30 September / 1 October - 23 October 2022

by Josh Olszewski

The Ultimate South Africa tour 2022 turned out to be a major success, with 514 species recorded over a period of three weeks, crisscrossing the vast expanse of South Africa, and birding the great variety of habitats found here. From the scenic mountains of the Cape Fynbos biome to the magical Afromontane forests of the Limpopo escarpment, we were treated to endless encounters with some of the subregions most-prized endemics, near-endemics and sought-after specials throughout the duration of the tour. Some stand-out species included the nomadic Burchell’s Courser, the regal Southern Banded Snake-eagle, the striking Black Harrier, the adorable Pygmy Falcon, the localised Green Barbet (endemic subspecies), the diminutive Damara Tern, vibrant Rosy-Faced Lovebirds, 4 Turaco species, 13 Sunbird species and all 10 of South Africa’s Bustards. We also did well with the region’s larks, seeing 22 species including many endemics such as Red Lark, Sclater’s Lark, Barlow’s Lark, Cape Long-Billed Lark and Cape Clapper Lark. Charm was added in by the characterful African Penguin, and we were treated to splendid views of skulkers such as Victorin’s Warbler, Barratt’s Warbler, Gorgeous Bushshrike, Eastern Nicator and Narina Trogon.
In addition to birding, we enjoyed some wonderful mammal sightings, which included the likes of Long-Beaked Common Dolphin, Aardvark, Aardwolf, South African Hedgehog, Bontebok, Grey Rhebok and White Rhino, as well as a few interesting reptiles, including a beautiful male Boomslang and a Loggerhead Turtle on our pelagic.

The tour started with dinner in the idyllic Capetonian suburb of Hout Bay, with great anticipation for the 3 weeks of unforgettable birding that lay ahead.

Our first day began with a pelagic boat trip out of Hout Bay to look for seabirds, with Red-eyed Doves and Cape White-eyes seeing us off from our lodge. The run out to sea was simply breath-taking as we watched the sunrise over Table Mountain glistening on the calm sea. We were quickly greeted by the first of many White-chinned Petrels and Sooty Shearwaters that we would see during the day, followed swiftly by Great Shearwaters. These photogenic Shearwaters were in good numbers at this time of year as they make their way down to the Tristan archipelago to breed for the austral summer, and so are at their highest concentrations off South Africa in spring. The big highlight for everyone was being able to see Albatrosses, and we were saturated with 4 species throughout our time at the longliners. Shy and Black-browed Albatross were in particularly large numbers, accompanied by smaller numbers of Indian Yellow-nosed Albatross and the sought-after Atlantic Yellow-nosed Albatross. The latter breeds only on Tristan da Cunha and this is probably the most easily accessible way of seeing these beautifully-marked Albatross. Both Southern and Northern Giant Petrels were seen in good numbers, allowing us to study the subtle differences between these two similar species. The strikingly-patterned Cape Petrel was a real treat for the eyes, and tiny Wilson’s Storm-Petrels flitted over the water every now and then. The absolute standout bird of the day had to be a huge juvenile Southern Royal Albatross that came cruising passed the boat about halfway through the pelagic and stayed with us for a good 10 minutes or so. Also among the top sightings of the day were two singular sightings of two species of Pterodroma petrels: Great-winged Petrel and Soft-plumaged Petrel, both unexpected due to the lack of wind on the day. Brown Skuas were also in evidence, with a few giving us very close overhead fly-bys as they investigated the boat for any potential scraps. There were also plenty of the dashing Cape Gannet around, as well as Common Terns.
Marine mammals also put on a show, with a super pod of Long-beaked Common Dolphin being particularly entertaining on the run out, as they rode the bow and wake of our boat. Later on, a pod of Humpback Whales made an appearance, slowly following the longliner in our last moments with it. Also of interest was a Loggerhead Turtle seen bobbing in the waves on the way to the longliner. Arguably the most unique experience of the day was rescuing a seemingly-ill Wilson’s Storm-Petrel that was being harassed by Skuas. Its plumage was waterlogged and it was not in good shape so it was brought on board to be taken back to a rehabilitation centre for seabirds in Cape Town. This gave the group the special opportunity to study the miniscule petrel in hand, which was memorable for all.
Back in the harbour, we encountered some familiar coastal birds such as Greater Crested Tern, Hartlaub’s Gull, Kelp Gull, Cape Wagtail and 3 Cormorant species (White-Breasted, Crowned and Cape), as well as confiding Cape Fur Seals swimming in the marina and lounging on the pier.

Day 3 took us to the small coastal town of Betty’s Bay, on the east side of False Bay and set against the dramatic slopes of the Hottentot-Hollands mountain range. Our first stop here was at a colony of African Penguins that breed on the rocky promontory known as Stony Point. We enjoyed endless views of these comedic birds, as well as the charming Rock Hyraxes darting around the rocks. We also enjoyed sifting through a large Cormorant colony, which consisted mostly of Cape Cormorants, as well as smaller numbers of White-breasted Cormorant, Crowned Cormorant and the endangered Bank Cormorant. Scanning out to sea revealed Cape Gannets, White-chinned Petrels, Brown Skua and a Northern Giant Petrel, whilst other common birds around included Fiscal Flycatcher, Cape Spurfowl, Rock Martin, Greater Striped Swallow, Laughing Dove, Egyptian Goose, Blacksmith Lapwing, African Sacred Ibis, Familiar Chat and the ubiquitous Southern Double-collared Sunbird.
After Stony Point, we visited the beautiful Harold Porter Botanical Gardens. The main target in this pristine fynbos reserve is the shy Victorin’s Warbler, and we eventually got lovely views of this mouse-like warbler skulking through a streamside thicket, even crossing the path in front of us. Other good birds seen here included Brimstone Canary, Cape Batis, Cape Sugarbird, Orange-breasted Sunbird, Cape Bulbul, Cape Bunting, Cape Rock-thrush, Black Saw-wing, Yellow Bishop, White-necked Raven, Swee Waxbill, Ring-necked Dove and Southern Fiscal.
Once we finished up in Betty’s Bay, we moved on to the even smaller town of Rooi-els. The boulder-strewn slopes here are the most accessible place to see the delightful Cape Rockjumper. We managed to get a distant pair high up on the slope, and lower down on the slopes we found a confiding family group of Ground Woodpeckers, numerous Cape Bunting and Orange-breasted Sunbirds, and added Grey-backed Cisticola, Rock Kestrel, Malachite Sunbird and Cape Grassbird. Walking back towards the car, a quick scan over the ocean revealed a flock of 50 Sooty Shearwaters resting behind the breakers, as well as a pod of Common Bottlenose Dolphins hunting a few meters from the beach. The drive back towards Cape Town got us a dark morph Booted Eagle.
On the way back into Cape Town, we visited the wetlands and settling ponds at Strandfontein Sewage Works, which gave a large boost to our trip list. Here we got Alpine Swift, Black-winged Kite, Southern Pochard, Cape Shoveler, Cape Teal, Fulvous Whistling Duck, Red-billed Teal, Cape Weaver, Southern Masked Weaver, Common Moorhen, Red-knobbed Coot, Little Grebe, Black-necked Grebe, African Marsh Harrier, White-throated Swallow, Greater Flamingo, Lesser Flamingo, Spur-winged Goose, Levaillant’s Cisticola, Zitting Cisticola, Glossy Ibis, Black-winged Stilt, Hartlaub’s Gull, Grey-headed Gull, Kelp Gull, Pin-tailed Whydah, Cape Longclaw, Grey Heron, Black-headed Heron, Helmeted Guineafowl and African Darter.
Our last stop of the day was at the Cecilia forest hiking trail near Hout Bay. The scrub around the entrance of the trail is a good spot for the endemic Cape Siskin, of which we managed to get one as the sun was setting.

We got an early start this morning as we departed Cape Town and made our way into the Overberg. We first stopped back at Rooi-els to improve on our Rockjumper views from the previous day and managed to get a family group much lower down on the slope. This time, everyone saw the birds, and well at that, even with the onset of some light rain.
We pressed on towards the Overberg, stopping briefly in some farmland near Stanford, which delivered Red-capped Lark, Blue Crane, Pied Starling, Cape Crow, African Pipit, Common Quail (heard only), and a fabulous male Denham’s Bustard in full display. This would be the first of many of these magnificent bustards that we would see on the Agulhas plain over the next 2 days.
We moved on to the pristine Sandberg Nature Reserve near Elim in the hopes of flushing the rare Fynbos Buttonquail. Unfortunately, by that time of day, the wind was against us and was billowing over the hillsides where we were walking, so not a bird stirred out of the fynbos other than a few Orange-breasted Sunbirds and a lone and very brief Cape Clapper Lark (this one being of the Agulhas subspecies majorae). We spent the last hours of the afternoon birding the fynbos plains, farmlands and coastal scrub near De Mond Nature Reserve, which added Yellow Canary, Capped Wheatear, Pearl-breasted Swallow, Cape Batis, Water Thick-knee, Southern Boubou, Red-faced Mousebird, Wattled Starling and an arresting fly-by from a Black Harrier.
The day ended with a field full of Kittlitz’s Plovers at our accommodation in Swellendam, and Fiery-necked Nightjars calling into the evening.

