The Ultimate In Birding Tours

New: Uncharted Colombia Expedition in November-December 2021

May 15, 2021

We are operating a unique Uncharted Colombia Expedition from 29 November-18 December 2021.

The expedition will explore the remote settlement of Inírida in far eastern Colombia adjacent to the Orinoco River, the rarely-visited Serranía de Perijá in northernmost Colombia, the Cartagena region and some rarely-visited Andean locations.

Leader: Trevor Ellery.

Numerous Colombian specialities will be seen during the journey but the major targets, all Birdquest Lifers, are:


Perija Metaltail

Turquoise-winged Parrotlet

Perija Thistletail

Spectacled Prickletail

Orinoco Softtail

Inirida Antshrike (which is either a new Thamnophilus or an undescribed, extremely geographically-separated ssp of Chestnut-backed Antshrike)

East Andean Antbird

Perija Antpitta (to be split in IOC 11.1)

Perija Tapaculo

Perija Brushfinch

Antioquia Brushfinch

Black-fronted Brushfinch


For more information about the expedition, including dates and cost, please contact the Birdquest office.