White-fronted Falconet (image by Dáni Balla)

Storm's Stork (image by Dáni Balla)

Wrinkled Hornbill (image by Dáni Balla)

Black-and-red Broadbill (image by Dáni Balla)

Mountain Serpent Eagle, also known as Kinabalu Serpent Eagle, soaring in front of Mt. Kinabalu (image by Dáni Balla)

Proboscis Monkey (image by Dáni Balla)

Maroon Leaf Monkey (image by Dáni Balla)

male Whitehead's Trogon (image by Dáni Balla)

Bornean Frogmouth (image by Dáni Balla)

Golden-naped Barbet (image by Dáni Balla)

Bushy-crested Hornbill (image by Dáni Balla)

male Crimson-headed Partridge a.k.a. Bloodhead (image by Dáni Balla)

Blue-banded Pitta (image by Dáni Balla)

Bornean Treepie (image by Dáni Balla)

The stunning male of the Blue-headed Pitta is a real jewel of the forest floor (image by Dáni Balla)

Great Argus (image by Dáni Balla)

Bornean Forktail (image by Dáni Balla)

Bornean Fireback (image by Inger Vandyke)

Singing male of the very localised Black Oriole (image by Dáni Balla)

Horsfield's Tarsier (image by Dáni Balla)

Chestnut-crested Yuhina (image by Dáni Balla)

Bornean Peacock-Pheasant (image by Inger Vandyke)

Rhinoceros Hornbill (image by Dáni Balla)

Bulwer's Pheasant (image by Dáni Balla)

Bornean Bristlehead (image by Dáni Balla)

A pair of the ancient looking White-crowned Hornbill (image by Dáni Balla)

Whitehead's Broadbill (image by Dáni Balla)

Sunda Bush Warbler was recently lumped back into Aberrant Bush Warbler (image by Dáni Balla)

Bornean Fireback (image by Inger Vandyke)

Black-sided Flowerpecker (image by Dáni Balla)

Bornean Stubtail (image by Dáni Balla)

Malaysian Blue-banded Kingfisher (image by Dáni Balla)

Bornean Shortwing (image by Dáni Balla)

Sunda Cuckoo (image by Dáni Balla)

Barred Eagle Owl (image by Dáni Balla)

Red-breasted Partridge (image by Dáni Balla)

Whitehead's Spiderhunter (image by Dáni Balla)

Black-throated Wren-Babbler (image by Dáni Balla)

Malayan Civet (image by Dáni Balla)

The Canopy Walkway in Danum Valley (image by Dáni Balla)

Bornean Peacock-Pheasant (image by Inger Vandyke)

Bornean Leafbird (image by Dáni Balla)

Birding in Danum Valley (image by Dáni Balla)

Male Bornean Banded Pitta – another gem from the forest floor (image by Dáni Balla)