We were up at first light to make our way to De Hoop Nature Reserve, being seen off by a displaying African Goshawk flying over the farmhouse. The long dirt track running from Swellendam down to the reserve brought us through vast tracts of farmland intermingled with Agulhas fynbos which was full of Red-capped and Large-billed Larks. We also managed to find multiple Agulhas Long-billed Larks and Cape Clapper Larks, added Red-billed Quelea and Karoo Scrub-robin to the trip list, and enjoyed fly-bys from up to three separate Black Harriers along the way. Upon arriving at the De Hoop entrance gate, we were greeted by a pair of Brimstone Canaries and a flock of Streaky-headed Seedeaters feeding in the parking lot. The drive down to the picnic area passed through coastal fynbos interspersed with flat plains which delivered Common Ostrich and an African Hoopoe. We were also surprised to find a pair of Namaqua Sandgrouse drinking at a small waterhole just before the picnic area. This is not a common bird in the Overberg and we weren’t expecting to see them until we got into the Karoo, so it was a real treat to have close-up views of these beautiful birds so unexpectedly. The thickets around the picnic site delivered a stunning male Klaas’s Cuckoo, as well as the secretive Southern Tchagra and a very flighty Cardinal Woodpecker, while Bar-throated Apalis and very tame Southern Boubous kept us entertained during our lunch break. The picnic site is set along the banks of the De Hoop vlei, a massive wetland over which we found a high-flying pair of African Fish-eagles, as well as a few of the giant Caspian Tern. We also picked up Great Crested Grebes on the vlei.
After finishing up at De Hoop, we made our way over to De Mond Nature Reserve yet again, where we went into the reserve and birding the expansive Heuningnes River mouth. Here we found a variety of coastal birds, including migratory waders such as Common Greenshank, Sanderling, Curlew Sandpiper, Little Stint, Common Ringed Plover, Ruddy Turnstone, Bar-tailed Godwit, Common Sandpiper, Eurasian Whimbrel and Grey Plover as well as resident species such as African Oystercatcher and White-fronted Plover. Brown-throated Martins were seen flitting over the river, while a massive roost of Greater Crested Terns and Sandwich Terns resided on the beach. The big prize at De Mond is the tiny Damara Tern, and we managed to pick up a group of 4 birds in the Tern roost, as well as being treated to a close fly-by from one feeding along the river. As we watched the tern flying up and down the river mouth, a Peregrine Falcon stooped down and attempted to grab it out of the air, with the tern making a narrow escape. This Peregrine was of the subspecies calidus, that breeds in the Russian Arctic and specializes, at least in Southern Africa, in hunting coastal birds.
After a late lunch in De Mond, we left for Wellington where we would be spending one night on our way up to the West coast. As we drove into our accommodation, a Western Barn Owl flew out of one of the palm trees near the entrance, becoming our first owl of the trip.

We left Wellington early and made a quick dash to Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens in Cape Town to clean up a few targets, the main one being Forest Canary. We found a trio of these quiet Canaries feeding on the ground near the pathway and got some satiating views. We also got a bonus in the form of a Brown-backed Honeybird that showed very well. A Lesser Honeyguide made a brief appearance and we also added Olive Thrush, Speckled Mousebird, Sombre Greenbul and Little Swift to the trip list. From here we said our goodbyes to Cape Town and made our way up onto the expansive West coast peninsula. This part of the Cape consists of flat plains and rolling, white sand dunes covered in a different type of fynbos known as strandveld. The picturesque West Coast National Park consists of vast swathes of untouched strandveld, and also encloses the Langebaan lagoon, which is a magnet for Palearctic migratory shorebirds in summer. Concentrating our searching around the strandveld got us great views of White-throated Canary and the tiny Cape Penduline-tit, as well as plenty more Karoo Scrub-robins. While driving through the park, a dapper male Southern Black Korhaan meandered across the road, stopping us dead in our tracks to admire this gorgeous endemic Bustard.
We then exited the Park and entered the town of Langebaan, where we would be staying for the night.

We made our first early morning stop at the Langebaan country estate, where we set about targeting a couple the strandveld specials we missed in the Park. A number of Cape Clapper Larks (this time, of the nominate subspecies, apiata) were performing their display flights near the start of the walking trail, allowing us to hear just how different the calls of this subspecies were compared the birds we had seen in the Overberg. The large Cape Long-billed Lark also put in an appearance, also performing its dramatic, falling display flight. White-backed Mousebirds were plentiful here, and we added Long-billed Crombec, European Bee-eater and Banded Martin to the list. As we left, we flushed a group of Grey-winged Francolins that were huddled in the grass right next to the path. We also made a brief stop at the Langebaan Quarry to enjoy the resident pair of Verreaux’s Eagles that have bred here for many years. They had a fledgling at the time and we got to watch the adults flying majestically around the quarry as the youngster sat and looked on.
We then moved a short distance north to Velddrif, another coastal town set between the sea and the Berg River mouth. The town is known for its salt works, and we were able to visit one of these salt works upon our arrival in Velddrif. The salt-encrusted pans, pink from the algae cultures in them, are the favoured habitat of the Chestnut-banded Plover, of which we saw many individuals running around the pan edges. We also enjoyed adding the likes of Pied Kingfisher, South African Shelduck, Three-banded Plover, Pied Avocet and the resident Red-necked Phalarope that has lived at the salt works for the last 10 years, bizarre for a bird that is a vagrant to South Africa. A stop in some farmlands near Velddrif gave us our first Ant-eating Chats of the trip.
Heading north from Velddrif, we were greeted by the first of many Pale Chanting Goshawks sitting on a roadside telephone pole as we left town. Driving back inland towards the mountains again, we made a stop at the Kransvleipoort road, a dirt track just south of the town of Clanwilliam that runs along streamside mountain fynbos, ideal for the elusive Protea Canary. This plain-brown Canary can be tricky to find, but we quickly picked up a very vocal individual not far along the track. Within the vicinity of the Canary, we also picked up Mountain Wheatear, Little Rush Warbler and the energetic Fairy Flycatcher.
We then proceeded on the lengthy drive up to Calvinia, leaving the fynbos behind and crossing over from the Western Cape into the Northern Cape, and into the arid, scrubby expanse of the Karoo. Not much birding was done in these last hours of the day, but we did spot our first Ludwig’s Bustards of the trip flying along the roadside south of Calvinia, as well as a pair of Greater Kestrels on a nest with 2 young. A brief stop along the roadside here revealed Sickle-winged Chat and Rufous-eared Warbler.

Our first morning from Calvinia took us north into the stony, desolate plains surrounding the town of Brandvlei, where we set out finding many of the dry-country specials of the Northern Cape. We first stopped at a water trough and birded the surrounding scrub, which delivered Black-chested Prinia, Chat Flycatcher, Lark-like Bunting and the thick-billed, Western race of Sabota Lark (previously split as Bradfield’s Lark). We also enjoyed watching flocks of Namaqua Sandgrouse flying over to their morning drinking sites, and we had more Ludwig’s Bustards flying over the main road when leaving the water trough. Further exploration of the plains around Brandvlei got us Grey-backed Sparrowlark, Spike-heeled Lark, Karoo Long-billed Lark, Black-headed Canary and Tractrac Chat, as well as Namaqua Warbler and African Red-eyed Bulbul along a streamlined with Acacia thickets. After lunch in Brandvlei, we headed back towards Calvinia, making a few stops as we went, which delivered more specials such as Dusky Sunbird, Pririt Batis, and brief views of Black-eared Sparrowlark. Other interesting birds picked up along the way included Martial Eagle, White-faced Whistling-duck, and Common Reed Warbler. A breeding colony of South African Cliff Swallows in a culvert under the road was also a pleasant discovery.

We decided to do some more roadside birding along the main road north of Calvinia, which saw us adding 3 more endemics to our list: a single Pale-winged Starling, displaying Karoo Larks and a small family group of the tricky Karoo Eremomela. After this we left Calvinia and made our way back towards the N7, which would take us up to Springbok. A brief stop on Van Rhyn’s Pass to admire the spectacular view got us a surprise sighting of a flock of 50 Black-eared Sparrowlarks flying overhead and back onto the plateau. Thereafter we headed straight through to Springbok, enjoying the changes in landscape and vegetation as we moved into the heart of Namaqualand, characterized by stately Quiver Trees upon granite, boulder-strewn hills. We chose to rest up at our accommodation during the heat of the day, and then headed out for a late afternoon drive along the Gamoep road, which skirts the scenic Goegap Nature Reserve on the outskirts of Springbok. Additions here were Layard’s Warbler and a nesting pair of Grey Tits. We returned to this road after dinner for a night drive, which got us a stunning male Freckled Nightjar sitting on the road.

A particularly early start was required today in order to beat the heat of the day and get to the town of Port Nolloth, the most northerly town along the West coast of South Africa. The coastal dunes around town are the home of the range-restricted Barlow’s Lark, at the southern edge of its distribution here. We managed to find a very vocal individual just passed Port Nolloth along the northbound coastal road and enjoyed stunning views of it walking amongst the low bushes and white sands. Target acquired, we headed back to Springbok, encountering Karoo Thrushes as we drove out of Port Nolloth, as well as the Northern subspecies of Cape Long-billed Lark on the outskirts of town. Our last Black Harrier of the trip was also seen as we left the area.
Having finished up in Port Nolloth so early, we decided to head east of Springbok towards Aggeneys to hopefully get one of two more specials. At one point we encountered a huge loose flock of Grey-backed Sparrowlarks flying over the road. We stopped here and careful scanning through the feeding flock revealed a number of Stark’s Larks in between them, a very good find. We enjoyed picking out these pale larks from in between the masses of Sparrowlarks. Further on, we reached the town of Aggeneys, where the time was spent observing Sociable Weavers moving in and out of their giant, haystack-like nests built on the telephone poles. We enjoyed lovely views of a soaring Martial Eagle on the way back to Springbok, and late in the afternoon, we went on another drive down the Gamoep road, which got us improved views of Karoo Lark.

