The Ultimate In Birding Tours

South America (and its islands)

BRAZIL’S SOUTHWEST AMAZONIA – Specialities of Rondônia, southern Amazonas and Acre, with Tocantins Extension

Tuesday 2nd June – Wednesday 17th June 2026

Leaders: Caio Brito, Fito Downs, and local bird guides

16 Days Group Size Limit 6
Tocantins Extension

Wednesday 17th June – Saturday 20th June 2026

4 Days Group Size Limit 6


Birdquest’s Brazil’s Southwest Amazonia birding tours are very unusual and pioneering Brazil tours to areas that few birders reach. Our Brazil’s Southwest Amazonia birding tour focuses on the many endemics and other specialities of the little-visited but bird-rich Rondônia, southern Amazonas and Acre. Following the main to9ur in the southwest there is a short optional extension to Tocantins state further east.

No other place on the planet is so rich in terms of species than the Amazon Forest of South America. One of the reasons for this extraordinary biodiversity is the complex mosaic of vegetation types that covers the entire region, which includes several types of forests and savannas at different altitudes. This ecological complexity over such a huge area also results in a remarkably diverse avifauna, with over 1300 species of birds. Another important factor helping to create diversity is the influence of the main rivers of the Amazon basin on the distribution of bird species. The large Amazonian rivers represent important geographic barriers that help isolate their own biotas and create an interesting pattern of evolutionary relationships. As a result, there are eight recognized centres of endemism in the region, based on both bird and primate studies: Guiana, Imeri, Napo, Inambari, Rondônia, Tapajos, Xingu and Belem. All of these lie in Brazil, whether as a whole or in part.

In this context, this exciting Brazil tour aims to offer a thrilling birdwatching opportunity in one of the richest areas of the whole Amazon, the Madeira River basin in Brazil, a region possessing more than 800 species of birds, almost half of Brazil’s total. The Madeira River watershed in Brazil comprises two of the endemism centres, the Inambari in the west and the Rondônia in the east, both of which are very little covered in terms of birding tours.

Our Brazil’s Southwest Amazonia tour starts at Porto Velho, the capital of Rondônia state in southwest Brazil. Initially, the tour will cover two distinct areas:  the Campina habitats around Humaitá in the southern part of Amazonas state and then the fabulous PiraAçu area on the Aripuana River. After that, we will continue to the Jaci Paraná area in northern Rondônia and then to the Rio Branco area in the neighbouring state of Acre. Despite being part of the ‘arc of deforestation’ in Amazonia, the region still guards some dazzling examples of wild and conserved areas, containing a rare avifauna with at least a dozen of the fifteen new species of birds described for the Amazon basin in 2013 alone!

Commencing at Porto Velho, we will first cover the northeast portion of Rondônia state, giving special attention to the endemics and other rarities of Rondônia. Five hours by car will bring us to the village of Tabajara by the bank of the beautiful Machado River, a large tributary of the Madeira. We shall stay here in simple accommodation in the village in order to explore the heterogeneous habitats present in the area, which include areas of ‘campina’, ‘campinaranas’, ‘terra firme’ and ‘varzea’ forest. In addition, boat trips will be taken to cover the riverine forest along the Machado River. Among the over 400 species recorded in the area, we can expect to find a number of specialities, including the endemic Roosevelt Stipplethroat, Aripuana Antwren, Manicore Warbling Antbird, the gorgeous White-breasted Antbird, the secretive Pale-faced Bare-eye, Hoffmanns’s and Dusky-capped (or Rondonia) Woodcreepers, Chico’s Tyrannulet and rarities such as Wing-banded Antbird and Black-bellied Gnateater.

From Tabajara we will return to Porto Velho. We will be crossing the Madeira River to the west bank in search of the specialities of the Inambari endemism centre. Taking the highway BR-319, we will drive for about an hour to reach some birding sites in the Campinas of the Humaita area of southernmost Amazonas state, sites which include areas of ‘campina’, ‘campinarana’ and ‘terra firme’ forest. Here we will be seeking such specialities as Western Striolated Puffbird, Humaita Antbird, Madeira Stipplethroat, Inambari Woodcreeper, Tupana Scythebill and the Brazilian endemics Predicted Antwren, Inambari Gnatcatcher and Campina Jay. While covering this region we also will be looking for some other fascinating birds such as Ocellated Crake and the army-ant followers Hairy-crested and White-throated Antbirds, and Reddish-winged Bare-Eye.

A major target endemic, perhaps one of the rarest birds in the whole Amazon, is the enigmatic Rondonia Bushbird. This species was, until relatively recently, known only from a single female specimen and two sightings of males at the type-locality in Rondônia state in 1986 and a few subsequent records after the year 2000. Still very poorly known and naturally rare, it inhabits ‘terra firme’ forest dominated by dense vine-tangles and bamboo. This ‘mega-bird’ was recently found and documented in the Jaci-Paraná area which we will be exploring. We will have access to private land, not accessible to most birding groups, where we have a good chance to find and observe it. This location is reputedly the best locality for the species.