Crested Partridges (image by Inger Vandyke)
2 / 5 / 11 - 23 August
by Dáni Balla
This year’s tour combined with all the extensions gave the most comprehensive tour ever done in Malaysian Borneo. Starting with the pre-tour extensions aiming to see the once ‘near-mythical’ Bulwer’s Pheasant and Bornean Peacock-Pheasant from different hides, where recently they become more reliable, these mega-specialities became early highlights of the tour. Following the ‘hide sessions’, classic birdwatching started on the Sarawak extension, collecting the specialties of the region and we were successfully rolling up our target list seeing Dulit and Bornean Frogmouth, Dark Hawk-Cuckoo, Philippine Cuckoo Dove, Mountain Serpent Eagle, Malaysian Blue-banded Kingfisher, Golden-whiskered, Red-crowned, Mountain, Bornean and Brown Barbets, Olive- and Orange-backed Woodpeckers, Hose’s Broadbill, Blue-banded Pitta, Black-and Crimson and Black Oriole, Spotted Fantail, Crested Jayshrike, Bornean Treepie, Rail-babbler, a great selection of Bulbuls including Penan, Hook-billed, Charlotte’s, Bornean and Cream-eyed, Pygmy and Hume’s White-eye, Rufous-fronted Babbler, Black-throated and White-necked Babbler, Pale and Dayak Blue Flycatcher, Chestnut-naped Forktail, Bornean Leafbird, Bornean and White-head’s Spiderhunter just under a few days. After the extensions, during the classic Borneo tour, which goes through the birding hotspots of Sabah, we picked up Pittas including the Blue-headed and Black-crowned, Hornbills of all kind including Rhinoceros, Helmeted and White-crowned, Whitehead’s Trogon, Whitehead’s Broadbill, Bornean Bristlehead, Fruithunter to name the colourful ones besides Great Argus, Storm’s Stork, a large set of Babblers including Bornean Wren, Mountain Wren, Striped and Bornean Black-capped, Mountain Black-eye, Sunda Owlet and a beautiful Barred Eagle-Owl.
We have to mention our encounter with Bornean Pygmy Elephants, Bornean Orangutan, Maroon Leaf-Monkey, Proboscis Monkeys and Horsfield’s Tarsier as they were also unforgettable highlights of our tour.
This year’s tour was the first which offered pre-extensions aiming to see the once mythical Bulwer’s Pheasant and Bornean Peacock-Pheasant. On the Bulwer’s Peacock-Pheasant extension, we drove up to Trus Madi, where an entomology camp was our base for two nights. On our day of arrival, we immediately sat in one of the superb hides here and found White-crowned Shama, Dayak Blue Flycatcher and a female Bornean Banded Pitta turning up. After sunset we tried for the endemic Bornean Frogmouth and successfully lured one onto an open branch.
The next morning, we drove back to the hide and waited with excitement. It did not take too long for the star to appear – a male Bulwer’s Pheasant was walking in front of us only a few meters away. Not a single guidebook gives back the shining pearls on its back and the glowing, iridescent rufous colours of its chest as the slightest amount of light hits it. Fabulous moments. As waiting patiently, we had the Bornean Banded Pitta turning up again and surprisingly a pair of Bulwer’s Pheasant appeared soon after. The male had a less pronounced tail, a good sign that it was definitely a different individual together with its hen. It was amazing to see how well they blend into the forest regardless of their stunning appearance. Mid-day birding around the camp was fruitful as we had amazing views of Bornean Leafbirds and Cinereous Bulbuls. Afternoon we went back to the same hide in hope for something bigger to appear. We were lucky. It is hard to describe a fully grown Great Argus as it appears completely open in front of us. A dream bird for many birders – probably all – and suddenly it is calmly feeding literally meters away from us. Later it was a night for celebration especially after spotlighting a Bintourong and Bornean Striped Civet on a fruiting fig tree a few hundred meters from the camp.
Next morning, we tried another hide, where we had a glowing male Bornean Banded Pitta stealing the show, however a Malayan Civet in daylight was also a strong contender in the ‘bird of the day’ game. The hide had constant activity as an industrious Short-tailed Babbler pair was building their nest nearby, thus collecting nesting material and stealing mealworms were keeping them busy. A calling Rail-Babbler refused to come closer, unlike a singing White-necked Babbler which popped out for a few seconds from the dense vegetation and a Bornean Black-capped Babbler which was hard to spot due to the angle from the hide. We left the camp in the middle of the day and had enough time to stop in the Crockers Range for a short birding. We found Chestnut-hooded Laughingthrush and Bornean Forktails as a warmup for the upcoming trip. The following morning, we tried a hide higher in the Crockers Range and were successful seeing a superb pair of Crimson-head Partridge, while Sunda Laughingthrush was appearing together with Chestnut-hooded Laughingthrush and a neat little Snowy-browed Flycatcher before heading back to Kota Kinabalu ending the extension.
During the special Bornean Peacock-Pheasant extension we visited another hide in the Telupid area of Sabah. The peacock-pheasant is nothing like as reliable as Bulwer’s Pheasant and we have heard of people who sat in the hide without success for three days, but luckily that is pretty rare. We had two days to play with and on one of the days we had multiple Bornean Peacock-Pheasant sightings, both a magnificent male and some females, while on the other day there was not a sniff of one! The little peacock-pheasant is definitely scared of the Bornean Crested Firebacks that also frequent the area and its absence on some days may well be related to aggression by this much larger species. Indeed, we witnessed a male crested fireback chasing off the male peacock-pheasant! Head down it scampered away at high speed to avoid trouble! Seeing a male Bornean Peacock-Pheasant in all its glory, puffing up its crest and neck feathers was really something amazing!
Other great birds during our visit to Telupid included the ‘zany’ but shy Crested Partridge (or Roulroul), White-fronted Falconet and Straw-headed Bulbul.