Today we started on the long drive from Springbok to Kimberley, without first stop being the Koa dunes, a chain of sand dunes 10 kilometres south of the town of Aggeneys, characterized by their bright red sands. En route we managed to pick up flocks of the charming Scaly-feathered Weaver, as well as a few Red-headed Finches. The main target at the dunes is Red Lark, of which we got stunning views of a bird walking around on the rusty-coloured sand. The next stop for us was at a water trough just south of the tiny town of Pofadder, the next town along our route eastward. The activity at the trough was bustling, with endless streams of Lark-like Buntings and Grey-backed Sparrowlarks coming into drink, accompanied by smaller numbers of Yellow Canaries, Red-headed Finches, Namaqua Doves and Dusky Sunbirds. We also picked out a few Stark’s Larks, Spike-heeled Larks and an individual Large-billed Lark, but the highlight of this stop was a single brief appearance from a Sclater’s Lark, a true nomad of the Karoo and most reliably picked up at watering points where they drink.
We then made a quick stop at the petrol station in Pofadder where we found a small group of Bradfield’s Swifts circling overhead. Pushing on towards our next stop at Augrabies Falls National Park, we picked up another 2 Bustard species just passed Pofadder: the gigantic Kori Bustard and a pair of Karoo Korhaans. Upon our arrival at Augrabies, we were greeted by a hot, gusting wind, but still managed to add on quite a few birds. Orange River White-eyes were common in the reception gardens, as were Dusky Sunbird, African Red-eyed Bulbul, White-throated Canary, Cape Wagtail, Cape Robin-chat, Familiar Chat and Pririt Batis. Driving through the park saw us crossing some streams filled with familiar waterbirds, whilst adding our first Black Crake, Lesser Swamp Warblers and Hamerkop of the trip. The dry, stunted acacia field found throughout the park got us our first Acacia Pied Barbet of the trip, while a viewpoint overlooking the dramatic gorge got us a distant Goliath Heron down on the river. We also picked up Red-billed Firefinches in the streamside thickets near reception on our way back from our drive. Back at reception, we took a walk down to the viewpoints that overlook the falls themselves and took some time to soak in the view. After leaving Augrabies, we paid a visit to a bridge that crosses the expansive Orange River near Keimoes, where we found the brightly-coloured Rosy-faced Lovebird. These small, vivid Parrots are extralimital in South Africa and aren’t as easy to find here as they are in Namibia. However, this is possibly the most reliable spot for them in the country. The rest of afternoon was spent driving through to our next base, Marrick Game Farm in Kimberley, with the only new trip birds being African Palm Swifts flying over Upington, some roadside Northern Black Korhaans just passed Upington, and a Kalahari Scrub Robin at a roadside stop near Griekwastad.

This day was purely spent birding Marrick Game Farm near Kimberley. Set amidst Kalahari thornveld, we had successfully traded in the scrubland of the Karoo and Namaqualand for bushveld, and so, a whole new selection of species had become available to us. Some of the species seen throughout the day included Common Scimitarbill, the brilliant Crimson-breasted Shrike, Golden-tailed Woodpecker, Brubru, Cape Starling, Black-faced Waxbill, Violet-eared Waxbill, Green-winged Pytilia, Yellow-bellied Eremomela, Golden-breasted Bunting, Neddicky, Marico Flycatcher, the diminutive Pygmy Falcon, Fawn-coloured Lark, White-bellied Sunbird, and the dashing Gabar Goshawk. White-browed Sparrow-weaver was by far the most common bird in the area, and arguably the loudest. The reserve also contains a large seasonal pan that, when dry, becomes a short-grassy plain that hosts a variety of open-country birds. On the plain we found Crowned Lapwing, Buffy Pipit, African Pipit, Double-banded Courser, Shaft-tailed Whydah, Desert Cisticola, Zitting Cisticola, Rufous-naped Lark and Red-capped Lark. On the outskirts of the plain, closer to the bushveld, we found a single Red-crested Korhaan, a Kori Bustard, and a flock of about 20 Burchell’s Coursers. This was possibly the best find of the day, as these highly-nomadic Coursers are nowhere easy to pin down, so it was a welcomed surprise, and we enjoyed watching the group scuttling over the burnt ground in search of insects. There was still some water in the pan, and the resulting marshy habitat attracted lots of waterbirds, including a flock of 70 Glossy Ibis, 2 Blue Cranes, Common Greenshank, Little Stint, Pied Avocet, White-faced Whistling Duck and Kittlitz’s Plover. It was here that we found groups of the minute Quailfinch around the marsh edges, nearly invisible on the ground until flushing up when we approached. What was also interesting was seeing the Cape Penduline Tits in the acaciaveld here and noticing much yellower their underparts were than those of the drabber races we had seen in the West.
In the evening we went on a game drive to look for some nocturnal wildlife. Marrick is known for its nocturnal mammals, and we were spoilt for choice with 2 Aardvark sightings, 2 Aardwolf sightings, plentiful South African Springhares, a pair of Cape Porcupines with a baby, Scrub Hare, Black-backed Jackal, Small-spotted Genet and my personal highlight, a South African Hedgehog. Birds were few, but we managed to get Rufous-cheeked Nightjar and Spotted Thick-knee.

We left Kimberley this morning and embarked on the long drive up to Heidelberg in the province of Gauteng. The only new birds we added while still in the Northern Cape were a couple of White-backed Vultures roosting on a pylon, and an Osprey strangely perched miles away from any water. We then crossed into the North-West province, with the tree cover slowly becoming sparser and giving way to grasslands now and then. We made one birding stop today at Faan Meintjies Nature Reserve, north of Klerksdorp. We got there in the midday heat, so birding wasn’t dynamic, but we still managed to scratch out some decent species adding Black-throated Canary, Long-tailed Widowbird, Nicholson’s Pipit, African Stonechat, Crested Barbet and Black-collared Barbet to the trip list. Northern Black Korhaan and Rufous-naped Lark were abundant in this reserve. After arriving at our accommodation in Heidelberg, we used the last light of day to go visit the Eendracht road that runs along the perimeter of Suikerbosrand Nature Reserve, getting the first Swainson’s Spurfowl of the trip.

At first light we were back on the Eendracht road and scored another one of our targets, Orange River Francolin. From here we went to the hilly, broad-leaved woodlands in the northwest corner of Gauteng approaching the Magaliesberg Mountain range. It was here that we picked up the uncommon Short-toed Rock-thrush, as well as Thick-billed Weaver, Lazy Cisticola, Brown-crowned Tchagra, Amethyst Sunbird, Tawny-flanked Prinia and the first of many Dark-capped Bulbuls. Further north we had one more stop before leaving Gauteng, in a small patch of grassland near Soshanguve. It was here were we searched for Melodious Lark, to no avail, but nonetheless we got great views of Red-breasted Swallow and the iconic Secretarybird here. Driving back from here towards the main road heading north, the telephone lines above the road got us 2 more new birds, White-fronted Bee-eater and Brown-hooded Kingfisher.
From here we headed up into the Limpopo province, reaching the town of Polokwane by midday. We then entered Polokwane Game Reserve, which consists mostly of low acaciaveld and a few patches of grassland and hilly mixed woodland. Despite the midday heat, we added a plethora of new species in this reserve, such a Black-backed Puffback, Marico Sunbird, Groundscraper Thrush, Yellow-fronted Canary, Blue Waxbill, Burnt-necked Eremomela, Natal Spurfowl, Rattling Cisticola, Grey Go-away-bird, Barred Wren-warbler, Cape Starling, the near-endemic Great Sparrow and, most unexpectedly, a pair of roosting Southern White-faced Owls. After we had spent the afternoon here, we left Polokwane and headed off into the mountains of the Limpopo escarpment, where we would be staying at Magoebaskloof for the following 2 nights.

Upon waking at Magoebaskloof hotel, we did an early morning walk along the Lesodi trail that runs through the lush Afromontane forests below the hotel. Here we got our first taste of forest birding for the trip, with Common Square-tailed Drongo, Yellow-streaked Greenbul, Chorister Robin-chat, Olive Bushshrike, Barratt’s Warbler and the gorgeous Knysna Turaco all providing views. We heard African Emerald Cuckoo, Buff-spotted Flufftail and Cape Parrot, but none of these tricky birds made a showing of themselves unfortunately. After finishing our forest walk, we visited a pine plantation near Tzaneen that is a known breeding site for a pair of Bat Hawks. It took us a while to find where they were roosting, but we eventually enjoyed prolonged views of these strange raptors, with them even exhibiting breeding behaviour. A surprise sighting here was of a high-flying Crowned Eagle. We decided to kill the heat of the day back at the hotel, managing to pick up Common House Martins in the flocks of Swallows and Swifts that were flying around. In the late afternoon we did a walk down Woodbush Forest Drive, another track going through a different portion of the same forest. We didn’t see much else here, but Green Twinspot, White-starred Robin and Lemon Dove were nice additions.

We left Magoebaskloof, adding African Olive Pigeon before we left, and headed back to Polokwane, going west of the town to the village of Chebeng. As we approached the village, a Black-chested Snake-eagle soared overhead, giving us great flight views. The overgrazed land here is a great place to look for the localised Short-clawed Lark. We eventually picked up a pair of birds that performed very well, as well as a surprise in the form of a Melodious Lark. This is the only locality in Limpopo for this endemic Lark, and it is still quite rare here, so we were very grateful to have bumped into one here after having missed it at all other localities we had tried. Another good find here was the shy Tinkling Cisticola. Spike-heeled Lark and Kalahari Scrub Robin were common in this area. After Chebeng, we made another visit to Polokwane Game Reserve, only adding the distinctive Magpie Shrike. We then embarked on the southward journey to Wakkerstroom in the province of Mpumalanga. We made an en route birding stop at Kranspoort Holiday Resort near Middelburg where we got a handful of bushveld species, including Arrow-marked Babbler, Red-billed Oxpecker, Bearded Woodpecker, Southern Black Tit, Red-headed Weaver, Village Weaver, Wire-tailed Swallow, African Green Pigeon, Lesser Striped Swallow, Southern Yellow-billed Hornbill and a soaring Brown Snake-eagle.

