11 - 30 November 2023

by Leonardo Garrigues

Northern Ecuador is one of the finest South American birding destinations, and definitely stands out with the high diversity of birds and the different habitats that you will find at the different elevation ranges on both slopes of the northern Ecuador Andes, with Chocó birds on the western slope, an Amazonian influence on birds of the eastern side, and all the way up to paramo regions.
Ecuador is noted for its tourist infrastructure for birdwatching in private and state reserves, where they have developed all kinds of feeder attractions for colorful birds like tanagers and hummingbirds to secretive birds like antpittas or wood quails. We take advantage of feeder stations but, as well, we go off of the beaten path to look for some of the harder specialties, and that’s what makes this tour even more special.
The northwest region of Ecuador is one of the best regions to see Chocó endemic birds, and the tour emphasizes the search for the majority of Chocó specialties. Colombia also is a great destination to look for Chocó endemics, but some of them, like the Plate-billed Mountain Toucan, Dark-backed Wood Quail, Choco Tyrannulet or Scarlet-breasted Dacnis (just to mention some examples), just occur in the farthest south areas of Colombia, and perhaps Ecuador offers easier access to excellent sites. Of course, Colombia also has some exclusive Chocó endemic birds.

To mention some of the highlights of the tour we can start with the bird of the tour, that was a sighting of a Solitary Eagle, initially perched and then soaring at fairly close distance. Another major highlight was an encounter with one of the rarest snakes in the world, the South American Bushmaster, that we found in the area of Sumaco. We also got to see the Mountain Tapir, which is one of the most special mammals of the Andes, that appeared one night in San Isidro.
The total amount of 715 species of birds recorded was a major highlight as well, with a total of 640 birds seen by at least one participant. Including some of the major targets like the Sapayoa, Chestnut-bellied Cotinga, Beautiful Jay or the unique Tanager Finch.
Other highlights included to see the Wattled Guan, Rufous-breasted Wood Quail, Band-winged, Swallow-tailed and Lyre-tailed Nightjar, Choco Poorwill, Oilbird, Andean Potoo, Spot-fronted Swift, Little Cuckoo, Dusky Pigeon and Ecuadorian Ground Dove. During the tour we managed to record 84 species of Hummingbirds which included the rare and enigmatic Black-breasted Puffleg, great views of White-tipped Sicklebill, Geoffroy’s and White-throated (a write-in for the tour) Daggerbills, Tooth-billed Hummingbird, Wire-crested Thorntail, Ecuadorian Piedtail, Violet-tailed Sylph, Ecuadorian Hillstar, Mountain Avocetbill, Purple-backed and Rainbow-bearded Thornbill, Viridian Metaltail, Greenish, Hoary and Black-thighed (a write-in for the tour) Pufflegs, Green-backed Hillstar, Purple-bibbed Whitetip, Giant Hummingbird and Gorgeted Woodstar were some of the hummingbird species that we got to see. Get to see the rare and local Brown Wood Rail in wild conditions by the whole group was another major highlight, as well great views of Blackish Rail, also Rufous-bellied Seedsnipe and Andean Ibis.
With the raptors we did really well with major rarities like the Black-and-white and Ornate Hawk-Eagles, Black-and-chestnut Eagle, Bicolored, White-rumped and Barred Hawk, Black-chested Buzzard Eagle, and the bird of the tour as well which was a Solitary Eagle. Several species of Owls included the Cloud-forest and Pacific (write-in for the tour) Pygmy Owls, White-throated, Rufescent, Colombian (Rufescent form of the west side), and Foothill Screech Owls, Spectacled, Band-bellied, Mottled and Rufous-banded Owls, as well the mysterious “San Isidro” Owl that at the moment is labelled under the Black-banded Owl but is quite likely to be an undescribed species. As well we got Lined and Buckley’s Forest Falcons, Merlin (a major rarity in Ecuador) and Orange-breasted Falcon (that was chosen as the second-best bird of the tour).
Other species that complemented our highlights will be Crested Quetzal, Choco Trogon, Coppery-chested Jacamar, Black-breasted, Pied, Barred, White-chested, Black-streaked and White-whiskered Puffbirds, Lanceolated Monklet, Brown Nunlet, the rare White-faced Nunbird, Orange-fronted, Five-colored and Toucan Barbets, the 3 species of Mountain Toucans as the Plate-billed, Black-billed and Grey-breasted Mountain Toucans, Golden-collared Toucanet, and the Ecuadorian endemic Pale-mandibled Aracari. A good selection of Woodpeckers included Lafresnaye’s and Olivaceous Piculets, Yellow-vented, Lita, Cinnamon, and Guayaquil Woodpeckers. Members of other groups included Rose-faced Parrot, Military Macaw, Grey-throated Leaftosser, Tyrannine, Strong-billed and Black-striped Woodcreepers, Brown-billed and Red-billed Scythebills, Pacific Tuftedcheek, Rusty-winged Barbtail, Rufous-tailed Foliage-gleaner, Uniform, Flammulated, Black-billed and Streak-capped Treehunters, Star-chested Treerunner (a rare and localized Choco endemic), Andean Tit-Spinetail, White-chinned Thistletail, White-browed, Dusky and Rufous Spinetails, Ornate and Foothill Stipplethroats, Black, Stub-tailed, Esmeraldas and Zeledon’s Antbirds, Rufous-breasted and Short-tailed Antthrushes, Giant, Moustached, Plain-backed, Chestnut-crowned, Chestnut-naped, Yellow-breasted, White-bellied, Equatorial, Tawny, Ochre-breasted and Rufous-breasted Antpittas (all of them seen), Chestnut-crowned Gnateater, Long-tailed, Blackish, Narino, Choco and Spillman’s Tapaculos, White-fronted, Choco, Ecuadorian and Sulphur-bellied Tyrannulets, Foothill and Coopmans’s Elaenias, Bronze-olive Pygmy-Tyrant, Rufous-breasted, Orange-crested and Handsome Flycatchers, Pacific Flatbill, Red-rumped, Streak-throated and Smoky Bush Tyrants, Crowned, Yellow-bellied, Slaty-backed, Rufous-breasted and Brown-backed Chat-Tyrants, Snowy-throated Kingbird, Scaled, Black-chested, Orange-breasted and Barred Fruiteaters, Grey-tailed and Olivaceous Pihas, Andean Cock-of-the-rock, Blue and Black-tipped Cotingas, Green, Blue-rumped and Club-winged Manakins, Northern Schiffornis, Cryptic and One-colored Becards, Grey-mantled, Stripe-throated, Wing-barred and Song Wrens, Black Solitaire, Chestnut-bellied and Ecuadorian Thrushes, Olivaceous Siskin, Olive Finch, Choco Brushfinch, Cerulean Warbler, Choco Warbler, Lemon-spectacled Tanager, Golden-collared Honeycreeper, Scarlet-breasted Dacnis, Rufous-crested Tanager, Western Hemispingus, Paramo Seedeater, Golden-eye and Indigo Flowerpiercers, the 3 species of “Iridosornis” Purplish-mantled, Yellow-throated and Golden-crowned Tanagers, as well 3 species of “Bangsias” as the Yellow-green, Moss-backed and Golden-chested Tanagers, and many more colourful tanagers like the Grass-green, Rufous-throated, Grey-and Gold, Scrub, Blue-browed, Metallic-green, Black-capped, Glistening-green, Orange-eared, Emerald, and Scarlet-and-white Tanagers.

We started our tour in the suburbs of Quito, where we did an unofficial birding session with the members of the group who were on the first afternoon before the tour. On this birding session we got a few birds who weren’t seen on the main tour such as the Saffron Finch or the Blue-and-yellow Tanager. Other birds seen there were the Western Emerald, Golden-rumped Euphonia and Rusty Flowerpiercer.

Our first day we left our hotel early in the morning to go to Yanacocha Reserve, but this year we did a last-minute change in order to try for one of the rarest hummingbirds of the world, the enigmatic and Ecuadorian endemic Black-breasted Puffleg. On previous weeks a male of Black-breasted Puffleg was coming regularly to Zuro Loma Reserve, and the previous days of the tour, a female was showing up to the place. It was a difficult bet, but at the end was a winner bet, were we got to see the female Black-breasted Puffleg (what a way to start the tour!), as well great views of Chestnut-napped and Equatorial Antpittas, and a pair of White-throated Screech Owls. Other birds included the Andean Guan, Green-tailed Trainbearer, Collared Inca, Mountain Velvetbreast and the majestic Sword-billed Hummingbird, the Yellow-bellied and Rufous-breasted Chat-Tyrants, Barred Fruiteater, Plain-tailed Wren, Grey-browed Brushfinch, Black-crested Warbler, Masked and White-sided Flowerpiercers, Hooded and Scarlet-bellied Mountain Tanagers.

After our morning session at Zuro Loma we went to Yanacocha, were we supposed to start our birding session of the morning, but with the quality of birds that we got at Zuro Loma it was a great call after all. Of course, we sacrificed some birding time of Yanacocha but we managed to see several species like Tyrian Metaltail, Sapphire-vented Puffleg, Shinning Sunbeam, Buff-winged Starfrontlet, Great Sapphirewing, more Sword-billed Hummingbirds, White-browed Spinetail, Blackish Tapaculo, White-throated Tyrannulet, Smoky Bush-Tyrant, Crowned Chat-Tyrant, Yellow-breasted Brushfinch, Spectacled Whitestart, Glossy Flowerpiercer, Grass-green Tanager and Black-chested Mountain Tanager. We wait at the farther hummingbird feeders to see if Golden-breasted Puffleg was around but no signs this time of this Puffleg species, so we continued our journey to Mindo area where we would spend the next four nights.

Our first day on Mindo area we visited the area of Mashpi combined with Amagusa Reserve. On this area we had a combination of Hummingbird feeders, fruit feeders, moth lights, and a very productive roadside birding in one of the most diverse elevations of the western slope (1000-1500). The highlights of our day included to see the very localized Choco Vireo that with persistence we managed to see in the canopy of primary forest. Other good species of the day were the Dark-backed Wood Quail, Little Cuckoo, Choco Trogon, Barred Puffbird, Lanceolated Monklet, Orange-fronted Barbet, Rose-faced Parrot, Esmeraldas Antbird, Pacific Flatbill, Scaled and Orange-breasted Fruiteaters, Tawny-breasted Myiobius, Northern Schiffornis, Cryptic and One-colored Becard, Black-billed Peppershrike, Black Solitaire, Choco Warbler, Indigo Flowerpiercer, Black-chinned Mountain Tanager, Scarlet-and-white, Glistening-Green, Moss-backed and Grey-and-gold Tanagers. A good selection of new hummingbirds for the tour included White-whiskered Hermit, Green Thorntail, Violet-tailed Sylph, Brown Inca, Velvet-purple Coronet, White-booted Racket-tail and Empress Brilliant.

It was a very diverse day where more than 130 species were recorded at the end of the day. Some other species who complemented our day included the endemic Pale-mandibled Aracari, the Crimson-rumped Toucanet, Choco Toucan, Guayaquil Woodpecker, Laughing Falcon, Blue-fronted Parrotlet (heard only and flying over us but inside clouds), Maroon-tailed Parakeet [pacifica], Brown-billed Scythebill, Pacific Tuftedcheek, Scaly-throated and Lineated Foliage-gleaners, Uniform and Streak-capped Treehunters, Rufous-rumped Antwren, Zeledon’s Antbird, Greenish Elaenia, Bronze-olive Pygmy Tyrant, Long-tailed Tyrant, Bay Wren [nominate ssp], Pale-eyed Thrush, Yellow-throated, Dusky Chlorospingus, Choco Brushfinch, Dusky-faced, Ochre-breasted Fawn-breasted, Rufous-throated, Golden-naped, Blue-necked, Bay-headed, Flame-faced [lunigera], Golden and Silver-throated Tanagers.

Our staying in Mindo include several birding sites on the following days, including one of the famous places for birding in South America, such as the Angel Paz Reserve. We were lucky enough to briefly meet Angel Paz (on his day off), where he managed to show to us a young individual of Giant Antpitta who is not as habituated to people yet. Angel Paz is known as the original Antpitta men, because he was the pioneer person who started to feed antpittas (and other secretive species) with worms, something that change a lot the game for us, and for many families like his own family who found an innovating way to get some incomes from protecting the forest instead change it to a cattle pasture.

We were assisted by Andy and his father Rodrigo (who is Angel’s brother) and they gave us a superb tour who started with the very active Andean Cock-of-the-rock lek, which was very active because a female was around the lek that day. After the lek session and the Giant Antpitta that Angel showed to us, we went to look for “Willy” the Yellow-breasted Antpitta, which came quite quickly. Later we met “Shakira” (an Ochre-breasted Antpitta female), and “Piqué” (the male Ochre-breasted Antpitta), both performed very nicely for our group. As well we saw two different individuals of Moustached Antpittas, and then a Chestnut-crowned Antpitta, to managed to see our fifth antpitta of the morning. We were delighted as well with two individuals of Rufous-breasted Antthrushes that completed the worm’s show.

Some other interesting species seen during our visit to Angel Paz Reserve were the Purple-bibbed Whitetip, Purple-throated Woodstar, Masked Trogon, Rusty-winged Barbtail (for some), Coopmans’s Elaenia (for some), Ecuadorian Thrush, and the Black-capped, Beryl-spangled and Metallic-green Tanagers. We were also delighted to eat the famous “bolones” during our visit to Angel Paz Reserve.

Another locality that we visited during our days in Mindo was the Bellavista Road which offers a great selection of birds of a higher elevation above 2000 meters. Very hard to pick which was the best bird of our visit to Bellavista Road because we got great views of the Flammulated Treehunter, as well everyone managed to see the Tanager Finch, a bird with a monotypic genus Oreothraupis, which is quite tricky to see sometimes. But if I would have to choose the best bird that we saw at Bellavista I would choose the White-faced Nunbird which is a very rare and localized species in his distribution range and gave us nice views to our group.