Birding was concentrated onto all special habitats found in the region. Our group with Yeo, our local guide, started the Sarawak extension where the Klias Peat Swamp Forest Reserve was our first birding spot on the way to the Sabah – Sarawak border. The nice boardwalk provided us easy access into the denser part of the forest where we successfully found our main targets. Hook-billed Bulbuls were benignant and three of them showed themselves for us. We had to work harder for the more sculking Black-throated Babbler until everyone got them. The fruiting trees in the reserve gave us a great opportunity to observe Red-crowned and Blue-eared (Black-eared) Barbets while Greater Green Leafbird, Orange-bellied and even Thick-billed Flowerpeckers were visiting the best ones. We were lucky to find three Scarlet-breasted Flowerpeckers, but unfortunately none of them was a nice male. On the leaf covered forest floor we spotted our first Bornean Black-capped Babbler while on the trees a set of Woodpeckers were seen including Grey-and-buff, White-bellied, Banded, Crimson-winged, Buff-rumped, Buff-necked and Common Flameback. We did a short night birding session where Brown Boobook and Sunda Scops Owl were seen, Oriental Bay Owl heard from the distance and the surprise of the night was a Moon Rat moving aside the boardwalk and leaving its special odour behind.
After crossing the border from Sabah to Sarawak we had a lunch in Lawas and changed to 4×4 pickups for the rest of the extension. A long drive further into Sarawak with the first Black Hornbills seen on the way and we arrived to Ba’kelalan village by night. Before reaching the village, we made a stop in the dark to try Yeo’s spot for Dulit Frogmouth, but no birds were responding, fortunately though we spotted a roosting Malayan Blue-banded Kingfisher at a stream giving a nice ending for the day’s birding.
The following morning, we went back to try again the Dulit Frogmouth and this time we found the bird which silently flew in and landed in the lower canopy above us.
Around Ba’kelalan some excellent roadside habitat gave easy access to the specialties of the area. At the higher elevations we found the endemic Whitehead’s Spiderhunter, Bornean Treepie and Mountain Serpent Eagle. A bit lower the middle elevation forests and roadside habitats gave us Philippine Cuckoo-Dove, Dark Hawk-Cuckoo, Scarlet-rumped and Orange-breasted Trogons, a great variety of Barbets including Golden-whiskered, Red-throated and the endemic Bornean and Mountain, the tiny Black-thighed Falconet, an amazing Green Broadbill, Ashy Drongo (of the local endemic form), Penan, Charlotte’s, Cinereous and the beautiful Scaly-breasted Bulbuls, flocks of Chestnut-crested Yuhinas and Pygmy White-eyes, Rufous-fronted and the shy White-necked Babbler, Brown Fulvettas and Chestnut-hooded Laughingthrushes, Bornean Leafbirds, Yellow-rumped Flowerpecker and Bornean Spiderhunter. We worked hard to find the other star bird of the area, the Hose’s Broadbill and saw our first individuals perching for short periods and flying by a few times. Crested Jayshrike, which now is placed in its own, monotypic family was also first seen here. Another night birding made us see Malaysian Eared Nightjar and the little Bornean Frogmouth.
Driving further north we arrived to Long Tuyo from where we trekked up an old logging road to Paya Maga, where the enigmatic Black Oriole was recently rediscovered. Being lucky with the current weather we started birding at the beginning of our hike. Not so long after the start we had a small group of Grey-headed Babblers calling which we lured closer, then after a few minutes walking we heard Blue-banded Pitta calling in a small gully above the road. Our try on the calling bird failed as we failed to spot the bird which came really close. Fortunately, we heard another individual calling under the road later on, which we did manage to find after almost half an hour’s search, as it was sitting on a stretch of root above the ground – still not easy to see for everyone. We were halfway up when Orange-backed Woodpeckers were calling near the trail, not much after we had them around but being shy, they were not easy to follow, but finally everyone got on the birds. Not far before reaching the campsite a large fruiting tree was attracting a set of loud Barbets when we heard a calling Hose’s Broadbill. The bird being responsive appeared in front of us, but only sat for a few seconds before flying and disappearing.
Arriving at the campsite we heard a singing Black Oriole literally a few minutes later. It was calling near the camp and it did not take us too long to find the bird and enjoyed fantastic views as it started preening on an open branch. We birded the area around the campsite in the afternoon and the next morning finding such great birds as the first Rhinoceros and Bushy-crested Hornbills of the tour, Olive-backed Woodpecker, Blyth’s Paradise Flycatcher, Crested Jayshrike, Hairy-backed, Finsch’s, Charlotte’s, Cinereous and Bornean Bulbuls, a loud pair of Bare-headed Laughingthrush, noisy Black-throated Wren-Babblers, the nominate form of Eyebrowed Wren-Babbler, Pale Blue and Dayak Blue Flycatchers. Besides seeing Black Oriole here, birding was definitely crowned with exciting moments observing a fantastic Rail-Babbler skulking and calling on the forest floor and with another observation Hose’s Broadbill finally sitting still for more than a few seconds!
We descended back in rain from the camp and drove back to Lawas, where we said goodbye to our 4×4 drivers. A last night was spent in a nice hotel in the town which after we drove back to Kota Kinabalu to start the main tour in Sabah.
The main Sabah tour started in Kota Kinabalu, with an afternoon birding in the Prince Philip Park, where we successfully tracked down a Sunda Pygmy Woodpecker and had several Blue-naped Parrots and Long-tailed Parakeets around us. A short walk around the hotel produced a few Pacific Reef Herons and a Nankeen Night Heron.
Next morning drove up the Crockers Range where a visit to a local hide resulted in fantastic close views of Crimson-headed Partridge a.k.a. Bloodhead and a group of Red-breasted Partridge, while Sunda and Chestnut-hooded Laughingthrush were peacefully moving around. Outside, at the forest edge we found another set of endemics and specialties including Mountain Blackeye, Bornean Treepie, Aberrant Bush Warbler, Bornean Stubtail or Mountain Leaf Warbler and we had the chance to compare Bornean and Plume-toed Swiftlets. Driving towards Mount Kinabalu where we had our next base in a nice resort outside the park, we stopped halfway to enjoy a pair of the endemic White-fronted Falconets.
