was raining in the morning and in the airport we were informed the flight to Mount Hagen will not happen today. The worst possible news, yet another day lost. The same program as the previous day, trying to arrange how to get out of Kiunga with bits of birding when it was not raining. We saw Little Ringed Plover and Emperor Fairywrens. Eventually we left Kiunga on a private charter the next day after lunch and flew to Mount Hagen and were quickly transferred to Kumul Lodge. We finally made it to the New Guinea highlands! Even with slightly rearranged itinerary we only had a single full day at this amazing location. We spent most of our time along the lodge trails and at a nearby pass. Obviously with limited time we concentrated on the very special birds and it is fair to say we did pretty well. On a single day we managed to find 5 endemic bird families as we saw Wattled Ploughbill, Blue-capped Ifrit, Mottled Berryhunter, Crested Satinbird and Lesser Melampitta. Unfortunately the Crested Satinbird was only seen at night, a male bird found roosting. Kumul is a fantastic place and we had so much more birding experience however like a posing Montane Owlet-nightjar, many Brehm’s and a male Painted Tiger Parrots, Belford’s Melidectes, Papuan Scrubwren, Rufous-naped Bellbird, White-winged Robin and excellent close looks of Ribbon-tailed Astrapia and Brown Sicklebill! We also made a short visit to Lai River where we managed to find male Lesser Bird-of-paradise, Yellow-breasted Bowerbird, Mountain Myzomela and Pauan Grassbird but unfortunately by the time we arrived to a Blue Bird-of-paradise area we only heard the bird distantly. The star mammal of Kumul was an obliging Masked Ringtail Possum!
Next day we were about to fly to Tari. We were a bit anxious as reports about the weather at Tari was not very promising. Thankfully it was all ok and we arrived to Tari before lunch and were quickly on our way to the famous Ambua Lodge! Our time also been reduced here due to or loss in Kiunga but we had good parts of four days to explore the Tari Gap. The lodge is situated at about 2000 meter above sea level and there is fantastic birding right in the garden of the lodge too! Our first afternoon was productive with Great Cuckoo-Dove, a pair of both Painted and Madarasz’s Tiger Parrots, Stella, Yellow-billed and Orange-billed Lorikeets, a subtle MacGregor’s Bowerbird, a pair of Loria’s Satinbird and Black Pitohui as well as a great selection of Bop’s like Short-tailed Pardigalla, Ribbon-tailed and Princess Stephanie’s Astrapias, Lawes’s Parotia, Greater Lophorina with a male showing its fantastic feather shield and Brown Sicklebill. What an afternoon! In the next three days we explored various trails at various elevations in the Tari Gap, often playing hide and seek with the foggy weather. It is a remarkable area and our highlights were truly amazing such as perched views of New Guinea Harpy Eagle, a hunting Papuan Harrier, singing Rufous-throated Bronze Cuckoo, both sexes of the localised Archbold’s Bowerbirds, skittish Papuan Treecreepers, Papuan Logrunner, a really spotted female Spotted Berrypecker, colourful Eastern Crested Berrypecker, noisy Hooded Cucckooshrikes, handsome Black Sitellas, smart looking Regent and Sclater’s Whistlers, Garnet Robin, more Blue-capped Ifrits and a great selection of Bops including displaying King of Saxony Bird-of-paradise which was voted the ‘Bird of the trip’ following its performance in the early morning sunlight! It was a great place with great birds, a fitting final for a birding tour in Papua New Guinea. Our flight out was uneventful and we even had a few hours at Varirata National Park near Port Moresby. We have been there at the beginning of the tour which seemed like a long time ago. On our last birding session of the main tour we found Brown Quails, a juvenile Forest Bittern and a fantastic Chestnut-backed Jewel-babbler!
Next morning we said good bye to those flying home while some of us were heading to the airport and continue with the New Britain Extension. New Britain, the largest island of the Bismarck Archipelago, has the richest avifauna of any island in the Southwest Pacific (excluding New Guinea itself of course). Many of the species are either endemic to New Britain alone or to the Bismarck Archipelago as a whole (and sometimes the Solomon Islands also). Our flight to Hoskins was on time and we were transferred to the heavenly Walindi Resort. Being a diving resort it is right on the beach with a fantastic garden and a famously exquisite food. After arrival we planned our three full days birding with the local birder and we were soon on our way to look for one of our main targets on the island! The enigmatic Golden Masked Owl was found not long ago to survive in the vast oil palm plantations and we were able to see this superb Tyto on our last few tours! However the place where birders saw the bird before covid was not productive recently but a roosting bird was observed from time to time in a small patch of forest. We were lucky as the roosting birds was found and we could watch this amazing bird through the scope as long as we wanted. It was late afternoon so the light was fading inside the forest and the bird was getting active. Remarkable bird on our first afternoon! In the next three days we explored a few remaining forest patches such as Garu Forest and the Kulu River as well as made a boat excursion to Kimbe Bay for more special birds. Pigeons and doves were well represented and we managed to find Nicobar Pigeon, MacKinlay’s Cuckoo-Dove, Knob-billed Fruit Dove, Bronzed Ground Dove, Stephan’s Emerald Dove as well as Red-knobbed, Finsch’s, Island and Yellowish Imperial Pigeons. The special kingfishers of the island like Black-capped Paradise, Melanesian, New Britain Dwarf, Beach and White-mantled Kingfishers were all seen well. Parrots such as Blue-eyed Cockatoo, Buff-faced Pygmy Parrot, Song Parrot and Purple-bellied Lory gave us great looks. Other highlights of our stay included New Britain Boobook, Melanesian Megapode, White-rumped Swiftlet, White-necked and Violaceous Coucals, Pale-vented Bush-hen, Black Honey Buzzard as well as Ashy, Sclater’s and Black-bellied Myzomelas, New Britain Friarbird, Mangrove Golden Whistler, Black-tailed and Island Monarchs, Velvet Flycatcher, Bismarck Crow, Long-tailed Myna, Red-banded Flowerpecker and Buff-bellied Mannikin. In the lodge garden we had a few interesting bats at night like the New Britain Naked-backed Fruit Bat and the Black-bellied Blossom Bat. We can conclude we had a wonderful time in New Britain based in a wonderful resort. It was a productive stay and hopefully one day we can also visit the highland areas on this remarkable island which is still out of reach for birders. Our tour has ended with a flight back to Port Moresby. All in all we had a really action packed and intense birding holiday in Papua New Guinea seeing some special birds which we will never forget!