The moist, high-altitude grasslands surrounding Wakkerstroom were a real treat, and we spent the day being guided around the area by Lucky Ngwenya from Birdlife South Africa. He was truly excellent and knew the area like the back of his hand, getting us onto all our possible targets within the day. These included Drakensberg Prinia, Eastern Long-billed Lark, Buff-streaked Chat, Wing-snapping Cisticola, Wailing Cisticola, White-bellied Korhaan, Black-bellied Bustard, Blue Korhaan, Pink-billed Lark, Marsh Owl, Eastern Clapper Lark, Red-winged Francolin, Cloud Cisticola, Southern Bald Ibis, Sentinel Rock-thrush and the dashing Yellow-breasted Pipit. Unfortunately, the area hadn’t had any recent rain, so the 2 rare Larks, Rudd’s Lark and Botha’s Lark, were not in the area. Other additions were Lanner Falcon, Common Buttonquail, Black-rumped Buttonquail and Maccoa Duck, and we were constantly entertained by masses of Long-tailed and Fan-tailed Widowbirds.

An early morning vigil at the Wakkerstroom wetland near our accommodation saw us adding a few waterbirds to the trip list, namely African Rail, African Swamphen, Squacco Heron, Purple Heron, Whiskered Tern, Malachite Kingfisher and Blue-billed Teal. We also heard Red-chested Flufftail here. After breakfast back at the guesthouse, we departed and paid a visit to a large, rocky hillside near the village of Groenvlei, just south of Wakkerstroom. Here, we got immensely good views of African Rock Pipit, which can often be hard to find due to the inaccessibility of its habitat. On the way back to Wakkerstroom, we stopped at a small marsh that delivered Grey Crowned Crane and Wood Sandpiper. We then left Wakkerstroom and made our way to Mkuze, picking up an African Marsh Harrier quartering over the roadside along the way.

Before departing Ghost Mountain Inn for our day of birding in Mkuze Game Reserve, we were treated to an Eastern Nicator singing in the trees above the parking lot of the lodge, after which we headed off to the reserve. Mkuze Game Reserve is set amidst dense, subtropical, mixed woodland, and was definitely one of the most bird-rich locations on this trip. The initial time in the reserve was spent meandering around the camp site, where we enjoyed the plethora of species on offer: Mocking Cliff-chat, Grey-headed Bushshrike, Orange-breasted Bushshrike, Grey Tit-flycatcher, Black Cuckooshrike, Violet-backed Starling, Black-bellied Starling, Red-fronted Tinkerbird, Collared Sunbird, Purple-banded Sunbird, Scarlet-chested Sunbird, Black-crowned Tchagra, Striped Kingfisher, Yellow-throated Bush Sparrow, Bateleur, Dark-backed Weaver, Kurrichane Thrush, White-throated Robin-chat, Yellow-bellied Greenbul, Blue Waxbill, Lesser Masked Weaver, Spectacled Weaver, Wahlberg’s Eagle and African Harrier-hawk were all seen. Driving through the reserve to the reception area, we found Common Buzzard, Long-crested Eagle, a pair of Tawny Eagles, and the eastern race of Sabota Lark in good numbers, whilst being serenaded by a distant Greater Honeyguide. The waterhole and dense thickets around reception gave us great views of the stunning Pink-throated Twinspot, the regal Bearded Scrub Robin and its more common counterpart, the White-browed Scrub Robin, the vivid Red-capped Robin-chat, a noisy family of Green Wood-hoopoes, the miniscule Grey Penduline-tit and a high-flying African Cuckoo-hawk. We also enjoyed watching up-close views of Lesser Striped Swallows coming down to the waterhole to collect mud for their nests, along with many other bushveld birds coming into drink. We then drove down to the Kumasinga bird hide, picking up Pale Flycatcher, Little Bee-eater and Black-headed Oriole along the way. The hide at Kumasinga is positioned in the centre of a large waterhole, allowing stellar viewing of birds and game coming into drink. Upon arriving at the hide there was a plethora of mammal activity, with Southern Giraffe, Plains Zebra, Blue Wildebeest, Chacma Baboon, Impala and Nyala all present and often accompanied by Red-billed Oxpeckers. The dainty Emerald-spotted Wood Dove was seen in great numbers throughout the reserve but was best seen coming in to drink at Kumasinga. A pair of African Pygmy Kingfishers had also taken up residence in the thicket next to the waterhole. Other birds seen drinking were Spectacled Weaver, Yellow-bellied Greenbul, Thick-billed Weaver, Yellow-throated Bush Sparrow and the sulphurous Yellow-fronted Canary. White-backed Vultures were seen flying overhead, and Three-banded Plovers and Egyptian Geese waded around the water’s edge. The comical Southern Marsh Terrapin was also seen swimming under the hide. The sand forest (a type of bushveld) around the parking area for the hide also delivered some good birds, such as Marico Sunbird, Terrestrial Brownbul and the endemic Rudd’s Apalis.
We then returned to the reception area in time to meet up with our Ranger, who would be taking us on a walk through the magnificent Fig forest in the south of the reserve. The drive down to the forest and around the immense Nsumo Pan got us a basking Burchell’s Coucal, striking groups of White-crested Helmetshrikes and a brief Black Sparrowhawk. The walk through the forest of gargantuan Fig trees that grow along the serene Mkuze River rewarded us with great numbers of the noisy Trumpeter Hornbill and White-eared Barbets, as well as Blue-mantled Crested-flycatcher, Striated Heron, Mountain Wagtail, Malachite Kingfisher, Narina Trogon, African Green Pigeon, Giant Kingfisher, Broad-billed Roller, striking Purple-crested Turacos and flocks of chatty Brown-headed Parrots flying over the trees. We then departed the forest and the reserve and made our way back to the inn, while Wahlberg’s Epauletted Fruit Bats called in the trees around the restaurant.

We left Ghost Mountain Inn early this morning and decided to drive through Mkuze Game Reserve and exit out Ophansi gate on the opposite side of the reserve. We managed to add a few birds before leaving the reserve, namely Crested Guineafowl, Southern Black Flycatcher, Jameson’s Firefinch, Grey-rumped Swallow and the gaudy Gorgeous Bushshrike. We then left Mkuze through Ophansi gate and took a walk down the section of the Mkuze River that runs parallel to the reserve fence on its Western side. The section of the river south of the road for 400 meters is lined with more tall fig forest, where we added Olive Sunbird and Yellow-rumped Tinkerbird to the trip list. We also got to observe a Yellow-rumped Tinkerbird and a Red-fronted Tinkerbird having an altercation, very interesting seeing these two multicoloured barbets showing off their feisty sides. Leaving the forest and departing from Mkuze, we picked up a pair of Red-billed Firefinches feeding on the roadside, as well as a Lilac-breasted Roller on a telephone wire, and a soaring Wahlberg’s Eagle that was being mobbed by a diminutive Little Sparrowhawk, which eventually swooped down and landed on a nearby Acacia bush, providing stunning views of this small raptor. Not far from Mkuze lies a pair of large, marsh-fringed pans called Muzi Pans, which are a mecca for subtropical waterbirds; such specials that we managed to find at Muzi were a couple of Pink-backed Pelican, groups of Knob-billed Ducks, a pair of Yellow-throated Longclaws, a colony of Southern Brown-throated Weavers, a single flyover from a Collared Pratincole and about 60 dashing African Pygmy Geese. We also picked up both Great and Intermediate Egret, as well as a single Fulvous Whistling Duck amidst the scores of White-faced Whistling Ducks at the pans. A colony of Village Weavers in a fever tree on the pan edge was being surveyed by a couple of Diederik Cuckoos.
After Muzi Pans we moved south to yet another pan known as Mpempe Pan, this one being surrounded by expansive, overgrazed flats rather than wetlands and marsh. Our target here was Caspian Plover, a rare bird in South Africa, but an annual visitor to Mpempe nowadays. A pair had recently been found there and we quickly found one bird feeding on the plains right next to the dirt track leading to the pan, alongside small groups of Black-winged Lapwings. We also saw had more brief views of Grey-rumped Swallow here, as well as our first Yellow-billed Storks of the trip.
We then proceeded to Bonamanzi Game Reserve near Hluhluwe, set amidst dense sand forest, where we added Tambourine Dove and Grey Sunbird, as well as a family of Senegal Lapwings with 3 chicks near the entrance. Afterwards we headed south to the coastal holiday town of St Lucia, where we checked in for the night and, after a very quick dinner, went on a night drive into the Eastern Shores of the adjacent Isimangaliso Wetland Park. This massive park stretches from St Lucia all the way up the coast to the border of Mozambique and protects vast tracts of coastal grassland and floodplain interspersed with pockets of lush dune forests, as well as a long stretch of coastline and marine habitats. The Night drive here wasn’t too productive, but we did manage to see Fiery-necked Nightjar, Black-crowned Night-heron and Water-thick-knee, as well as plenty sightings of Hippopotamus, African Buffalo, Bushbuck, Common Reedbuck and a very relaxed group of Spotted Hyena. We also managed to score two roosting eagles on the night drive, a Martial Eagle and a Brown Snake-eagle.