After an amazing journey through Rondônia and southern Amazonas, and after some final Rondônia birding at Jaci Paraná, our Brazil’s Southern Amazonia birding tour continues to the neighbouring Brazilian state of Acre.

Based at the state capital Rio Branco, our goal is to give special attention to the ‘terra firme’ forests of the region, especially the bamboo-dominated habitats which are responsible for the presence of several rare and localized species. Here we will cover several dirt roads that lead through some superb birding areas, where we will be looking for recently-described species such as Bamboo Antwren, Acre Tody-Tyrant and Rufous Twistwing, plus a fantastic array of additional bamboo specialities that include Rufous-headed Woodpecker, Rufous-capped and Fulvous-chinned Nunlets, Bamboo Antshrike, Manu, White-lined and Striated Antbirds, Rufous-fronted Antthrush, Bamboo Foliage-gleaner, Peruvian Recurvebill (which as so often is rare here), White-cheeked Tody-Flycatcher, Dusky-tailed Flatbill and Sulphur-bellied Tyrant-Manakin.

As well as this remarkable array of bamboo inhabitants, the forests of Acre in southwest Brazil are home to hundreds of other bird species, and we should also expect to find such good birds as Blue-headed Macaw, Chestnut-capped Puffbird, White-throated Jacamar, Curl-crested Aracari, Fine-barred and Rufous-breasted Piculets, Goeldi’s Antbird, Amazonian Antpitta, Black-faced and Purple-throated Cotingas, and Opal-crowned Tanager among others.

Another endemic rarity that we shall look for is the little Buff-cheeked Tody-Flycatcher, plus some other interesting species such as Pearly Antshrike, Ferruginous-backed Antbird and Yellow-browed Warbling Antbird.

Finally, during the optional extension, we move on to the state of Tocantins at the southeastern edge of Amazonia. The star attractions here in the Araguaia River region are four very restricted-range endemics, the beautiful Kaempfer’s Woodpecker, Bananal Antbird, an undescribed species of spinetail known as Bananal Spinetail and the handsome Crimson-fronted Cardinal. In addition, the very restricted-range, river-island specialist simoni form of the White-lored Spinetail very probably represents a distinct species: Araguaia Spinetail.

Other special birds in Tocantins are the fast-declining Orinoco Goose, the very patchily-distributed endemic Chestnut-bellied Guan, the endemic Jandaya Parakeet, Glossy Antshrike and Smoky-fronted Tody-Flycatcher and the near-endemic Red-throated Piping Guan, Cinnamon-throated Hermit (of the form maranhoensis, which may be a distinct species), Eastern Striolated Puffbird and Santarem Parakeet.

Birdquest has operated birding tours to Brazil’s Southwest Amazonia region since 2017 and Tocantins since 2021.

Pfrimer’s Parakeet Extension Option: The superb endemic Pfrimer’s Parakeet can easily be combined with this tour. If you would like to participate in this extension, please inform us at the time of booking. Seeing this rare but straightforward-to-find speciality in the São Domingos region of northern Goiás state involves three extra nights (with the extension finishing at Brasilia international airport) and the cost per person will depend on the number of participants. Additional specialities of the area include the uncommon endemic Yellow-faced Parrot, the endemic Outcrop Sabrewing and the endemic Sao Francisco Black Tyrant. The scenery here in this area of limestone hills is outstanding and there is a spectacular cavern where a river disappears into the bowels of the earth!

Accommodation & Road Transport: The hotels and guesthouses used are of good or medium standard throughout the main tour. During the Tocantins extension, we will stay for two nights in a simple guesthouse but all rooms have private bathrooms. Road transport is by 4×4 cars and roads are mostly good but sometimes poor.

Walking: The walking effort during our Brazil’s Southern Amazonia birding tour is mostly easy, but there are some moderate-grade walks.

Climate: It is generally hot and humid. Periods of sunshine alternate with overcast spells and there is regular rainfall.

Bird Photography: Opportunities during our Brazil’s Southern Amazonia birding tour are worthwhile.