1st: King of Saxony Bird-of-paradise
2nd: Flame Bowerbird
3rd: Raggiana Bird-of-paradise
4th: Papuan Eagle
5th: Sclater’s Crowned Pigeon
1st: Golden Masked Owl
2nd: Black-capped Paradise Kingfisher
3rd: New Britain Dwarf Kingfisher
Southern Cassowary ◊ (Double-wattled C) Casuarius casuarius Non leader, heard only.
Wandering Whistling Duck Dendrocygna arcuata
Salvadori’s Teal ◊ Salvadorina waigiuensis A lovely pair was seen near Tabubil.
Pacific Black Duck Anas superciliosa
Grey Teal Anas gracilis
Black-billed Brushturkey ◊ (Yellow-legged B) Talegalla fuscirostris Heard only.
Melanesian Megapode ◊ Megapodius eremita About seven were seen on New Britain.
Brown Quail Synoicus ypsilophorus
Papuan Nightjar ◊ Eurostopodus papuensis Lucky observation near Tabubil.
Archbold’s Nightjar ◊ (Mountain N) Eurostopodus archboldi Just brief looks near Ambua Lodge.
Marbled Frogmouth ◊ Podargus ocellatus Fantastic looks in the Fly River area.
Papuan Frogmouth ◊ Podargus papuensis Fantastic looks in the Fly River area.
Starry Owlet-nightjar ◊ Aegotheles tatei One was seen by some in the Fly River area.
Wallace’s Owlet-nightjar ◊ Aegotheles wallacii Fantastic looks in the Fly River area.
Mountain Owlet-nightjar ◊ Aegotheles albertisi Fantastic looks at Kumul Lodge.
Barred Owlet-nightjar ◊ Aegotheles bennettii Fantastic looks in Varirata NP.
Moustached Treeswift Hemiprocne mystacea
Glossy Swiftlet Collocalia esculenta
Mountain Swiftlet ◊ Aerodramus hirundinaceus Regularly seen.
White-rumped Swiftlet ◊ Aerodramus spodiopygius Just a few were identified on New Britain.
Uniform Swiftlet Aerodramus vanikorensis
Papuan Spine-tailed Swift ◊ (P Spinetail, P Needletail) Mearnsia novaeguineae Many were seen in the Fly River area.
White-necked Coucal ◊ Centropus ateralbus Great looks on New Britain.
Ivory-billed Coucal ◊ (Greater Black C) Centropus menbeki Heard only.
Violaceous Coucal ◊ Centropus violaceus Great looks on New Britain.
Black-billed Coucal ◊ (Lesser Black C) Centropus bernsteini Heard only.
Pheasant Coucal Centropus phasianinus
Dwarf Koel ◊ Microdynamis parva Remarkable good looks at Tabubil.
Pacific Koel Eudynamys orientalis
Channel-billed Cuckoo Scythrops novaehollandiae
Long-billed Cuckoo ◊ Chrysococcyx megarhynchus Heard only.
Rufous-throated Bronze Cuckoo ◊ Chrysococcyx ruficollis Finally one was tracked down in the Tari Gap.
White-eared Bronze Cuckoo ◊ Chrysococcyx meyerii Good looks at Tabubil.
Little Bronze Cuckoo Chrysococcyx minutillus
White-crowned Cuckoo ◊ (W-c Koel) Cacomantis leucolophus It was seen at Varirata NP and at Tabubil.
Fan-tailed Cuckoo Cacomantis flabelliformis
Brush Cuckoo Cacomantis variolosus
Amboyna Cuckoo-Dove ◊ Macropygia amboinensis Regularly seen.
Bar-tailed Cuckoo-Dove ◊ (Black-billed C-D) Macropygia nigrirostris Regularly seen.
MacKinlay’s Cuckoo-Dove ◊ Macropygia mackinlayi Hard work but one seen well in Kimbe Bay on New Britain.
Great Cuckoo-Dove ◊ (Long-tailed C-D) Reinwardtoena reinwardti Excellent look in the garden of Ambua Lodge.
Pied Cuckoo-Dove ◊ Reinwardtoena browni Heard only.
Stephan’s Emerald Dove Chalcophaps stephani
New Guinea Bronzewing ◊ Henicophaps albifrons A great bonus in the Fly River area.
Peaceful Dove Geopelia placida
Bar-shouldered Dove Geopelia humeralis
Nicobar Pigeon ◊ Caloenas nicobarica Many excellent looks on New Britain.