Arriving in the park late afternoon we had time for a short exploration around the headquarters, where the peculiar Bornean Green Magpie was a present, we found and Black-sided Flowerpecker was also added to our list.
The next three and half days were spent in the superb forests of Kinabalu National Park. Misty mornings and rainy afternoons were usual during our stay, adding a frame to birdwatching here. During the best morning hours, we had unforgettable views of the magnificent endemic Whitehead’s Trogon, we enjoyed the active flocks of the higher areas consisting of Chestnut-crested Yuhinas, Yellow-breasted Warblers, Chestnut-hooded and Sunda Laughingthrush, Mountain Blackeyes, Grey-chinned Minivets, Indigo Flycatchers, Bornean Whistlers and Black-capped White-eyes. Some mornings we heard the loud calls of Bare-headed Laughingthrush which we followed until seeing the birds, Mountain Wren-Babbler was singing from the dense undergrowth and showed themselves after some work followed by Temminck’s Babbler a few minutes later. We saw two Everett’s Thrush on the roadside one morning, while Bornean Whistling Thrush was more common there. We were lucky to see an incubating female Fruithunter through a telescope, but males spotted a few times were even more exciting. We had to wait until our last morning to finally have proper views of the glowing Whitehead’s Broadbill. Sunda Cuckooshrike, Black-and-crimson Oriole, Pale-faced Bulbul and Maroon Woodpecker were all seen around the Timpohon Gate. Easy walks around the headquarters produced the shy Bornean Shortwing and Bornean Forktail showing themselves unusually well and a fruiting tree made possible eyelevel views of a Golden-naped Barbet and Indigo Flycatcher. We were lucky to find Pygmy Flycatchers three times, Eyebrowed Jungle Flycatcher (or Bornean Shade-dweller) was hunting lower down along the road. Spending some time on the lookout point we found Giant Swiftlet and had an incredible view of Mountain Serpent Eagle with the peak of Mount Kinabalu in the background. Starting in the dark early in the morning we found a Red-cheeked Flying Squirrel and Mountain Scops Owl. Tufted Pygmy Squirrel we found a few times restless moving on branches.
Leaving Kinabalu National Park after a morning birding, we made a short stop on the entrance road of the famous Gomantong Caves. However, the caves were not open for visitors, due to reconstruction works of the visitor centre and the trail system, it was worth stopping by to check the area. Late afternoon the activity was very low, but a vocal Black-crowned Pitta was attending the scene and taking the show giving us excellent views.
We arrived at the jetty just before sunset to take a short boat ride to our next base camp, into our lodge on the bank of the Kinabatangan River. We had two full days and a morning to explore the various tributaries of this famous birding hotspot in comfort from our boat. Amongst the many targets we collected, Hornbills were definitely the main highlights here. We had superb views of all observed species which included the odd looking White-crowned Hornbill, Wrinkled Hornbill, Bushy-crested Hornbill and countless encounters with the magnificent Rhinoceros Hornbill. The rare Storm’s Stork we have seen several times observing at least eight individuals, while the endangered Lesser Adjutant’s high count was 10 birds in a thermal. Wallace’s and Changeable Hawk-Eagle were also seen on the treetops along the river and we saw probably hundreds of Proboscis Monkeys and a few Silver Leaf Monkeys as well. Riding back to the Lodge in dusk gave us the opportunity to see a Bat Hawk hunting above the trees, while on a night cruise we found Buffy Fish Owls. Our main target in the area was of course the elusive Bornean Ground Cuckoo, our closest encounter with a well responding pair ended here with our boatmen seeing only a bird from his position – bad luck this time. The beautiful Black-and-red Broadbills, Brown Barbets, White-chested Babblers and Malaysian Blue Flycatchers were all seen from the boat while cruising on the river.
Leaving the Kinabatangan area we drove to Lahad Datu, where the staff of the luxurious Borneo Rainforest Lodge were welcoming and inviting us for lunch. We had a smooth drive into Danum Valley in the afternoon only interrupted by Bornean Crested Fireback and a Binturong which were crossing the road. The upcoming four nights we spent in this magical patch of lowland rainforest in superb comfort provided by our outstanding accommodation and its staff. We met Rayner, our local guide who joined us to find all the specialties of this forest and went out for a night walk after dinner, where a Colugo and a Horsfield’s Tarsier were seen along the road and a rigorous Barred Eagle-Owl just near the Lodge. Next morning, we started birding in the forest, close to the lodge and soon encountered Horsfield’s Babbler and the gem of the forest, a male Blue-headed Pitta. Not much later after seeing the Pitta we found a singing Bornean Blue Flycatcher before we headed towards the canopy walkway where two of the strange looking Bornean Bristleheads (of their own, monotypic family) were waiting for us. After such a start we kept going on an found Ventriloquial Oriole, Finsch’s Bulbul, Charlotte’s Bulbul and Cream-eyed Bulbul, Short-tailed Babbler in the understorey, along the road we saw White-crowned Shama, a White-crowned Forktail pair and a flowering tree had Red-throated Sunbird and a Bornean Spiderhunter. A Wallace’s Hawk-Eagle was perched further away on a treetop enabling nice scope views. Up in the canopy walkway a noisy flock of Dusky Broadbills, Red-billed and Chestnut-breasted Malkoha was seen and a distant calling Great Slaty Woodpecker was tracked down successfully. A gorgeous Whiskered Treeswift proved to be friendly as usual. On the night drive after dinner, we encountered a Sunda Leopard Cat, found Thomas’s and Common Giant Flying Squirrels and briefly seen a larger cat as it crossed the road in front of us, which we identified as a Marbled Cat after putting together what we had seen.