Other good birds seen at Bellavista were the Tawny-bellied Hermit, Gorgeted Sunangel, Buff-tailed Coronet, Barred and White-rumped Hawks, Crested Quetzal, Plate-billed Mountain Toucan, Strong-billed Woodcreeper, Streaked Tuftedcheek, Rufous Spinetail, Spillman’s Tapaculo, Rufous-headed Pygmy Tyrant, Green-and-black Fruiteater, Glossy-black Thrush, Dusky Bush Tanager, Choco Brushfinch, Capped Conebill, and Blue-capped, Grass-green, Blue-and-black, and Flame-faced Tanagers.

The birding around Mindo town and Septimo Paraiso trails was very productive and we complemented our Chocó birding days with species like White-necked Jacobin, Fawn-breasted and Green-crowned Brilliants, Crowned Woodnymph, Andean Emerald, Golden-headed Quetzal, Rufous Motmot, Red-headed Barbet, Olivaceous Piculet, Scaly-throated Foliage-gleaner, Pacific Antwren, Torrent and Choco Tyrannulets and White-capped Dipper. Two of the best birds that we got in the area were the White-throated Daggerbill which is a tricky hummingbird to see that doesn’t come to feeders, and the fancy male Club-winged Manakin doing his weird mechanical sound with its wings.

We also visited an Oilbird cave at the area of El Chontal, which is a unique experience to see them at close distance and listening their screaming and snoring sounds. At El Chontal we added several species to our list like the Pallid Dove, Golden-olive Woodpecker, Merlin (a rare boreal migrant for Ecuador), Bronze-winged Parrot, Pacific Hornero, Shiny Cowbird and Scrub Blackbird.

The nocturnal birds that we managed to see during our days at Mindo included the Mottled Owl, Rufescent (Colombian) Screech Owl, and the Lyre-tailed Nightjar. Unfortunately, the Black-and-white Owl, we just heard it and we didn’t see it.

The day we left Mindo area, we visited a new place known as Fruti Tour. Is located at lower elevations in areas with disturbed forest and agricultural areas, that offers and interesting selection of different birds for the tour that included Bronzy Hermit, Long-billed Starthroat, Violet-bellied (write-in for the tour) and Blue-chested Hummingbirds, Pallid Dove, Pacific Pygmy Owl (write-in for the tour), Spectacled Owl (roosting), Red-billed Scythebill, Sooty-headed and Choco Tyrannulet, White-lined Tanager and Blue-necked Tanager.

But the very best bird that we saw in the area that morning was the Brown Wood Rail, where the whole group managed to see this secretive and localized species. After that we had the longest drive of the tour, to get to Selva Alegre where we were going to take a boat that will take us to Playa de Oro Reserve.

We didn’t make much birding on the way to Playa de Oro but we add some species during our lunch stop on the coast near Esmeraldas, including new birds like Laughing and Franklin’s Gulls, Royal Tern, Magnificent Frigatebird, Yellow-crowned Night Heron, Brown Pelican and Osprey.

Once at Selva Alegre dock, we put all our stuff in the boat and covert it from the rain and start our journey to Playa de Oro. We didn’t look many birds as there were chances of rain. Luckily, we arrived before the rain and spent some time birding near our basic accommodations at Playa de Oro, one of the best lowland Chocó sites in Ecuador. Some of the birds that we saw that afternoon included the Band-rumped Swift, Grey-lined Hawk and Mealy Parrot.

We spent two full days exploring the forest trails of Playa de Oro in search of some of the most special lowland Chocó endemics and many other birds as well. One particular species has a special interest, because is a Chocó endemic bird who is the only member of its family Sapayoidae. The mentioned particularities make

the “Sapayoa” a very important bird for family listers. So, this was one of the birds that we highly prioritize, and even that Playa de Oro is one of the best places to see the bird, you will have to deal with humidity, muddy and steep trails, and challenging dense forest birding. It took us until the first afternoon to see the only one that we managed to see in the rest of our days at Playa de Oro.

Besides the Sapayoa we had many other good species that included Choco Poorwill, Tooth-billed Hummingbird, Purple-chested Hummingbird, Five-colored Barbet, Stub-tailed Antbird, Blue (for Lennart) and Black-tipped Cotingas, Slate-throated Gnatcatcher (for some), Lemon Spectacled Tanager and the Scarlet-breasted Dacnis, just to mention some of the best birds that we got to see. Tawny-faced Quail was just heard only, but at some moment was calling at fairly close distance from us, but it passed totally undetected. Some other birds seen at Playa de Oro were the Band-tailed Barbthroat, Stripe-throated Hermit, Dusky Pigeon, White-whiskered Puffbird, Stripe-billed Aracari, Guayaquil Woodpecker, Plain-brown Woodcreeper, Dot-winged, Moustached and White-flanked Antwrens, Checker-throated Stipplethroat, Spot-crowned Antvireo, Black-crowned Antshrike, Dusky, Spotted and Chestnut-backed Antbirds, Yellow-crowned and Brown-capped Tyrannulets, Black-capped Pygmy Tyrant, Snowy-throated Kingbird, Velvety, White-bearded and Red-capped Manakins, Tawny-breasted Myiobius, Ruddy-tailed Flycatcher, Striped-throated Wren, Song Wren, Tawny-faced Gnatwren, Chestnut-headed Oropendola, Scarlet-thighed Dacnis, Slate-colored Grosbeak, Tawny-crested, Golden-hooded and Rufous-winged Tanagers. Some mammals seen at Playa de Oro included the Colombian White-faced Capuchin, Mantled Howler (Howler Monkey) and an Ocelot was seen by leaders and one member of the group, while we were looking at night for Choco Poorwill.

Our last day in Playa de Oro we left the place after an early breakfast, to continue our journey to our next destination. On the way out we got to see a Rufous-headed Chachalaca (a write-in for the tour), also very good views of Ecuadorian Ground Dove.

We spent some time of the morning at the Humedal Yalare, an area of swampy forest in the western lowlands. Our birding session at Yalare prove to be quite productive with some surprises like Spot-fronted Swift, and several other new species for the tour as the Purple-crowned Fairy, Southern Lapwing, Hook-billed Kite, Slaty-tailed and Gartered Trogon, Black-breasted and Pied Puffbirds, Cinnamon Woodpecker, Black-striped Woodcreeper, Piratic Flycatcher and Fulvous-vented Euphonia.

After our session at Yalare we continued to Alto Tambo, where we got a really good selection of Chocó foothills species, as the two members of the genus Bangsia the Golden-Chested and Yellow-green Tanager, both of them with a very restricted distribution in the lower Chocó foothills, other species of interest were the Lita Woodpecker, Stub-tailed Antbird, Choco Tapaculo, Slaty-capped Shrike-Vireo, Southern Nightingale-Wren, Ochre-breasted Tanager, Golden-collared Honeycreeper, Scarlet-and-white, Grey-and-gold and Emerald Tanagers. After our birding session at Alto Tambo, we went to our nice accommodations where we enjoyed a very nice dinner and celebrate the great success of the trip.

This day we would have our last opportunity to see some of the Chocó endemics that we still needed, plus other very good cloud forest species. During the morning we did the Chical Road, where we got to see a very fine selection of birds including the Beautiful Jay (an ultimate Chocó endemic bird), the Star-chested Treerunner which is a local and rare Funariid, the localized Hoary Puffleg, the rare Yellow-vented Woodpecker, or the once enigmatic Indigo Flowerpiercer were some of the examples of the high-quality birding during the morning that we had. Other of the main targets of the morning were the Purplish-mantled Tanager who performed really nice for our group, the Toucan Barbet which we heard it several times before during our days in Mindo but we didn’t manage to see it, or to improve our views of the Plate-billed Mountain Toucan that was very appreciated too.

Other birds seen during our morning were the Green-fronted Lancebill, Ornate Hawk-Eagle, Cloud-forest Pygmy Owl, Crimson-mantled Woodpecker, Streak-capped Treehunter, Narino Tapaculo, Streak-necked, Flavescent and Handsome Flycatchers, Green-and-black Fruiteater, Olivaceous Piha (leader only), Golden-winged Manakin, Bluish, Masked and White-sided Flowerpiercer, Glistening-green, Moss-backed, Tanager, Flame-faced and Rufous-throated Tanagers.

We birded a little bit the lower areas of Chical Road for look some birds of open areas, where we got to see things like Slaty Spinetail, Common Tody Flycatcher, Yellow-bellied Elaenia, Ecuadorian Thrush or Lemon-rumped Tanagers.

After that we continued our way up to Ibarra, an area located on intermontane dry Andean valleys with very arid vegetation. We got one of our main targets that was the Scrub Tanager, but we dipped on the Blue-headed Sapphire. We didn’t have the best weather that afternoon, and it was a bit windy and it rained at some point. Even so we managed to see other birds like the Western Emerald, Eared Dove, Harris’s Hawk, American Kestrel, Vermilion Flycatcher, Tropical Mockingbird, Lesser Goldfinch, Golden Grosbeak, Dull-colored Grassquit and Variable Seedeater.

The following day we did a new locality for this tour that was Cerro Mongus. An area with transition of Elfin Forest with Paramo, where we were hoping to see the rare and localized Chestnut-bellied Cotinga, among other species. To get to the right habitat we drove true some agricultural villages, to get as far as our vehicles could managed. From there we started our hike uphill to reach to the potential areas to see the Cotinga. Once at the right area we were lucky enough to see a pair of Chestnut-bellied Cotingas on the distance from a viewpoint. Luckily, we succeed, but in order to achieve our main goal we did have a very limited time for do a proper birding in the area, even so we managed to see some interesting birds like a female Purple-backed Thornbill, the Black-thighed Puffleg (a write-in for the tour), Mountain Velvetbreast, Grey-breasted Mountain Toucans, Crimson-mantled Woodpecker, Sierran Elaenia, Streak-throated Bush Tyrant, Mountain Cacique and the Lacrimose Mountain Tanager. We also had a close encounter with a Crescent-faced Antpitta but it never came to the open and just leader managed to see it.

After our visit to Cerro Mongus, we continued our journey to Pululahua, and area in the highlands, located on the area of an ancient crater of a dormant volcano. We arrived at night, just in time for dinner, and our plan was to try for the Buff-fronted Owl that night. We just managed to hear it, and right after that the rain started and continued the rest of the night, so it also ruined our attempts of owling the next morning before dawn. Even so we started at 5:30 am with some grizzle and we just give a try to see what we could get. To see a pair of Band-winged Nightjar before dawn was a good sign that even with rain, we could see birds. Daylight came, and still raining, something very unusual in this place, that generally is quite dry, and don’t receive that amount of rain on the same day.

First part of the morning was very challenging, and we heard most than what we saw. But luckily around 7:00 am the rain finally stopped and we got to see our main target of the morning, the Rufous-breasted Antpitta which could be an Antpitta of special interest, if someday gets elevated to the level of species. At the moment is not even considered a different subspecies, but the isolation of this population in Pululahua makes it very suspicious. Other birds seen our morning in Pululahua included the Black-tailed Trainbearer, Tyrian Metaltail, Collared Inca, White-bellied Woodstar, Streaked Tuftedcheek, Azara’s Spinetail, Ocellated (heard only) and Blackish (seen by some) Tapaculos, White-tailed Tyrannulet, Yellow-bellied Chat Tyrant, Grey-browed, Yellow-breasted and White-winged Brushfinches, Black-crested and Russet-crowned Warblers, Rufous-chested Tanager, Rusty Flowerpiercer and Scarlet-bellied Mountain Tanager.

After our morning session we continued our journey to the eastern slope of the Andes. On the way we did a couple stops at the Papallacta pass on areas of Paramo and some Polylepis forest patches as well. We took advantage that the moment we were passing by the highest section of the Paramo was clear, and we went right away to look for the Rufous-bellied Seedsnipe. Initially I found one Seedsnipe scanning the hills on the distance, because a group of Paramo Ground Tyrants were attacking the Seedsnipe. Nobody managed to see it, and the Seedsnipe was chased away and probably went to the other side of the hill. So, we had to look for another individual, and we had to do a more intense scanning on the Paramo hills. Finally, we spotted another Seedsnipe just before the dense clouds came and we got really good scope views. Other birds seen during our stops along the Papallacta pass were the Andean Condor, Variable Hawk, Carunculated Caracara, Peregrine Falcon, Chestnut-winged and Stout-billed Cinclodes, Andean Tit-Spinetail, Red-rumped Bush Tyrant (a rare species), Brown-bellied Swallow, Plumbeous Sierra Finch and Black Flowerpiercer. After our birding session along the Papallacata pass we focused on the drive to Wild Sumaco which would be our base for the next four nights.

On the way to Wild Sumaco we had two exciting encounters with two majestic snakes, one was the mythical South American Bushmaster, and the other was a Western Ribbon Coral Snake.

Wild Sumaco is a premier birding lodge with an excellent network of trails located on the lower eastern foothills of the Andes, as well with some influence of Amazonian species where we managed to record a big number of birds on the next three days (and one more morning too). Highlights at Wild Sumaco included species like Wattled Guan (seen), terrific looks of White-tipped Sicklebill, Wire-crested Thorntail, Ecuadorian Piedtail, Gould’s Jewelfront, Black-throated Brilliant, Gorgeted Woodstar, Napo Sabrewing, Blackish Rail, Black-and-white Hawk-Eagle, Bicolored Hawk, Rufescent and Foothill Screech Owl, Band-bellied Owl, Coppery-chested Jacamar, White-chested and Black-streaked Puffbird, Brown Nunlet, Lined and Buckley’s Forest Falcons, Military Macaw, Black-billed Treehunter, Ornate and Foothill Stipplethroat, Short-tailed Antthrush, Plain-backed Antpitta, Chestnut-crowned Gnateater, Long-tailed Tapaculo, White-fronted, Plumbeous-crowned and Ecuadorian Tyrannulets, Foothill Elaenia, Orange-crested Flycatcher, Grey-tailed Piha, Green, Blue-rumped, Striolated and White-crowned Manakins, Grey-mantled Wren, Cerulean Warbler (quite common actually), Ashy-throated Chlorospingus, Fulvous Shrike-Tanager, and Orange-eared, Blue-browed and Paradise Tanagers.