We were up early this morning and birding the iGwagwala Trail that runs through the tall and lively dune forest that surrounds the town of St Lucia. We picked up many forest species here, with new additions being beautiful Livingstone’s Turacos, a pair of vocal Green Malkohas and the endemic Woodward’s Batis. We then left the trail and headed back into Isimangaliso Park to drive the road that leads to the dune forest at Cape Vidal. Along the road we were treated to a regal Black-chested Snake-eagle perched on the roadside, as well as a confiding Croaking Cisticola. At Cape Vidal itself, a stunning Crowned Eagle sat sunning itself in a canopy tree, and we managed to call in another endemic, Brown Scrub Robin. The journey back along the road to St Lucia gave us another majestic eagle, this time the threatened Southern Banded Snake-eagle, a rare raptor and a speciality of the park. The road to Cape Vidal is said to be the most reliable place in the country to see this rare eagle, and it certainly lived up to the hype, with the bird sitting calmly on a dead tree close to the road for an extended period of time. Truly a top sighting for the trip!
We also gained another rare bird for South Africa, Rufous-bellied Heron, at a wetland along the roadside, together with Rufous-winged Cisticola. Crowned Hornbill was the last addition in the park, and close sightings of both African Marsh Harrier and Broad-billed Roller were also appreciated. Leaving St Lucia, we made one final dash up north to try out any last specials we could, only adding African Firefinch. We then journeyed south to the town of Eshowe for our next overnight stay.

Our morning in Eshowe was spent birding the magical Dlinza Forest Reserve, which contains an impressive patch of pristine montane forest, and is home to two major specials: Spotted Ground Thrush and the localised Eastern Bronze-naped Pigeon, both of which performed wonderfully for us, the pigeons fluttering in the trees at reception, and the thrush nonchalantly walking across our path in the forest. An added bonus was a brief Olive Woodpecker, and Chorister Robin-chats were once again in evidence. We then left Eshowe and drove to the rather inaccessible Ongoye Forest, picking up 2 more birds along the way: Woolly-necked Stork and Palm-nut Vulture (in Mtunzini). Our main target at this next forest was Green Barbet, the rather different subspecies here being only confined to this one forest and found nowhere else in the world. We found a very vocal pair that responded unbelievably well to playback and provided impeccable views. Yellow-streaked Greenbul was also seen here, being quite localised in KwaZulu-Natal. For the rest of the afternoon, we drove across the province, leaving the coast behind and heading west into the foothills of the other great mountain range of South Africa, the Drakensberg, where we would be spending the last 2 nights of the tour.

This day, the last full day of tour, was spent birding Sani Pass, a dirt track that crosses from the town of Underberg in South Africa into Lesotho, with local expert bird guide, Stuart Mclean. Stuart is incredibly knowledgeable about the birds of the area and thanks to him, we managed to clean up all the Drakensberg specials, in spite of the dreary weather and frequent cloudbursts. Starting off in the grassy, Ouhout-lined streams at the bottom of the pass, we got Bush Blackcap, Greater Double-collared Sunbird, African Paradise-flycatcher, Barratt’s Warbler, Brimstone Canary, Brown-backed Honeybird and Olive Thrush. Stopping at the first cluster of Proteas we saw, we found a couple of Gurney’s Sugarbirds, so completing this endemic family for the tour, as well as singing Nicholson’s Pipit, a pair of Ground Woodpeckers and Buff-streaked Chats. A flock of Red-collared Widowbirds flying over the road was a nice surprise. After getting through border control, we trudged up the steep pass, surrounded by fog and drizzle so unable to enjoy the stunning view, unfortunately. Once we reached the top, the land flattened out into the Lesotho plateau and low, karroid scrub covered the rocky, bare ground. It was here where we got our first, and very good, looks at Drakensberg Siskin and Mountain Pipit as well as the very cute Sloggett’s Ice Rat, all of which are high-altitude Drakensberg specialists. Further along, the track became tar and descended into a valley where we stopped and picked up our first Drakensberg Rockjumpers, so completing the second endemic family for the tour! We moved further down the valley and stopped at another spot where the valley sides rose high above us and were topped with sheer cliffs. On the one cliff, Stuart, using his scope, pointed us to a Bearded Vulture nest site, complete with an adult bird sitting on the nest, preening and tending to it’s very large fledgling. We enjoyed watching these huge vultures performing their nesting antics while we enjoyed our breakfast. Many of the other birds in this area are actually Karoo specials that reach the Western edge of their ranges here in the high Drakensberg, thanks to the very Karoo-like (Karroid) vegetation found here. Some of these that we saw in numbers where Large-billed Lark, Layard’s Warbler, Grey Tit, Yellow Canary, Karoo Scrub Robin, Bokmakierie, Karoo Prinia, Fairy Flycatcher and Sickle-winged Chat. Sentinel Rock-thrush was common on the plateau, and Cape Rock-thrush was seen in the more vegetated valley, along with Mountain Wheatear and Cape Bunting. Ground Woodpeckers were abundant and even ubiquitous at times, while we managed to find quite a few groups of Drakensberg Rockjumpers during our time on the plateau. One section of the river in the valley hosted a pair of African Black Ducks, our only ones of the trip, with 9 ducklings.
After birding on the plateau and a quick coffee at the Highest Pub in Africa, we made our way down the pass and made a few more stops near the bottom of the pass before reaching our hotel. Between all the stops we managed to get Black Cuckoo, Half-collared Kingfisher, African Yellow Warbler and finished off with about 80 Cape Vultures at a roosting site, high up on a cliff. One surprise was finding a Karoo Prinia, which is usually only found in the karoo-like scrub on the Lesotho side of the pass, at the bottom of the pass in Ouhout thicket, habitat and location that is much more suited to Drakensberg Prinia, which was around in good numbers.

We made 3 brief stops today on the way back to Durban, each spot adding a species to the trip list. First stop was at Thurlow Reserve at Midmar Dam in the Natal Midlands where we found the last cisticola we needed for the trip: Pale-crowned Cisticola. Next was Benvie Gardens in the Karkloof, home to the lovely Orange Ground Thrush, which gave us a quick but stunning view, as well as a flyover from a Red-backed Mannikin. Last stop was at Cedara near Howick where we tried, in vain, for Short-tailed Pipit, but got a consolation prize in the form of Plain-backed Pipit, which became our last bird of the trip. Thereafter, we headed straight to King Shaka International Airport in Durban.