  • Looking for the recently described Chico’s Tyrannulet in campina habitat near Tabajara.
  • Birding the rich mix of campina habitats and terra firme forests in the Tabajara area, resulting in a great selection of Brazil’s Amazonian birds, including Brazilian endemics and near-endemics
  • Looking for the uncommon and localized Buff-cheeked Tody-Flycatcher
  • The boat trip to look for recently-described Amazonian bird on the right bank of Machado River: Aripuana Antwren, Madeira (Roosevelt) Stipplethroat and Manicore Warbling Antbird
  • The riverine forest along Igarapé Marmelo, where we expect to find Razor- billed Curassow, Pearly Antshrike, Black-bellied Gnateater, Flame-crested Manakin and the stunning Black-necked Red Cotinga
  • The river Machado with hundreds of White-banded and Black-collared Swallows, islands with roosting Ladder-tailed Nightjars and evenings with Sand-colored Nighthawks
  • Looking for the incredible ant swarm specialists around Tabajara, including the endemic Hoffmann’s Woodcreeper, White-breasted Antbird and the rare Pale-faced Bare-eye
  • Seeking Bonaparte’s Parakeet and the rare Undulated Antshrike on the left bank of Madeira River near Humaitá in Amazonas. Two tough birds to find!
  • Terra firme forest birding near Humaitá in search of Brown-mandibled Aracari, Western Striolated and Brown-banded Puffbirds, Inambari and Bar-bellied Woodcreepers, Humaita Antbird and the fascinating Hairy-crested Antbird
  • Looking for the recently-described Predicted Antwren and Azure-naped (Campina) Jay in campinarana habitat
  • The interesting grassland habitat near Humaitá and our attempts to see Ocellated Crake and to find the uncommon Black-masked Finch
  • The hundreds Short-tailed Parrots coming to roost in the middle of the town of Humaitá
  • The good varzea forest in Humaitá with Festive Amazon, Zimmer’s Woodcreeper, Leaden Anwren, Varzea Schiffornis and the uncommon Plain Softtail the main target species
  • Looking for Rondonia Bushbird in terra firme bamboo clumps on special-access private land, one of the rarest and least known birds in the whole Amazon Forest
  • Targeting river island specialists on the Madeira near Jaci-Paraná: White-bellied and Parker’s Spinetails, Black-and-white Antbird, Brownish Elaenia, Lesser Wagtail Tyrant, Riverside and Little Ground Tyrants, and the uncommon Orinoco Goose
  • The impressive birding at Ramal do Noca near Rio Branco in Acre, where large bamboo clumps in terra firme forest provide some of the best bird activity in the whole Amazon with many special, rare and localized species
  • Looking for the scarcest Guadua bamboo specialists, including the recently-described Rufous Twistwing
  • Finding and observing Rufous-headed Woodpecker in the bamboo, one of the best-looking and uncommon Celeus woodpeckers in South America
  • Looking for two rare bamboo specialists at Ramal do Noca: Peruvian Recurvebill and White- cheeked Tody-Flycatcher
  • Watching the localised Black-faced Cotinga at Ramal Do Noca, where it is reasonably abundant
  • Looking for the scarce and localized Blue-headed Macaw and the uncommon and Purple-throated Cotinga and White-throated Jacamar
  • The whole cast of bamboo specialists at Ramal do Noca, including the recently described Acre Tody-Tyrant and others like Bamboo Antshrike, Ihering’s Antwren, Goeldi’s, White-lined, Manu and Striated Antbirds and Long-crested Pygmy Tyrant
  • The bits of varzea on a nice trail where we look for Plumbeous Antbird, Flammulated Bamboo Tyrant, Johannes’s Tody-Tyrant and Sulphur-bellied Tyrant-Manakin
  • Watching the wonderful little Emperor Tamarin at Ramal do Noca
  • Finding the lovel Crimson-fronted Cardinal, Bananal Antbird and Orinoco Goose along a wide river in Tocantins, as well as two special spinetails.
  • Setting eyes on the lovely Kaempfer's Woodpecker in the bamboo groves of Tocantins.
  • Travelling deep into the state of Goias and seeing the beautiful but rare endemic Pfrimer's Parakeet and hopefully also Yellow-faced Parrot


  • Day 1: Evening tour start at Porto Velho in Rondônia state.
  • Day 2: Drive to Tabajara.
  • Days 3-5: Tabajara area/Campos Amazônicos National Park.
  • Day 6: Return to Porto Velho.
  • Day 7: Drive to Humaita in Amazonas state.
  • Days 8-9: Humaita area.
  • Day 10: Drive to Jaci-Paraná in Rondônia state.
  • Days 11-12: Jaci-Paraná and Abuña.
  • Day 13: Drive to Rio Branco in Acre state.
  • Days 14-15: Rio Branco area.
  • Day 16: Morning tour end at Rio Branco.
  • Day 1: Fly to Brasilia and onwards to Palmas in Tocantins state. Drive to the Bananal area in the Araguaia River region.
  • Days 2-3: Aruguaia River and inland.
  • Day 4: Return to Palmas for afternoon tour end.

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Birdquest Inclusions: Our tour prices include surface transportation, accommodations, meals and entrance fees.

We also include all tipping for local guides, drivers and accommodation/restaurant staff.

We also include these flights for those taking the Tocantins extension:

Rio Branco-Brasilia


Deposit: 20% of the total tour price. Our office will let you know what deposit amount is due, in order to confirm your booking, following receipt of your online booking form.