One of the mornings of our staying at Wild Sumaco we visited a new Reserve named Amarun Pakcha, who is an interesting project who is developing different kind of feeders, like fruit feeders, hummingbird feeders, corn feeders with a hide, and moth light trap as well. Also, with the intention to purchase land to make corridors with the Sumaco-Galeras National Park, an area with a lot of potential to look for interesting birds.

Amarun Pakcha is at slightly lower elevations than Wild Sumaco, but it shares many species who are in Wild Sumaco. We didn’t have a specific target during our visit, but we knew that were chances to see several species of interest as the Rufous-breasted Wood Quail that came to feed at the corn feeder hide. We tried hard for the Buff-tailed Sicklebill, and we spent good time at heliconia flowers, but the group didn’t see it, but I saw it by myself in the area while I was exploring the trails and playing the tape of the bird and one individual came briefly. A pair of roosting Band-bellied Owls was a nice surprise of our visit, as well to have good views of Olive Finch. Other birds seen during our visit included Great-billed Hermit, Ecuadorian Piedtail, Green-backed Hillstar, Grey-breasted Sabrewing, Ruddy Pigeon, Green-backed and Blue-crowned Trogon, Lafresnaye’s Piculet, Streaked Xenops, Ash-browed Spinetail, Common Scale-backed Antbird, Olive-chested and Lemon-browed Flycatcher, Olive-faced Flatbill, Andean Cock-of-the-rock, Tawny-breasted Myiobius, Wing-banded Wren, White-vented Euphonia, Canada Warbler, Scarlet Tanager, Chestnut-bellied Seed Finch, and Spotted, Yellow-bellied, Blue-necked, Bay-headed and Green-and-gold Tanagers.

We also looked for other birds in the vicinity of Sumaco area, where we add other species like the Channel-billed and Yellow-throated Toucans, Little, Lineated and Crimson-crested Woodpeckers, Black Caracara, Rufous-tailed Foliage-gleaner, Dusky Spinetail, Yellow and Golden-faced Tyrannulets, Black-and-white and Golden-winged Tody-Flycatchers (both species of interest), Amazonian Umbrellabird, White-lined Tanager, Red Pileated Finch (a write-in for the tour), Chestnut-bellied Seedeater and Magpie Tanager.

Even that we spend 3 full days in the area, and part of the morning that we left the place it wasn’t enough time to see all the diversity that the area has to offer. Special thanks to our local guide Byron who assisted our group one of the full days at Wild Sumaco, as well to Juan our local guide at Amarun Pakcha.

So, after our productive birding at Wild Sumaco we started our way back to higher elevations, but birding on the way at the lower elevations of the Loreto Road.

On the first stops that we did we looked for the Black Antbird, who was very skulking this time and not everyone managed to see it. At that stop we also got to see properly the Coraya Wren and the Grey-chinned Hermit, and common birds like Violaceous Jay, Russet-backed Oropendolas or Yellow-rumped Cacique.

Checking river crossings from the bus at one of the bridges, I spotted a big raptor which initially I thought must be a King Vulture, but when I put my binoculars, the surprise was to see a Solitary Eagle!! I asked to our driver Luis to open the door and jumped out of the bus right away. The bird was flying quite low, and by the time that I checked outside the bus I couldn’t find anything. I thought the bird may have flown to the other side of a mountain ridge, so I ran uphill like 100 meters along the main road until I got to see the other side of the ridge, but I didn’t find anything either, damn! Well, I thought that maybe the bird could perch somewhere so I kept scanning, and suddenly I found the bird perched on a big tree. The rest of the group came right away and we scoped the Solitary Eagle for several minutes. Then, it started to fly and soar a little bit before continuing on its way. What a moment!!

We kept scanning on river crossings and we found a Fasciated Tiger Heron, Green Kingfisher, Black Phoebe and not much else until our lunch stop. We decided to use our lunch time on the area where an Orange-breasted Falcon has a territory. Definitely, is not an easy task because the bird tends to use different sections of the road in like 2 kilometres distance area that we scanned. Finally, Juan Carlos spotted the bird and we scoped another top-quality raptor in the same day.

A few more stops on the way added birds like a Blackish Nightjar roosting, Short-tailed Swift, Cliff Flycatcher, Olivaceous Siskin, Blue Dacnis, Golden-eyed Flowerpiercer, and Golden-eared Tanager.

Before getting to the hotel, we birded a bit on the higher areas along the Guacamayos Ridge, where we saw Scaly-naped Amazon, Spotted Barbtail, Handsome Flycatcher, Green-and-black Fruiteater, Barred Becard, Common Chlorospingus, Grass-green, Blue-and-black and Saffron-crowned Tanagers.

At dusk we saw a pair of Swallow-tailed Nightjars including a male with a full-grown tail. Then we continued to our very nice hotel where we stayed the next 3 nights. We enjoyed a very delicious dinner and worked on a very long bird list after a very successful day.

Our first full day we started drinking coffee and watching the birds who came to the moth light near the restaurant, as well hummingbirds coming to the feeders and flowers around the gardens. Some of the birds seen before breakfast included the Geoffroy’s Daggerbill (a hummingbird who don’t visit feeders), Long-tailed Sylph, Bronzy and Collared Incas, Buff-tailed and Chestnut-breasted Coronets, Fawn-breasted Brilliant, Masked Trogon, Olive-backed and Montane Woodcreepers, Streak-headed Antbird, Smoke-colored Pewee, Pale-edged Flycatcher, Inca Jay, Mountain Wren, Chestnut-capped Brushfinch, Subtropical Cacique and Black-crested Warbler.

Just before our breakfast we had an appointment with the White-bellied Antpitta, who was going to receive his breakfast. It didn’t come right away, but with a bit of persistence from Edwin (the Antpitta Man), we managed to see 2 individuals who came to feed on worms. So, after the show, we went to have our breakfast.

Most of the morning we spent our time birding on the San Isidro Reserve, where the main course of the morning was to see a young Andean Potoo at his roosting perch. Despite have a rainy morning we managed to see really good birds like the Black-and-chestnut Eagle, that probably was the bird of the morning. Other birds included the Red-billed and White-capped Parrots, Sulphur-bellied Tyrannulet, Streak-necked Flycatcher, Rufous-crowned Tody Flycatcher, Plain-tailed Wren, Glossy-black Thrush, Bluish Flowerpiercer, Beryl-spangled and Saffron-crowned Tanagers.

We also visited a new hummingbird feeders and gardens named Chontes Hummingbird Feeders. Here we saw some of the species that were coming to the lodge, but as well we got the uncommon Greenish Puffleg. Another bird that we saw nearby was the Torrent Duck.

The afternoon we went to the Guacamayos Ridge, where the best bird of the afternoon was the Black-billed Mountain Toucan. Other birds seen during our session were the Andean Cock-of-the-rock, Yellow-throated Tanager, Blue-winged Mountain Tanager, Saffron-crowned and Flame-faced Tanagers.

Our owling session was very productive, and we managed to see two Rufous-banded Owls, as well the enigmatic “San Isidro Owl”, which at the moment is consider a subspecies of Black-banded Owl, but its distribution, voice and physical appearance may suggest that should be a different taxon. Besides the owls we were lucky enough to see a Mountain Tapir while we were having dinner, what a way to end the day.

The following day we spent our day at the Jumanji Trail on the Guacamayos Ridge, where we spent the whole morning and part of the afternoon. The weather didn’t cooperate on the best way, but despite to deal with a grizzle for most of the day we had some interesting encounters like a group of Common Woolly Monkeys (7 individuals at least). Regarding birds, we saw Sickle-winged Guan, Golden-headed Quetzal, Andean Motmot, White-throated Toucanet, Tyrannine Woodcreeper, Streaked Tuftedcheek, Long-tailed Tapaculo, Rufous-headed Pygmy Tyrant, Rufous-breasted Flycatcher, Scaled Fruiteater, Olivaceous Piha, Sepia-brown Wren, Chestnut-bellied Thrush, Yellow-whiskered and Common Chlorospingus, Rufous-crested Tanager and Bluish Flowerpiercer. Back in San Isidro we managed to see a pair of Lemurine Night Monkeys before dinner, and again the pair of “San Isidro” Owls around the restaurant.

After an early breakfast we left the hotel to continue our journey to the higher elevations.

On the way we did a brief stop to look for the Black-chested Fruiteater and with a bit of persistence we finally managed to see it. We also saw a Crested Quetzal, Swainson’s Thrush and Scarlet Tanager. Then we continued our way to the Cayambe-Coca National Park, an area of elfin forest on the eastern side of the Andes, where we saw several additions for the tour. The weather conditions weren’t the best and we have to deal with some mist and cold temperatures too, even so we managed to see birds like Rainbow-bearded Thornbill, Viridian Metaltail, Great Sapphirewing, White-chinned Thistletail, White-throated Tyrannulet, Brown-backed Chat-Tyrant, Pale-naped Brushfinch, Paramo Seedeater, Golden-crowned Tanager and Black-chested Mountain Tanager. Besides birds we got very nice views of a pair of Culpeos (or Culpeo Fox), for then continue to Guango Lodge, where we did a visit to have lunch, to explore the trails and see the hummingbird feeders.

The afternoon session at Guango included birds like the Andean Guan, Tourmaline Sunangel, the rare Mountain Avocetbill (for some), Buff-winged Starfrontlet, Grey-breasted Mountain Toucan, Rufous Spinetail, Smoky Bush Tyrant, Slaty Brushfinch, Mountain Cacique, Russet-crowned Warbler, Grey-hooded Bush Tanager, Capped Conebill and Blue-and-black Tanager.

Then we continued our way to Quito, where we pass the last night of our tour.

During the last day of the tour, we did a daytrip to Antisana National Park. First, we looked for the Giant Hummingbird (the biggest hummingbird of the world) around the gardens of Tambo Condor, after seen it we got information of a Spectacled Bear who was feeding on Bromelias just before we arrived at Alto Tambo. We search for it for a while but weren’t sings at all, so probably the Bear was hiding and resting at the moment that we got to the site. So, we continued to Antisana too look for the birds that we needed and come back latter to the area where the Bear was seen.

The selection of birds during our visit to Antisana included the Yellow-billed Pintail, Andean Teal, Andean Duck, Ecuadorian Hillstar, Black-winged Ground Dove, Andean Coot, Andean Lapwing, Andean Gull, Andean Ibis, Andean Condor (with fairly close views), Black-chested Buzzard Eagle, Carunculated Caracara, Chestnut-winged and Stout-billed Cinclodes, Many-striped Canastero, Tawny Antpitta, Grass Wren, Paramo Pipit, Plumbeous Sierra Finch and Plain-colored Seedeater.

After seen the expected birds of Antisana we went back to the site where the Bear was seen but no signs of it when we came back. So, we went for lunch at Tambo Condor where we got to see other birds like the Sparkling Violetear, Black-tailed Trainbearer, Shinning Sunbeam, Great Sapphirewing, American Kestrel, Hooded Siskin and Black Flowerpiercer. At this point the tour was coming to an end, and we finished our last list and choose the bird of the tour.

After our farewell lunch, we continued to the airport where the tour officially finished. It was a very remarkable tour where we managed to see very good quality and quantity of birds. A special thanks to Juan Carlos Calvachi for his unbeatable knowledge and passion of his native country, as well to our driver Luis who was very aware all the time, and helped as much as it could.

Many thanks to all the members of our group for being great birding companions and having a positive attitude during all these days, that really helped to have a very enjoyable tour from the beginning to the end.



1st Solitary Eagle

2nd South American Bushmaster 

3rd Orange-breasted Falcon 

4th  Sword-billed Hummingbird

5th Black-breasted Puffleg

6th Sapayoa

7th  White-faced Nunbird

8th Golden-chested Tanager

9th Wire-crested Thorntail & Andean Condor & Mountain Tapir



Species marked with the diamond symbol (◊) are either endemic to the country or local region or considered ‘special’ birds for some other reason (e.g., it is only seen on one or two Birdquest tours; it is difficult to see across all or most of its range; the local form is endemic or restricted-range and may in future be treated as a full species).

The species names and taxonomy used in the bird list follows Gill, F., Donsker, D., & Rasmussen, P.(Eds). 2023. IOC World Bird List (v13.2) (this was the current version when the checklist for the tour report was created).

Where the subspecies seen is/are known, these are often given in parentheses at the end of the species comment.

Species which were heard but not seen are indicated by symbol (H).

Species which were only recorded by the leader are indicated by the symbol (LO).

Species which were not personally recorded by the leader are indicated by the symbol (NL).



Great Tinamou Tinamus major (H)Heard only at Playa de Oro and Wild Sumaco.

Little Tinamou Crypturellus soui (H) Heard only

Curve-billed Tinamou ◊ Nothoprocta curvirostris (NL) Seen by Lennart at Cerro Mongus cattle and agricultural fields.

Torrent Duck Merganetta armata Good views at Cosanga.

Yellow-billed Pintail Anas georgica Seen at Antisana.

Andean Teal Anas andium  Seen at Antisana.

Andean Duck (A Ruddy D) Oxyura ferruginea Seen at Antisana.

Rufous-headed Chachalaca Ortalis erythroptera Good views in the boat ride on the way out of Playa de Oro, near the village of Selva Alegre.

Speckled Chachalaca Ortalis guttata Seen at Amarun Pakcha Reserve.

Andean Guan Penelope montagnii

Wattled Guan ◊ Aburria aburri Seen at Wild Sumaco, also heard at San Isidro.

Sickle-winged Guan ◊ Chamaepetes goudotii Seen at Guacacayos Ridge.

Rufous-fronted Wood Quail ◊ Odontophorus erythrops (H) Heard only at Alto Tambo.

Dark-backed Wood Quail ◊ Odontophorus melanonotus Good views at Amagusa Reserve.

Rufous-breasted Wood Quail ◊ Odontophorus speciosus Seen at Amarun Pakcha feeders.

Tawny-faced Quail ◊ Rhynchortyx cinctus (H)Heard at very close distance at Playa de Oro.

Blackish Nightjar Nyctipolus nigrescens Good views at Loreto Road.

Pauraque (Common P) Nyctidromus albicollis Seen one morning at Wild Sumaco.

Band-winged Nightjar Systellura longirostris Seen at Pululahua.