Bronze Ground Dove ◊ Pampusana beccarii One was seen by some on New Britain.
Pheasant Pigeon ◊ Otidiphaps nobilis Heard only.
Sclater’s Crowned Pigeon ◊ Goura sclaterii We had three sightings of this beauty in the Fly River area!
Wompoo Fruit Dove ◊ (Magnificent FD) Ptilinopus magnificus Regularly heard and seen.
Pink-spotted Fruit Dove ◊ Ptilinopus perlatus Best looks were in Varirata NP.
Superb Fruit Dove Ptilinopus superbus
Beautiful Fruit Dove ◊ Ptilinopus pulchellus It was seen in Tabubil and Kwatu Lodge.
White-bibbed Fruit Dove ◊ (Mountain FD) Ptilinopus rivoli Just one was seen at Ambua Lodge.
Orange-bellied Fruit Dove ◊ Ptilinopus iozonus Fairly common.
Knob-billed Fruit Dove ◊ Ptilinopus insolitus Great bird, fantastic looks on New Britain.
Dwarf Fruit Dove ◊ Ptilinopus nainus Special little bird and we got our best looks near Kiunga.
Red-knobbed Imperial Pigeon ◊ Ducula rubricera Common on New Britain.
Purple-tailed Imperial Pigeon ◊ Ducula rufigaster Just one was seen in the Fly River area.
Finsch’s Imperial Pigeon ◊ Ducula finschii We saw it twice very well on New Britain.
Island Imperial Pigeon ◊ Ducula pistrinaria Common on New Britain.
Pinon’s Imperial Pigeon ◊ Ducula pinon Just a few seen in the Fly River area.
Collared Imperial Pigeon ◊ Ducula mullerii Beautiful pigeon and many seen in the Fly River area.
Zoe’s Imperial Pigeon ◊ Ducula zoeae Common and smart-looking!
Torresian Imperial Pigeon ◊ Ducula spilorrhoa Common near Port Moresby.
Yellowish Imperial Pigeon ◊ Ducula subflavescens Common on New Britain.
Papuan Mountain Pigeon ◊ Gymnophaps albertisii We had some great looks at various places.
Buff-banded Rail Hypotaenidia philippensis
Dusky Moorhen Gallinula tenebrosa
Australasian Swamphen Porphyrio melanotus
Bare-eyed Rail ◊ Gymnocrex plumbeiventris Heard only.
White-browed Crake Poliolimnas cinereus
Pale-vented Bush-hen ◊ Amaurornis moluccana A total of six were seen on New Britain.
Masked Lapwing Vanellus miles
Little Ringed Plover Charadrius dubius One was seen at Kiunga airport. Nominate.
Comb-crested Jacana Irediparra gallinacea
Black Noddy Anous minutus
Greater Crested Tern (C T, Swift T) Thalasseus bergii
Bridled Tern Onychoprion anaethetus
Black-naped Tern Sterna sumatrana
Common Tern Sterna hirundo
Whiskered Tern Chlidonias hybrida
Wedge-tailed Shearwater Ardenna pacifica
Sooty Shearwater Ardenna grisea One was seen off New Britain. Great rarity there but we were not happy!
Lesser Frigatebird Fregata ariel
Brown Booby Sula leucogaster
Little Pied Cormorant Microcarbo melanoleucos
Little Black Cormorant Phalacrocorax sulcirostris
Australian White Ibis Threskiornis molucca
Forest Bittern ◊ (New Guinea Tiger-heron) Zonerodius heliosylus Two sightings in Varirata NP. Magical!
Black Bittern Ixobrychus flavicollis
Nankeen Night Heron (Rufous N H) Nycticorax caledonicus
Eastern Cattle Egret Bubulcus coromandus
Great Egret (Eastern G E) Ardea [alba] modesta
White-faced Heron Egretta novaehollandiae
Little Egret Egretta garzetta
Pacific Reef Heron Egretta sacra
Eastern Osprey Pandion cristatus
Pacific Baza (Crested Hawk) Aviceda subcristata
Long-tailed Honey Buzzard ◊ (L-t B) Henicopernis longicauda Regular sightings of this great raptor!
Black Honey Buzzard ◊ Henicopernis infuscatus Just one was seen on New Britain.
Papuan Eagle ◊ (N G Harpy E) Harpyopsis novaeguineae Mega! Great perched looks of a calling bird in the Tari Gap.
Pygmy Eagle ◊ Hieraaetus weiskei
Variable Goshawk Accipiter hiogaster
Brown Goshawk (Australasian G) Accipiter fasciatus
Grey-headed Goshawk ◊ Accipiter poliocephalus We had good looks near Tabubil on a rainy morning.
Collared Sparrowhawk Accipiter cirrocephalus
Papuan Harrier ◊ Circus spilothorax Fantastic looks in the Tari Gap.
Black Kite Milvus migrans
Whistling Kite Haliastur sphenurus
Brahminy Kite Haliastur indus
White-bellied Sea Eagle Haliaeetus leucogaster
Golden Masked Owl ◊ Tyto aurantia Top bird! We had scope views of one on New Britain.
Papuan Hawk-Owl ◊ Uroglaux dimorpha Heard only.
Papuan Boobook ◊ (Jungle Hawk Owl, Jungle B) Ninox theomacha Heard only.
New Britain Boobook ◊ Ninox odiosa Great looks on New Britain.