TO BOOK THIS TOUR: Click here (you will need the tour dates)

2026: provisional price £4850, $6190, €5910, AUD9840. Porto Velho/Rio Branco.
Tocantins Extension: £1130, $1450, €1380, AUD2300. Rio Branco/Palmas.

Single Supplement: 2026: £350, $450, €420, AUD710.
Tocantins Extension: £70, $90, €80, AUD140.

The single supplement will not apply if you indicate on booking that you prefer to share a room and there is a room-mate of the same sex available.

This tour is priced in US Dollars. Amounts shown in other currencies are indicative.

Air Travel To & From The Tour: Our in-house IATA ticket agency will be pleased to arrange your air travel on request, or you may arrange this yourself if you prefer.


Brazil’s Southwest Amazonia: Day 1  Our tour begins this evening at Porto Velho, where we will stay overnight.

Porto Velho is the capital of Rondônia State, with a population close to 450,000 and is located on the border of Rondônia and the state of Amazonas. The town is an important trading centre for cassiterite, the mining of which nowadays represents the most important economic activity in the region, and is also a transportation and communications centre. Porto Velho lies on the eastern shore of the Rio Madeira, one of the many tributaries of the Amazon River, which is an important geographic barrier between the two centres of endemism we focus on during this special tour, Rondônia and Inambari. Rondônia state was once almost entirely covered in tropical forest, but with the mining in the 50s came also a trend of human migration to the state (almost a million people), who were allowed by the government to settle on large cattle farms in the region, and for a long time this led a huge area of Rondônia to suffer from unbridled deforestation. Despite the vast loss of forest in Rondônia, there are still some extensive regions of continuous forest and we will be visiting some of these in the northeastern and northwestern parts of the state.

Brazil’s Southwest Amazonia: Day 2  From Porto Velho airport we will travel to the remote village of Tabajara, situated on the Rio Machado, where we will stay for four nights. We will arrive in time for some initial exploration.

Brazil’s Southwest Amazonia: Days 3-5  During the first part of the tour we will be concentrating our attention on the Rondonian centre of endemism, in northeast Rondônia. The village of Tabajara is situated inside the buffer zone of Campos Amazônicos National Park, so it is surrounded by a huge area of forest on both sides of the Rio Machado. That will give us the chance to explore the varied habitats on both banks of the river, including areas of ‘campina’ and ‘campinarana’ (the terms ‘campina’ and ‘campinarana’ both describe white sand savannas that are very poor in nutrients, with stunted vegetation). ‘Campina’ is distinguished as being completely treeless and ‘campinarana’ represents the transition to the rainforest. We will also explore both ‘terra firme’ and ‘varzea’ rainforests, as well as the banks of Rio Machado.

Recent surveys have recorded nearly five hundred species of birds in the Tabajara area. The composition is similar to that around Alto do Bode (in Campos Amazônicos National Park), which is relatively close along the Rio Machado, but in Tabajara we will cover more areas and more habitats. Every site visited in the area will provide good birding, both in terms of quality and quantity.

During our stay in the Tabajara area we should expect to record Undulated, Variegated and Brazilian Tinamous, Razor-billed and Bare-faced Curassows, Spix’s Guan, Rufescent Tiger Heron, Capped and Zigzag Herons, Green Ibis, Slate-colored and White-browed Hawks, Sunbittern, Dark-winged Trumpeter, Pied Plover, Large-billed Tern, Black-bellied Cuckoo, Tawny-bellied Screech Owl, Spectacled and Black-banded Owls, Amazonian Pygmy Owl, Great Potoo, Blackish and Ladder-tailed Nightjars, Sand-colored Nighthawk, Mato Grosso Swift, Great-billed Hermit, Crimson Topaz, Blue-tailed Emerald, Green-tailed Goldenthroat, Collared Trogon, Pavonine Quetzal, Green-and-rufous and American Pygmy Kingfishers, Broad-billed and Rufous Motmots, Blue-cheeked, Bronzy and Great Jacamars, White-necked, Eastern Striolated, Pied and Spotted Puffbirds, Rusty-breasted Nunlet, Black-girdled Barbet, White-throated and Channel-billed Toucans, Red-necked Aracari, Scaly-breasted, Ringed, Red-necked and Red-stained Woodpeckers, Red-throated and Black Caracaras, Cryptic Forest Falcon, Scarlet, Red-and-green, Blue-and-yellow, Chestnut-fronted and Red-bellied Macaws, Yellow-crowned and Kawall’s Amazons, Orange-cheeked and Red-fan Parrots, and Golden-winged, Dusky-headed, Santarem and Crimson-bellied Parakeets.