Swallow-tailed Nightjar Uropsalis segmentate Seen at Guacamayos Ridge.

Lyre-tailed Nightjar Uropsalis lyra One female was seen at Mindo.

Choco Poorwill ◊ Nyctiphrynus rosenbergi With a bit of persistance we managed to see it at Playa de Oro.

Oilbird Steatornis caripensis Excelent views at their cave.

Andean Potoo ◊ Nyctibius maculosus A young one at San Isidro.

Spot-fronted Swift ◊ Cypseloides cherriei A few birds were seen (with photos) at Humedal Yalare.

Chestnut-collared Swift Streptoprocne rutila Seen at Mindo, Humedal Yalare and Wild Sumaco.

White-collared Swift Streptoprocne zonaris

Grey-rumped Swift Chaetura cinereiventris Seen at Mindo and Playa de Oro.

Band-rumped Swift Chaetura spinicaudus Good views at Playa de Oro.

Short-tailed Swift Chaetura brachyura Two birds seen at Loreto Road.

White-necked Jacobin Florisuga mellivora Seen at the feeders of Septimo Paraiso and Fruti Tour.

White-tipped Sicklebill ◊ Eutoxeres aquila Excellent views at Wild Sumaco.

Buff-tailed Sicklebill ◊ Eutoxeres condamini (LO) Seen by leader at Amarun Pakcha.

Bronzy Hermit Glaucis aeneus One bird came at Fruti Tour feeders.

Band-tailed Barbthroat Threnetes ruckeri Seen at Playa de Oro and Alto Tambo.

Pale-tailed Barbthroat Threnetes leucurus (H)  Seen by leaders and heard only for the group at Wild Sumaco.

Stripe-throated Hermit Phaethornis striigularis Seen at Playa de Oro.

Grey-chinned Hermit Phaethornis griseogularis Seen at Wild Sumaco and Loreto Road.

White-whiskered Hermit ◊ Phaethornis yaruqui

Green Hermit Phaethornis guy Regular at Wild Sumaco and Amarun Pakcha.

Tawny-bellied Hermit ◊ Phaethornis syrmatophorus First seen at Bellavista, also at Guacamayos Ridge.

Great-billed Hermit Phaethornismalaris One bird coming to the Amarun Pakcha feeders.

Green-fronted Lancebill ◊ Doryfera ludovicae One bird seen at Chical Road.

White-throated Daggerbill ◊ Schistes albogularis One bird seen at Septimo Paraiso Trails.

Geoffroy’s Daggerbill Schistes geoffroyi One individual coming regularly at a flowering tree in San Isidro.

Brown Violetear Colibri delphinae Seen at Wild Sumaco.

Sparkling Violetear Colibri coruscans

Tooth-billed Hummingbird ◊ Androdon aequatorialis Seen at Playa de Oro.

Purple-crowned Fairy Heliothryx barroti Seen at Playa de Oro.

Black-throated Mango Anthracothorax nigricollis Seen at Wild Sumaco and Amarun Pakcha.

Gorgeted Sunangel ◊ Heliangelus strophianus Seen at Bellavista.

Tourmaline Sunangel ◊ Heliangelus exortis Seen at Guango feeders.

Green Thorntail ◊ Discosura conversii Seen at different feeders localities in the west slope.

Wire-crested Thorntail Discosura popelairii Common at Wild Sumaco.

Ecuadorian Piedtail ◊ Phlogophilus hemileucurus Seen at Wild Sumaco.

Speckled Hummingbird Adelomyia melanogenys

Long-tailed Sylph Aglaiocercus kingii Seen at San Isidro and at Chontes hummingbirds garden.

Violet-tailed Sylph ◊ Aglaiocercus coelestis A regular hummingbird around Mindo area.

Ecuadorian Hillstar ◊ (Chimborazo H) Oreotrochilus chimborazo Seen at Antisana.

Mountain Avocetbill ◊ Opisthoprora euryptera Seen by some on one territory at Guango trails, the rest just heard it

Black-tailed Trainbearer Lesbia victoriae Seen at Pululahua and Antisana.

Green-tailed Trainbearer Lesbia nuna Seen at Zuro Loma Reserve.

Purple-backed Thornbill Ramphomicron microrhynchum One female at Cerro Mongus.

Rainbow-bearded Thornbill Chalcostigma herrani One female at Cayambe-Coca NP.

Blue-mantled Thornbill ◊ Chalcostigma stanleyi One individual seen by Juan Carlos and few others at the Papallacta pass.

Tyrian Metaltail Metallura tyrianthina Common at higher elevations like Yanacocha and Cerro Mongus.

Viridian Metaltail Metallura williami Seen several times at Cayambe-Coca NP.

Greenish Puffleg ◊ Haplophaedia aureliae Seen at Chontes hummingbird feeders, near San Isidro.

Hoary Puffleg ◊ Haplophaedia lugens Good views at Chical Road of this localized near-endemic species.

Black-breasted Puffleg ◊ Eriocnemis nigrivestis (E) A mega! One of the rarest hummingbirds in the world was seen in the first day of the trip, a nice female at Zuro Loma. One of the very few Ecuadorian endemic birds by the way.

Black-thighed Puffleg ◊ Eriocnemis derbyi Seen at Cerro Mongus. It was a write-in for the tour.

Sapphire-vented Puffleg Eriocnemis luciani Common at Yanacocha.

Golden-breasted Puffleg ◊ Eriocnemis mosquera (LO) One male was seen by leader at Cerro Mongus.

Shining Sunbeam Aglaeactis cupripennis A few were seen at the higher elevations.

Bronzy Inca Coeligena coeligena Seen at San Isidro and Guacamayos Ridge.

Brown Inca ◊ Coeligena wilsoni Seen around Mindo area, also at Chical Road.

Collared Inca Coeligena torquata Common in upper subtropical and temperate forest.

Buff-winged Starfrontlet Coeligena lutetiae Common at the Yanacocha and Guango feeders.

Mountain Velvetbreast Lafresnaya lafresnayi Seen at Zuro Loma and Cerro Mongus.

Sword-billed Hummingbird Ensifera ensifera Nice views at Zuro Loma and Yanacocha.

Great Sapphirewing Pterophanes cyanopterus Seen at Yanacocha and Tambo Condor.

Buff-tailed Coronet ◊ Boissonneaua flavescens Seen at Bellavista and San Isidro feeders.

Chestnut-breasted Coronet ◊ Boissonneaua matthewsii Common at San Isidro feeders, also seen at Guango feeders.

Velvet-purple Coronet ◊ Boissonneaua jardini A stunning Choco speciality, seen regularly in feeders on the west.

White-booted Racket-tail Ocreatus underwoodii Seen at different localites on the west.

Peruvian Racket-tail Ocreatus peruanus Seen at Wild Sumaco feeders.

Green-backed Hillstar ◊ Urochroa leucura Seen at Wild Sumaco feeders.

Purple-bibbed Whitetip ◊ Urosticte benjamini Seen at Angel Paz and Séptimo Paraiso feeders.

Black-throated Brilliant ◊ Heliodoxa schreibersii Seen at Wild Sumaco and Amarun Pakcha Reserve.

Gould’s Jewelfront ◊ Heliodoxa aurescens Great views at Wild Sumaco.

Fawn-breasted Brilliant ◊ Heliodoxa rubinoides Seen around Mindo area and San Isidro.

Green-crowned Brilliant Heliodoxa jacula Seen at Septimo Paraiso and Fruti Tour feeders.

Empress Brilliant ◊ Heliodoxa imperatrix A regular Chocó specialty that was seen at different localities.

Violet-fronted Brilliant Heliodoxa leadbeateri (LO) The only bird of this tour was coming to the feeders at San Isidro, but just seen by leader on two different days.

Giant Hummingbird Patagona gigas Nice views at Tambo Condor.

Long-billed Starthroat Heliomaster longirostris One bird seen at Fruti Tour.

Purple-throated Woodstar ◊ Philodice mitchellii Seen at Angel Paz and Mindo area.

White-bellied Woodstar ◊ Chaetocercus mulsant Seen at Pululahua area.

Gorgeted Woodstar ◊ Chaetocercus heliodor Cracking views at Wild Sumaco deck.

Western Emerald ◊ (West Andean E) Chlorostilbon melanorhynchus Seen at the grounds of our Hotel at Ibarra.

Violet-headed Hummingbird Klais guimeti Seen at Wild Sumaco.

Grey-breasted Sabrewing Campylopterus largipennis Seen at Amarun Pakcha Reserve.

Napo Sabrewing ◊ Campylopterus villaviscensio A localized species of the east Andes gave us great looks at Wild Sumaco.

Crowned Woodnymph ◊ Thalurania colombica Seen on the western slope of the Andes.

Fork-tailed Woodnymph (Common W) Thalurania furcata Seen at Wild Sumaco.

Many-spotted Hummingbird ◊ Taphrospilus hypostictus Seen at Wild Sumaco.

Rufous-tailed Hummingbird Amazilia tzacatl Common on the west.

Andean Emerald ◊ Uranomitra franciae Seen at Angel Paz and Mindo area.

Golden-tailed Sapphire Chrysuronia oenone Common at Wild Sumaco.

Blue-headed Sapphire ◊ Chrysuronia grayi (LO) Seen just by Juan Carlos at our hotel at Ibarra.

Glittering-throated Emerald Chionomesa fimbriata Seen at Amarun Pakcha Reserve.

Blue-chested Hummingbird Polyerata amabilis Seen at Fruti Tour feeders.

Purple-chested Hummingbird ◊ Polyerata rosenbergi One bird seen at Playa de Oro.

Violet-bellied Hummingbird ◊ Chlorestes julie Seen at Fruti Tour feeders (a write-in for the tour).

Smooth-billed Ani Crotophaga ani

Striped Cuckoo Tapera naevia Heard only at El Chontal.

Little Cuckoo Coccycua minuta Great views of a pair at Amagusa Reserve.

Squirrel Cuckoo Piaya cayana

Rock Dove (introduced) Columba livia

Scaled Pigeon Patagioenas speciosa (H) Heard only at Wild Sumaco.

Band-tailed Pigeon Patagioenas fasciata

Pale-vented Pigeon Patagioenas cayennensis

Plumbeous Pigeon Patagioenas plumbea Seen at Wild Sumaco.

Ruddy Pigeon Patagioenas subvinacea Seen at Wild Sumaco and Amarun Pakcha Reserve.

Dusky Pigeon ◊ Patagioenas goodsoni Good views at Playa de Oro.

Common Ground Dove (Scaly G-D) Columbina passerina Seen in the dry regions of Ibarra area.

Ecuadorian Ground Dove ◊ Columbina buckleyi Seen on the way out of Playa de Oro.

Black-winged Ground Dove Metriopelia melanoptera Good views at Antisana.

Olive-backed Quail-Dove ◊ Leptotrygon veraguensis (LO) One bird flew away of the trails of Playa de Oro.

White-tipped Dove Leptotila verreauxi

Grey-fronted Dove Leptotila rufaxilla (H) Heard only at Seen at Amarun Pakcha Reserve.

Pallid Dove ◊ Leptotila pallida Excellent views at Fruti Tour.

White-throated Quail-Dove ◊ Zentrygon frenata (H) Heard only at different localities on both slopes.

Eared Dove Zenaida auriculata

Blackish Rail Pardirallus nigricans Excellent views of a pair at Wild Sumaco.

Brown Wood Rail ◊ Aramides wolfi Seen by the whole group in the western lowlands.

Andean Coot (Slate-coloured C) Fulica ardesiaca Seen at Antisana.

Chestnut-headed Crake ◊ Rufirallus castaneiceps (H) Heard only at Amarun Pakcha and Sumaco area.

White-throated Crake Laterallus albigularis (H) Heard only at Fruti Tour.

Southern Lapwing Vanellus chilensis

Andean Lapwing Vanellus resplendens Seen at Antisana.

Rufous-bellied Seedsnipe ◊ Attagis gayi Seen at Papallacta pass.

Spotted Sandpiper (W) Actitis macularius

Andean Gull Chroicocephalus serranus Seen at Antisana.

Laughing Gull (W) Leucophaeus atricilla Seen at the Pacific coast.

Franklin’s Gull (W) Leucophaeus pipixcan A few seen at some shrimp ponds on the Pacific coast.

Royal Tern (W) Thalasseus maximus Seen at the Pacific coast.

Black Tern (W) Chlidonias niger (LO) A couple birds were seen by leader at the distance with the scope, while we were searching for coastal birds.

Magnificent Frigatebird Fregata magnificens Seen at the Pacific coast.

Neotropic Cormorant (Olivaceous C) Nannopterum brasilianum

Andean Ibis Theristicus branickii Seen at Antisana.

Fasciated Tiger Heron Tigrisoma fasciatum Seen on one of the rivers on the way to San Isidro from Sumaco.

Yellow-crowned Night Heron Nyctanassa violacea Seen at the Pacific coast.

Western Cattle Egret Bubulcus ibis

Great Egret (American G E) Ardea [alba] egretta

Little Blue Heron Egretta caerulea Seen at the Pacific coast and Playa de Oro River.

Snowy Egret Egretta thula Seen at the Pacific coast and Playa de Oro River.

Brown Pelican Pelecanus occidentalis  Seen at the Pacific coast.

Andean Condor Vultur gryphus Excellent views at Antisana, also at Papallacta.

Black Vulture Coragyps atratus

Turkey Vulture Cathartes aura

Osprey (W) Pandion haliaetus Seen at the Pacific coast and Playa de Oro River.

Grey-headed Kite Leptodon cayanensis (H) Heard only at Wild Sumaco.

Hook-billed Kite Chondrohierax uncinatus Best views at Playa de Oro.

Swallow-tailed Kite (American S-t K) Elanoides forficatus First seen at Chical, also in the eastern Andes slope.

Black Hawk-Eagle Spizaetus tyrannus (H) Heard only at Playa de Oro.

Black-and-white Hawk-Eagle Spizaetus melanoleucus Seen at Wild Sumaco.

Ornate Hawk-Eagle Spizaetus ornatus Great views at Chical Road.