Blyth’s Hornbill ◊ (Papuan H) Rhyticeros plicatus
Oriental Dollarbird Eurystomus orientalis
Hook-billed Kingfisher ◊ Melidora macrorrhina Eye-level views in the Fly River area.
Common Paradise Kingfisher ◊ Tanysiptera galatea Heard only.
Little Paradise Kingfisher ◊ (Aru P K) Tanysiptera hydrocharis One was tracked down near Kwatu Lodge.
Black-capped Paradise Kingfisher ◊ Tanysiptera nigriceps Several looks on New Britain.
Brown-headed Paradise Kingfisher ◊ Tanysiptera danae Beautiful bird which was seen well in Varirata NP.
Shovel-billed Kookaburra ◊ (S-b Kingfisher) Clytoceyx rex Heard only.
Blue-winged Kookaburra Dacelo leachii
Rufous-bellied Kookaburra ◊ Dacelo gaudichaud Several good looks. Very handsome bird!
Forest Kingfisher Todiramphus macleayii
White-mantled Kingfisher ◊ Todiramphus albonotatus A total of four were seen on New Britain.
Melanesian Kingfisher ◊ Todiramphus tristrami Common on New Britain.
Beach Kingfisher ◊ Todiramphus saurophagus A pair was seen on New Britain.
Sacred Kingfisher Todiramphus sanctus
Yellow-billed Kingfisher ◊ (Lesser Y-b K) Syma torotoro Superb looks at Varirata NP.
Common Kingfisher Alcedo atthis
Papuan Dwarf Kingfisher ◊ Ceyx solitarius One was seen in the Fly River area.
New Britain Dwarf Kingfisher ◊ Ceyx sacerdotis One was seen on New Britain.
Azure Kingfisher Ceyx azureus
Little Kingfisher ◊ Ceyx pusillus One was seen in the Fly River area.
Rainbow Bee-eater Merops ornatus
Oriental Hobby Falco severus
Brown Falcon Falco berigora
Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus
Palm Cockatoo ◊ Probosciger aterrimus Charismatic bird, many great looks!
Sulphur-crested Cockatoo Cacatua galerita
Blue-eyed Cockatoo ◊ Cacatua ophthalmica Common on New Britain.
Yellow-capped Pygmy Parrot ◊ Micropsitta keiensis Very good perched looks at Kwatu Lodge.
Buff-faced Pygmy Parrot ◊ Micropsitta pusio Finally tracked dwon for perched views on New Britain.
Papuan King Parrot ◊ Alisterus chloropterus Only seen in the garden of Ambua Lodge.
Eclectus Parrot ◊ Eclectus roratus Common and nosiy!
Red-cheeked Parrot ◊ Geoffroyus geoffroyi
Blue-collared Parrot ◊ Geoffroyus simplex Heard only.
Song Parrot ◊ Geoffroyus heteroclitus Several good flight looks this year on New Britain.
Brehm’s Tiger Parrot ◊ Psittacella brehmii Easy on the feeder at Kumul Lodge.
Painted Tiger Parrot ◊ Psittacella picta A male was seen at Kumul and a pair in the Tari Gap.
Madarasz’s Tiger Parrot ◊ Psittacella madaraszi A pair was seen well in the garden of Ambua Lodge.
Plum-faced Lorikeet ◊ (Whiskered L) Oreopsittacus arfaki Our best looks were on the new Telefomin Road.
Red-flanked Lorikeet ◊ Hypocharmosyna placentis Several good looks.
Stella’s Lorikeet ◊ Charmosyna stellae These long-tailed beauties were seen in the Tari Gap.
Yellow-billed Lorikeet ◊ Neopsittacus musschenbroekii Several sightings in the highlands.
Orange-billed Lorikeet ◊ Neopsittacus pullicauda Several sightings in the highlands.
Purple-bellied Lory ◊ Lorius hypoinochrous Common and noisy on New Britain.
Black-capped Lory ◊ (Western B-c L) Lorius lory Common and noisy on the mainland.
Yellow-streaked Lory ◊ (Yellow-s L, Greater S L) Chalcopsitta scintillate It was seen in the Fly River area.
Goldie’s Lorikeet ◊ Glossoptilus goldiei It was only seen by some in the Tari Gap.
Coconut Lorikeet ◊ (Rainbow L) Trichoglossus haematodus Common.
Large Fig Parrot ◊ (Yellow-naped F P) Psittaculirostris desmarestii Two were seen perched in the Fly River area.
Orange-breasted Fig Parrot ◊ (Dusky-cheeked F P) Cyclopsitta gulielmitertii Commonly encountered.
Double-eyed Fig Parrot ◊ (Red-faced F P) Cyclopsitta diophthalma Several good looks in the Fly River area.
Papuan Pitta ◊ (Red-bellied P) Erythropitta macklotii Shy bird but we managed great looks near Kwatu Lodge.
Bismarck Pitta ◊ Erythropitta novaehibernicae Heard only.
Hooded Pitta ◊ Pitta sordida Only seen in flight along the Elevala River.
Archbold’s Bowerbird ◊ Archboldia papuensis Another shy bird, several sightings near Ambua Lodge.
MacGregor’s Bowerbird ◊ Amblyornis macgregoriae Great looks of this tricky one this year!
Flame Bowerbird ◊ Sericulus ardens Breathtaking looks in the Fly River area at a bower! Almost bird of the trip, only KoSBop got more nominations.