Common Ostrich  Struthio camelus

White-faced Whistling Duck  Dendrocygna viduata

Fulvous Whistling Duck  Dendrocygna bicolor

Spur-winged Goose  Plectropterus gambensis

Knob-billed Duck  Sarkidiornis melanotos

Egyptian Goose  Alopochen aegyptiaca

South African Shelduck ◊  Tadorna cana

African Pygmy Goose  Nettapus auritus

Blue-billed Teal  Spatula hottentota

Cape Shoveler ◊  Spatula smithii

African Black Duck  Anas sparsa

Yellow-billed Duck  Anas undulata

Cape Teal  Anas capensis

Red-billed Teal  Anas erythrorhyncha

Southern Pochard  Netta erythrophthalma

Maccoa Duck Oxyura maccoa

Helmeted Guineafowl  Numida meleagris

Crested Guineafowl ◊  Guttera pucherani

Crested Francolin  Ortygornis sephaena

Red-winged Francolin  ◊  Scleroptila levaillantii

Grey-winged Francolin ◊  Scleroptila afra

Orange River Francolin ◊  Scleroptila gutturalis

Common Quail  Coturnix coturnix heard only

Cape Spurfowl ◊ (C Francolin)  Pternistis capensis

Natal Spurfowl ◊ (N Francolin)  Pternistis natalensis

Swainson’s Spurfowl ◊ (S Francolin)  Pternistis swainsonii

Rufous-cheeked Nightjar ◊  Caprimulgus rufigena

Fiery-necked Nightjar  Caprimulgus pectoralis

Freckled Nightjar  Caprimulgus tristigma

African Palm Swift  Cypsiurus parvus

Alpine Swift  Tachymarptis melba

African Black Swift  Apus barbatus

Bradfield’s Swift ◊  Apus bradfieldi

Little Swift  Apus affinis

White-rumped Swift  Apus caffer

Grey Go-away-bird (G Lourie)  Crinifer concolor

Purple-crested Turaco (P-c Lourie)  Gallirex porphyreolophus

Livingstone’s Turaco ◊ (L Lourie)  Tauraco livingstonii

Knysna Turaco ◊ (K Lourie)  Tauraco corythaix

Kori Bustard  Ardeotis kori

Ludwig’s Bustard ◊  Neotis ludwigii

Denham’s Bustard  Neotis denhami

White-bellied Bustard ◊ (Barrow’s B)  Eupodotis [senegalensis] barrowii

Blue Korhaan ◊  Eupodotis caerulescens

Karoo Korhaan ◊  Eupodotis vigorsii

Red-crested Korhaan  Lophotis ruficrista

Southern Black Korhaan ◊  Afrotis afra

Northern Black Korhaan ◊  Afrotis afraoides

Black-bellied Bustard  Lissotis melanogaster

Burchell’s Coucal ◊  Centropus burchellii

Green Malkoha (G Coucal, Yellowbill)  Ceuthmochares australis

Diederik Cuckoo  Chrysococcyx caprius

Klaas’s Cuckoo  Chrysococcyx klaas

African Emerald Cuckoo (Emerald C)  Chrysococcyx cupreus heard only

Black Cuckoo  Cuculus clamosus

Red-chested Cuckoo  Cuculus solitarius

Namaqua Sandgrouse ◊  Pterocles namaqua

Rock Dove (introduced)  Columba livia

Speckled Pigeon (Rock P)  Columba guinea

African Olive Pigeon (Rameron P)  Columba arquatrix

Eastern Bronze-naped Pigeon  Columba delegorguei

Lemon Dove (Cinnamon D)  Columba larvata

Red-eyed Dove  Streptopelia semitorquata

Ring-necked Dove (Cape Turtle D)  Streptopelia capicola

Laughing Dove (Palm D)  Spilopelia senegalensis

Emerald-spotted Wood Dove  Turtur chalcospilos

Tambourine Dove  Turtur tympanistria

Namaqua Dove  Oena capensis

African Green Pigeon  Treron calvus

Buff-spotted Flufftail ◊  Sarothrura elegans heard only

Red-chested Flufftail  Sarothrura rufa heard only

African Rail (A Water R)  Rallus caerulescens

Common Moorhen  Gallinula chloropus

Red-knobbed Coot (Crested C)  Fulica cristata

Allen’s Gallinule  Porphyrio alleni

African Swamphen  Porphyrio madagascariensis

Black Crake  Zapornia flavirostra

Grey Crowned Crane  Balearica regulorum

Blue Crane ◊  Grus paradisea

Little Grebe (Dabchick)  Tachybaptus ruficollis

Great Crested Grebe  Podiceps cristatus

Black-necked Grebe (Eared G)  Podiceps nigricollis

Greater Flamingo  Phoenicopterus roseus

Lesser Flamingo  Phoeniconaias minor

Common Buttonquail  Turnix sylvaticus

Black-rumped Buttonquail Turnix nanus

Water Thick-knee (W Dikkop)  Burhinus vermiculatus

Spotted Thick-knee (S Dikkop)  Burhinus capensis

African Oystercatcher ◊  Haematopus moquini

Black-winged Stilt  Himantopus himantopus

Pied Avocet  Recurvirostra avosetta

Blacksmith Lapwing (B Plover)  Vanellus armatus

Senegal Lapwing (S Plover, Lesser Black-winged Plover)  Vanellus lugubris

Black-winged Lapwing (B-w Plover)  Vanellus melanopterus

Crowned Lapwing (C Plover)  Vanellus coronatus

African Wattled Lapwing (W Plover)  Vanellus senegallus

Grey Plover (Black-bellied P)  Pluvialis squatarola

Common Ringed Plover  Charadrius hiaticula

Kittlitz’s Plover  Charadrius pecuarius

Three-banded Plover  Charadrius tricollaris

White-fronted Plover  Charadrius marginatus

Chestnut-banded Plover  Charadrius pallidus

Caspian Plover Charadrius asiaticus

African Jacana  Actophilornis africanus

Eurasian Whimbrel  Numenius phaeopus

Bar-tailed Godwit  Limosa lapponica

Ruddy Turnstone  Arenaria interpres

Curlew Sandpiper  Calidris ferruginea

Sanderling  Calidris alba

Little Stint  Calidris minuta

African Snipe (Ethiopian S)  Gallinago nigripennis

Red-necked Phalarope  Phalaropus lobatus

Common Sandpiper  Actitis hypoleucos

Wood Sandpiper  Tringa glareola

Common Greenshank  Tringa nebularia

Burchell’s Courser ◊  Cursorius rufus

Double-banded Courser  Rhinoptilus africanus

Collared Pratincole  Glareola pratincola

Grey-headed Gull  Chroicocephalus cirrocephalus

Hartlaub’s Gull ◊  Chroicocephalus hartlaubii

Kelp Gull (Cape G)  Larus [dominicanus] vetula

Caspian Tern  Hydroprogne caspia

Greater Crested Tern (Swift T)  Thalasseus bergii

Sandwich Tern  Thalasseus sandvicensis

Damara Tern ◊  Sternula balaenarum

Common Tern  Sterna hirundo

Whiskered Tern  Chlidonias hybrida

Brown Skua (Subantarctic S)  Stercorarius antarcticus

African Penguin ◊ (Jackass P)  Spheniscus demersus

Wilson’s Storm Petrel  Oceanites oceanicus

Southern Royal Albatross  Diomedea epomophora

Black-browed Albatross  Thalassarche melanophris

Shy Albatross (White-capped A)  Thalassarche [cauta] steadi

 Atlantic Yellow-nosed Albatross ◊  Thalassarche chlororhynchos

Indian Yellow-nosed Albatross ◊  Thalassarche carteri

Southern Giant Petrel  Macronectes giganteus

Northern Giant Petrel  Macronectes halli

Cape Petrel (Pintado P)  Daption capense

Great-winged Petrel ◊  Pterodroma macroptera

Soft-plumaged Petrel  Pterodroma mollis

White-chinned Petrel  Procellaria aequinoctialis

Sooty Shearwater  Ardenna grisea

Great Shearwater  Ardenna gravis

Yellow-billed Stork  Mycteria ibis

Woolly-necked Stork (African Woollyneck)  Ciconia [episcopus] microscelis

Marabou Stork  Leptoptilos crumenifer

Cape Gannet ◊  Morus capensis

African Darter  Anhinga rufa

Reed Cormorant (Long-tailed C)  Microcarbo africanus

Crowned Cormorant ◊  Microcarbo coronatus

Bank Cormorant ◊  Phalacrocorax neglectus

Cape Cormorant ◊  Phalacrocorax capensis

White-breasted Cormorant  Phalacrocorax lucidus

African Sacred Ibis (Sacred I)  Threskiornis aethiopicus

Southern Bald Ibis ◊  Geronticus calvus

Hadada Ibis  Bostrychia hagedash

Glossy Ibis  Plegadis falcinellus

African Spoonbill  Platalea alba

Black-crowned Night Heron  Nycticorax nycticorax

Striated Heron (Green-backed H)  Butorides striata

Squacco Heron  Ardeola ralloides

Rufous-bellied Heron Ardeola rufiventris

Western Cattle Egret  Bubulcus ibis

Grey Heron  Ardea cinerea

Black-headed Heron  Ardea melanocephala

Goliath Heron  Ardea goliath

Purple Heron  Ardea purpurea

Great Egret  Ardea alba

Intermediate Egret (Yellow-billed E)  Ardea [intermedia] brachyrhyncha

Little Egret  Egretta garzetta

Hamerkop  Scopus umbretta

Great White Pelican  Pelecanus onocrotalus

Pink-backed Pelican  Pelecanus rufescens

Secretarybird  Sagittarius serpentarius

Western Osprey  Pandion haliaetus

Black-winged Kite  Elanus caeruleus

African Harrier-Hawk (Gymnogene)  Polyboroides typus

Palm-nut Vulture  Gypohierax angolensis

Bearded Vulture (Lammergeier)  Gypaetus barbatus

African Cuckoo-Hawk  Aviceda cuculoides

White-backed Vulture (African W-b V)  Gyps africanus

Cape Vulture ◊  Gyps coprotheres

Black-chested Snake Eagle  Circaetus pectoralis

Brown Snake Eagle  Circaetus cinereus

Southern Banded Snake Eagle ◊  Circaetus fasciolatus

Bateleur  Terathopius ecaudatus

Bat Hawk  Macheiramphus alcinus

Crowned Eagle (African C E)  Stephanoaetus coronatus

Martial Eagle  Polemaetus bellicosus

Long-crested Eagle  Lophaetus occipitalis

Wahlberg’s Eagle  Hieraaetus wahlbergi

Booted Eagle  Hieraaetus pennatus

Tawny Eagle  Aquila rapax

Verreaux’s Eagle (Black E)  Aquila verreauxii

Gabar Goshawk  Micronisus gabar

Pale Chanting Goshawk (Southern P C G)  Melierax canorus

African Goshawk  Accipiter tachiro

Little Sparrowhawk  Accipiter minullus