Black-and-chestnut Eagle Spizaetus isidori A juvenile was seen at San Isidro. Another high-quality raptor for the tour!

Double-toothed Kite Harpagus bidentatus  Seen at Playa de Oro.

Bicolored Hawk Accipiter bicolor Seen by Juan Carlos and Lennard at Wild Sumaco.

Mississippi Kite Ictinia mississippiensis One bird seen passing by Guango.

Plumbeous Kite Ictinia plumbea Several sights at Playa de Oro and the eastern lowlands.

Solitary Eagle ◊ Buteogallus solitarius The bird of the trip! Amazing encounter at Loreto Road.

Barred Hawk Morphnarchus princeps Seen at Bellavista and Wild Sumaco, heard calling at another places.

Roadside Hawk Rupornis magnirostris

Harris’s Hawk (Bay-winged H) Parabuteo unicinctus One bird seen while we drove to Ibarra.

White-rumped Hawk Parabuteo leucorrhous Great views at Bellavista.

Variable Hawk Geranoaetus polyosoma Seen at Papallacta pass.

Black-chested Buzzard-Eagle (B-c Eagle, B-c E-B) Geranoaetus melanoleucus Seen at Antisana.

Grey-lined Hawk Buteo nitidus Seen during our boat ride to Playa de Oro.

Broad-winged Hawk (W) Buteo platypterus Several sights of this boreal migrant.

American Barn Owl Tyto furcata (H) Heard only during our first night in Quito by some.

Buff-fronted Owl ◊ Aegolius harrisii (H) Heard only at Pululahua.

Cloud-forest Pygmy Owl ◊ Glaucidium nubicola Best views at Chical road, also at Amagusa Reserve.

Andean Pygmy Owl ◊ Glaucidium jardinii (H) Heard only at Cerro Mongus, also on the way to Zuro Loma.

Pacific Pygmy Owl Glaucidium peruanum Great views during our visit to Fruti Tour, a write-in for the tour.

White-throated Screech Owl ◊ Megascops albogularis Cracking views at Zuro Loma.

Rufescent Screech Owl ◊ Megascops ingens Good views at Wild Sumaco.

Rufescent Screech Owl ◊ (Colombian S O) Megascops [ingens] colombianus Great views at Mindo.

Choco Screech Owl ◊ Megascops centralis (H) Heard only at Playa de Oro.

Foothill Screech Owl ◊ (Napo S O) Megascops [roraimae] napensis Seen at Wild Sumaco.

Spectacled Owl Pulsatrix perspicillata Seen at Fruti Tour.

Band-bellied Owl Pulsatrix melanota Great views at Amarun Pakcha and Wild Sumaco (both places roosting!).

Mottled Owl Strix virgata Great views at Mindo.

Black-and-white Owl Strix nigrolineata (H) Heard only at Mindo.

Black-banded Owl Strix huhula Great views at San Isidro of the undescribed cloud-forest form known as “San Isidro Owl”.

Rufous-banded Owl Strix albitarsis Good views at San Isidro.

Golden-headed Quetzal Pharomachrus auriceps Great views at Septimo Paraiso trails.

Crested Quetzal Pharomachrus antisianus Seen at Bellavista and Baeza area.

Slaty-tailed Trogon ◊ Trogon massena Seen at the Humedal Yalare.

Choco Trogon ◊ (White-eyed T, Blue-tailed T) Trogon comptus Great views at Mashpi.

White-tailed Trogon (Western W-t T) Trogon chionurus Seen briefly at Playa de Oro.

Green-backed Trogon Trogon viridis Seen at Wild Sumaco and Amarun Pakcha.

Gartered Trogon (Northern Violaceous T) Trogon caligatus Great views at Humedal Yalare.

Blue-crowned Trogon Trogon curucui Two females were seen at Amarun Pakcha Reserve.

Black-throated Trogon Trogon rufus Great views at Playa de Oro. Important thing to consider is that this species on Clemments Taxonomy was split in 4 different species. Is has not been split yet in IOC taxonomy. In Clemments Taxonomy this would be the Choco Black-throated Trogon (Trogon cupreicauda).

Collared Trogon Trogon collaris Seen attending the moth lights at Wild Sumaco.

Masked Trogon Trogon personatus Best views at Bellavista.

Amazon Kingfisher Chloroceryle amazona Seen at Amarun Pakcha Reserve.

Green Kingfisher Chloroceryle americana

Ringed Kingfisher Megaceryle torquata

Andean Motmot Momotus aequatorialis Seen at Guacamayos Ridge trail.

Rufous Motmot Baryphthengus martii Seen at Septimo Paraiso.

Broad-billed Motmot Electron platyrhynchum (H) Heard only at Mashpi.

Coppery-chested Jacamar ◊ Galbula pastazae Seen at Wild Sumaco.

Black-breasted Puffbird ◊ Notharchus pectoralis Seen at Humedal Yalare.

Pied Puffbird Notharchus tectus Seen at Humedal Yalare.

Barred Puffbird ◊ Nystalus radiatus Good views at Mashpi.

White-chested Puffbird ◊ Malacoptila fusca Atending the moth lights at Wild Sumaco.

Black-streaked Puffbird ◊ Malacoptila fulvogularis Atending the moth lights at Wild Sumaco.

White-whiskered Puffbird Malacoptila panamensis A pair seen at Playa de Oro.

Lanceolated Monklet ◊ Micromonacha lanceolata Great views!!

Brown Nunlet ◊ Nonnula brunnea Great views at Sumaco area of this Western Amazonia endemic.

White-faced Nunbird ◊ (W-f Puffbird) Hapaloptila castanea A major highlight of the tour! Seen at Bellavista.

Orange-fronted Barbet ◊ Capito squamatus Several sights at Playa de Oro and Mashpi.

Gilded Barbet Capito auratus Seen at Wild Sumaco.

Five-colored Barbet ◊ Capito quinticolor Seen at Playa de Oro.

Red-headed Barbet ◊ Eubucco bourcierii Seen at Mindo area and Wild Sumaco.

Toucan Barbet ◊ Semnornis ramphastinus Great views at Chical Road, heard at several sights on the west.

White-throated Toucanet (Andean T) Aulacorhynchus albivitta (H) Heard only at Wild Sumaco, also seen by leader.

Crimson-rumped Toucanet ◊ Aulacorhynchus haematopygus Seen at Mashpi.

Chestnut-eared Aracari Pteroglossus castanotis

Stripe-billed Aracari Pteroglossus sanguineus Is the one that occurs at Playa de Oro, to the south it gets replaced by Pale-mandibled Aracari.

Pale-mandibled Aracari ◊ Pteroglossus erythropygius (E) Endemic. Seen at Mashpi and Fruti Tour.

Golden-collared Toucanet Selenidera reinwardtii Seen at Wild Sumaco.

Grey-breasted Mountain Toucan Andigena hypoglauca Seen at Cerro Mongus, great views at Guango.

Plate-billed Mountain Toucan ◊ Andigena laminirostris Seen at Bellavista and Chical Road.

Black-billed Mountain Toucan ◊ Andigena nigrirostris We completed the set of Mountain Toucans of Ecuador with this one, at Guacamayos Ridge.

Channel-billed Toucan Ramphastos vitellinus Seen at Sumaco area.

Choco Toucan ◊ Ramphastos brevis Seen around Mindo and Alto Tambo.

White-throated Toucan Ramphastos tucanus (H) Heard only and seen by leader at Wild Sumaco.

Yellow-throated Toucan ◊ Ramphastos ambiguus Few sights on the west side, also at Wild Sumaco.

Lafresnaye’s Piculet Picumnus lafresnayi Good views at Wild Sumaco and Amarun Pakcha.

Rufous-breasted Piculet Picumnus rufiventris Seen by Juan Carlos and Lennard at Wild Sumaco.

Olivaceous Piculet Picumnus olivaceus Great views at Mindo.

Yellow-tufted Woodpecker Melanerpes cruentatus Seen a few times at Sumaco area.

Black-cheeked Woodpecker Melanerpes pucherani It was seen on several occasions on the western side.

Little Woodpecker Veniliornis passerinus A pair was seen at Sumaco area.

Yellow-vented Woodpecker ◊ Veniliornis dignus Great views at Chical Road.

Smoky-brown Woodpecker Leuconotopicus fumigatus One bird seen at Amagusa Reserve, heard only at San Isidro.

Lita Woodpecker ◊ Piculus litae Seen it briefly at Alto Tambo.

Golden-olive Woodpecker Colaptes rubiginosus Seen a few times on the western side.

Crimson-mantled Woodpecker Colaptes rivolii Seen at Chical Road and Cerro Mongus.

Cinnamon Woodpecker Celeus loricatus Great views at Yalare.

Lineated Woodpecker Dryocopus lineatus

Crimson-crested Woodpecker Campephilus melanoleucos Seen at Wild Sumaco.

Guayaquil Woodpecker ◊ Campephilus gayaquilensis Seen at Wild Sumaco.

Black Caracara Daptrius ater Seen at Wild Sumaco.

Carunculated Caracara ◊ Phalcoboenus carunculatus Common in the high Andes.

Yellow-headed Caracara Milvago chimachima Seen at Amarun Pakcha.

Laughing Falcon Herpetotheres cachinnans One bird seen at Mashpi.

Lined Forest Falcon Micrastur gilvicollis Seen by Lennard and Juan Carlos at Wild Sumaco.

Buckley’s Forest Falcon ◊ Micrastur buckleyi Seen by some at Wild Sumaco.

American Kestrel Falco sparverius

Merlin (W) Falco columbarius One bird was seen and photographed at Chonta. A rare species for Ecuador.

Bat Falcon Falco rufigularis One bird seen at Playa de Oro.

Orange-breasted Falcon ◊ Falco deiroleucus A great find for Juan Carlos on the Loreto Road.

Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus One birds was seen at the Papallacta pass.

Blue-fronted Parrotlet ◊ Touit dilectissimus (H) Heard only at Mashpi and Amagusa Reserve.

Barred Parakeet Bolborhynchus lineola (H) Heard only at Bellavista.

Rose-faced Parrot ◊ Pyrilia pulchra Excelent views at Amagusa, also seen at Playa de Oro.

Red-billed Parrot Pionus sordidus Seen at Wild Sumaco, Amarun Pakcha and San Isidro.

White-capped Parrot Pionus seniloides Good views at San Isidro.

Blue-headed Parrot Pionus menstruus First seen at Playa de Oro, also at Wild Sumaco.

Bronze-winged Parrot Pionus chalcopterus Common on the western side.

Scaly-naped Amazon (S-n Parrot) Amazona mercenarius Seen at Guacamayos Ridge, heard only at different localities.

Mealy Amazon (M Parrot) Amazona farinosa A regular parrot at Playa de Oro.

Maroon-tailed Parakeet ◊ Pyrrhura melanura Two different subspecies were seen on the tour One of them at Mashpi area and the other one at Wild Sumaco. See taxonomic note.

Chestnut-fronted Macaw Ara severus Several birds were seen at Sumaco area.

Military Macaw ◊ Ara militaris Good numbers at Wild Sumaco, at one moment I counted 18 individuals in the same group.

Great Green Macaw ◊ Ara ambiguus (H) Heard only from at Playa de Oro.

Red-masked Parakeet Psittacara erythrogenys (H) Heard only at Fruti Tour.

White-eyed Parakeet Psittacara leucophthalmus

Sapayoa ◊ Sapayoa aenigma A bird with his own monotypic family (Sapayoaidae), with a bit of effort we managed to see it at Playa de Oro.

Grey-throated Leaftosser (G-t Leafscraper) Sclerurus albigularis A singing bird at Wild Sumaco, some managed to see it.

Olivaceous Woodcreeper Sittasomus griseicapillus (H) Heard only at Amarun Pakcha and Wild Sumaco.

Tyrannine Woodcreeper Dendrocincla tyrannina Good views at Guacamayos Ridge.

Plain-brown Woodcreeper Dendrocincla fuliginosa Seen at Playa de Oro and Sumaco area.

Wedge-billed Woodcreeper Glyphorynchus spirurus Seen at Mashpi area.

Northern Barred Woodcreeper Dendrocolaptes sanctithomae (H) Heard only on two different days at Playa de Oro.

Strong-billed Woodcreeper Xiphocolaptes promeropirhynchus Seen at Bellavista, also heard at Angel Paz.

Black-striped Woodcreeper Xiphorhynchus lachrymosus Good views at Humedal Yalare.

Spotted Woodcreeper Xiphorhynchus erythropygius Seen at Mashpi and Amagusa Reserve.

Olive-backed Woodcreeper Xiphorhynchus triangularis Seen at Wild Sumaco.

Red-billed Scythebill ◊ Campylorhamphus trochilirostris A pair was seen at Fruti Tour.

Brown-billed Scythebill Campylorhamphus pusillus Two birds seen at Amagusa Reserve.

Streak-headed Woodcreeper Lepidocolaptes souleyetii Seen at Humedal Yalare.

Montane Woodcreeper Lepidocolaptes lacrymiger

Plain Xenops Xenops genibarbis Seen at Mashpi and Wild Sumaco.

Streaked Xenops Xenops rutilans Good views at Wild Sumaco.

Pacific Tuftedcheek ◊ Pseudocolaptes johnsoni Seen at Amagusa Reserve, also at Mashpi Road.

Streaked Tuftedcheek Pseudocolaptes boissonneautii Seen at Bellavista, Pululahua and Guacamayos Ridge.

Rusty-winged Barbtail ◊ Premnornis guttuliger One bird was seen by some at Angel Paz Reserve.

Pacific Hornero ◊ Furnarius cinnamomeus Seen at El Chontal.

Chestnut-winged Cinclodes Cinclodes albidiventris Common at the high altitudes in the Paramo.

Stout-billed Cinclodes ◊ Cinclodes excelsior Common in the Paramo.

Montane Foliage-gleaner Anabacerthia striaticollis Good views at Wild Sumaco.

Scaly-throated Foliage-gleaner ◊ Anabacerthia variegaticeps Coming to the moth lights at Amagusa Reserve, also at Septimo Paraiso trails.

Rufous-tailed Foliage-gleaner Anabacerthia ruficaudata Excelent views at Sumaco area.