Yellow-breasted Bowerbird ◊ (Lauterbach’s B) Chlamydera lauterbachi We saw two in the Lai River area.
Fawn-breasted Bowerbird ◊ Chlamydera cerviniventris Common in and near Port Moresby.
Papuan Treecreeper ◊ Cormobates placens One was finally tracked down in the Tari Gap.
Wallace’s Fairywren ◊ (W Wren) Sipodotus wallacii Great looks of this canopy-dweller in the Fly River area.
Campbell’s Fairywren ◊ Chenorhamphus campbelli Mega! Took a long time to see them, very shy, very quick. But finally all managed great looks!
Emperor Fairywren ◊ Malurus cyanocephalus A fabulous pair was seen near Kiunga!
White-shouldered Fairywren ◊ Malurus alboscapulatus Our best looks were at the Tari airport.
Green-backed Honeyeater ◊ Glycichaera fallax Just one was seen well near Tabubil.
Rufous-backed Honeyeater ◊ Ptiloprora guisei Fairly common in the Tari Gap.
Grey-streaked Honeyeater ◊ (Black-backed H) Ptiloprora perstriata Fairly common in the Tari Gap.
Rufous-banded Honeyeater ◊ Conopophila albogularis Best looks near Port Moresby.
Long-billed Honeyeater ◊ Melilestes megarhynchus Regularly encountered forest honeyeater.
Common Smoky Honeyeater ◊ Melipotes fumigatus Common. The colour changing wattle is amazing!
Plain Honeyeater ◊ Pycnopygius ixoides Two were seen in the Tabubil area.
Streak-headed Honeyeater ◊ Pycnopygius stictocephalus Just a few were seen in the Tabubil area.
Ashy Myzomela ◊ Myzomela cineracea Common on New Britain.
Ruby-throated Myzomela ◊ (Red-throated) Myzomela eques We had great looks near Tabubil.
Papuan Black Myzomela ◊ Myzomela nigrita Regular sightings.
Mountain Myzomela ◊ (Elfin M, M Red-headed M) Myzomela adolphinae Just a single male in the Lai River area.
Sclater’s Myzomela ◊ Myzomela sclateri Common on the offshore islets in Kimbe Bay on New Britain.
Black-bellied Myzomela ◊ Myzomela erythromelas One was eventually tracked down on New Britain.
Red-collared Myzomela ◊ Myzomela rosenbergii Fantastic bird and common in the highlands.
Meyer’s Friarbird ◊ Philemon meyeri Just a few seen near Kiunga.
New Guinea Friarbird ◊ (Helmeted F) Philemon novaeguineae Common.
New Britain Friarbird ◊ Philemon cockerelli Common.
Tawny-breasted Honeyeater ◊ Xanthotis flaviventer Common.
White-throated Honeyeater ◊ Melithreptus albogularis Fairly common in Varirata NP.
Puff-backed Honeyeater ◊ (P-b Meliphaga) Meliphaga aruensis A single bird was seen in the Fly River area.
Mountain Honeyeater ◊ (M Meliphaga, Hill Forest H) Microptilotis orientalis Common in the Tabubil area.
Scrub Honeyeater ◊ (S Meliphaga, S White-eared M) Microptilotis albonotatus One was seen near Tabubil.
Mimic Honeyeater ◊ (M Meliphaga, Mimetic M) Microptilotis analogus A few sightings only.
Elegant Honeyeater ◊ (E Meliphaga) Microptilotis cinereifrons Three were seen in Varirata NP.
Yellow-tinted Honeyeater ◊ Ptilotula flavescens It was only seen in the hotel garden in Port Moresby.
Black-throated Honeyeater ◊ Caligavis subfrenata Farily common in the Tari Gap.
Yellow-browed Melidectes ◊ Melidectes rufocrissalis Several sightings in the highlands.
Belford’s Melidectes ◊ Melidectes belfordi The common melidectes in the highlands.
Rusty Mouse-warbler ◊ (Lowland M-w) Origma murina Regulary heard and seen in Varirata NP and near Kiunga.
Mountain Mouse-warbler ◊ Origma robusta It was seen at Kumul and Ambua.
Pale-billed Scrubwren ◊ Aethomyias spilodera One was seen at Varirata NP.
Buff-faced Scrubwren ◊ Aethomyias perspicillatus Regularly seen the Ambua Lodge.
Papuan Scrubwren ◊ Aethomyias papuensis It was seen at Kumul and Ambua.
Large Scrubwren ◊ Sericornis nouhuysi A party of three were seen in the Tari Gap.
Brown-breasted Gerygone ◊ (Treefern G) Gerygone ruficollis It was seen at Kumul and Ambua.
Large-billed Gerygone Gerygone magnirostris
Yellow-bellied Gerygone ◊ Gerygone chrysogaster Best looks were in Varirata NP.
Green-backed Gerygone ◊ Gerygone chloronota Best looks were in Varirata NP.
Fairy Gerygone Gerygone palpebrosa Best looks were in Varirata NP.
Grey Thornbill (Ashy Gerygone, Mountain G) Acanthiza cinerea
Papuan Babbler ◊ (Rufous B, NG B) Garritornis isidorei Skulking bird but good looks near Kiunga.
Papuan Logrunner ◊ Orthonyx novaeguineae Just a brief view this year near Ambua Lodge.
Loria’s Satinbird ◊ Cnemophilus loriae We had very nice looks in the garden of Ambua Lodge.