Among the passerine birds: Fasciated, Glossy, Amazonian, Plain-winged, Chestnut-backed, White-shouldered, Natterer’s Slaty, Cinereous, Saturnine and Pearly Antshrikes, Silvered, Rufous-faced, White-browed, Black-faced, Spot-backed, Dot-backed, Ferruginous-backed, Southern Chestnut-tailed, Common Scale-backed, Banded and Wing-banded Antbirds, the amazing White-breasted Antbird, Pale-faced and Black-spotted Bare-eyes, Southern White-fringed, Dot-winged, White-eyed, Amazonian Streaked, Grey Long-winged and Aripuana (this last newly-described) Antwrens, Yellow-browed, Manicore and Rondonia Warbling Antbirds, the uncommon Black-bellied and Chestnut-belted Gnateaters, Variegated, Thrush-like and Alta Floresta Antpittas, Black-faced Antthrush, the endemic Hoffman’s Woodcreeper, Rondonia and Uniform Woodcreepers, Rusty-belted Tapaculo, Ruddy Spinetail, Slender-billed Xenops, Snow-capped, Flame-crowned, Blue-backed and Black Manakins, Screaming Piha, Spangled Cotinga, Black-necked Red-Cotinga, Cinnamon Neopipo (or Cinnamon Tyrant-Manakin), White-crested and Golden-crowned Spadebills, Snethlage’s and Zimmer’s Tody Tyrants, the rare Buff-cheeked Tody-Flycatcher, the newly-described Chico’s Tyrannulet, Yellow-throated Flycatcher, Little Ground Tyrant, Rufous-crowned Elaenia, Pale-bellied Mourner, Slaty-capped Shrike-Vireo, Grey-chested Greenlet, Plush-crested Jay (ssp. diesingii), White-banded and Black-collared Swallows, Southern Nightingale and Musician Wrens, Yellow-browed Sparrow, Green and Olive Oropendolas, Rose-breasted Chat and Amazonian (or Rothschild’s) Grosbeak. There are even chances for the uncommon Red-and-black Grosbeak.

In this area, we will also be searching for the rare Buff-cheeked Tody Flycatcher, the newly described Aripuana Antwren, Manicore Warbling Antbird, Madeira Stipplethroat (ssp. dentei, known as Roosevelt Stipplethroat) and Chico’s Tyrannulet.

As is to be expected, this remote area holds hundreds of bird species, including some of the finest Amazonian birds, such as Razor-billed Curassow, Sand-colored Nighthawk, Striolated Puffbird, Rusty-breasted Nunlet, Great Jacamar, Pavonine Quetzal, Gould’s Toucanet, Red-necked Aracari, Cryptic Forest Falcon, Santarem Parakeet, Orange-cheeked Parrot, Kawall’s Amazon, Saturnine and Pearly Antshrikes, Banded and Ferruginous-backed Antbirds, Yellow-browed Warbling Antbird, Dot-backed, Spot-backed, Common Scale-backed and Rufous-faced Antbirds, the endemic ant-swarm followers White-breasted Antbird and Pale-faced Bare-eye, Elegant and Striped Woodcreepers, the rare Black-bellied Gnateater, Alta Floresta Antpitta, Rusty-belted Tapaculo, Snow-capped and Flame-crowned Manakins, the rare Black-necked Red Cotinga, Snethlage’s Tody-Tyrant,  Little Ground Tyrant, Southern Nightingale-Wren, Musician Wren, White-winged Shrike-Tanager, Masked and Paradise Tanagers, and Slate-colored Seedeater.

Among the more interesting riverine species present in the area are the endemic Glossy Antshrike, Chestnut-backed Antshrike, Silvered and Blackish Antbirds, Amazonian Streaked Antwren, White-browed and Dot-backed Antbirds, Straight-billed and Cinnamon-throated Woodcreepers, Cinnamon Attila, Spotted Tody-Flycatcher, the rare Buff-cheeked Tody-Flycatcher, Grey-chested Greenlet, Yellow-browed Sparrow and many others.

Brazil’s Southwest Amazonia: Day 6  We will return to Porto Velho for an overnight stay, probably arriving in time for some birding around Porto Velho in the afternoon.

Brazil’s Southwest Amazonia: Days 7-8  From now on the emphasis will be on the west bank of the Rio Madeira, where we will be giving special attention to the Inambari specialities. Taking the road BR-319, we cross the Madeira River to the state of Amazonas, the largest in Brazil. We head north towards the town of Humaita, where we will initially spend three nights.

Humaita is situated about 200 kilometres or 120 miles from Porto Velho and we will spend our time in the region exploring good areas on the west bank of the Madeira between the surroundings of Porto Velho and Humaita. The Humaita region is famous for its unusual enclave of ‘Cerrado’ vegetation amidst the Amazon rainforest, so besides covering areas of ‘terra firme’ and ‘varzea’ forests, special attention will be given to the savanna habitats, including areas of ‘campina’ and ‘campinarana’.