Next morning, we had a ride to a more distant, thus less visited trail, where we soon bumped into a small group of Black-throated Wren-Babblers. Further in the forest a singing Black-crowned Pitta and a distant Blue-banded Pitta was heard but both remained unseen. On the way coming out we heard the distinctive call of Bornean Wren-Babbler, fortunately this bird was more responsive and after some luring it showed itself restlessly skulking around us on the ground only enabling short views at a time. After several distant calling Helmeted Hornbills heard in the past days, we finally heard a close call and rushed back to the main road to have a better view of the canopy. Soon we had one of this huge, endangered Hornbills flying above us and landing in the canopy on a nearby giant tree. We were enjoying the Helmeted Hornbill when suddenly a Giant Pitta started calling loudly from the forest. We headed back on the trail with half of the group while the rest were staying with the Hornbill. The Pitta was responsive but blended in so well that only some of us glimpsed it hopping in the dense undergrowth. Reaching the lodge, a friendly group of Maroon Leaf Monkeys were hanging around. After a midday shower leaving the lodge we saw Fiery Minivets, we went back to a close trail and found a male Bornean Blue Flycatcher, Yellow-rumped Flowerpeckers, Striped Wren-Babbler was showing well near the road, Grey-hooded Babblers were skulking in the mid storey sometimes together with Brown Fulvettas. Reaching the lodge later afternoon a Bornean Orangutan was peacefully feeding between the leaves on a roadside tree. On a short night walk we found two Horsfield’s Tarsiers, Malay Civet and a Colugo. Our last full day we concentrated on the missing species and collected a set of Babblers including the endemic Bornean Black-capped Babbler, Moustached, Rufous-crowned Chestnut-rumped and Ferruginous Babblers and had the striking Striped Wren-Babblers again. We bumped into Wrinkled Hornbill near the road twice and also saw Bushy-crested Hornbills and a magnificent male Blyth’s Paradise Flycatcher looking like a nymph on the forest edge, a Grey-cheeked Bulbul pair and a Thick-billed Spiderhunter was nice to see as well. Deep in the forest we had an amazing encounter with a male Great Argus on its display ground and a suitable looking valley once had a responding Bornean Ground-Cuckoo. We put in quite effort which finally paid back and we had the Ground-Cuckoos calling close and one was showing itself a few times for short periods in the dense undergrowth. On the way out we saw Great-billed Heron on the river. Afternoon, from the canopy walk we had an eye level view of Banded and Black-and-yellow Broadbill, Maroon-breasted Philentoma and found a male Orangutan building its shelter for the night. On our last night drive, we heard Blyth’s Frogmouth but remained unseen and Barred Eagle-Owl was spotted again at the end of the session.
Our last morning in Danum Valley and the last one of the tour, we headed to the canopy walk in the morning and found Bornean Black Magpie, Greater and Lesser Green Leafbirds and a male Scarlet-rumped Trogon. Reaching the Lodge, we tracked down a calling Sunda Scimitar Babbler as a final addition to our list here. After lunch we had a stressless ride out from Danum Valley and finished the tour in Lahad Datu airport.
1st Bornean Bristlehead
2nd Black-crowned Pitta
3rd Blue-headed Pitta
4th Whitehead’s Broadbill
5th Barred Eagle-Owl
Species marked with the diamond symbol (◊) are either endemic to the country or local region or considered ‘special’ birds for some other reason (e.g., it is only seen on one or two Birdquest tours; it is difficult to see across all or most of its range; the local form is endemic or restricted-range and may in future be treated as a full species).
The species names and taxonomy used in the bird list follows Gill, F., Donsker, D., & Rasmussen, P.(Eds). 2023. IOC World Bird List (v13.2) (this was the current version when the checklist for the tour report was created).
Where the subspecies seen is/are known, these are often given in parentheses at the end of the species comment.
Crested Partridge ◊ Rollulus rouloul A group of three seen in the Telupid area, others heard in Sarawak and the Bulwer Pheasant extension.
Red-breasted Partridge ◊ Arborophila hyperythra Endemic. Seen well in the Crocker’s Range from hide, heard every day on Mt. Kinabalu.
Bulwer’s Pheasant ◊ Lophura bulweri Endemic. Fantastic experience with the species in Trus Madi hide on the extension. Two males and a female seen.
Bornean Crested Fireback ◊ Lophura ignita Endemic. Seen in Danum Valley and a pair in the Telupid area.
Great Argus ◊ Argusianus argus A huge male seen on the extension from Trus Madi hide, another male seen in Danum Valley on display ground.
Bornean Peacock-Pheasant ◊ Polyplectron schleiermacheri Endemic. A five individuals seen including a superb male from hide in the Telupid area.
Sabah Partridge ◊ Tropicoperdix graydoni Endemic. Heard-only. Only a distant calling bird heard once in Danum Valley.
Crimson-headed Partridge ◊ Haematortyx sanguiniceps Endemic. Great views in the Crocker’s Range and Kinabalu NP.
Malaysian Eared Nightjar Lyncornis temminckii Seen in Sarawak.
Dulit Frogmouth ◊ Batrachostomus harterti Endemic. Seen in Sarawak.
Bornean Frogmouth ◊ Batrachostomus mixtus Endemic. Seen in Sarawak and on the Bulwer’s Pheasant extension.
Blyth’s Frogmouth Batrachostomus affinis Heard-only in Danum Valley.
Grey-rumped Treeswift Hemiprocne longipennis
Whiskered Treeswift Hemiprocne comata
Giant Swiftlet (Waterfall S) Hydrochous gigas
Plume-toed Swiftlet Collocalia affinis
Bornean Swiftlet ◊ Collocalia dodgei Endemic. Seen in the Crocker’s Range and in Kinabalu NP.
Mossy-nest Swiftlet ◊ Aerodramus salangana
Edible-nest Swiftlet Aerodramus fuciphagus
Germain’s Swiftlet Aerodramus germani
Silver-rumped Spinetail (S-r Needletail) Rhaphidura leucopygialis
Brown-backed Needletail Hirundapus giganteus
Asian Palm Swift Cypsiurus balasiensis
Short-toed Coucal ◊ Centropus rectunguis Heard-only in Danum Valley.
Greater Coucal Centropus sinensis
Lesser Coucal Centropus bengalensis
Bornean Ground Cuckoo ◊ Carpococcyx radiceus Endemic. After head at the Kinabatangan River a pair was lured into brief views in Danum Valley.
Raffles’s Malkoha Rhinortha chlorophaea
Red-billed Malkoha Zanclostomus javanicus
Chestnut-breasted Malkoha Phaenicophaeus curvirostris
Chestnut-bellied Malkoha Phaenicophaeus sumatranus
Black-bellied Malkoha Phaenicophaeus diardi
Violet Cuckoo Chrysococcyx xanthorhynchus Heard-only.
Banded Bay Cuckoo Cacomantis sonneratii Heard-only.
Plaintive Cuckoo Cacomantis merulinus
Dark Hawk-Cuckoo ◊ Hierococcyx bocki One seen in Sarawak.
Indian Cuckoo Cuculus micropterus
Sunda Cuckoo Cuculus lepidus A single bird seen well in Kinabalu NP.