Lineated Foliage-gleaner Syndactyla subalaris First seen at Amagusa Reserve, also at Bellavista.

Buff-fronted Foliage-gleaner Dendroma rufa Seen during our last morning at Wild Sumaco.

Ruddy Foliage-gleaner Clibanornis rubiginosus (LO) Just seen by Leo, at the Black Antbird stakeout.

Uniform Treehunter ◊ Thripadectes ignobilis Coming to the moth lights at Amagusa, also seen at Mashpi.

Flammulated Treehunter ◊ Thripadectes flammulatus A very cooperative bird at Bellavista.

Black-billed Treehunter ◊ Thripadectes melanorhynchus Coming to the moth lights at Wild Sumaco.

Striped Treehunter Thripadectes holostictus (H) Heard only at Guacamayos Ridge.

Streak-capped Treehunter ◊ Thripadectes virgaticeps Coming to the moth lights at Amagusa, also seen nicely at Chical Road.

Eastern Woodhaunter Automolus subulatus (H) Heard only (and seen by leaders) at Wild Sumaco.

Western Woodhaunter Automolus virgatus (H) Heard only at Mashpi and Playa de Oro.

Spotted Barbtail Premnoplex brunnescens First seen at Amagusa, also at Wild Sumaco and San Isidro.

Star-chested Treerunner ◊ (Fulvous-dotted T) Margarornis stellatus Seen at Chical Road, one of finest choco specialties.

Pearled Treerunner Margarornis squamiger

Andean Tit-Spinetail Leptasthenura andicola One bird seen nicely at Papallacta.

White-browed Spinetail Hellmayrea gularis A pair was seen at Yanacocha Reserve.

Many-striped Canastero ◊ Asthenes flammulata Seen at Antisana NP.

White-chinned Thistletail ◊ Asthenes fuliginosa Seen at Cayambe-Coca NP.

Red-faced Spinetail Cranioleuca erythrops

Ash-browed Spinetail Cranioleuca curtata Seen joining a mix-species flock at Amarun Pakcha.

Slaty Spinetail Synallaxis brachyura Seen at Mindo, also near Hacienda Primavera.

Dusky Spinetail ◊ Synallaxis moesta Good views of this skulker at Sumaco area.

Dark-breasted Spinetail Synallaxis albigularis (H) Heard only at Wild Sumaco.

Azara’s Spinetail Synallaxis azarae

Rufous Spinetail Synallaxis unirufa First seen at Bellavista, also seen at Guango trails.

Rufous-rumped Antwren ◊ Euchrepomis callinota Seen at Amagusa, Mashpi and Wild Sumaco.

Russet Antshrike Thamnistes anabatinus Seen at Mashpi and Wild Sumaco.

Dot-winged Antwren Microrhopias quixensis Seen at Playa de Oro.

Checker-throated Stipplethroat Epinecrophylla fulviventris Seen at Playa de Oro.

Ornate Stipplethroat Epinecrophylla ornate Seen at Wild Sumaco.

Foothill Stipplethroat ◊ (F Antwren) Epinecrophylla spodionota Seen at Wild Sumaco.

Moustached Antwren ◊ Myrmotherula ignota Seen at Playa de Oro.

Pacific Antwren (Pacific Streaked A) Myrmotherula pacifica Great views at Mindo.

White-flanked Antwren Myrmotherula axillaris Seen at Playa de Oro.

Slaty Antwren Myrmotherula schisticolor First seen at Mashpi, also at Septimo Paraiso Trails and Alto Tambo.

Yellow-breasted Antwren Herpsilochmus axillaris Seen at Wild Sumaco.

Rusty-winged Antwren Herpsilochmus frater Seen at Wild Sumaco.

Plain Antvireo Dysithamnus mentalis Coming to the moth lights at Wild Sumaco.

Spot-crowned Antvireo ◊ Dysithamnus puncticeps Great views at Playa de Oro and Alto Tambo.

Lined Antshrike Thamnophilus tenuepunctatus Coming to the moth lights at Wild Sumaco.

White-shouldered Antshrike Thamnophilus aethiops (H) Heard only at Wild Sumaco.

Uniform Antshrike Thamnophilus unicolor (H) Heard only at Amagusa Reserve and Septimo Paraiso trails.

Plain-winged Antshrike (Black-capped A) Thamnophilus schistaceus (H) Heard only at Wild Sumaco.

Black-crowned Antshrike (Western Slaty A) Thamnophilus atrinucha Good views at Playa de Oro.

Common Scale-backed Antbird Willisornis poecilinotus Seen by Leo and Lennard at Amarun Pakcha.

Streak-headed Antbird ◊ Drymophila striaticeps Good views at San Isidro.

Blackish Antbird Cercomacroides nigrescens Seen at Wild Sumaco.

Dusky Antbird Cercomacroides tyrannina Seen at Playa de Oro.

Black Antbird Cercomacroides serva Seen by some at Loreto Road.

Spotted Antbird ◊ Hylophylax naevioides Seen at Playa de Oro.

Spot-backed Antbird ◊ Hylophylax naevius (H) Heard only at Wild Sumaco.

Spot-winged Antbird Myrmelastes leucostigma (H) Heard only and seen by leader at Wild Sumaco.

Chestnut-backed Antbird Poliocrania exsul Seen at Playa de Oro.

Stub-tailed Antbird ◊ Sipia berlepschi Seen at Playa de Oro and Alto Tambo.

Esmeraldas Antbird ◊ Sipia nigricauda Seen at Amagusa Reserve.

Black-faced Antbird Myrmoborus myotherinus Attending to the moth lights at Wild Sumaco.

Western Fire-eye ◊ Pyriglena maura Attending to the moth lights at Wild Sumaco.

Sooty Antbird Hafferia fortis (H) Heard only and seen by leader at Wild Sumaco.

Zeledon’s Antbird ◊ Hafferia zeledoni Coming to the moth lights at Amagusa Reserve.

Rufous-breasted Antthrush ◊ Formicarius rufipectus Great views of 2 individuals at Angel Paz Reserve.

Short-tailed Antthrush Chamaeza campanisona Seen by some and heard only for the others. At Wild Sumaco.

Undulated Antpitta Grallaria squamigera (H) Heard only at Yanacocha.

Giant Antpitta ◊ Grallaria gigantea The first of the five antpittas species that we saw at Angel Paz.

Moustached Antpitta ◊ Grallaria alleni Two birds came to feed on worms at Angel Paz.

Plain-backed Antpitta Grallaria haplonota A very cooperative bird who came to feed on worms at Wild Sumaco. Heard only at Mashpi.

Chestnut-crowned Antpitta Grallaria ruficapilla The last antpitta that we saw at Angel Paz, heard it at many other sites.

Chestnut-naped Antpitta ◊ Grallaria nuchalis Excellent views at Zuro Loma.

Yellow-breasted Antpitta ◊ Grallaria flavotincta The charismatic “Willy” at Angel Paz.

White-bellied Antpitta ◊ Grallaria hypoleuca After a bit of suspence, it finally appear to feed on worms at San Isidro. We were lucky as the persons the following day miss it.

Equatorial Antpitta Grallaria saturata Seen at Zuro Loma.

Tawny Antpitta ◊ Grallaria quitensis Excellent views at Antisana NP.

Ochre-breasted Antpitta ◊ Grallaricula flavirostris We saw the pair (“Pique & Shakira”) at Angel Paz.

Peruvian Antpitta ◊ Grallaricula peruviana (H) Heard only at Guacamayos Ridge.

Rufous-breasted Antpitta ◊ Grallaricula leymebambae Seen at Pululahua.

Slaty-crowned Antpitta Grallaricula nana (H) Heard only at Guacamayos Ridge.

Chestnut-crowned Gnateater ◊ Conopophaga castaneiceps Seen at Wild Sumaco, on different moments.

Ocellated Tapaculo Acropternis orthonyx (H) Heard only at Bellavista and Pululahua.

Ash-colored Tapaculo Myornis senilis (H) Heard only at Zuro Loma.

Paramo Tapaculo ◊ Scytalopus opacus (H) Heard only at Yanacocha and Cayambe-Coca NP.

White-crowned Tapaculo ◊ Scytalopus atratus (H) Heard only at Wild Sumaco.

Long-tailed Tapaculo ◊ (Equatorial Rufous-vented T) Scytalopus micropterus Seen at Wild Sumaco and Guacamayos Ridge.

Blackish Tapaculo ◊ Scytalopus latrans Seen by some at Yanacocha and Pululahua.

Narino Tapaculo ◊ Scytalopus vicinior Seen by some at Septimo Paraiso and Chical Road.

Choco Tapaculo ◊ Scytalopus chocoensis Seen by some at Alto Tambo.

Spillmann’s Tapaculo ◊ Scytalopus spillmanni Good views at Bellavista.

Wing-barred Piprites (W-b Manakin) Piprites chloris (H) Heard only at Wild Sumaco.

White-fronted Tyrannulet ◊ Phyllomyias zeledoni Seen at Wild Sumaco.

Sooty-headed Tyrannulet Phyllomyias griseiceps Seen at Fruti Tour.

Plumbeous-crowned Tyrannulet Phyllomyias plumbeiceps Seen joining a mix-species flock at Wild Sumaco.

Yellow-crowned Tyrannulet Tyrannulus elatus Best views at Playa de Oro.

Foothill Elaenia ◊ Myiopagis olallai Excellent views at Wild Sumaco.

Greenish Elaenia Myiopagis viridicata Seen at Amagusa Reserve coming to the moth light.

Yellow-bellied Elaenia Elaenia flavogaster

Coopmans’s Elaenia ◊ Elaenia brachyptera One bird seen by some at Angel Paz.

Sierran Elaenia Elaenia pallatangae One bird seen at Cerro Mongus.

Brown-capped Tyrannulet Ornithion brunneicapillus Close views at Playa de Oro.

Southern Beardless Tyrannulet Camptostoma obsoletum (LO) Seen by leader at Fruti Tour.

White-throated Tyrannulet Mecocerculus leucophrys Seen at Yanacocha and Cayambe-Coca NP.

White-tailed Tyrannulet Mecocerculus poecilocercus Seen at Angel Paz, Bellavista and Pululahua.

Sulphur-bellied Tyrannulet Mecocerculus minor Great views of a pair at San Isidro.

White-banded Tyrannulet Mecocerculus stictopterus One bird seen on the way to Zuro Loma.

Torrent Tyrannulet Serpophaga cinerea One bird seen at Mindo.

Yellow Tyrannulet Capsiempis flaveola Two birds were seen at Sumaco area.

Bronze-olive Pygmy Tyrant ◊ Pseudotriccus pelzelni Seen at Amagusa Reserve.

Rufous-headed Pygmy Tyrant Pseudotriccus ruficeps First seen at Bellavista, also at Pululahua and Guacamayos Ridge.

Golden-faced Tyrannulet ◊ Zimmerius chrysops Seen at Wild Sumaco.

Choco Tyrannulet ◊ Zimmerius albigularis Seen at Chontal and Fruti Tour.

Marble-faced Bristle Tyrant Pogonotriccus ophthalmicus Seen at Bellavista and Wild Sumaco.

Ecuadorian Tyrannulet ◊ (E Bristle Tyrant) Phylloscartes gualaquizae Seen at Wild Sumaco.

Streak-necked Flycatcher Mionectes striaticollis Seen at Chical Road, San Isidro and Guacamayos Ridge.

Olive-striped Flycatcher Mionectes galbinus Seen at Wild Sumaco.

Slaty-capped Flycatcher Leptopogon superciliaris Seen at Septimo Paraiso and Amarun Pakcha.

Rufous-breasted Flycatcher ◊ Leptopogon rufipectus Good views at Guacamayos Ridge.

Flavescent Flycatcher ◊ Myiophobus flavicans Good views at Chical Road.

Orange-crested Flycatcher ◊ Myiophobus phoenicomitra Good views at Wild Sumaco.

Olive-chested Flycatcher ◊ Myiophobus cryptoxanthus Seen at Amarun Pakcha.

Mouse-grey Flycatcher ◊ Myiophobus crypterythrus Nice views at Amagusa Reserve.

Handsome Flycatcher ◊ Nephelomyias pulcher First seen at Chical Road, also at San Isidro and Guacamayos Ridge.

Ornate Flycatcher Myiotriccus ornatus  First seen at Mashpi, also at Séptimo Paraiso and Wild Sumaco.

Buff-throated Tody-Tyrant ◊ Hemitriccus rufigularis (H) Heard only at Wild Sumaco.

Black-capped Pygmy Tyrant Myiornis atricapillus Seen at Playa de Oro.

Scale-crested Pygmy Tyrant Lophotriccus pileatus Heard at many sites, but it was seen at Séptimo Paraíso and Wild Sumaco.

Rufous-crowned Tody-Flycatcher (R-c T-Tyrant) Poecilotriccus ruficeps Good views at San Isidro.

Black-and-white Tody-Flycatcher ◊ (B-a-w T-Tyrant) Poecilotriccus capitalis Seen by everyone at Sumaco area.

Golden-winged Tody-Flycatcher ◊ Poecilotriccus calopterus Seen at Sumaco area.

Common Tody-Flycatcher Todirostrum cinereum

Black-headed Tody-Flycatcher Todirostrum nigriceps (H) Heard only at Playa de Oro.

Pacific Flatbill ◊ Rhynchocyclus pacificus Good views at Mashpi.

Yellow-olive Flatbill (Y-o Flycatcher) Tolmomyias sulphurescens One bird seen at Amarun Pakcha.

Yellow-winged Flatbill (Y-m Flycatcher) Tolmomyias flavotectus (H) Heard only at Playa de Oro.

Olive-faced Flatbill (O-f Flycatcher) Tolmomyias viridiceps Good views at Amarun Pakcha.

White-throated Spadebill Platyrinchus mystaceus (H) Heard only at Wild Sumaco.

Golden-crowned Spadebill Platyrinchus coronatus (H) Heard only at Playa de Oro.

Yellow-throated Spadebill ◊ Platyrinchus flavigularis (H) Heard only at Wild Sumaco.