We shall visit a superb area of ‘varzea’ on the east bank of Madeira, where we expect to find such species as Horned Screamer, Speckled Chachalaca, Black-collared Hawk, Sunbittern, Hoatzin, Little Cuckoo, Chestnut-capped Puffbird, Tui Parakeet, Short-tailed Parrot, Festive Amazon, Zimmer’s and Striped Woodcreepers, Plain Softtail, Rusty-backed and Plain-crowned Spinetails, Blackish and Black-chinned Antbirds, Leaden Antwren, Cinnamon Attila, Varzea Schiffornis and Masked Crimson Tanager.

We shall also cover some ‘terra firme’ forest on the west bank of Madeira at Ramal Novo Horizonte. This area has great potential for rarities and we will search for such near-mythical species as Undulated Antshrike, Black Bushbird and Reddish-winged Bare-eye. Besides these, birding here can be very rewarding with a number of uncommon and delightful species including Rufous-necked and Brown-banded Puffbirds, Blue-necked Jacamar, Pearly Antshrike, White-throated, Hairy-crested, Humaita and Sooty Antbirds, the Inambari-speciality Predicted Antwren, Madeira Stipplethroat, Curve-billed Scythebill (ssp. gyldenstolpei, known as Tupana Scythebill), Rufous-tailed Flatbill, Citron-bellied Attila, White-crested Spadebill, an undescribed species of Hemitriccus, Spangled and Pompadour Cotingas, Blue-crowned, Red-headed and Fiery-capped Manakins, Cinnamon Neopipo, Inambari Gnatcatcher, Cinereous Mourner, Musician Wren, and Masked, Opal-rumped and Paradise Tanagers.

During our time in the Humaita region we can also expect to record Red-winged, Small-billed and White-throated Tinamous, Slender-billed Kite, Slate-colored and Black-faced Hawks, Ocellated, Russet-crowned and Ash-throated Crakes, Long-tailed Ground Dove, Pale-winged Trumpeter, Amazonian Pygmy Owl, Needle-billed Hermit, Green-tailed Goldenthroat, Pavonine Quetzal, Broad-billed and Rufous Motmots, Paradise, Bronzy and Great Jacamars, White-necked, Spotted, White-eared, Western Striolated and Semicollared Puffbirds, Gilded Barbet, Brown-mandibled and Curl-crested Aracaris, Golden-collared Toucanet, Spot-breasted Woodpecker, Bar-breasted Piculet, Lined Forest Falcon, Crimson-bellied and Santarem Parakeets (and with luck Bonaparte’s Parakeet), White-bellied Parrot, Mealy Amazon, Fasciated, Glossy, Mouse-colored, Barred and Spot-winged Antshrikes, Black and Southern Chestnut-tailed Antbirds, Pygmy, Sclater’s, Rusty-backed and Southern White-fringed Antwrens, Peruvian Warbling Antbird, Inambari, Long-billed and Bar-bellied Woodcreepers, Cinereous-breasted Spinetail, Slender-billed and Rufous-tailed Xenops, Olive-backed Foliage-gleaner, Rusty-belted Tapaculo, Pompadour Cotinga, Stripe-necked and Zimmer’s Tody Tyrants, Amazonian Scrub Flycatcher, Black Manakin, Azure-naped Jay (ssp. hafferi, known as Campina Jay), Red-breasted Blackbird, Black-faced Tanager, Plumbeous, Chestnut-bellied and Wing-barred Seedeaters, Rufous-bellied Euphonia and with luck the rare Black-masked Finch

Brazil’s Southwest Amazonia: Day 9  Following our very rewarding visit to southeast Amazonas, we will drive back into Rondônia on our way to the town of Jaci-Paraná, situated by the Madeira River in the northwestern part of Rondônia, near the border with Bolivia and the state of Acre, where we will spend three nights.

Our day on the road starts early after departing from Humaita. We will have time for some birding stops along the way.

Brazil’s Southwest Amazonia: Days 10-11  Around Jaci-Paraná we will also concentrate our efforts on the west bank of the Madeira. We will access pristine terra firme forest, river islands and other habitats.

Our ‘mega-target’ here is the enigmatic Rondonia Bushbird, which we shall look for in areas of dense vine-tangles. We will have special access to private property, not accessible to all individual birders and groups, where this sought-after species is easier to find than any of the other accessible places in its range.

Both around Jaci-Paraná and around Abunã , we will also be looking for the uncommon Orinoco Goose, Cinereous, Undulated and Bartlett’s Tinamous, Razor-billed Curassow, Pied Plover, Large-billed and Yellow-billed Terns, Black Skimmer, Sand-colored Nighthawk, Broad-billed and Rufous Motmots, the shy Pale-winged Trumpeter, Scaled Pigeon, Short-tailed Swift, Chestnut-eared and Curl-crested Aracaris, Golden-collared Toucanet, both uncommon Collared and Semicollared Puffbirds, Western Striolated Puffbird, Fulvous-chinned Nunlet, the Stunning Rufous-headed Woodpecker, Bluish-fronted Jacamar, Lined and Slaty-backed Forest Falcons, Crimson-bellied and Cobalt-winged Parakeets, White-bellied and Red-fan Parrots, and Blue-winged Macaw.