Black Sparrowhawk (Great S)  Accipiter melanoleucus

African Marsh Harrier  Circus ranivorus

Black Harrier ◊  Circus maurus

Yellow-billed Kite  Milvus aegyptius

African Fish Eagle  Haliaeetus vocifer

Common Buzzard (Steppe B)  Buteo [buteo] vulpinus

Jackal Buzzard ◊  Buteo rufofuscus

Western Barn Owl  Tyto alba

Southern White-faced Owl  Ptilopsis granti

Marsh Owl  Asio capensis

African Wood Owl  Strix woodfordii non-leader

Speckled Mousebird  Colius striatus

White-backed Mousebird ◊  Colius colius

Red-faced Mousebird  Urocolius indicus

Narina Trogon  Apaloderma narina

African Hoopoe  Upupa africana

Green Wood Hoopoe (Red-billed W)  Phoeniculus purpureus

Common Scimitarbill  Rhinopomastus cyanomelas

Southern Yellow-billed Hornbill ◊  Tockus leucomelas

Crowned Hornbill  Lophoceros alboterminatus

Trumpeter Hornbill  Bycanistes bucinator

Lilac-breasted Roller  Coracias caudatus

Broad-billed Roller  Eurystomus glaucurus

Brown-hooded Kingfisher  Halcyon albiventris

Striped Kingfisher  Halcyon chelicuti

African Pygmy Kingfisher  Ispidina picta

Malachite Kingfisher  Corythornis cristatus

Half-collared Kingfisher  Alcedo semitorquata

Giant Kingfisher  Megaceryle maxima

Pied Kingfisher  Ceryle rudis

Little Bee-eater  Merops pusillus

White-fronted Bee-eater  Merops bullockoides

European Bee-eater  Merops apiaster

White-eared Barbet  Stactolaema leucotis

Green Barbet  Stactolaema olivacea

Yellow-rumped Tinkerbird (Golden-r Tinker Barbet)  Pogoniulus bilineatus

Red-fronted Tinkerbird (R-f Tinker Barbet)  Pogoniulus pusillus

Acacia Pied Barbet  Tricholaema leucomelas

Black-collared Barbet  Lybius torquatus

Crested Barbet  Trachyphonus vaillantii

Brown-backed Honeybird  Prodotiscus regulus

Lesser Honeyguide  Indicator minor

Scaly-throated Honeyguide  Indicator variegatus heard only

Greater Honeyguide  Indicator indicator heard only

Red-throated Wryneck  Jynx ruficollis

Ground Woodpecker ◊  Geocolaptes olivaceus

Golden-tailed Woodpecker  Campethera abingoni

Bearded Woodpecker  Chloropicus namaquus

Cardinal Woodpecker  Dendropicos fuscescens

Olive Woodpecker  Dendropicos griseocephalus

Pygmy Falcon  Polihierax semitorquatus

Rock Kestrel  Falco rupicolus

Greater Kestrel (White-eyed K)  Falco rupicoloides

Lanner Falcon  Falco biarmicus

Peregrine Falcon  Falco peregrinus

Cape Parrot ◊  Poicephalus robustus heard only

Brown-headed Parrot  Poicephalus cryptoxanthus

Rosy-faced Lovebird  Agapornis roseicollis

Cape Batis ◊  Batis capensis

Woodward’s Batis ◊  Batis fratrum

Chinspot Batis  Batis molitor

Pririt Batis ◊  Batis pririt

Grey-headed Bushshrike  Malaconotus blanchoti

Olive Bushshrike ◊  Chlorophoneus olivaceus

Orange-breasted Bushshrike  Chlorophoneus sulfureopectus

Gorgeous Bushshrike (Four-coloured B)  Telophorus [viridis] quadricolor

Bokmakierie ◊  Telophorus zeylonus

Brown-crowned Tchagra  Tchagra australis

Southern Tchagra ◊  Tchagra tchagra

Black-crowned Tchagra (B-headed T)  Tchagra senegalus

Black-backed Puffback  Dryoscopus cubla

Southern Boubou ◊  Laniarius ferrugineus

Crimson-breasted Shrike ◊  Laniarius atrococcineus

Brubru  Nilaus afer

White-crested Helmetshrike (White H)  Prionops plumatus

Grey Cuckooshrike  Ceblepyris caesius

Black Cuckooshrike  Campephaga flava

Magpie Shrike  (African L-t S)  Urolestes melanoleucus

Southern Fiscal  Lanius collaris

Southern Fiscal (Latakoo F)  Lanius [collaris] subcoronatus

Black-headed Oriole (Eastern B-h O)  Oriolus larvatus

Fork-tailed Drongo  Dicrurus adsimilis

Common Square-tailed Drongo  Dicrurus ludwigii

Blue-mantled Crested Flycatcher (Blue-m F)  Trochocercus cyanomelas

African Paradise Flycatcher  Terpsiphone viridis

House Crow (introduced)  Corvus splendens

Cape Crow (C Rook)  Corvus capensis

Pied Crow  Corvus albus

White-necked Raven  Corvus albicollis

Cape Rockjumper ◊  Chaetops frenatus

Drakensberg Rockjumper ◊ (Orange-breasted R)  Chaetops aurantius

Fairy Flycatcher ◊  Stenostira scita

Southern Black Tit ◊  Melaniparus niger

Ashy Tit ◊  Melaniparus cinerascens

Grey Tit (Southern G T)  Melaniparus afer

Grey Penduline Tit  Anthoscopus caroli

Cape Penduline Tit ◊  Anthoscopus minutus

Eastern Nicator (Yellow-spotted N)  Nicator gularis

Spike-heeled Lark ◊  Chersomanes albofasciata

Short-clawed Lark ◊  Certhilauda chuana

Karoo Long-billed Lark ◊  Certhilauda subcoronata

Eastern Long-billed Lark ◊  Certhilauda semitorquata

Cape Long-billed Lark ◊  Certhilauda curvirostris

Agulhas Long-billed Lark ◊  Certhilauda brevirostris

Black-eared Sparrow-Lark ◊ (B-e Finchlark)  Eremopterix australis

Grey-backed Sparrow-Lark ◊ (G-b Finchlark)  Eremopterix verticalis

Sabota Lark ◊  Calendulauda sabota

Fawn-coloured Lark  Calendulauda africanoides

Karoo Lark ◊  Calendulauda albescens

Red Lark ◊  Calendulauda burra

Barlow’s Lark ◊  Calendulauda barlowi

Eastern Clapper Lark ◊  Mirafra fasciolata

Cape Clapper Lark ◊  Mirafra apiata

Cape Clapper Lark ◊ (Agulhas C L)  Mirafra [apiata] marjoriae

Rufous-naped Lark  Mirafra africana

Melodious Lark ◊  Mirafra cheniana

Sclater’s Lark ◊  Spizocorys sclateri

Stark’s Lark ◊  Spizocorys starki

Pink-billed Lark ◊  Spizocorys conirostris

Large-billed Lark ◊ (Southern Thick-b L)  Galerida magnirostris

Red-capped Lark  Calandrella cinerea

Sombre Greenbul (S Bulbul)  Andropadus importunus

Yellow-bellied Greenbul  Chlorocichla flaviventris

Terrestrial Brownbul (T Bulbul)  Phyllastrephus terrestris

Yellow-streaked Greenbul  Phyllastrephus flavostriatus

African Red-eyed Bulbul ◊  Pycnonotus nigricans

Dark-capped Bulbul  Pycnonotus tricolor

Cape Bulbul ◊  Pycnonotus capensis

Black Saw-wing  Psalidoprocne pristoptera

Banded Martin  Neophedina cincta

Brown-throated Martin (Plain M)  Riparia paludicola

Grey-rumped Swallow  Pseudhirundo griseopyga

Rock Martin (African R M)  Ptyonoprogne fuligula

Pearl-breasted Swallow  Hirundo dimidiata

White-throated Swallow  Hirundo albigularis

Wire-tailed Swallow  Hirundo smithii

Barn Swallow  Hirundo rustica

Common House Martin  Delichon urbicum

Red-breasted Swallow  Cecropis semirufa

Lesser Striped Swallow  Cecropis abyssinica

Greater Striped Swallow  Cecropis cucullata

South African Cliff Swallow ◊  Petrochelidon spilodera

Cape Grassbird ◊  Sphenoeacus afer

Long-billed Crombec  Sylvietta rufescens

Victorin’s Warbler ◊  Cryptillas victorini

Yellow-throated Woodland Warbler (Y-t Warbler)  Phylloscopus ruficapilla

Lesser Swamp Warbler (Cape Reed W)  Acrocephalus gracilirostris

African Reed Warbler  Acrocephalus baeticatus

African Yellow Warbler (Dark-capped Y W)  Iduna natalensis

Barratt’s Warbler ◊  Bradypterus barratti

Little Rush Warbler  Bradypterus baboecala

Red-faced Cisticola  Cisticola erythrops heard only

Lazy Cisticola ◊  Cisticola aberrans

Rattling Cisticola  Cisticola chiniana

Grey-backed Cisticola ◊  Cisticola subruficapilla

Wailing Cisticola ◊  Cisticola lais

Rufous-winged Cisticola  Cisticola galactotes

Levaillant’s Cisticola (Tinkling C)  Cisticola tinniens

Croaking Cisticola  Cisticola natalensis

Neddicky (Piping C)  Cisticola fulvicapilla

Zitting Cisticola (Fan-tailed C)  Cisticola juncidis

Desert Cisticola  Cisticola aridulus

Cloud Cisticola ◊ (Tink-tink C)  Cisticola textrix

Pale-crowned Cisticola ◊  Cisticola cinnamomeus

Wing-snapping Cisticola  Cisticola ayresii

Tawny-flanked Prinia  Prinia subflava

Black-chested Prinia ◊  Prinia flavicans

Karoo Prinia ◊ (Spotted P)  Prinia maculosa

Drakensberg Prinia ◊  Prinia hypoxantha

Namaqua Warbler ◊ (N Prinia)  Phragmacia substriata

Bar-throated Apalis  Apalis thoracica

Rudd’s Apalis ◊  Apalis ruddi

Yellow-breasted Apalis  Apalis flavida

Rufous-eared Warbler ◊  Malcorus pectoralis

Green-backed Camaroptera (G-b Bleating Warbler)  Camaroptera brachyura

Barred Wren-Warbler (African W-W)  Calamonastes fasciolatus

Yellow-bellied Eremomela  Eremomela icteropygialis

Karoo Eremomela ◊  Eremomela gregalis

Burnt-necked Eremomela  Eremomela usticollis

Bush Blackcap ◊  Sylvia nigricapillus

Layard’s Warbler ◊  Curruca layardi

Chestnut-vented Warbler (C-v Titbabbler)  Curruca subcoerulea

Orange River White-eye ◊  Zosterops pallidus

Cape White-eye ◊  Zosterops virens

Southern Yellow White-eye  Zosterops anderssoni

Arrow-marked Babbler  Turdoides jardineii

Cape Sugarbird ◊  Promerops cafer

Gurney’s Sugarbird ◊  Promerops gurneyi

Common Myna (introduced)  Acridotheres tristis

Common Starling (introduced)  Sturnus vulgaris