Rock Dove (introduced) Columba livia
Spotted Dove Spilopelia chinensis
Philippine Cuckoo Dove ◊ (Slender-billed C-D) Macropygia tenuirostris One seen in Sarawak.
Little Cuckoo-Dove Macropygia ruficeps
Common Emerald Dove (Asian E D) Chalcophaps indica
Zebra Dove (introduced) Geopelia striata
Little Green Pigeon Treron olax
Pink-necked Green Pigeon Treron vernans
Thick-billed Green Pigeon Treron curvirostra
Green Imperial Pigeon Ducula aenea
Mountain Imperial Pigeon Ducula badia
White-breasted Waterhen Amaurornis phoenicurus
Common Sandpiper Actitis hypoleucos
Common Greenshank Tringa nebularia
Storm’s Stork ◊ Ciconia stormi At least 7 individuals seen at the Kinabatangan River.
Lesser Adjutant Leptoptilos javanicus At least 10 birds at the Kinabatangan River.
Oriental Darter Anhinga melanogaster
Cinnamon Bittern Ixobrychus cinnamomeus
Black-crowned Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax
Nankeen Night Heron (Rufous N H) Nycticorax caledonicus
Striated Heron Butorides striata
Eastern Cattle Egret Bubulcus coromandus
Great-billed Heron Ardea sumatrana One seen in Danum Valley.
Purple Heron Ardea purpurea
Great Egret Ardea alba
Intermediate Egret Ardea intermedia
Little Egret Egretta garzetta
Pacific Reef Heron Egretta sacra
Crested Honey Buzzard (Indo-Malayan H B) Pernis [ptilorhynchus] ptilorhynchus
Jerdon’s Baza ◊ Aviceda jerdoni One individual seen at the Kinabatangan River.
Crested Serpent Eagle Spilornis cheela
Mountain Serpent Eagle ◊ Spilornis kinabaluensis Endemic. Two seen in Sarawak and two in Kinabalu NP.
Bat Hawk ◊ Macheiramphus alcinus One bird seen at the Kinabatangan River.
Changeable Hawk-Eagle Nisaetus cirrhatus
Blyth’s Hawk-Eagle Nisaetus alboniger
Wallace’s Hawk-Eagle ◊ Nisaetus nanus
Rufous-bellied Eagle Lophotriorchis kienerii
Black Eagle Ictinaetus malaiensis
Crested Goshawk Accipiter trivirgatus
Brahminy Kite Haliastur indus
White-bellied Sea Eagle (W-b Fish E) Haliaeetus leucogaster
Lesser Fish Eagle Haliaeetus humilis
Grey-headed Fish Eagle Haliaeetus ichthyaetus
Oriental Bay Owl Phodilus badius Heard-only.
Brown Boobook (B Hawk-Owl) Ninox scutulata Seen in Klias Peatswamp Reserve.
Sunda Owlet ◊ Glaucidium sylvaticum A few heard and one seen well in Kinabalu NP.
Mountain Scops Owl Otus spilocephalus Seen in Kinabalu NP.
Sunda Scops Owl Otus lempiji Seen in Klias Peatswamp Reserve.
Barred Eagle-Owl ◊ Bubo sumatranus Fantastic views in Danum Valley.
Buffy Fish Owl Ketupa ketupu At least 4 birds at the Kinabatangan.
Brown Wood Owl Strix leptogrammica Heard-only in Sarawak.
Red-naped Trogon Harpactes kasumba Heard-only.
Whitehead’s Trogon ◊ Harpactes whiteheadi Endemic. Fabulous encounters twice in Kinabalu NP.
Scarlet-rumped Trogon Harpactes duvaucelii
Orange-breasted Trogon (Spice T) Harpactes [oreskios] dulitensis
White-crowned Hornbill ◊ Berenicornis comatus A fantastic pair at the Kinabatangan River.
Rhinoceros Hornbill Buceros rhinoceros Best views at the Kinabatangan River and in Danum Valley.
Helmeted Hornbill ◊ Rhinoplax vigil Several times heard, finally seen one in Danum Valley.
Oriental Pied Hornbill Anthracoceros albirostris
Black Hornbill Anthracoceros malayanus
Bushy-crested Hornbill Anorrhinus galeritus
Wreathed Hornbill Rhyticeros undulatus
Wrinkled Hornbill ◊ Rhabdotorrhinus corrugatus Seen at the Kinabatangan River and in Danum Valley.
Oriental Dollarbird Eurystomus orientalis
Banded Kingfisher ◊ (Black-faced K) Lacedo [pulchella] melanops Heard-only.
Stork-billed Kingfisher Pelargopsis capensis
Collared Kingfisher Todiramphus chloris
Malayan Blue-banded Kingfisher ◊ Alcedo peninsulae One bird seen in Sarawak at night.
Blue-eared Kingfisher Alcedo meninting
Oriental Dwarf Kingfisher (Rufous-backed K) Ceyx erithaca
Red-bearded Bee-eater Nyctyornis amictus
Rainbow Bee-eater Merops ornatus One bird at Kinabatangan River together with Blue-throated ones.
Blue-throated Bee-eater Merops viridis
Golden-whiskered Barbet ◊ (Golden-faced B) Psilopogon [chrysopogon] chrysopsis
Red-crowned Barbet ◊ Psilopogon rafflesia Great views at Klias.
Red-throated Barbet Psilopogon mystacophanos
Mountain Barbet ◊ Psilopogon monticola Endemic.
Yellow-crowned Barbet Psilopogon henricii
Golden-naped Barbet ◊ Psilopogon pulcherrimus Endemic. Fantastic eye-level view in Kinabalu NP.
Blue-eared Barbet (Black-e B) Psilopogon duvaucelii
Bornean Barbet ◊ Psilopogon eximius Endemic.
Brown Barbet ◊ (Bornean B B) Caloramphus fuliginosus Endemic.
Rufous Piculet Sasia abnormis
Grey-and-buff Woodpecker Hemicircus [concretus] sordidus
Sunda Pygmy Woodpecker Yungipicus moluccensis
White-bellied Woodpecker Dryocopus javensis
Banded Woodpecker Chrysophlegma miniaceum
Checker-throated Woodpecker (C-t Yellownape) Chrysophlegma [mentale] humii
Crimson-winged Woodpecker Picus puniceus
Common Flameback Dinopium javanense One seen in Klias.
Olive-backed Woodpecker ◊ Gecinulus rafflesii A female seen in Sarawak.
Maroon Woodpecker Blythipicus rubiginosus
Orange-backed Woodpecker Reinwardtipicus validus A pair seen in Sarawak.
Buff-rumped Woodpecker Meiglyptes [tristis] grammithorax
Buff-necked Woodpecker Meiglyptes tukki
Great Slaty Woodpecker Mulleripicus pulverulentus
Black-thighed Falconet Microhierax fringillarius
White-fronted Falconet ◊ Microhierax latifrons Endemic. A pair seen from the main road on the way to Kinabalu and another one in the Telupid area.
Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus
Blue-naped Parrot ◊ Tanygnathus lucionensis Several birds seen in Kota Kinabalu.
Long-tailed Parakeet ◊ Psittacula longicauda Easily seen in Kota Kinabalu and a small flock at the Kinabatangan River.
Blue-crowned Hanging Parrot Loriculus galgulus
Dusky Broadbill Corydon sumatranus Eye-level views in Danum Valley.
Black-and-red Broadbill Cymbirhynchus macrorhynchos
Banded Broadbill Eurylaimus javanicus
Black-and-yellow Broadbill Eurylaimus ochromalus
Green Broadbill Calyptomena viridis Fantastic views in Sarawak.
Hose’s Broadbill ◊ Calyptomena hosii Endemic. Several encounters in Sarawak.
Whitehead’s Broadbill ◊ Calyptomena whiteheadi Endemic. At least three birds seen in Kinabalu NP.
Giant Pitta ◊ Hydrornis caeruleus One bird seen briefly by some after luring in Danum Valley.
Bornean Banded Pitta ◊ Hydrornis schwaneri Endemic. Fantastic view from the hides at Trus Madi.
Blue-headed Pitta ◊ Hydrornis baudii Endemic. Heard many times and seen a few times in Danum Valley.