Crested Satinbird ◊ (C Bird-of-paradise) Cnemophilus macgregorii Despite much effort only a roosting bird male was seen, which was pretty hidden.
Yellow-breasted Satinbird ◊ Loboparadisea sericea One brief sighting, frustratingly we could only stop at the location briefly.
Obscure Berrypecker ◊ Melanocharis arfakiana Good looks near Tabubil.
Black Berrypecker ◊ Melanocharis nigra Many good looks in the Kiunga area.
Fan-tailed Berrypecker ◊ Melanocharis versteri First seen along the new Telefomin Road.
Spotted Berrypecker ◊ Rhamphocharis piperata Three birds were seen this year! Great bird!
Yellow-bellied Longbill ◊ (Green-crowned L) Toxorhamphus novaeguineae We got good looks in the Fly River area.
Slaty-headed Longbill ◊ (S-chinned L, Grey-winged L) Toxorhamphus poliopterus Just one was seen in the Tabubil area.
Eastern Crested Berrypecker ◊ Paramythia montium It was hard this year but eventually two were seen in the Tari Gap.
Spotted Jewel-babbler ◊ Ptilorrhoa leucosticte Heard only.
Blue Jewel-babbler ◊ Ptilorrhoa caerulescens Two sightings in the Fly River area.
Chestnut-backed Jewel-babbler ◊ Ptilorrhoa castanonota One was seen in Varirata NP on our last day.
Painted Quail-thrush ◊ Cinclosoma ajax A male was seen at Varirata NP.
Yellow-breasted Boatbill ◊ Machaerirhynchus flaviventer Two were seen near Kwatu Lodge.
Black-breasted Boatbill ◊ Machaerirhynchus nigripectus Heard only.
White-breasted Woodswallow Artamus leucorynchus
Great Woodswallow ◊ (New Guinea W) Artamus maximus First seen at Tabubil, best looks in the Ambua Lodge garden.
Lowland Peltops ◊ Peltops blainvillii It was seen very well in the Fly River area.
Mountain Peltops ◊ Peltops montanus Several great looks.
Black Butcherbird Melloria quoyi
Black-backed Butcherbird ◊ Cracticus mentalis It was only seen in the PAU grounds near Port Moresby.
Hooded Butcherbird ◊ Cracticus cassicus Regularly seen.
Mottled Berryhunter ◊ Rhagologus leucostigma Several looks near Kumul Lodge: obscurus race.
Stout-billed Cuckooshrike ◊ Coracina caeruleogrisea A large species seen very well in the Tabubil area.
Hooded Cuckooshrike ◊ Coracina longicauda We had two sightings in the Tari Gap.
Barred Cuckooshrike ◊ (Yellow-eyed C) Coracina lineata Two were seen in Varirata NP.
Boyer’s Cuckooshrike ◊ Coracina boyeri It was regularly seen in the Tabubil and Kiunga area.
White-bellied Cuckooshrike Coracina papuensis
Golden Cuckooshrike ◊ Campochaera sloetii Beautiful bird seen in Tabubil and Kiunga.
Black-bellied Cuckooshrike ◊ (B-b Cicadabird) Edolisoma montanum It was seen at Kumul and Ambua.
Grey-headed Cuckooshrike ◊ (G-h Cicadabird) Edolisoma schisticeps A pair was seen well in the Tabubil area.
Common Cicadabird Edolisoma tenuirostre One was seen in the Fly River area and the heinrothi race in New Britain which was just recently moved from E. remotum to E. tenuirostre.
Black Cicadabird ◊ (B Cuckooshrike, New Guinea C) Edolisoma melas Two sightings on the tour.
Varied Triller Lalage leucomela
Black Sittella ◊ Daphoenositta miranda A party of three were seen in the Tari Gap.
Wattled Ploughbill ◊ Eulacestoma nigropectus It was seen well at Kumul and heard only in the Tari Gap.
Rufous-naped Bellbird ◊ (R-n Whistler) Aleadryas rufinucha Common in the garden of Kumul Lodge.
Black Pitohui ◊ Melanorectes nigrescens A pair was seen in Ambua.
Brown-backed Whistler ◊ Pachycephala modesta Common in the Tari Gap.
Grey Whistler Pachycephala simplex
Sclater’s Whistler ◊ Pachycephala soror A male was tracked down in the Tari Gap.
Mangrove Golden Whistler ◊ Pachycephala melanura Eventually seen in Kimbe Bay on New Birtain.
Regent Whistler ◊ Pachycephala schlegelii Nice bird and fairly common at Kumul and in the Tari Gap.
Black-headed Whistler ◊ Pachycephala monacha Heard only.
White-bellied Pitohui ◊ Pseudorectes incertus Great looks of this highly localized bird at Kwatu Lodge.
Rusty Pitohui ◊ Pseudorectes ferrugineus Three were seen at Kwatu Lodge.
Arafura Shrikethrush (Rufous S) Colluricincla megarhyncha
Long-tailed Shrike Lanius schach
Australasian Figbird Sphecotheres vieilloti
Hooded Pitohui ◊ Pitohui dichrous Several great looks, first in Varirata NP.
Brown Oriole ◊ Oriolus szalayi Excellent looks in Varirata NP on our first afternoon!
Spangled Drongo Dicrurus bracteatus
Willie Wagtail Rhipidura leucophrys
Northern Fantail ◊ Rhipidura rufiventris Two were tracked down on New Britain.
Sooty Thicket Fantail ◊ Rhipidura threnothorax Three sightings of this skulker!