Cinnamon Flycatcher Pyrrhomyias cinnamomeus

Cliff Flycatcher Hirundinea ferruginea Excellent views from the cliff areas of Loreto Road.

Euler’s Flycatcher Lathrotriccus euleri (H) Heard only at Wild Sumaco.

Black Phoebe Sayornis nigricans

Olive-sided Flycatcher (W) Contopus cooperi A few were seen at Wild Sumaco and San Isidro.

Smoke-colored Pewee Contopus fumigatus Seen at Amagusa, Chical Road and San Isidro.

Western Wood Pewee (W) Contopus sordidulus Seen at different localities on both slopes.

Vermilion Flycatcher Pyrocephalus obscurus Seen at the gardens of our hotel at Ibarra.

Paramo Ground Tyrant ◊ Muscisaxicola alpinus A few were seen at Papallacta pass.

Red-rumped Bush Tyrant ◊ Cnemarchus erythropygius Scope views from a single bird from Papallacta pass.

Streak-throated Bush Tyrant Myiotheretes striaticollis One bird seen at Cerro Mongus.

Smoky Bush Tyrant Myiotheretes fumigatus Seen at Cerro Mongus.

Masked Water Tyrant Fluvicola nengeta A pair was seen at Chontal.

Crowned Chat-Tyrant ◊ Silvicultrix frontalis One bird seen at Yanacocha.

Yellow-bellied Chat-Tyrant ◊ Silvicultrix diadema Good views at Zuro Loma and Pululahua.

Slaty-backed Chat-Tyrant ◊ Ochthoeca cinnamomeiventris Seen at Tandayapa Valley.

Rufous-breasted Chat-Tyrant Ochthoeca rufipectoralis Two birds seen at Zuro Loma.

Brown-backed Chat-Tyrant Ochthoeca fumicolor Seen at Cayambe-Coca NP.

Long-tailed Tyrant Colonia colonus Seen at Mashpi, Playa de Oro and Alto Tambo.

Piratic Flycatcher Legatus leucophaius

Rusty-margined Flycatcher Myiozetetes cayanensis

Social Flycatcher Myiozetetes similis

Grey-capped Flycatcher Myiozetetes granadensis Seen at Amarun Pakcha.

Lemon-browed Flycatcher Conopias cinchoneti Seen at Amarun Pakcha.

Golden-bellied Flycatcher Myiodynastes hemichrysus  Attending the moth lights at San Isidro and Amagusa.

Boat-billed Flycatcher Megarynchus pitangua Seen at Amarun Pakcha.

Snowy-throated Kingbird Tyrannus niveigularis Great find from Juan Carlos, at the view point of Playa de Oro.

Tropical Kingbird Tyrannus melancholicus

Dusky-capped Flycatcher Myiarchus tuberculifer Seen at Amagusa and Wild Sumaco.

Pale-edged Flycatcher Myiarchus cephalotes  Seen at San Isidro.

Large-headed Flatbill (Bamboo F) Ramphotrigon megacephalum (H) Heard only at Wild Sumaco.

Bright-rumped Attila Attila spadiceus (H) Heard only at Playa de Oro.

Scaled Fruiteater Ampelioides tschudii  Great views from Amagusa and Guacamayos Ridge.

Fiery-throated Fruiteater ◊ Pipreola chlorolepidota (H) Heard only at Wild Sumaco.

Black-chested Fruiteater ◊ Pipreola lubomirskii Good views at Baeza.

Orange-breasted Fruiteater ◊ Pipreola jucunda Good views from Amagusa Reserve.

Barred Fruiteater Pipreola arcuata Excellent views at Zuro Loma.

Green-and-black Fruiteater Pipreola riefferii

Grey-tailed Piha ◊ Snowornis subalaris Seen at Wild Sumcaco.

Olivaceous Piha ◊ Snowornis cryptolophus Good views from Guacamayos Ridge.

Andean Cock-of-the-rock Rupicola peruvianus One of many star birds of the tour! We got a very active morning at the Angel Paz lek, also seen at different localities during the tour.

Chestnut-bellied Cotinga ◊ Doliornis remseni A rare and localized species of Cotinga. Our main target at Cerro Mongus that luckily we succeed to see it.

Red-crested Cotinga Ampelion rubrocristatus (LO) Seen by leader at Zuro Loma.

Amazonian Umbrellabird Cephalopterus ornatus Seen at Wild Sumaco.

Blue Cotinga ◊ Cotinga nattererii (NL) A male was seen by one passenger around the rooms of Playa de Oro.

Black-tipped Cotinga (White C) Carpodectes hopkei At least 3 different individuals were seen at Playa de Oro.

Golden-winged Manakin Masius chrysopterus One bird seen at Chical Road.

Green Manakin ◊ Cryptopipo holochlora Good views from Wild Sumaco.

Choco Manakin ◊ Cryptopipo litae (LO) Seen by leader at Playa de Oro.

Velvety Manakin Lepidothrix velutina  Seen at Playa de Oro.

Blue-rumped Manakin ◊ Lepidothrix isidorei Seen at Wild Sumaco.

White-bearded Manakin Manacus manacus Seen at Playa de Oro.

Club-winged Manakin ◊ Machaeropterus deliciosus A nice male was seen at Séptimo Paraíso trails.

Striolated Manakin (Western-striped M) Machaeropterus striolatus Seen at Wild Sumaco.

White-crowned Manakin Pseudopipra pipra Good views of a male at Wild Sumaco.

Red-capped Manakin Ceratopipra mentalis Good views from an active lek at Playa de Oro.

Tawny-breasted Myiobius ◊ Myiobius villosus First seen at Amagusa Reserve, also was seen at Amarun Pakcha.

Ruddy-tailed Flycatcher Terenotriccus erythrurus Two birds were seen at Playa de Oro.

Black-crowned Tityra Tityra inquisitor Seen at Wild Sumaco.

Masked Tityra Tityra semifasciata Seen at Playa de Oro.

Northern Schiffornis Schiffornis veraepacis Good views from Mashpi.

Barred Becard Pachyramphus versicolor

Cinnamon Becard Pachyramphus cinnamomeus Seen at Amagusa Reserve and Playa de Oro.

White-winged Becard ◊ Pachyramphus polychopterus Two different subspecies were seen, one from Chical Road [dorsalis] and from the east slope at Wild Sumaco [tenebrosus].

Cryptic Becard Pachyramphus salvini Good views from Mashpi. A recent split of Black-and-white Becard.

One-colored Becard Pachyramphus homochrous One bird coming to the moth light at Amagusa.

Black-billed Peppershrike ◊ Cyclarhis nigrirostris Excellent views at Amagusa and San Isidro.

Slaty-capped Shrike-Vireo Vireolanius leucotis Seen at Playa de Oro and Wild Sumaco.

Olivaceous Greenlet ◊ Hylophilus olivaceus Seen at Wild Sumaco.

Lesser Greenlet Pachysylvia decurtata Seen at Mashpi, and heard only in different on western lowlands.

Rufous-naped Greenlet ◊ Pachysylvia semibrunnea Seen at Wild Sumaco.

Yellow-green Vireo (W) Vireo flavoviridis Seen at Amarun Pakcha.

Red-eyed Vireo (W) Vireo olivaceus Several birds were seen at Wild Sumaco.

Chivi Vireo Vireo chivi Seen several times on the western side.

Brown-capped Vireo Vireo leucophrys

Choco Vireo ◊ Vireo masteri An ultimate Chocó endemic that we managed to see at Amagusa Reserve.

Turquoise Jay ◊ Cyanolyca turcosa (H) Heard only at Guango.

Beautiful Jay ◊ Cyanolyca pulchra Great views of this Choco endemic at Chical Road.

Violaceous Jay Cyanocorax violaceus Common in the Sumaco area.

Inca Jay Cyanocorax yncas

White-thighed Swallow ◊ Atticora tibialis One birds seen at Wild Sumaco.

Blue-and-white Swallow Pygochelidon cyanoleuca

Brown-bellied Swallow Orochelidon murina Seen at the high altitudes like Zuro Loma, Cayambe Coca NP and Antisana NP.

Southern Rough-winged Swallow Stelgidopteryx ruficollis

Grey-breasted Martin Progne chalybea

Barn Swallow (W) Hirundo rustica Seen at Playa de Oro.

Grey-mantled Wren ◊ Odontorchilus branickii One bird joining a mix-species flock at Wild Sumaco.

Sepia-brown Wren Cinnycerthia olivascens Good views at Guacamayos Ridge.

Grass Wren Cistothorus platensis Seen at Antisana NP.

Plain-tailed Wren Pheugopedius euophrys Seen at Zuro Loma and San Isidro.

Coraya Wren Pheugopedius coraya Seen at Wild Sumaco and Loreto Road.

Bay Wren Cantorchilus nigricapillus Seen at few times in the western side.

Stripe-throated Wren Cantorchilus leucopogon Excellent views at Playa de Oro.

House Wren Troglodytes aedon

Mountain Wren Troglodytes solstitialis

White-breasted Wood Wren Henicorhina leucosticta Two different subspecies were seen on the tour, one in the Choco foothills [inornata] and the one on the eastern foothills [hauxwelli].

Grey-breasted Wood Wren Henicorhina leucophrys

Southern Nightingale-Wren (Scaly-breasted W) Microcerculus marginatus  Seen at Playa de Oro.

Wing-banded Wren ◊ Microcerculus bambla Seen at Amarun Pakcha and heard only at Wild Sumaco.

Song Wren Cyphorhinus phaeocephalus Great views at Playa de Oro.

Tawny-faced Gnatwren Microbates cinereiventris Good views at Playa de Oro.

Slate-throated Gnatcatcher ◊ Polioptila schistaceigula Brief looks at Playa de Oro.

Tropical Mockingbird Mimus gilvus Seen in the dry areas of Ibarra.

Andean Solitaire Myadestes ralloides (H)

Black Solitaire ◊ Entomodestes coracinus Seen at Amagusa Reserve.

Speckled Nightingale-Thrush Catharus maculatus  Seen by some at Wild Sumaco, but mayority of the group just heard it.

Swainson’s Thrush (W) Catharus ustulatus It was very common during our visit to Wild Sumaco.

Pale-eyed Thrush Turdus leucops Seen at Amagusa Reserve and heard only at Loreto Road.

Chestnut-bellied Thrush Turdus fulviventris Good views at Guacamayos Ridge.

Glossy-black Thrush Turdus serranus First seen at Bellavista, also at San Isidro and Guacamayos Ridge.

Great Thrush Turdus fuscater

Black-billed Thrush Turdus ignobilis Common in the eastern lower foothills.

White-necked Thrush Turdus albicollis (H)  Heard only at Wild Sumaco.

Ecuadorian Thrush ◊ Turdus maculirostris Seen at different sites on the western side.

White-capped Dipper Cinclus leucocephalus Good views at Mindo.

Paramo Pipit Anthus bogotensis One bird displaying at Antisana NP.

Lesser Goldfinch (Dark-backed G) Spinus psaltria Seen at Ibarra.

Olivaceous Siskin ◊ Spinus olivaceus Seen at Loreto Road.

Hooded Siskin Spinus magellanicus Seen at Cerro Monguns and Tambo Condor.

Golden-rumped Euphonia Chlorophonia cyanocephala Seen at different localities and different habitats too.

Blue-naped Chlorophonia Chlorophonia cyanea (H) Heard only at Wild Sumaco.

Yellow-collared Chlorophonia ◊ Chlorophonia flavirostris (H) Heard only at Amagusa Reserve.

White-vented Euphonia Euphonia minuta Seen at Amarun Pakcha.

Thick-billed Euphonia Euphonia laniirostris Seen on both slopes during the tour, mainly in lower foothills.

Fulvous-vented Euphonia Euphonia fulvicrissa Seen at Humdedal Yalaré.

Orange-bellied Euphonia Euphonia xanthogaster The most common euphonia during the trip.

Bronze-green Euphonia Euphonia mesochrysa Seen at Wild Sumaco.

Tanager Finch ◊ Oreothraupis arremonops Finally, we encounter a couple at Bellavista, not an easy bird nowadays.

Yellow-throated Chlorospingus Chlorospingus flavigularis Seen in different sites, in the foothills of both slopes.

Yellow-whiskered Chlorospingus ◊ (Short-billed B-T) Chlorospingus parvirostris A dozen of them were seen on the same flock at Guacamayos Ridge.

Ashy-throated Chlorospingus Chlorospingus canigularis A group of 5 birds were seen at Wild Sumaco with a mixed-species flock.

Common Chlorospingus Chlorospingus flavopectus Common at San Isidro and Guacamayos Ridge.

Dusky Chlorospingus ◊ (Dusky-bellied B-T) Chlorospingus semifuscus Seen at Amagusa, Bellavista and Chical Road.

Yellow-browed Sparrow Ammodramus aurifrons

Black-striped Sparrow Arremonops conirostris Seen at Amagusa Reserve.

Grey-browed Brushfinch Arremon assimilis Seen at Zuro Loma, Yanachocha and Pululahua.

Orange-billed Sparrow Arremon aurantiirostris Seen at Fruti Tour and Amarun Pakcha.

Chestnut-capped Brushfinch Arremon brunneinucha Best views at San Isidro, also seen at Amagusa.

Olive Finch ◊ Arremon castaneiceps Seen at Amarun Pakcha.

Rufous-collared Sparrow Zonotrichia capensis

Choco Brushfinch ◊ (Dusky B-F) Atlapetes crassus Good views at Mashpi and Bellavista.

Slaty Brushfinch ◊ Atlapetes schistaceus Seen at Guango forest trails.

Pale-naped Brushfinch ◊ Atlapetes pallidinucha Good views at Cayambe-Coca NP.

Yellow-breasted Brushfinch (Northern Rufous-naped B-F) Atlapetes latinuchus Good views at Zuro Loma, Yanacocha, Cerro Mongus and Pululahua.

White-winged Brushfinch Atlapetes leucopterus Seen on the way to Zuro Loma and Pululahua.

Chestnut-headed Oropendola Psarocolius wagleri Seen at Playa de Oro. Local and rare bird for Ecuador.

Russet-backed Oropendola Psarocolius angustifrons

Crested Oropendola Psarocolius decumanus

Yellow-rumped Cacique Cacicus cela Seen at Wild Sumaco and Amarun Pakcha.