Black-crowned Pitta ◊ Erythropitta ussheri Endemic. Great views at the Gomantong Caves.
Blue-banded Pitta ◊ Erythropitta arquata Heard a few and seen one in Sarawak.
Hooded Pitta ◊ (Western H P) Pitta sordida Heard-only.
Golden-bellied Gerygone (Flyeater, Sunda G) Gerygone sulphurea
Bar-winged Flycatcher-shrike Hemipus picatus
Large Woodshrike Tephrodornis virgatus
Rufous-winged Philentoma Philentoma pyrhoptera
Maroon-breasted Philentoma Philentoma velata
Bornean Bristlehead ◊ Pityriasis gymnocephala Endemic. Two fantastic individuals seen in Danum Valley.
White-breasted Woodswallow Artamus leucorynchus
Common Iora Aegithina tiphia
Green Iora Aegithina viridissima
Fiery Minivet ◊ Pericrocotus igneus
Grey-chinned Minivet (Grey-throated M) Pericrocotus solaris
Scarlet Minivet Pericrocotus speciosus
Sunda Cuckooshrike ◊ (Bornean C) Coracina [larvata] normani Seen well in the Kinabalu NP.
Pied Triller Lalage nigra
Lesser Cuckooshrike Lalage fimbriata
Bornean Whistler ◊ Pachycephala hypoxantha Endemic. Common in Kinabalu NP.
Long-tailed Shrike ◊ (Philippine L-t S) Lanius [schach] nasutus
White-browed Shrike-babbler Pteruthius aeralatus
White-bellied Erpornis Erpornis zantholeuca
Black-and-crimson Oriole ◊ Oriolus cruentus A male showing well in Kinabalu NP.
Black Oriole ◊ Oriolus hosii Endemic. Great views in Sarawak.
Ventriloquial Oriole Oriolus consobrinus Seen in Danum Valley.
Bronzed Drongo Dicrurus aeneus
Greater Racket-tailed Drongo Dicrurus paradiseus Heard-only.
Hair-crested Drongo (Bornean Spangled D) Dicrurus [hottentottus] borneensis
Ashy Drongo ◊ (Bornean Grey D) Dicrurus [leucophaeus] stigmatops
White-throated Fantail Rhipidura albicollis
Malaysian Pied Fantail (Sunda P F) Rhipidura javanica
Spotted Fantail ◊ Rhipidura perlata One seen in Sarawak.
Black-naped Monarch Hypothymis azurea
Blyth’s Paradise Flycatcher Terpsiphone affinis
Crested Jayshrike (C Jay) Platylophus galericulatus Seen in Sarawak.
Bornean Black Magpie ◊ Platysmurus aterrimus Endemic. Seen in Danum Valley.
Bornean Green Magpie ◊ Cissa jefferyi Endemic. Seen in Kinabalu NP.
Bornean Treepie ◊ Dendrocitta cinerascens Endemic. Many seen at the higher elevation sites.
Slender-billed Crow (Sunda C) Corvus [enca] compilator
Rail-babbler ◊ Eupetes macrocerus One lured into views in Sarawak.
Grey-headed Canary-flycatcher Culicicapa ceylonensis
Hairy-backed Bulbul ◊ (Sabah H-b B) Tricholestes [criniger] viridis
Hook-billed Bulbul ◊ Setornis criniger Three individuals seen in Klias.
Yellow-bellied Bulbul Alophoixus phaeocephalus
Grey-cheeked Bulbul ◊ (Guttural B) Alophoixus tephrogenys Nice views in Danum Valley.
Penan Bulbul ◊ (Chestnut-vented B) Alophoixus ruficrissus Endemic.
Finsch’s Bulbul ◊ Iole finschii
Charlotte’s Bulbul ◊ Iole charlottae Endemic. Seen in Sarawak and in Danum Valley.
Cinereous Bulbul ◊ Hemixos cinereus
Streaked Bulbul Ixos malaccensis
Black-headed Bulbul Brachypodius melanocephalos
Spectacled Bulbul Ixodia erythropthalmos
Scaly-breasted Bulbul ◊ Ixodia squamata Seen in Sarawak.
Bornean Bulbul ◊ Rubigula montis Endemic. Commonly seen in Sarawak.
Cream-eyed Bulbul ◊ Pycnonotus pseudosimplex Endemic. Seen in Sarawak and Danum Valley.
Cream-vented Bulbul Pycnonotus simplex
Olive-winged Bulbul Pycnonotus plumosus
Asian Red-eyed Bulbul Pycnonotus brunneus
Straw-headed Bulbul ◊ Pycnonotus zeylanicus One seen in the Telupid area, and one heard-only at the Kinabatangan River.
Pale-faced Bulbul ◊ Pycnonotus leucops Endemic. Seen in the higher elevations of Kinabalu NP.
Yellow-vented Bulbul (Sunda Y-v B) Pycnonotus goiavier
Pacific Swallow Hirundo tahitica
Barn Swallow (W) Hirundo rustica
Mountain Tailorbird (M Leaftoiler) Phyllergates cucullatus
Aberrant Bush Warbler Horornis flavolivaceus Many seen in the Crocker’s Range and Kinabalu NP.
Bornean Stubtail ◊ Urosphena whiteheadi Endemic. Seen well in the Crocker’s Range and Kinabalu NP.
Yellow-breasted Warbler Phylloscopus montis
Mountain Leaf Warbler (Sunda Mountain W) Phylloscopus trivirgatus
Yellow-bellied Prinia ◊ (Bornean P) Prinia [flaviventris] latrunculus
Dark-necked Tailorbird Orthotomus atrogularis
Rufous-tailed Tailorbird Orthotomus sericeus
Ashy Tailorbird Orthotomus ruficeps
Chestnut-crested Yuhina ◊ Staphida everetti Endemic. Common in the montane forests.
Pygmy White-eye ◊ (P Ibon, P Heleia) Heleia squamifrons Endemic. Many seen in Trus Madi and Sarawak.
Black-capped White-eye ◊ Zosterops atricapilla Flocks seen in Kinabalu NP.
Mountain Blackeye ◊ Zosterops emiliae Endemic. Seen in the Corcker’s Range and Kinabalu NP.
Hume’s White-eye ◊ Zosterops auriventer Seen in Sarawak.
Bold-striped Tit-babbler ◊ Mixornis bornensis Near-endemic.
Fluffy-backed Tit-babbler Macronus ptilosus
Grey-hooded Babbler ◊ Cyanoderma bicolor Endemic.
Rufous-fronted Babbler ◊ (Sunda Leaf B) Cyanoderma rufifrons
Bare-headed Laughingthrush ◊ Melanocichla calva Endemic. Seen well in Sarawak and Kinabalu NP.
Sunda Scimitar Babbler ◊ Pomatorhinus bornensis Heard many times, seen on the last day briefly in Danum Valley.
Black-throated Babbler ◊ Stachyris nigricollis A pair seen in Klias.
Chestnut-rumped Babbler Stachyris maculata
Grey-throated Babbler (Montane B, Southern G-t B) Stachyris nigriceps
Grey-headed Babbler Stachyris poliocephala
White-necked Babbler ◊ (Fluting B) Stachyris [leucotis] obscurata A pair seen in Sarawak.
Black-throated Wren-Babbler ◊ Turdinus atrigularis Endemic. Seen in Sarawak and in Danum Valley.
Sooty-capped Babbler Malacopteron affine
Scaly-crowned Babbler Malacopteron cinereum
Rufous-crowned Babbler Malacopteron magnum
Moustached Babbler ◊ (Sabah M B) Malacopteron [magnirostre] cinereocapilla Seen well in Danum Valley.
Bornean Black-capped Babbler ◊ Pellorneum capistratoides Endemic. Seen in Trus Madi, Sarawak and Danum Valley.
Short-tailed Babbler ◊ (Leaflitter B) Pellorneum malaccense A confiding pair from Trus Madi hide and several seen in Danum Valley.
Temminck’s Babbler ◊ Pellorneum pyrrogenys Seen in Kinabalu NP.
White-chested Babbler Pellorneum rostratum
Ferruginous Babbler Pellorneum bicolor
Striped Wren-Babbler Kenopia striata Great views in Danum Valley.
Horsfield’s Babbler ◊ Malacocincla [sepiaria] rufiventris Seen in Danum Valley.
Mountain Wren-Babbler ◊ Gypsophila crassa Endemic. Heard many before seeing two in Kinabalu NP.
Bornean Wren-Babbler ◊ Ptilocichla leucogrammica Endemic. One seen in Danum Valley.
Eyebrowed Wren-Babbler ◊ (Sunda W-B) Napothera [epilepidota] epilepidota A pair seen in Sarawak.