White-bellied Thicket Fantail ◊ Rhipidura leucothorax Two sightings in the Tabubil area.
Black Fantail ◊ Rhipidura atra First seen on the new Telefomin Road and later at Ambua Lodge.
Chestnut-bellied Fantail ◊ Rhipidura hyperythra Fantastic looks at Varirata NP.
Friendly Fantail ◊ Rhipidura albolimbata Common.
Dimorphic Fantail ◊ Rhipidura brachyrhyncha It was seen at Kumul Lodge and in the Tari Gap.
Rufous-backed Fantail ◊ Rhipidura rufidorsa A pair was seen in the Fly River area.
Drongo Fantail ◊ (Pygmy Drongo, Mountain D) Chaetorhynchus papuensis One was tracked down in Varirata NP.
Black Monarch ◊ (Fantailed M) Symposiachrus axillaris A pair was seen at Ambua Lodge.
Spot-winged Monarch ◊ Symposiachrus guttula One was seen at Varirata NP.
Hooded Monarch ◊ Symposiachrus manadensis Good looks in a mixed flock at Kwatu Lodge.
Black-tailed Monarch ◊ Symposiachrus verticalis Great looks on New Birtain.
Island Monarch ◊ Monarcha cinerascens Just brief looks this year in Kimbe Bay.
Golden Monarch ◊ Carterornis chrysomela Fantastic bird, seen very well in the Fly River area.
Frilled Monarch ◊ Arses telescopthalmus Seen at many locations.
Torrent-lark ◊ Grallina bruijnii A few sightings in the Tabubil area.
Leaden Flycatcher Myiagra rubecula
Shining Flycatcher (Common SF) Myiagra alecto
Velvet Flycatcher ◊ Myiagra eichhorni Two pairs were seen on New Britain.
Grey Crow ◊ (Bare-eyed C) Corvus tristis It was only seen in the Fly River area.
Torresian Crow Corvus orru
Bismarck Crow ◊ Corvus insularis Common on New Britain.
Lesser Melampitta ◊ Melampitta lugubris Excellent looks at Kumul Lodge.
Greater Melampitta ◊ Megalampitta gigantean Heard only.
Blue-capped Ifrit ◊ (B-c Ifrita) Ifrita kowaldi Excellent looks at Kumul Lodge.
Glossy-mantled Manucode ◊ (Glossy M) Manucodia ater Several sightings in the Fly River area.
Crinkle-collared Manucode ◊ Manucodia chalybatus A pair was seen near Tabubil. The male was even displaying a short while.
Trumpet Manucode ◊ Phonygammus keraudrenii Two were seen in the Fly River area: jamesii race.
Short-tailed Paradigalla ◊ Paradigalla brevicauda Seen twice in the garden of Ambua Lodge.
Splendid Astrapia ◊ Astrapia splendidissima A great bonus! First ever sightings on our PNG tour along the new Telefomin road above Tabubil: helios race.
Ribbon-tailed Astrapia ◊ Astrapia mayeri Amazing bird seen at Kumul and at Ambua too.
Princess Stephanie’s Astrapia ◊ Astrapia stephaniae We had many good sightings in the Ambua area: feminina race.
Queen Carola’s Parotia ◊ Parotia carolae We were struggling this year but finally a female was seen well above Tabubil: meeki race.
Lawes’s Parotia ◊ Parotia lawesii Several seen in the Ambua area.
King of Saxony Bird-of-paradise ◊ Pteridophora alberti WOW! Our bird of the tour with magical looks! Seen it along the new Telefomin road and in the Ambua area.
Greater Lophorina ◊ Lophorina superba We got the best views in the garden of Ambua Lodge!
Magnificent Riflebird ◊ Ptiloris magnificus Two males were seen near Tabubil.
Growling Riflebird ◊ (Eastern R) Ptiloris intercedens Many heard and two seen in Varirata NP.
Black Sicklebill ◊ Epimachus fastosus A female was seen by some in the Ambua Lodge garden.
Brown Sicklebill ◊ Epimachus meyeri Many excellent looks!
Magnificent Bird-of-paradise ◊ Diphyllodes magnificus Most commonly encountered in the Tabubil area.
King Bird-of-paradise ◊ Cicinnurus regius Great bird! A male was seen on its displaying tree near Kiunga and two females in the Fly River area.
Twelve-wired Bird-of-paradise ◊ Seleucidis melanoleucus Another special and stunning bird. A male was studied at length in the Fly River area.
Greater Bird-of-paradise ◊ Paradisaea apoda Several look sin the Tabubil and Kiunga area.
Raggiana Bird-of-paradise ◊ Paradisaea raggiana It was special watching them displaying in Varirata NP.
Lesser Bird-of-paradise ◊ Paradisaea minor Two males were seen near Kumul Lodge.
Blue Bird-of-paradise ◊ Paradisornis rudolphi Sadly it remained heard only due to our reduced time in the highlands.
White-faced Robin ◊ Tregellasia leucops One sighting at Varirata NP.
White-winged Robin ◊ Peneothello sigillata Common at Kumul Lodge.
Slaty Robin ◊ (Blue-grey R) Peneothello cyanus First seen on the new Telefomin Road and later at Ambua Lodge.
White-rumped Robin ◊ Peneothello bimaculata It was seen twice in the Tabubil area.
Black-sided Robin ◊ (B-bibbed R) Poecilodryas hypoleuca Great looks at Kwatu Lodge.