Scarlet-rumped Cacique Cacicus microrhynchus Seen at Mashpi and Playa de Oro.

Subtropical Cacique Cacicus uropygialis Great views at San Isidro coming to the moth lights.

Mountain Cacique (Northern M C) Cacicus [chrysonotus] leucoramphus Great views at Guango, also seen at Cerro Mongus.

Shiny Cowbird Molothrus bonariensis

Scrub Blackbird Dives warczewiczi  Seen at Chontal.

Great-tailed Grackle Quiscalus mexicanus Common in the towns close to the Pacific Coast.

Black-and-white Warbler (W) Mniotilta varia Seen at Wild Sumaco.

Olive-crowned Yellowthroat Geothlypis semiflava  Seen at Amagusa Reserve.

American Redstart (W) Setophaga ruticilla Seen at Wild Sumaco.

Cerulean Warbler (W) Setophaga cerulea Several individuals (10+) were seen at Wild Sumaco and Amarun Pakcha.

Tropical Parula Setophaga pitiayumi

Blackburnian Warbler (W) Setophaga fusca The most common North American Warbler of the trip.

Black-crested Warbler Myiothlypis nigrocristata Best views at Pululahua, also at Zuro Loma and San Isidro.

Buff-rumped Warbler Myiothlypis fulvicauda Seen at Amarun Pakcha and Mashpi.

Choco Warbler ◊ Myiothlypis chlorophrys Good views at Mashpi and Amagusa.

Russet-crowned Warbler Myiothlypis coronata Seen at Tandayapa, Bellavista, Pululahua and Guango.

Three-striped Warbler Basileuterus tristriatus Seen at Bellavista and Séptimo Paraíso.

Canada Warbler (W) Cardellina canadensis A common bird at Wild Sumaco and Amarun Pakcha.

Slate-throated Whitestart (S-t Redstart) Myioborus miniatus

Spectacled Whitestart (S Redstart) Myioborus melanocephalus

Dusky-faced Tanager Mitrospingus cassinii Seen at Mashpi, heard only at Fruti Tour and Playa de Oro.

Summer Tanager (W) Piranga rubra

Scarlet Tanager (W) Piranga olivacea Seen at Wild Sumaco and Amarun Pakcha.

White-winged Tanager Piranga leucoptera Seen at Wild Sumaco and Amarun Pakcha.

Lemon-spectacled Tanager ◊ Chlorothraupis olivacea Good views at Playa de Oro.

Ochre-breasted Tanager ◊ Chlorothraupis stolzmanni Seen at Amagusa Reserve and Alto Tambo.

Golden Grosbeak Pheucticus chrysogaster Seen on the way to Zuro Loma, Cerro Mongus and Ibarra.

Rose-breasted Grosbeak (W) Pheucticus ludovicianus Seen on 3 different localities on the trip, on both slopes and different elevations.

Plushcap (Plush-capped Finch) Catamblyrhynchus diadema (LO) Seen by leaders at Guacamayos Ridge.

Green Honeycreeper Chlorophanes spiza Seen at Mashpi and Playa de Oro.

Golden-collared Honeycreeper ◊ Iridophanes pulcherrimus Best views at Wild Sumaco, also at Alto Tambo and Chical Road.

Scarlet-and-white Tanager ◊ Chrysothlypis salmoni Great views at Alto Tambo and Mashpi.

Swallow Tanager Tersina viridis

Purple Honeycreeper Cyanerpes caeruleus

Scarlet-breasted Dacnis ◊ Dacnis berlepschi Seen daily at Playa de Oro. The same bird at the same tree by the rooms.

Scarlet-thighed Dacnis Dacnis venusta Seen at Playa de Oro.

Blue Dacnis Dacnis cayana Seen at Alto Tambo and Guacamayos Ridge.

Black-faced Dacnis Dacnis lineata Seen at Wild Sumaco and Amarun Pakcha.

Bluish-grey Saltator Saltator coerulescens (H)  Heard only at Sumaco area.

Streaked Saltator Saltator striatipectus (H) Heard only at Ibarra.

Buff-throated Saltator Saltator maximus

Slate-colored Grosbeak (Slaty G) Saltator grossus Good views at Playa de Oro.

Bananaquit Coereba flaveola

Yellow-faced Grassquit Tiaris olivaceus

Dull-colored Grassquit (D-c Seedeater) Asemospiza obscura Seen at El Chontal and Ibarra.

Blue-black Grassquit Volatinia jacarina

Rufous-crested Tanager ◊ Creurgops verticalis Seen at Guacamayos Ridge.

White-shouldered Tanager Loriotus luctuosus Seen at Playa de Oro.

Red Pileated Finch Coryphospingus cucullatus This species is expanding its distribution range from southern Ecuador, we saw it at Sumaco area. A write-in for the tour.

Tawny-crested Tanager Tachyphonus delatrii Common at Playa de Oro and Alto Tambo.

White-lined Tanager Tachyphonus rufus Good views at Fruti Tour and Sumaco area.

Fulvous Shrike-Tanager Lanio fulvus A female was seen at Wild Sumaco.

Lemon-rumped Tanager (Yellow-r T) Ramphocelus icteronotus

Silver-beaked Tanager Ramphocelus carbo

Variable Seedeater Sporophila corvina Common on the western slope.

Yellow-bellied Seedeater Sporophila nigricollis Seen at El Chontal.

Chestnut-bellied Seed Finch Sporophila angolensis Good views of a male at Amarun Pakcha.

Chestnut-bellied Seedeater Sporophila castaneiventris Seen at Sumaco area.

Grey-hooded Bush Tanager Cnemoscopus rubrirostris Seen at Guango forest trails.

Black-capped Hemispingus Kleinothraupis atropileus (LO)  Seen by leader at Guango.

Black-eared Hemispingus Sphenopsis melanotis (LO) Seen by leaders at San Isidro.

Western Hemispingus ◊ Sphenopsis ochracea Three individuals were seen at Tandayapa Valley.

Rufous-chested Tanager Thlypopsis ornata Seen on the way to Zuro Loma and Pululahua.

Black-backed Bush Tanager Urothraupis stolzmanni (LO) Seen by leaders at Cayambe-Coca NP.

Capped Conebill Conirostrum albifrons Seen at Bellavista and Guango.

Cinereous Conebill Conirostrum cinereum Best views at Ibarra.

Saffron Finch Sicalis flaveola The only sights of this bird were the afternoon around Casa Ilayaku near Quito.

Plumbeous Sierra Finch Geospizopsis unicolor At the higher areas in Paramo, like Papallacta pass and Antisana NP.

Plain-colored Seedeater Catamenia inornata A few sights at higher areas of the trip.

Paramo Seedeater Catamenia homochroa One bird was seen at Cayambe-Coca NP, a rare species for the tour.

Golden-eyed Flowerpiercer (Deep-blue F-p) Diglossa glauca Excellent close views from the lower Guacamayos Ridge area.

Bluish Flowerpiercer Diglossa caerulescens Seen at Chical Road, San Isidro and Guacamayos Ridge.

Masked Flowerpiercer Diglossa cyanea Common at subtropical forest areas on both slopes.

Indigo Flowerpiercer Diglossa indigotica Great views at Chical, also seen at Amagusa and Mashpi.

Rusty Flowerpiercer Diglossa sittoides Good views at Pululahua.

Glossy Flowerpiercer Diglossa lafresnayii Good views at Yanacocha, Cerro Mongus and Cayambe Coca NP.

White-sided Flowerpiercer Diglossa albilatera

Black Flowerpiercer Diglossa humeralis Common at Tambo Condor, also seen at Zuro Loma and Papallacta.

Purplish-mantled Tanager ◊ Iridosornis porphyrocephalus Great views at Chical Road.

Yellow-throated Tanager Iridosornis analis Good views at Guacamayos Ridge area.

Golden-crowned Tanager Iridosornis rufivertex Seen at Cayambe-Coca NP.

Fawn-breasted Tanager Pipraeidea melanonota Seen at Amagusa Reserve.

Blue-and-yellow Tanager ◊ Rauenia bonariensis Seen at Casa Ilayaku near Quito.

Hooded Mountain Tanager Buthraupis montana Seen at Zuro Loma feeders.

Blue-capped Tanager Sporathraupis cyanocephala First seen on the way to Zuro Loma, also at Bellavista.

Grass-green Tanager Chlorornis riefferii Seen at Yanacocha, Bellavista and Guacamayos Ridge.

Black-chested Mountain Tanager Cnemathraupis eximia Seen at Yanacocha and Cayambe-Coca NP.

Blue-winged Mountain Tanager Anisognathus somptuosus Seen a few times on both slopes in places like Bellavista and Guacamayos Ridge.

Black-chinned Mountain Tanager ◊ Anisognathus notabilis Great views coming to the Amagusa feeders.

Scarlet-bellied Mountain Tanager Anisognathus igniventris First seen at Zuro Loma, also at Cerro Mongus and Cayambe-Coca NP.

Lacrimose Mountain Tanager Anisognathus lacrymosus Seen at Cerro Mongus.

Glistening-green Tanager ◊ Chlorochrysa phoenicotis Great views at Amagusa, also at Chical Road.

Orange-eared Tanager Chlorochrysa calliparaea Seen at Wild Sumaco.

Yellow-green Tanager ◊ (Y-g Bush Tanager) Bangsia flavovirens A very special Chocó endemic, great views at Alto Tambo.

Moss-backed Tanager ◊ Bangsia edwardsi Great views at Amagusa and Chical Road.

Golden-chested Tanager ◊ Bangsia rothschildi What a stunner!!! Great views at Alto Tambo of one of the most sought after Chocó endemics.

Magpie Tanager Cissopis leverianus Good views at Sumaco area and Loreto Road.

Rufous-throated Tanager ◊ Ixothraupis rufigula This Choco Endemic was seen nicely at Amagusa and Chical Road.

Spotted Tanager Ixothraupis punctata Joining mix-species flocks at Wild Sumaco.

Yellow-bellied Tanager Ixothraupis xanthogastra Great views at Sumaco area and Amarun Pakcha.

Golden-naped Tanager Chalcothraupis ruficervix Regular sightings around Mindo.

Grey-and-gold Tanager ◊ Poecilostreptus palmeri Good views at Mashpi and Alto Tambo.

Blue-grey Tanager Thraupis episcopus

Palm Tanager Thraupis palmarum

Black-capped Tanager Stilpnia heinei First seen at Angel Paz, also at Bellavista and San Isidro.

Golden-hooded Tanager (G-masked T) Stilpnia larvata Seen at Playa de Oro.

Blue-necked Tanager Stilpnia cyanicollis Seen on both slopes (two different subspecies).

Scrub Tanager ◊ Stilpnia vitriolina Good views at Ibarra.

Blue-and-black Tanager Tangara vassorii First seen at Bellavista, also seen at Guacamayos Ridge and Guango.

Beryl-spangled Tanager Tangara nigroviridis Most abundant at Bellavista, also seen at San Isidro and Guacamayos Ridge.

Blue-browed Tanager ◊ Tangara cyanotis A single sight at Wild Sumaco.

Metallic-green Tanager Tangara labradorides A single bird at Angel Paz.

Bay-headed Tanager Tangara gyrola Seen at Mashpi and Wild Sumaco.

Rufous-winged Tanager ◊ Tangara lavinia Seen at Playa de Oro.

Golden-eared Tanager Tangara chrysotis Great views along the Loreto Road.

Saffron-crowned Tanager Tangara xanthocephala Regular sightings at San Isidro and Guacamayos Ridge.

Flame-faced Tanager Tangara parzudakii Seen on both slopes, two different subspecies. The nominate form parzudakii on the east, and lunigera (Yellow-faced) on the west.

Blue-whiskered Tanager ◊ Tangara johannae (LO) Seen by leader at Playa de Oro.

Green-and-gold Tanager Tangara schrankii Seen at Amarun Pakcha.

Golden Tanager Tangara arthus

Emerald Tanager Tangara florida Great views at Alto Tambo.

Silver-throated Tanager Tangara icterocephala One bird seen at Amagusa feeders.

Paradise Tanager Tangara chilensis A big group (15+) seen on the deep section of Wild Sumaco trails.



Ocelot Leopardus pardalis One individual seen at Playa de Oro by both leaders and one passenger while we were looking for Choco Poorwill.

Culpeo (Colpeo Fox) Lycalopex culpaeus Excelent views at Cayambe-Coca NP.

Tayra Eira barbara One individual came to feed plantains at Wild Sumaco.

Long-tailed Weasel Mustela frenata Seen by some at Antisana, near the Park Rangers office.

Mountain Tapir Tapirus pinchaque Excelent views at San Isidro, a major highlight of the tour.

White-tailed Deer Odocoileus virginianus At least 100 individuals, but easily more, at Antisana NP.

Colombian White-faced Capuchin Cebus capucinusSeen at Playa de Oro.

Black-mantled Tamarin (Black-and-red T) Saguinus nigricollis Seen at Wild Sumaco.

Lemurine Night Monkey Aotus lemurinus A pair was seen at San Isidro.

Mantled Howler Alouatta palliata Seen at Playa de Oro.

Common Woolly Monkey Lagothrix lagothricha A group of 7 at Guacamayos Ridge.

Common Tapeti (Tapiti, Brazilian Rabbit) Sylvilagus brasiliensis

Black Agouti (Grey Agouti) Dasyprocta fuliginosa Seen at San Isidro.

Central American Agouti Dasyprocta punctata (LO) Seen by leader at Fruti Tour.

Western Dwarf Squirrel Microsciurus mimulus Seen at Amagusa Reserve.

Red-tailed Squirrel (Tropical Red S) Sciurus granatensis



Common Blunt-headed Tree Snake Imantodes cenchoa Seen at Playa de Oro.

Western Ribon Coralsnake Micrusus helleri Seen at Sumaco area.

Terciopelo Bothrops asper  Seen at Playa de Oro.

South American Bushmaster Lachesis muta  Seen at Sumaco area.

Rainforest Hognosed Pitviper Porthidium nasatum Seen at Playa de Oro.