Brown Fulvetta ◊ (Bornean F) Alcippe [brunneicauda] eriphaea Seen in Sarawak and Danum Valley.
Sunda Laughingthrush ◊ Garrulax palliates Near-endemic. Seen in the Crocker’s Range and Kinabalu NP.
Chestnut-hooded Laughingthrush ◊ Pterorhinus treachery Endemic. Many seen in the higher elevation sites.
Asian Fairy-bluebird Irena puella
Asian Glossy Starling Aplonis panayensis
Common Hill Myna Gracula religiosa
Crested Myna (introduced) Acridotheres cristatellus
Javan Myna (introduced) Acridotheres javanicus
Fruithunter ◊ Chlamydochaera jefferyi Endemic. Several encounters in Kinabalu NP.
Everett’s Thrush ◊ Zoothera everetti Endemic. Two individuals seen on the roadside in Kinabalu NP.
Oriental Magpie-Robin (Black M-R) Copsychus saularis
Rufous-tailed Shama ◊ Copsychus pyrropygus Heard-only in Danum Valley.
White-rumped Shama Copsychus malabaricus
White-crowned Shama ◊ Copsychus stricklandii Endemic. Seen easily in Danum Valley.
Pale Blue Flycatcher ◊ Cyornis unicolor
Dayak Blue Flycatcher ◊ Cyornis montanus Endemic. Seen in Trus Madi and Sarawak.
Sunda Blue Flycatcher ◊ (Large-billed B F) Cyornis caerulatus Near-endemic. A pair seen in Danum Valley.
Bornean Blue Flycatcher ◊ Cyornis superbus Endemic. Seen in Danum Valley.
Malaysian Blue Flycatcher ◊ Cyornis turcosus
Verditer Flycatcher Eumyias thalassinus
Indigo Flycatcher ◊ (Rufous-vented F) Eumyias indigo
Bornean Shortwing ◊ Brachypteryx erythrogyna Endemic. A pair seen in Kinabalu NP.
Eyebrowed Jungle Flycatcher ◊ Vauriella gularis Endemic. A few seen in Kinabalu NP.
Chestnut-naped Forktail ◊ Enicurus ruficapillus A pair seen in Sarawak.
White-crowned Forktail ◊ Enicurus [leschenaulti] frontalis Seen in Danum Valley.
Bornean Forktail ◊ Enicurus borneensis Endemic. Seen in the Crocker’s Range and Kinabalu NP.
Bornean Whistling Thrush ◊ Myophonus borneensis Endemic. Easily seen in Kinabalu NP.
Pygmy Flycatcher (P Blue F) Ficedula hodgsoni A pair and a male seen in Kinabalu NP.
Little Pied Flycatcher Ficedula westermanni
Snowy-browed Flycatcher Ficedula hyperythra
Greater Green Leafbird Chloropsis sonnerati
Lesser Green Leafbird Chloropsis cyanopogon
Bornean Leafbird ◊ Chloropsis kinabaluensis Endemic. A few seen in Trus Madi and Sarawak.
Yellow-breasted Flowerpecker Prionochilus maculatus
Yellow-rumped Flowerpecker ◊ Prionochilus xanthopygius Endemic.
Scarlet-breasted Flowerpecker Prionochilus thoracicus Three seen in Klias.
Thick-billed Flowerpecker ◊ Dicaeum agile One seen in Klias.
Orange-bellied Flowerpecker Dicaeum trigonostigma
Plain Flowerpecker Dicaeum minullum One seen in Trus Madi.
Black-sided Flowerpecker ◊ Dicaeum monticolum Endemic. Many seen in Kinabalu NP.
Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker Dicaeum cruentatum Heard-only.
Ruby-cheeked Sunbird Chalcoparia singalensis
Plain Sunbird Anthreptes simplex
Brown-throated Sunbird Anthreptes malacensis
Red-throated Sunbird Anthreptes rhodolaemus
Van Hasselt’s Sunbird Leptocoma brasiliana
Olive-backed Sunbird (Ornate S) Cinnyris [jugularis] ornatus
Temminck’s Sunbird Aethopyga temminckii
Purple-naped Sunbird (P-n Spiderhunter) Kurochkinegramma hypogrammicum
Little Spiderhunter Arachnothera longirostra
Thick-billed Spiderhunter Arachnothera crassirostris
Yellow-eared Spiderhunter Arachnothera chrysogenys
Bornean Spiderhunter ◊ Arachnothera everetti Endemic.
Whitehead’s Spiderhunter ◊ Arachnothera juliae Endemic. Superb views in Sarawak.
Eurasian Tree Sparrow (introduced) Passer montanus
Scaly-breasted Munia Lonchura punctulata
Dusky Munia ◊ Lonchura fuscans Endemic.
Chestnut Munia Lonchura atricapilla
Paddyfield Pipit Anthus rufulus
Asian Elephant (Indian E) Elephas maximus A group was seen at the Kinabatangan River, at night even coming too close into the area of our lodge.
Moonrat Echinosorex gymnura One seen in Klias.
Marbled Cat Pardofelis marmorata One seen crossing the road in Danum Valley during night drive.
Sunda Leopard Cat Prionailurus javanensis One seen in Danum Valley on a night drive.
Binturong Arctictis binturong One seen in Trus Madi and another one crossing the road when entering Danum Valley.
Small-toothed Palm Civet (Bornean Striped C) Arctogalidia trivirgata Seen in Trus Madi.
Masked Palm Civet Paguma larvata Seen in Trus Madi.
Northern Palm Civet (Common P C) Paradoxurus hermaphroditus Seen in Danum Valley.
Malay Civet Viverra tangalunga A daytime encounter with one at Trus Madi from a hide.
Sunda Stink-badger (Malay Badger) Mydaus javanensis One individual at Trus Madi.
Asian Small-clawed Otter Aonyx cinereus One seen crossing the road in Sarawak.
Yellow-throated Marten Martes flavigula One seen in Kinabalu NP.
Lesser Indo-Malayan Chevrotain (L Mouse-Deer) Tragulus kanchil One in Trus Madi.
Southern Red Muntjac (Indian M) Muntiacus muntjak Heard-only.
Sambar Deer Rusa unicolor
Sunda Flying Lemur (Colugo, Malayan F L) Galeopterus variegatus A few seen in Danum Valley.
Long-footed Tree Shrew (Plain T S) Tupaia longipes Seen from Trus Madi hide.
Pygmy Tree Shrew (Pygmy T S) Tupaia minor
Large Tree Shrew Tupaia tana
Horsfield’s Tarsier Cephalopachus bancanus Three seen in Danum Valley.
Long-tailed Macaque (Crab-eating M) Macaca fascicularis
Southern Pig-tailed Macaque (Sunda P-t M) Macaca nemestrina
Proboscis Monkey Nasalis larvatus Abundant at the Kinabatangan River.
Maroon Leaf Monkey (M Leaf Monkey, Red L M) Presbytis rubicunda Seen at the Kinabatangan River and in Danum Valley.
Sunda Silvery Langur (Silvered L, S Leaf Monkey) Trachypithecus cristatus Seen at the Kinabatangan R.
Eastern Grey Gibbon (North Borneo G) Hylobates funereus Heard only
Bornean Orangutan Pongo pygmaeus Seen in Danum Valley.
Malayan Porcupine (Common P) Hystrix brachyura One in Trus Madi.
Red-cheeked Flying Squirrel Hylopetes spadiceus One seen in Kinabalu NP.
Thomas’s Flying Squirrel Aeromys thomasi
Plantain Squirrel Callosciurus notatus
Bornean Black-banded Squirrel Callosciurus orestes
Prevost’s Squirrel Callosciurus prevostii
Bornean Mountain Ground Squirrel Dremomys everetti
Least Pygmy Squirrel Exilisciurus exilis
Tufted Pygmy Squirrel Exilisciurus whiteheadi
Common Giant Flying Squirrel (Red G F S) Petaurista petaurista
Cream-coloured Giant Squirrel (Common G S, Cream-coloured G S) Ratufa affinis
Brooke’s Squirrel Sundasciurus brookei
Jentink’s Squirrel Sundasciurus jentinki
Low’s Squirrel Sundasciurus lowii
Sundaic Ranee Mouse (Lesser R M) Haeromys pusillus One seen in Trus Madi.
Tanasumi Rat (Oriental House R) Rattus tanasumi One seen in Trus Madi.