Black-throated Robin ◊ Plesiodryas albonotata One was seen at Ambua Lodge.
Black-capped Robin ◊ Heteromyias armiti Heard only.
Papuan Scrub Robin ◊ Drymodes beccarii A real skulker seen in Varirata NP.
Lemon-bellied Flyrobin ◊ (L-b Flycatcher) Microeca flavigaster First seen at Varirata NP.
Torrent Flyrobin ◊ (T Flycatcher, River F) Monachella muelleriana Several good looks in the Tabubil area.
Olive Flyrobin ◊ (O Flycatcher) Kempiella flavovirescens An adult was seen feeding a young at Varirata NP.
Canary Flyrobin ◊ (Papuan Flycatcher, Montane F) Devioeca papuana Regularly seen at higher elevations.
Garnet Robin ◊ Eugerygone rubra A female and a male was seen in the Tari Gap.
Lesser Ground Robin ◊ Amalocichla incerta One was seen near Ambua Lodge.
Pacific Swallow Hirundo tahitica
Island Leaf Warbler Phylloscopus poliocephalus
Australian Reed Warbler Acrocephalus australis
Papuan Grassbird ◊ Cincloramphus macrurus First seen in the Lai River area: macrurus, and later also tracked down on New Britain: interscapularis,
Papuan White-eye ◊ Zosterops novaeguineae We saw a small party in the Lai River area.
Metallic Starling (Shining S) Aplonis metallica
Yellow-eyed Starling ◊ Aplonis mystacea Two were seen by some in the Fly River area.
Singing Starling ◊ Aplonis cantoroides Three sightings on the tour.
Yellow-faced Myna ◊ Mino dumontii Common.
Long-tailed Myna ◊ Mino kreffti Common on New Britain.
Golden Myna ◊ Mino anais A few were seen in the Fly River area.
Island Thrush Turdus poliocephalus
Pied Bush Chat (P Chat) Saxicola caprata
Red-capped Flowerpecker ◊ Dicaeum geelvinkianum Common.
Red-banded Flowerpecker ◊ Dicaeum eximium A few were noted on New Britain.
Black Sunbird ◊ Leptocoma Aspasia Regular sightings.
Olive-backed Sunbird Cinnyris jugularis
Eurasian Tree Sparrow (introduced) Passer montanus
House Sparrow (introduced) Passer domesticus
Crimson Finch ◊ Neochmia phaeton Good looks at the Kiunga airport.
White-spotted Mannikin ◊ Mayrimunia leucosticta Excellent views at Kiunga airport this year.
Grey-headed Mannikin ◊ Lonchura caniceps We saw a few at the PAU campus near Port Moresby.
Hooded Mannikin ◊ Lonchura spectabilis Several good looks in the highlands.
Black Mannikin ◊ Lonchura stygia Excellent views at Kiunga airport this year.
Buff-bellied Mannikin ◊ Lonchura melaena Handsome bird seen well on New Birtain.
Australian Pipit Anthus australis
Black-tailed Dasyure Murexia melanurus One was seen in the garden of Ambua Lodge by some.
Speckled Dasyure (Long-clawed Marsupial Mouse) Neophascogale lorentzii We had two excellent daytime looks in the highland forest near Ambua Lodge.
Southern Common Cuscus Phalanger mimicus One was seen at Kwatu Lodge by some.
Mountain Cuscus Phalanger carmelitae Two seen in the garden of Ambua Lodge by some.
Ground Cuscus Phalanger gymnotis One was seen in the garden of Ambua Lodge by some.
Masked Ringtail Possum Pseudochirulus larvatus Superb looks of this beauty in Kumul Lodge.
Coppery Ring-tailed Possum Pseudochirops cupreus One was seen at Kumul Lodge by some.
Torresian Striped Possum Dactylopsila trivirgata One was seen at Kwatu Lodge: kataui race.
Long-fingered Striped Possum (L-f Tirok) Dactylopsila palpator One was seen at Ambua Lodge by some.
Papuan Sugar Glider Petaurus [breviceps] papuanus Two sightings at Kumul Lodge for some.
Feather-tailed Possum Distoechurus pennatus Two sightings on the tour for some. One at Kwatu Lodge on the Fly River lowalnds and one at Ambua Lodge at 2000 meter!
Common Bottlenose Dolphin Tursiops truncatus A pod of 10 were seen on our boat excursion in New Britain.
New Britain Naked-backed Fruit Bat (Bismarck Bare-b F B) Dobsonia praedatrix Several seen in the garden of Walindi Resort.
Andersen’s Naked-backed Fruit Bat Dobsonia anderseni At least two were photographed on New Britain.
Island Tube-nosed Fruit Bat Nyctimene major Two were seen in the garden of Walindi Resort.
Black-bellied Blossom Bat Melonycteris melanops One was seen at the same spot in two consecutive nights at Walindi Resort by some.
Spectacled Flying Fox Pteropus conspicillatus A group of seven were seen at the PAU in Port Moresby.
Great Flying Fox (Bismarck F F) Pteropus neohibernicus Two were seen on New Britain. They are huge. Lots of unidentified Pteropus along the Fly and Elevala Rivers were probably this species too.
Large Tree Mouse Pogonomys loriae Two were seen and photographed at Ambua Lodge.
Brown Rat (introduced) Rattus rattus One was seen at Ambua Lodge.
Javan (Timor) Deer Rusa timorensis Introduced, several seen at Varirata NP.