Passerines include Pearly and Undulated Antshrikes, Reddish-winged Bare-eye, White-throated and Hairy-crested Antbirds, Peruvian Warbling Antbird, Striated and Southern Chestnut-tailed Antbirds, White-chinned and Plain-brown Woodcreepers, Buff-throated and Olive-backed Foliage-gleaners, Ruddy Spinetail, Short-billed Leaftosser, Thrush-like Antpitta, Large-headed and Rufous-tailed Flatbills, Yellow-margined Flycatcher, Bright-rumped Attila, Drab Water Tyrant, Snethlage’s and White-bellied Tody Tyrants, Screaming Piha, Spangled and Pompadour Cotingas, Bare-necked and Purple-throated Fruitcrows, White-banded Swallow, Blue-crowned and Band-tailed Manakins, Dwarf Tyrant Manakin, Slaty-capped Shrike-Vireo, Buff-cheeked and Ashy-headed Greenlets, Green Oropendola, Slate-colored Grosbeak and Dotted Tanager.

Brazil’s Southwest Amazonia: Day 12  After some superb birding by the bank of the mighty Rio Madeira we will finally reach the state of Acre, situated still further west in the Brazilian Amazon, where we will spend four nights at the state capital, Rio Branco.

Brazil’s Southwest Amazonia: Days 13-15  Located in the valley of the Acre River, the city of Rio Branco is bisected by the river with a population of more than 350 thousand people. The settlement in the region started in the early 19th century and the development of the municipality increased during the long period called the ‘rubber cycle’. Nowadays wood is the main export from Acre, besides being a big producer of Brazil nuts, Assai and copaiba oil.

During our time in this part of Brazil, we will be exploring the surroundings of Rio Branco, mainly areas of ‘terra firme’ with large clumps of bamboo. As part of the same rich bamboo zone found in southeast Peru, the ones near Rio Branco also hold a number of bamboo specialities. Birding here has a lot in common with the Tambopata region in Peru, a mega-diverse area which certainly holds some of the best Amazonian birds.

During our pleasant stay at Rio Branco we have three full days to enjoy our final birding, with a list of birds that includes Cinereous, Little, Brown and Black-capped Tinamous, Speckled Chachalaca, Grey-headed and Double-toothed Kites, White-browed Hawk, Chestnut-headed Crake, Ocellated Poorwill, Silky-tailed Nightjar, White-bearded Hermit, Black-tailed, Green-backed, Blue-crowned, Collared and Amazonian Trogons, Broad-billed and Amazonian Motmots, White-throated and Bluish-fronted Jacamars, White-necked, Chestnut-capped and Western Striolated Puffbirds, Rufous-capped Nunlet, White-fronted and Yellow-billed Nunbirds, Lemon-throated Barbet, Lettered, Brown-mandibled, Chestnut-eared and Curl-crested Aracaris, Rufous-breasted and Fine-barred Piculets, Red-stained, Little, Spot-breasted, Chestnut, Cream-coloured, Red-necked and Rufous-headed Woodpeckers, Barred and Collared Forest Falcons, Chestnut-fronted and Blue-headed Macaws, Dusky-headed, Black-capped, Tui and Cobalt-winged Parakeets, Dusky-billed Parrotlet, White-bellied Parrot and Mealy Amazon.

Passerines include Speckled Spinetail, the uncommon Orange-fronted Plushcrown, Peruvian Recurvebill, Bamboo, Buff-throated, Brown-rumped, Ruddy and Chestnut-crowned Foliage-gleaners, Dusky Leaftosser, Bamboo and Bluish-slate Antshrikes, Dot-winged, Ornate, Sclater’s, Plain-throated, Grey and Pygmy Antwrens, the recently described Bamboo Antwren (IOC still treats as ssp. of Ihering’s Antwren), Grey, Riparian, Black and Manu Antbirds, Yellow-breasted Warbling Antbird, White-lined, Southern Chestnut-tailed, Black-throated, Goeldi’s, Plumbeous and Striated Antbirds, Black-spotted Bare-eye, Black-faced and Rufous-fronted Antthrushes, Amazonian Antpitta, Wing-barred Piprites, the newly described Acre Tody Tyrant, Johannes’s Tody Tyrant, Flammulated Bamboo Tyrant, Long-crested Pygmy Tyrant, White-cheeked Tody Flycatcher, Rufous Twistwing, Olivaceous, Large-headed and Dusky-tailed Flatbills, White-eyed Attila, Black-faced and Purple-throated Cotingas, Purple-throated Fruitcrow, Band-tailed and Fiery-capped Manakins, Sulphur-bellied Tyrant-Manakin, Yellow-cheeked Becard, Southern Nightingale-Wren, Black-billed Thrush, the rare Black-and-white Tanager, Opal-crowned Tanager, Lesson’s Seedeater and White-lored Euphonia.