Wattled Starling  Creatophora cinerea

Black-bellied Starling (B-b Glossy S)  Notopholia corusca

Cape Starling (C Glossy S)  Lamprotornis nitens

Pied Starling ◊ (African P S)  Lamprotornis bicolor

Violet-backed Starling (Amethyst S)  Cinnyricinclus leucogaster

Red-winged Starling  Onychognathus morio

Pale-winged Starling ◊  Onychognathus nabouroup

Red-billed Oxpecker  Buphagus erythrorynchus

Spotted Ground Thrush ◊ (Spotted T)  Geokichla guttata

Orange Ground Thrush ◊ (Orange T)  Geokichla gurneyi

Groundscraper Thrush  Turdus litsitsirupa

Olive Thrush  Turdus olivaceus

Kurrichane Thrush  Turdus libonyana

Karoo Thrush ◊  Turdus smithi

Karoo Scrub Robin ◊ (K Robin)  Cercotrichas coryphoeus

Bearded Scrub Robin (Eastern B R)  Cercotrichas quadrivirgata

Kalahari Scrub Robin ◊ (K Robin)  Cercotrichas paena

White-browed Scrub Robin (W-b Robin)  Cercotrichas leucophrys

Brown Scrub Robin ◊ (B Robin)  Cercotrichas signata

Grey Tit-Flycatcher  Myioparus plumbeus

Southern Black Flycatcher  Melaenornis pammelaina

Pale Flycatcher (Mouse-coloured F)  Melaenornis pallidus

Chat Flycatcher ◊  Melaenornis infuscatus

Marico Flycatcher ◊  Melaenornis mariquensis

Fiscal Flycatcher ◊  Melaenornis silens

African Dusky Flycatcher  Muscicapa adusta

Cape Robin-Chat (Cape Robin)  Cossypha caffra

White-throated Robin-Chat ◊ (African W-t Robin)  Cossypha humeralis

White-browed Robin-Chat  Cossypha heuglini

Red-capped Robin-Chat (Natal R)  Cossypha natalensis

Chorister Robin-Chat ◊ (C Robin)  Cossypha dichroa

White-starred Robin (Starred R)  Pogonocichla stellata

Cape Rock Thrush ◊  Monticola rupestris

Sentinel Rock Thrush ◊  Monticola explorator

Short-toed Rock Thrush ◊  Monticola brevipes

African Stonechat  Saxicola torquatus

Buff-streaked Chat ◊  Campicoloides bifasciatus

Sickle-winged Chat ◊  Emarginata sinuata

Karoo Chat ◊  Emarginata schlegelii

Tractrac Chat ◊  Emarginata tractrac

Mocking Cliff Chat (Mocking Chat, Cliff Chat)  Thamnolaea cinnamomeiventris

Ant-eating Chat ◊  Myrmecocichla formicivora

Mountain Wheatear ◊ (M Chat)  Myrmecocichla monticola

Capped Wheatear  Oenanthe pileata

Familiar Chat (Red-tailed C)  Oenanthe familiaris

Collared Sunbird  Hedydipna collaris

Orange-breasted Sunbird ◊  Anthobaphes violacea

Olive Sunbird  Cyanomitra olivacea

Grey Sunbird (Mouse-coloured S)  Cyanomitra veroxii

Amethyst Sunbird (African Black S)  Chalcomitra amethystina

Scarlet-chested Sunbird  Chalcomitra senegalensis

Malachite Sunbird  Nectarinia famosa

Southern Double-collared Sunbird ◊ (Lesser D-c S)  Cinnyris chalybeus

Greater Double-collared Sunbird ◊  Cinnyris afer

Marico Sunbird  Cinnyris mariquensis

Purple-banded Sunbird  Cinnyris bifasciatus

White-bellied Sunbird  Cinnyris talatala

Dusky Sunbird ◊  Cinnyris fuscus

Yellow-throated Bush Sparrow (African Y-t S)  Gymnoris superciliaris

Cape Sparrow ◊  Passer melanurus

Great Sparrow  Passer motitensis

Southern Grey-headed Sparrow  Passer diffusus

House Sparrow (introduced)  Passer domesticus

White-browed Sparrow-Weaver  Plocepasser mahali

Sociable Weaver ◊  Philetairus socius

Scaly-feathered Weaver ◊  Sporopipes squamifrons

Thick-billed Weaver (Grosbeak W)  Amblyospiza albifrons

Spectacled Weaver  Ploceus ocularis

Cape Weaver ◊  Ploceus capensis

Southern Brown-throated Weaver ◊  Ploceus xanthopterus

Lesser Masked Weaver  Ploceus intermedius

Southern Masked Weaver  Ploceus velatus

Village Weaver (Spotted-backed W)  Ploceus cucullatus

Dark-backed Weaver (Forest W)  Ploceus bicolor

Red-headed Weaver  Anaplectes rubriceps

Red-billed Quelea  Quelea quelea

Southern Red Bishop  Euplectes orix

Yellow Bishop (Yellow-rumped Widow)  Euplectes capensis

Fan-tailed Widowbird (Red-shouldered Widow)  Euplectes axillaris

Red-collared Widowbird (R-c Widow)  Euplectes ardens

Long-tailed Widowbird (L-t Widow)  Euplectes progne

Bronze Mannikin  Spermestes cucullata

Red-backed Mannikin  Spermestes nigriceps

Swee Waxbill ◊  Coccopygia melanotis

Green Twinspot (G-backed T)  Mandingoa nitidula

Black-faced Waxbill  Brunhilda erythronotos

Common Waxbill  Estrilda astrild

Quailfinch  Ortygospiza atricollis

Red-headed Finch ◊  Amadina erythrocephala

Violet-eared Waxbill ◊  Granatina granatina

Blue Waxbill  Uraeginthus angolensis

Green-winged Pytilia (Melba Finch)  Pytilia melba

Pink-throated Twinspot ◊  Hypargos margaritatus

Red-billed Firefinch  Lagonosticta senegala

African Firefinch (Blue-billed F)  Lagonosticta rubricata

Jameson’s Firefinch  Lagonosticta rhodopareia

Pin-tailed Whydah  Vidua macroura

Shaft-tailed Whydah  Vidua regia

Cape Wagtail  Motacilla capensis

Mountain Wagtail (Long-tailed W)  Motacilla clara

African Pied Wagtail  Motacilla aguimp

Cape Longclaw ◊ (Orange-throated L)  Macronyx capensis

Yellow-throated Longclaw  Macronyx croceus

African Pipit (Grassveld P)  Anthus cinnamomeus

Mountain Pipit ◊  Anthus hoeschi

Nicholson’s Pipit  Anthus nicholsoni

Buffy Pipit  Anthus vaalensis

Plain-backed Pipit  Anthus leucophrys

African Rock Pipit ◊ (Yellow-tufted P)  Anthus crenatus

Yellow-breasted Pipit ◊  Anthus chloris

Forest Canary ◊  Crithagra scotops

Black-throated Canary  Crithagra atrogularis

Yellow-fronted Canary (Y-eyed C)  Crithagra mozambica

Cape Siskin ◊  Crithagra totta

Drakensberg Siskin ◊  Crithagra symonsi

Yellow Canary ◊  Crithagra flaviventris

Brimstone Canary (Bully C)  Crithagra sulphurata

Streaky-headed Seedeater ◊ (S-h Canary)  Crithagra gularis

White-throated Canary ◊  Crithagra albogularis

Protea Canary ◊ (P Seedeater)  Crithagra leucoptera

Cape Canary  Serinus canicollis

Black-headed Canary  ◊  Serinus [alario] alario

Lark-like Bunting ◊  Emberiza impetuani

Cape Bunting ◊  Emberiza capensis

Golden-breasted Bunting  Emberiza flaviventris



Common Rock Hyrax (Cape D, Cape R Hyrax)  Procavia capensis

Aardvark  Orycteropus afer

Small-spotted Genet  Genetta genetta

South African Large-spotted Genet  Genetta tigrina non-leader

Southern African Hedgehog Atelerix frontalis

Spotted Hyaena  Crocuta crocuta

Aardwolf  Proteles cristata

Yellow Mongoose (Bushy-tailed Meerkat)  Cynictis penicillata

Cape Grey Mongoose (Small G M)  Herpestes pulverulentus

Slender Mongoose  Herpestes sanguineus

Meerkat (Suricate)  Suricata suricatta

Black-backed Jackal  Lupulella mesomelas

Side-striped Jackal  Lupulella adustus

Bat-eared Fox  Otocyon megalotis

South African Fur Seal (Afro-Australian F S)  Arctocephalus pusillus

Plains Zebra (Burchell’s Z)  Equus [quagga] burchellii

Mountain Zebra  Equus zebra

White Rhinoceros (Square-lipped R)  Ceratotherium simum

Common Warthog  Phacochoerus africanus

Southern Giraffe  Giraffa giraffa

Impala  Aepyceros melampus

Hartebeest Alcelaphus buselaphus

Springbok  Antidorcas marsupialis

Natal Red Duiker  Cephalophus natalensis

Black Wildebeest (White-tailed Gnu)  Connochaetes gnou

Common Wildebeest (Brindled Gnu)  Connochaetes taurinus

Blesbok (Blesbok)  Damaliscus [pygargus] phillipsi

Blesbok (Bontebok)  Damaliscus [pygargus] pygargus

Waterbuck  Kobus ellipsiprymnus

Klipspringer  Oreotragus oreotragus

Grey Rhebok (Vaal R)  Pelea capreolus

Blue Duiker Philantomba monticola

Steenbok (Steinbok)  Raphicerus campestris

Cape Grysbok (Cape G)  Raphicerus melanotis

Southern Reedbuck (Common R)  Redunca arundinum

Mountain Reedbuck  Redunca fulvorufula

Common Duiker (Grey Duiker)  Sylvicapra grimmia

African Buffalo (Cape Buffalo)  Syncerus caffer

Nyala  Tragelaphus angasii

Common Eland  Tragelaphus oryx

Bushbuck  Tragelaphus scriptus

Hippopotamus  Hippopotamus amphibius

Humpback Whale  Megaptera novaeangliae

Long-beaked Common Dolphin  Delphinus capensis

Wahlberg’s Epauletted Fruit Bat  Epomophorus wahlbergi

Thick-tailed Greater Galago (Large-eared G G) Otolemur crassicaudatus

Blue Monkey (Diademed Guenon)  Cercopithecus mitis

Vervet (V Monkey)  Chlorocebus pygerythrus

Chacma Baboon  Papio ursinus

Cape Hare  Lepus capensis

Cape Scrub Hare  Lepus saxatilis

Cape Porcupine  Hystrix africaeaustralis

Dassie Rat  Petromus typicus

Red Bush Squirrel (Red S)  Paraxerus palliatus

Eastern Gray Squirrel (introduced)  Sciurus carolinensis

South African Ground Squirrel (Cape Ground S)  Xerus inauris

Southern African Spring-hare  Pedetes capensis

Sloggett’s Vlei Rat (Ice Rat)  Otomys sloggetti

Bush Vlei Rat (Karoo Bush R)  Otomys unisulcatus

Four-striped Grass Mouse (Four-striped Grass Mouse)  Rhabdomys pumilio