Brazil’s Southwest Amazonia: Day 16  Morning tour end at Rio Branco.

(We will be pleased to arrange your internal flight from Palmas to your departure city in Brazil on request, even if you are arranging your own international tickets. Kindly note that there are only a limited number of flights serving Rio Branco.)



Tocantins: Day 1  We will take an early flight to Brasilia, the country’s capital, followed by a short onward flight to Palmas, the capital city of Tocantins state.  From Palmas we will head southwestwards to the Bananal area of the mighty Araguaia River region for a three nights stay (divided between two locations).

Tocantins: Days 2-3  The star attractions here at Bananal are four very restricted-range endemics, the beautiful Kaempfer’s Woodpecker, Bananal Antbird, an as yet undescribed species of Certhiaxis spinetail (known as Bananal Spinetail) and the handsome Crimson-fronted Cardinal. In addition, the very restricted-range, river-island specialist simoni form of the White-lored Spinetail probably represents a distinct species: Araguaia Spinetail.

Other specialities of the area include the fast-declining Orinoco Goose, the very patchily-distributed endemic Chestnut-bellied Guan, such endemics as Jandaya Parakeet, Glossy Antshrike and Smoky-fronted Tody-Flycatcher and such near-endemics as Red-throated Piping Guan, Cinnamon-throated Hermit (of the form maranhoensis, which may represent a distinct species), Eastern Striolated Puffbird and Santarem Parakeet.

Many other species will be recorded during our stay and in this area, there are strong influences from both Amazonia (we are in a transitional zone at the Araguaia) and the Pantanal in the composition of the local avifauna.

Likely species include Little Tinamou, Brazilian Teal, Great Potoo, Band-tailed Nighthawk, Ladder-tailed Nightjar, Greater Ani, Little Cuckoo, Pale-vented and Ruddy Pigeons, Sungrebe, Purple Gallinule, Collared Plover, Wattled Jacana, Spotted Sandpiper, the huge Jabiru, Anhinga, Neotropic Cormorant, Roseate Spoonbill, Rufescent Tiger Heron, Striated, Cocoi and Capped Herons, Great and Snowy Egrets, the strange Hoatzin, Greater Yellow-headed Vulture, Western Osprey (a seasonal visitor), Swallow-tailed Kite, Long-winged Harrier, Black-collared, Great Black and Short-tailed Hawks, Tawny-bellied Screech Owl, Black-banded Owl, Green-backed and Blue-crowned Trogons, Green, Green-and-rufous and American Pygmy Kingfishers, Amazonian Motmot, Spotted and Swallow-winged Puffbirds, Black-fronted Nunbird, Lettered and Black-necked Aracaris, Gould’s Toucanet, Channel-billed Toucan, Red-stained and Red-necked Woodpeckers, Barred Forest Falcon (uncommon), Blue-headed Parrot, Orange-winged Amazon and the lovely Golden-collared Macaw.

Among the likely passerines are Plain-brown, Long-billed, Striped, Buff-throated and Straight-billed Woodcreepers, Southern White-fringed Antwren, Band-tailed Antbird, Forest Elaenia, Ringed Antpipit, Amazonian Inezia, Zimmer’s Tody-Tyrant, Rusty-fronted and Spotted Tody-Flycatchers, Grey-crowned and Rufous-tailed Flatbills, Piratic, Rusty-margined and Variegated Flycatchers, Greyish Mourner, Cinnamon and Bright-rumped Attilas, Purple-throated and Bare-necked Fruitcrows, Spangled Cotinga, Blue-backed and Band-tailed Manakins, Masked Tityra, Green-backed Becard (uncommon), Ashy-headed Greenlet, White-winged Swallow, Moustached and Buff-breasted Wrens, Violaceous Euphonia, Yellow-browed and Pectoral Sparrows, Red-breasted Blackbird, Solitary and Yellow-rumped Caciques, the stunning Rose-breasted Chat, White-shouldered and Magpie Tanagers, Lined Seedeater and Chestnut-bellied Seed Finch.

Tocantins: Day 4  After some final birding we will return to Palmas. We will stop along the way to look for an undescribed form of antwren that is currently included in Caatinga Antwren but is possibly a good species. Our tour ends this afternoon at Palmas airport.

(We will be pleased to arrange your internal flight from Palmas to your departure city in Brazil on request, even if you are arranging your own international tickets. Kindly note that there are only a limited number of flights serving Palmas.)


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Other Amazonia birding tours by Birdquest include: